Carl Linnaeus, who created the scientific classification of plants and animals, was born on May 23, 1707.

Definition Sensory standards is a concept that was proposed by A.V. Zaporozhets, when the scientist created a theory of the formation of perception through the development of perceptual actions.

Sensory standards are ideas that have been developed by society over thousands of years of development about various properties and their relationships.

They appeared in the process of human development and are still used in society in the form of standards, samples with the help of which certain relationships and properties can be identified and established.

Sensory standards are socially accepted examples of properties that are noticeable externally. These standards have been formed throughout history. The results of the current perception of objects are compared with them.

The colors of the spectrum are one example of sensory standards. These also include different shades that are formed when the saturation and lightness of colors change. Geometric figures act as standards of form. And the metric system of measures are standards of size. Usually people determine the value by eye, comparing homogeneous objects, which indicates the relativity of this characteristic.

Sound-pitch ratios, like musical tones and linguistic phonemes, are standards of auditory perception. In the perception of taste, we can distinguish the main tastes: sweet, bitter, salty, sour. There are even olfactory standards that divide odors into bitter and sweet, heavy and light, fresh and other odors.

The development of sensory standards in children is of great importance in sensory education. Learning sensory standards is a complex and lengthy process that is not limited to the preschool period.

Sensory standards and types of ideas about properties

Mastery of sensory standards allows you to use varieties and ideas about each property to analyze and determine the properties of different objects in certain situations. This means that they can be used as units of measurement. And we begin to introduce children to sensory standards at an early stage.

The word is of great importance when studying sensory standards. In the process of perception, children accumulate auditory, visual, gustatory, tactile and olfactory images.

But at the same time, it is important that the relationships and properties of objects that are perceived by the child are indicated in words that would allow images of objects to be consolidated in the mind, making them clearer and more durable. If these images are fixed in words, they can be evoked in a child’s imagination even at those moments when some time has already passed after direct perception.

To do this, you need to pronounce the corresponding names of words. Thus, it is with the help of words that one can consolidate the resulting images, which are formed on the basis of ideas.

Features of sensory development in children

An important feature of sensory development is that it is necessary for younger preschoolers. After all, this is one of the priority tasks in the formation of children - the study of the sensory properties of objects.

At 2-3 years old, children begin to form ideas about size, shape and color, as well as other object properties. It is important to understand that these ideas were very diverse.

Therefore, already in the early period it made sense to organize special classes for the development of sensory skills. The main goal of these activities is to accumulate sensory experience.

And this is the foundation that would allow, at the next stages of training, to gradually accumulate experience and knowledge, expand it and use it in different situations.

The baby should become familiar with all the basic types of properties:

  • color;
  • form;
  • size;
  • sounds;
  • quantity without counting.

According to psychologists' research, sensory development is the foundation of mental formation. It has independent meaning, because for full perception it is necessary to teach children at school, kindergarten, etc.

At any age, sensory education has tasks that make it possible to form certain parts of sensory culture.

At 2-3 years old, children learn to identify shape, color and size as important characteristics of objects; their ideas accumulate about what varieties shape and color have and how two objects can be related in size.


Musical hearing is the ability to distinguish pitch, timbre of sounds, melody and rhythmic pattern. Sensory education involves teaching preschoolers the skills of examining objects and developing ideas about sensory standards.

Children learn to examine objects as a specially organized process of perception. It is necessary to determine those properties of the object that you need to know about in order to effectively cope with the planned activity. Different subjects require the use of different examination methods. And the qualities being studied are different in them.

There are several rules that must be followed during the examination process:

  • the child perceives the holistic appearance of an object;
  • he must divide it into several parts and determine their characteristics;
  • he must relate different parts to each other in space;
  • he must highlight small fragments, establish how they are located in space;
  • in conclusion, you need to observe the whole object again.

This approach helps preschoolers acquire generalized ways of knowing through the senses, which they can then use in independent activities.

Human female standard

You can finally breathe easy - the beauty from Venezuela, Gabriela Isler, has become Miss Universe.

It's unlikely we'll hear from her again now - unless she marries someone like Donald Trump. What the beauties do and why they even take part in these competitions is a mystery. They don’t become models, they don’t get married right away, they don’t act in films, they don’t sing songs. Compared to their accomplishments, even low-profile reality TV stars like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian have fantastic careers.

About 20 years ago, beauty pageants could be called an event. Viewers recorded the program or gathered in whole groups to see “who is the most beautiful in the world.” For some reason there was an interest in these girls, who showed how smiling, sweet and kind they were. Ideal wives. The only thing missing was the auction.

Now these different beauty championships look like an atavism. Anyone can start a blog, post any photos and gather a million people who will admire her.

Even ordinary secular activists, whose faces can be seen every day on various websites, are more famous and successful than all these Miss World and Universe.

Old-timers, of course, remember the first Russian beauty contests. And these first Miss World, which were shown on Soviet, but already perestroika, television. Everyone froze in anticipation and watched how the girls were taught to walk, how to maintain their posture, how they played sports, sorted out their outfits et cetera. It seemed an exciting and very bourgeois event. The glamorous world of tall girls, whose dream is “to be very beautiful, to be liked by all men and to despise everyone herself” and “to drive in a beautiful sports car, and so that I would be wearing a long scarlet scarf, and on the seat next to me would be a tape recorder and a small white dog” .

Dreams, frankly speaking, are quite valid (who in their right mind would refuse a sports car and a scarlet scarf?), but everyone already knows that for this you don’t have to be not only cute, but even beautiful.

Any woman these days can have it all.

And she doesn’t have to make terrible sacrifices and prove to some picky men that she’s still good at 20 years old.

Of course, there are thousands of provincial girls everywhere who leaf through Cosmo magazine and dream of the treasured fur coat. For them, a man is a Wizard who can do anything for them.

Somewhere in Saransk, a relatively decent man with money will have two mistresses, who in seven years will receive a fur coat (for their service) and will cry with happiness, taking this gift as a sign that now everything is serious with them (a real case).

In Russia, such girls can be seen, for example, in the company of expats - they are invited in droves, and then they are weeded out 2-3 at a time until the best is chosen. Miss Friday. Or Miss Thursday.

Other girls make their way into clubs where millionaires sometimes hang out, and they also expect that 500 rubles for a glass of champagne will pay off at some point.

There is nothing beautiful or sexy about this. Exactly like all these Miss Universes, which represent approximately the same thing - only on a global scale.

Girls compete not for a fur coat and a crown, but, of course, for a man. For the conditional Trump or others like him. For males, for whom a woman is only arms, legs, hair, teeth.

For the sake of such macho men with bad hairstyles, beauties are ready to forget that they have a personality and also become just a female, who is judged by her appearance and suitability for reproduction.

It is clear that this problem, that women treat themselves as a commodity, is not only a Russian problem. But here we still have in our heads a little bit of the primitive communal system (or ideas about it) - they say, the man hunts, and the woman cleans the skins.

A woman does not define herself as an independent value - she is only an addition to a man, to his merits and trophies. And she is happy with the fact that she is one of six, because this is what she has been taught since childhood. What a wonderful help such beauty contests are, where a woman understands that competition is endless, and only chance can help the winner.

“Competition between women is included in the myth to prevent them from uniting. And most importantly, female identity must be based on our “beauty”, so that we remain vulnerable to approval from the outside, so that the vital and sensitive organ of self-esteem we carry open and vulnerable” - “The Beauty Myth”, Naomi Wolf.

All these beautiful girls with wonderful bodies, gorgeous hair and perfect features - they shouldn't compete at all. Van Gogh is no worse or better than Picasso - any beauty is unique and priceless.

And these competitions neutralize both beauty and the woman in herself. They convince her that she needs to confirm her merits all the time. This is as humiliating as the fact that a disabled person without an arm has to prove every year that the arm has not grown back and that he is still disabled.

If a woman was born with an attractive appearance, she does not need to compete, she already has an advantage. She doesn't need to insult herself with the opinion of a picky jury.

Let it shine for those who can appreciate it.

Sensory development in preschool age

During the preschool period, sensory cognition can be changed: the child can manipulate an object, which will gradually lead him to become familiar with it through touch or vision, as well as as a result of the so-called visual palpation.

For example, to make sure there is wet sand in a bucket, children must touch it. And children at 5 or 6 years old can understand this just by looking at him.

The teacher needs to ensure that preschoolers have conditions in which they can apply the skills of analyzing the natural environment. For example, older children can help repair books or board game boxes. To do this, they need to determine which paper is more suitable - transparent or opaque, thick or thin. They must also determine the width and length of the strips to be cut.

At a young or early age, children may play with toys that shape their perceptions and sensations. These are prefabricated toys and toys that are made from different materials that differ from each other in sound and size.

To enrich a child's sensory experience, you need to use didactic games. Many of them involve examining an object, allowing one to distinguish between signs and denote these signs in words.

In certain games, children group objects according to different qualities.

They can compare these objects, noticing different or similar features in them, highlighting the most important ones.

As a result, children can generalize them based on essential features that are fixed in speech. In this way, children can acquire sensory references.

Working with preschoolers, we try to form a sensory culture in them, which becomes one of the important tasks. Sensory education lays the foundation for other aspects of early childhood education.

Konstantin Khabensky. The standard of man and citizen

Each of us has an idol, a role model, a person whom we think of as our own hero. I am no exception to this. For me, a real example of a person and citizen is the famous actor, director, and philanthropist Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky. This is a man of a very difficult, extraordinary fate. He was able to achieve incredible success, gain popularity, having adequately passed the tests of fame. It's no secret that when the brass trumpets begin to play, announcing to the world that another hero has appeared, it is important not to get star fever. And Konstantin Khabensky succeeded. He remained a simple, very kind and highly moral man of fine spiritual organization. He does not put himself above others, he is open to the world, he is his own...

First, I would like to talk to you, dear readers, about the work of Konstantin Yuryevich. He began his career, like many actors, by working in the theater. Having performed several small roles, Konstantin Yuryevich made his film debut in 1994. Over the 26 years of his acting career, he played in a large number of truly important, problematic, topical films, such as: “The Geographer Drank the Globe Away,” “Brownie,” “Selfie,” “Collector” and others. It is impossible not to note the historical films in which Khabensky took part. “Sobibor”, “Trotsky”, “Admiral”, “Time of the First” - all these films foster patriotism, make the viewer think, see real historical figures from the other side and, of course, take away something of their own. Konstantin Yuryevich, despite a very successful career as a film actor, continues to play in the theater. “The White Guard”, “Hamlet”, “The Threepenny Opera”, “Duck Hunt” - these are my favorite performances with Khabensky. For many, the presence of the name of Konstantin Yuryevich in the list of actors on a poster is a sign of quality and additional motivation to watch a movie or attend a performance.

In addition to cinema and theater, Konstantin Yuryevich spends a huge part of his life on a much less public, but no less important matter - charity. About ten years ago, Khabensky experienced a great personal drama. His beloved wife Anastasia died of cancer. The actor was left with a young son in his arms. It was a heartbreaking story. Gives me goosebumps... To prolong Nastya's life, Konstantin Khabensky agreed to any job. The entire fee went to pay for the expensive treatment of his wife. When this money was not enough, he borrowed from friends. And then they... got married in a hospital room. However, alas, we lost the unequal struggle with death. We lost with dignity... After Anastasia left, Khabensky did not break down. He continued this fight and founded a foundation to help children with severe brain diseases.

Since 2008, the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation has collected more than 800 million rubles. These funds are spent on purchasing equipment and medicines for hospitals, training doctors, as well as providing psychological support and assistance to children who find themselves in difficult situations. Konstantin Yuryevich personally deals with the affairs of the foundation, and also individually provides assistance to people who contact him directly. There are cases when he paid for treatment, flights, helped contact good doctors, and even allowed the families of patients to live in his home during a difficult period for them.

The Konstantin Khabensky Foundation is extremely important not only for people with serious illnesses. This organization promotes civic responsibility by motivating people to donate money to save lives. It is very important to note that the foundation helps many people gain faith in people and humanity, and clearly shows that caring people live in our country.

I would like to sum it up by saying that Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky is a person who, by his example, shows that one must not succumb to difficulties and despondency, one must not give up.
We must not forget about those who endlessly need you, even if you don’t need absolutely anything from these people, because you have already achieved great success in life, having caught capricious fame by the tail. In other words, you must always remain Human. Like Khabensky. That’s why Konstantin Yuryevich is my standard of man and citizen, and it’s him I wanted to tell you about today. #help for children, #charity

Degree of sensory development and perception in children

The degree of sensory development and perception in children today may differ from the level they had 10 to 20 years ago. The reality is that children may increasingly have the means to become familiar with objects and phenomena without interacting with them in real life.

Today, a lot is available: not only drawings and photographs, but also cartoons, applications and games. All this does not affect the area of ​​sensory cognition of objects. At an early age, children need to be given the opportunity to gain as useful and varied experiences as possible.

Modern pedagogy today has studied the problem of sensory education quite well. Many eminent researchers have dealt with this issue. Among them are J. Komensky and M. Montessori.

Soviet-era scientists in the fields of psychology and pedagogy also contributed by developing a system of sensory education.

Sensory development is the formation of ideas and perceptions in a child. Sensory development is the basis of knowledge of the world, the main stage of which is the experience of feelings.

Therefore, during the period of early preschool childhood, it is necessary to enrich sensory experience, which will help to fully perceive the world around us. For example, you need to replenish the properties and ideas about objects. Children should become familiar with the size of objects, how they are located in space, what shape and color they have.

The surrounding reality can be cognized in the process of perception and sensation. The level of development of these mental processes determines how thinking abilities, imagination and memory will be formed in the future.

During the preschool stage, perceptions and sensations are formed at an intensive pace. Ideas about objects are much easier to form during their perception.

Sensory formation contributes to the effective implementation of different types of personality education: physical, mental, aesthetic and moral.

The basis for the formation of their psyche will largely depend on how children develop. This will also affect your success in school. This is the basis for the formation of any type of practical activity.

Sensory development in preparation for school

In order for preparation for school to proceed fully, you need to purposefully engage in sensory education.

Adults should not require preschoolers to remember and independently use the names of shapes and colors. It is necessary that children can actively complete tasks and take into account their properties, because it is in the game process that ideas about object properties are actively accumulated.

When in everyday life they try to identify shades of color, they indicate their darkness or lightness. This implies the brightness of the shade. Therefore, children only need to learn how color tones change in lightness and what the resulting shades are called. It must be remembered that many shades have generally accepted names. For example, light red is usually called pink.

It is quite possible for children to use these names. But you can’t call blue light blue, because they are different shades. The same principle is also true in relation to the names of shades by their color tone, that is, by the position they occupy between colors located nearby in the color spectrum.

Almost each of them can have a metaphorical name used in everyday life: lilac, lemon - these are names that associate the color with certain objects.

It is important that preschoolers become familiar with systems of sensory standards. Introducing children to basic patterns can prepare them to explore variations. The teacher, demonstrating and naming them, gives preschoolers tasks that are aimed at comparing different standards with each other. This allows you to select identical standards and consolidate them in your memory.

“Our standard is in the Revelation of God”

September 4, 2020 marks ten years since the death of the outstanding figure of Russian culture, literary critic and theologian Mikhail Mikhailovich Dunaev (1945–2008). Let us remember this man, whose contribution to Russian thought is undoubted.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Dunaev. Photo: priest. Igor Palkin

One of the first in Russia M.M. Dunaev began to consider the history of Russian literary classics from the point of view of the spiritual criteria of Orthodoxy. The result of the work was the multi-volume publication “Orthodoxy and Russian Literature.” This is truly fundamental work. Its volume is enormous - about 200 printed sheets. It is unique both in terms of the coverage of the material (the writers of the second and third ranks are not omitted, and the classics are given sections comparable in scale to monographs) and in the depth of the analysis.

Dunaev developed new principles of humanities. His methodology clearly defines terms and concepts (theological and aesthetic) and provides evaluation criteria. He repeatedly formulated his main principle:

“When studying Russian literature in the light of Orthodoxy, it is impossible to do without theological knowledge. As with any analysis, you need to check the standards. These standards for us are found in the Holy Scriptures and Holy Tradition. Writers in most cases impose their own system of views on the world and lead the reader along their own path. For an Orthodox person, the question arises: is this path salutary? Should I follow him? And then we compare it with the standard. This is not a “Chekist check”, as some people think; we must answer the question that interests us primarily: is it true?”

“When studying Russian literature... it is impossible to do without theological knowledge”

Dunaev showed how Russian literature captured the religious experience of Russian people - both light and dark, both salutary and dangerous for the soul. The experience of faith and the experience of unbelief.

“Art, and literature in particular, in the vast space of the soul can be confined to those areas where the soul comes into contact with the physical nature, but it can also rise to the spheres bordering on the presence of the spirit. Such is Russian literature in its highest achievements.”

In the publishing house "Pilgrim". M. Dunaev, A. Lyubomudrov, V. Voropaev, A. Strizhev. Moscow, 1998

His thoughts on the possibilities for secular art (the main sphere of which is the spiritual) to express spiritual, heavenly realities are very interesting and deep. He believed that this required a special type of realism - “spiritual realism”, which he found, for example, in the works of Ivan Shmelev. By the way, Dunaev was one of the first to return the name of the great writer to scientific use in Russia, devoting his PhD thesis to him back in the Soviet years.

Doctor of Philology and Doctor of Theology, professor at the Moscow Theological Academy, Dunaev was not an armchair scientist, detached from the world. On the contrary, he always strived for active educational work, recorded audio and video lectures, and more than ten films were made based on his scripts and with his participation. The polemical articles on the problems of modern literary criticism and on the ideals and morality of the younger generation are memorable.

M. Dunaev with the author of the article. Easter conference in the Pushkin House. St. Petersburg, 2001

The spiritual state of modern Russian society worried him acutely. He saw diseases soberly and suggested ways to recovery:

“To seek true healing, we must understand that we are sick. And to understand this, you need a correct criterion of health. This criterion can only be found in the Revelation of God. Not in human distortions of this Revelation, but in the fullness of Christ’s Truth, that is, in Orthodoxy. Rejection of Orthodoxy will inevitably lead to the progression of the disease and death.”

Dunaev was a man of Russian identity and believed in the spiritual forces of Russia:

“The purpose of Russia is to carry within itself a restraining principle and resist the mystery of lawlessness. For in this the fate of the world is decided. These are the fundamental principles by which our understanding of art, literature in particular, should be carried out. No matter how much current liberal theories insist that art is carried out outside of any struggle, above this struggle, the truth is that art actively operates in the space of this struggle. And here it is either on the side of the Holder, or on the side of apostasy. “Whoever is not with Me is against Me” (Matthew 12:30). There is no third".

Much connected Dunaev with the city on the Neva: he graduated from graduate school at the Pushkin House, and since the late 1990s he became a regular participant in the “Orthodoxy and Russian Culture” conferences held at our institute; He filmed his films in the interiors of the IRLI Literary Museum. Meeting in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we often had conversations about pressing problems, I appreciated the sobriety and accuracy of his assessments. Dunaev could not be “stirred up” on any secular, frivolous topics. But his judgments on general cultural, literary, theological, and ecclesiastical issues were deep and memorable for a long time.

Mikhail Mikhailovich was not a socialite, did not like large companies, and always kept to himself. Such isolation was a consequence of the internal high spiritual level that he maintained. This asceticism was also manifested externally: in modest clothing, an unpretentious solitary life.

I remember M. Dunaev as a complacent and ironic person, humble and full of inner peace; he looked at his surroundings wisely and non-judgmentally. With a slight smile, he talked about unseemly things, including in relation to him. He often praised people, which is a rare trait in our divisive world.

He saw the danger of such phenomena as “Christianity without Christ” and “Orthodoxy without shores” and fought against them

Like any great talent, he had a circle of ill-wishers. It is clear that the liberal-atheist wing of philologists did not favor the Orthodox approach to literature. But much more painful and caustic were the attacks from brothers and colleagues who can be defined as “near-Orthodox.” Dunaev keenly saw the danger of spiritual substitutions and fought against such phenomena that blossomed in culture as “Christianity without Christ” and “Orthodoxy without shores.” With those for whom the dogma of the Church was an empty phrase, who replaced the fullness of the Gospel truth with “people's faith”, who blasphemously included all the writers in the “Orthodox”, right up to Vysotsky. Dunaev took their sometimes mocking attacks seriously, but did not stoop to public showdowns; the only time he responded to opponents was in his latest work, “Virtual Games.” Along with the article “There is no third option,” it became the scientist’s literary testament.

M. Dunaev at the award of the All-Russian Literary Prize named after St. Prince Alexander Nevsky. Members of the jury - archim. Nazariy (Lavrinenko) and A. Gruntovsky. Alexander Nevsky Lavra, 2007

Time puts everything in its place. The names of enemies will be forgotten, and understanding of the significance of Dunaev’s contribution to Russian culture will increase. Let his truly Christian spiritual disposition - a combination of humility and uncompromising loyalty to the Truth - serve as an example for us. Today, readers have the fortunate opportunity to get acquainted with his books and articles, which are posted on a personal website created by his admirers. It seems that the figure of this scientist deserves a collection of articles dedicated to his memory, which would include essays, memoirs of people who knew him closely, and letters. And who else, if not the Theological Academy and the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University, where he served as an altar boy, could contribute to such an undertaking.

In the photographic portraits of Mikhail Mikhailovich, one can see a hidden, wise sadness in his gaze and a kind, light smile. He looked at the sorrows of this world soberly, but joy in the Lord did not leave him.

M. Dunaev left early, at the age of 63, but managed to complete the work to which he was called. In a message on the death of the scientist, Patriarch Alexy II said:

“Mikhail Mikhailovich worked a lot for the glory of God and for the good of our Holy Church. Now the Lord has called to the heavenly mansions a diligent worker, who throughout his life has shown an example of ardent faith and devotion to his calling.”

To the worker of God Michael - eternal memory.

Familiarization with sensory standards

At the moment of carrying out actions with certain standards, preschoolers must remember and use their names. This helps them consolidate ideas about any standard and allows them to perform actions in accordance with their verbal instructions.

Acquaintance with any type of standards has its own characteristics: different actions are organized with different subject properties. It is easier for preschoolers to remember spectral colors and their shades.

In the process of becoming familiar with shapes and different types, the teacher should teach children to trace contours and visually control hand movements, compare figures that are perceived visually or through touch. To develop ideas about size, you need to arrange objects in rows in ascending and descending order. In this case, children first focus on the general shapes of the sample, and then begin to realize what relationships exist between the elements: each next one is smaller or larger.

Ideas about what types of shapes or colors there are, how quantities are related to each other, which are acquired by children, are sensory standards used in the form of samples when examining different objects.

It is necessary to teach children to correctly perceive the color of certain objects, using existing ideas about achromatic and chromatic colors and their shades.

This is not difficult when the objects have pure light. But it becomes more difficult when a color includes elements of different tones of color that are expressed to varying degrees. For example, we can talk about burgundy, coffee, etc.

Monarchs are the standard of behavior for society

Well-known etiquette expert Elena Ekaterinicheva analyzed in detail how accurately and scrupulously court etiquette was observed during the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Catherine, on April 29. The troublemakers were the fiancée of Prince Albert II of Monaco, South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock, who wore a floor-length dress that was too long for daytime (according to etiquette, it should be no earlier than 8 p.m.), as well as the wife of British Prime Minister David Cameron, Samantha, who neglected to wear a headdress. , which is worn as a sign of respect for the royal family. The hairpin instead of a hat clearly did not match the situation. Otherwise, the wedding became a model of etiquette.

Mrs. Ekaterinicheva also made conclusions about the role the monarchy, despite the statements of its opponents, plays in society:

“The strength of kings lies in what for many of us are supposedly manifestations of “weakness” and “lack of personal freedom.” A colossal amount of internal and external self-restraints, providing an example of correct behavior, once upon a time distinguished these people from all others, and is transmitted and continues for centuries. Well, queens don’t swear! Not a single royal person smokes any kind of rubbish. They do not eat anything without cutlery, do not gossip behind anyone’s back, and do not interfere in anyone’s private space, including commenting on someone’s personal parameters. Ladies of royal blood never wear pants, except for some sporting events, and male kings do not dye their hair, never insult women and do not brag to the whole world about their bed victories.

Therefore, when opponents of monarchical regimes start a centuries-old groan about the “equality of all people” and the supposedly vicious idea that “belonging to royal blood as a symbol of the exaltation of some people over others is undemocratic,” I always want to ask: did you personally want to be a king or queen? The standard of style, taste and good manners? Honesty, integrity, internal culture? I will never believe the answer “no”. If we cannot be kings and queens, princes and princesses in terms of blood, then in terms of behavior and attitude towards ourselves and others - no one can forbid each of us, mere mortals, to do this. If it were our will.”

Ms. Ekaterinicheva also examines the financial aspect of monarchical institutions, emphasizing that the costs of maintaining the monarchy pay off, which cannot be said about many republican institutions.
Thus, it is naive to compare Great Britain’s tourism income due to ceremonies associated with the royal family with Germany’s income from the existence of the institution of the presidency, Ms. Ekaterinicheva believes. print version

Sequence of teaching sensory standards

It is also important to adhere to the correct sequence of learning: first, preschoolers learn to group objects that differ in shape and purpose, but have the same color. They should then group similar colored objects with different shades. And at the next stage, children already learn to identify and identify shades.

It is more difficult to teach children to examine the shape of objects. At the first stage, you need to separate geometric shapes from other objects and give them samples. To do this, each figure is compared with a number of objects of similar shape. Images and objects should be grouped around certain figures. Then you need to move on to the verbal designation of object forms: oval, square, circle, etc.

Note that not all objects have a simple shape that is as close as possible to geometric shapes. In many cases, the shape of objects is more complex: it is possible to distinguish general features, the shape of the main element, the shape of secondary elements and small details.

While exploring an object, children learn to follow the sequence of inspection according to a scheme that determines the order of further verbal description of the shape of the object.

At each stage of learning to examine shapes, children should be encouraged to trace the outline of an element or object as a whole. Using this technique, children can correlate the shape of an element with studied standards.

We believe that an important component of sensory culture is the analytical perception of how shades and colors are combined. You also need to highlight the elements from which objects are composed, how these elements are related to each other. And it is not enough to be able to perceive individual shades and colors.

In nature, colors usually form complex and varied combinations. Children need to be taught to explore these combinations, to catch certain rhythms in them, to identify combinations of cold and warm colors.

Sensory perceptions

The perception of shape allows you to visually split objects into separate parts that correspond to different geometric patterns, and determine how these elements relate to each other.

The perception of quantities is associated not only with the isolation of individual parts, but also with their combination into a whole. You also need to teach children to measure the size of objects: their height, length and width.

It is impossible to separate width or length from an object. This means that it is possible to compare different objects according to these characteristics. It should also be noted that the measurement process itself is very relative.

Sensory education is very important, because it allows the child to gain experience of sensory knowledge of the world around him and forms his visual-figurative thinking.

Correct perception of colors, sizes and shapes is necessary so that a child can successfully master many academic subjects at school. The development of abilities for various types of creative activity depends on this.

In preschool age, the main content of sensory education consists of studying size, shape and color.

Sensory color standards

Sensory standards in the form of color are usually chromatic and achromatic colors, which are found in the spectrum in a certain sequence from red to violet according to how the wavelength of light changes.

If you mix two colors that are not next to each other in the spectrum, you can get an intermediate color. If you mix two adjacent colors, you get an additional shade. You can distinguish between cold and warm chromatic colors. First, children learn to perceive white and black and chromatic colors. All this creates the prerequisites for successful learning of color names.

Typically, six color tones are introduced at first. Blue is excluded in this case, because it is difficult for children to learn. This color is best taught at a later stage, when preschoolers have an idea of ​​what shades are, where color tones are located on the spectrum, and how they can be divided into cool and warm.

What is a sensory standard

The development of perception in children and the development of ideas about the properties of surrounding objects is called sensory development, since the entire process of cognition occurs through the human senses. There are 5 main types of perception of the surrounding world:

  • Visual - first of all, the child sees an object with his eyes, perceives its color, shape, size, location in space.
  • Auditory - perceives sounds made by an object. The first sound a baby hears is the voice of his mother.
  • Tactile - examination of any object occurs tactilely. The child takes it in his hand, tries it, performs actions with it, shakes it, throws it, rolls it or strokes it.
  • Gustatory - babies put toys in their mouths not to eat, but to understand the taste of the object. With experience, the baby remembers the taste of food and is already selective about it, liking some things and not wanting others.
  • Olfactory is the knowledge of the world through smells. Some aromas are pleasant, others make you want to cover your nose with your hand.

Sensory standards in preschool age are patterns developed by humanity, which the child must learn for further successful studies at school. Mastering these skills occurs gradually, starting from a very early age. The importance of sensory development is very important precisely at this age, when the process of improving the senses occurs and knowledge about the surrounding reality is accumulated.

In preschool age, sensory standards are primary colors and shades, flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes, the size of objects - length, width, height and thickness, the height of musical sounds, the level of the pitch of the human voice - quiet or loud sounds, etc. Humanity has developed them in the process of work for many millennia, and the baby masters the main ones while still a preschooler.

The teacher and parents of a preschool child are faced with the task of helping the child master sensory standards and create all the conditions for the formation of ideas about surrounding objects. This happens during didactic games, during educational and work activities, during drawing and modeling, on excursions and walks. Each age has its own characteristics when mastering sensory concepts and standards. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Sensory shape standards

Shape standards are geometric figures. Children begin to get acquainted with them with the simplest shapes: square, circle, oval, rectangle and triangle. Trapezius learning can then be introduced. But in all cases, children must be able to recognize the corresponding forms, name them and act in accordance with their properties, as well as analyze them.

Children can be introduced to varieties of shapes such as ovals, which have different axial ratios. These can also be rectangles that have different aspect ratios. These can be acute, right or obtuse triangles. It is important that children are able to distinguish these types of triangles by eye, but they are not required to remember their names [Maltseva, 2008].

It is also advisable to use volumetric and planar figures. Three-dimensional figures are less generalized. Planar ones make it possible to reflect the most important properties for perception - this is the contour. They can be used as samples with which children could perceive shapes for flat and three-dimensional objects. For example, a ball can be expressed using a circle. He also depicts a plate.

This allows the use of generally flat figures during sensory perception. After all, bulky objects will cause additional difficulties at first.

Sensory standards of magnitude and measures

Standards of magnitude are endowed with a special character. Since quantity is a relative property, its precise determination can be made using conditional measures.

The system of measures was deliberately created by people. At the same time, some arbitrary unit was always taken as its basis. But geometric shapes are actually distractions from the shape of real objects.

Studying the system of measures and methods of their application is an important task that requires mathematical training and is not included in the curriculum for preschoolers. But we cannot always use the metric system when perceiving objects.

The size of an object can be determined depending on the place it occupies in a series of homogeneous objects. For a child, a big cat is a cat that is larger in size than ordinary cats. But at the same time, it still remains smaller than a small elephant. Therefore, the standard of magnitude is usually the idea of ​​what size the object in question should have.


Leonid Namer “Chemistry and Life” No. 8, 2016

And in parrots I am much longer! One famous boa constrictor

All our measurements, all our instruments are based on standards. However, not only on them, but also on hypotheses about them and about this world in general, on the entire experience of physics. When talking about standards, people often talk about their greater or lesser accuracy - but this is wrong: a standard is accurate by definition, we have decided so. And behind our decision is precisely experience, a physical model. In some cases, we are sure that the standard is a physical constant: the speed of propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a vacuum, Planck’s constant, etc. In some cases, we understand that this is not entirely true, and we partly know why (the modern standard of the kilogram). In these cases, it is better to say “instability.”

Possible reasons for the instability of standards is an interesting physical question. Metrology began with natural standards (parts of the human body as a measure of length, a plant grain as a measure of weight), then partially moved to artificial ones (meter, kilogram), and is now returning to natural, but quantum ones. The reasons for this evolution are the pursuit of stability and ease of repetition and transmission. Some of these new standards are much smaller than those typically encountered, so a scaling chain of devices is required. Such chains exist for time and length; For some possible and promising standards, scaling circuits are not needed: for example, for the voltage standard based on the quantum Josephson effect and the resistance standard based on the quantum Hall effect.

As for specific standards, the meter has long been determined not by notches on a stick or even by the wavelength of the radiation, but after a second the speed of propagation of the electromagnetic wave, to which an exact value is assigned.

Nature is full of periodic processes, so there were no problems with the natural standard of time; However, I personally would not take the rotation of the Earth, but periodic falling asleep. Because we see whether the Earth rotates or not only when there is proper cloud cover, but we want to sleep in any weather. Then it turned out that it rotates unevenly, and they moved on to the atomic standard. Namely: they decided that a second is a time interval equal to 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom, which is at rest at a temperature of 0 K. From the definition it is clear that the period of radiation is noticeably less usually measured time intervals, and the achievement of metrology was the creation of a system of instruments that convert frequencies and time intervals from those specified by the atomic standard to those that usually have to be measured.

The mass standard is a weight made of a platinum-iridium alloy, stored under a double cap, etc. The logical question is: why not take a natural standard - an atom? Here is someone who, according to all modern views, is doing well with the constancy of mass. The answer is simple: because the atom is small, and counting Avogadro’s number of atoms is a pain in the ass. In the Sahara Desert there are only three moles of grains of sand, and a mole of one-dollar bills would cover the Earth, it seems, with a layer two kilometers thick. But I want to switch to a natural pseudo-atomic standard. Therefore, work is underway to create a new mass standard based on atomic properties; the size of the unit itself will be preserved, so there will be no need to throw away steelyards and other scales. Unless, of course, someone “wins” the all-Russian tender to replace all scales.

The standard quantity of a substance is a mole. There is no separate standard for a mole; by definition, it is the amount of a substance that contains as many molecules (atoms, ions) as there are atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12, that is, simply Avogadro’s constant.

In physics there are several different ways to determine temperature; in metrology, they all rely on the so-called thermodynamic temperature. This is the one that is uniquely related to energy through the Boltzmann constant (which is why physicists often measure temperature in units of energy). It is also included in the universal gas law. The temperature scale is arbitrary, and there are many such scales. The most common scales today are Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit. In some regions they use a simpler scale with three temperatures - cold, tolerable, hot. Or four, as one of the authors of our magazine explained to me - in Siberia they add “frost, damn it.” On the Kelvin scale, zero coincides with absolute zero, and the reference point is the triple point of water. The temperature value at this point is chosen so that the Kelvin scale division value coincides with the Celsius scale division value (to simplify conversion). Other reference points that are needed for calibrating thermometers are points of phase transitions of pure substances. To obtain intermediate values, interpolation between these points is required, this is done with resistance thermometers and a gas thermometer. That is, again based on all physics.

At first, the standards of electrical quantities were current (through the galvanic process and the weight of the deposit) and resistance (through the resistance of a mercury cylinder), voltage was determined by Ohm’s law, and was transmitted by a particularly stable galvanic element (“normal element”). Later, the ampere was determined through the interaction of currents, and the current scale became the standard, in which the force of attraction between two coils with a “referenced” current was measured; the normal element became the voltage standard, and ohm began to be determined by Ohm.

Then we moved on to quantum standards: it was shown that with an increase in the current flowing through the superconductor-insulator-superconductor junction irradiated by microwaves at a certain frequency, the voltage at the junction increases not smoothly, but in jumps, and the magnitude of the jump depends on this frequency, Planck’s constant and electron charge (Josephson effect). Since frequency is measured with high accuracy, it became possible to construct a quantum voltage standard.

It was further shown that at the metal-insulator-semiconductor transition at low temperatures the quantum Hall effect occurs - with increasing magnetic field, the resistance changes in jumps, depending only on Planck’s constant and the electron charge. Accordingly, if there is a quantum standard for voltage and current, a new definition of ampere can be given based on them.

Light is electromagnetic radiation in the range of direct human perception. Therefore, in technology, and therefore in metrology, more attention is paid to it. As you know, there are four light units - luminous flux, luminous intensity, luminosity and brightness. From the point of view of physics, no new units or new standards are needed to describe light: these are W, W/ster, W/m2 and W/(m2ster), since light is an electromagnetic field that transfers energy. However, for a significant part of the history of technology, the main instrument was the human eye - comparison of the luminous intensity of the standard and the source under study was carried out “by eye”. The remaining units were defined in terms of luminous intensity, and all four were named: lumen, candela, lux and candela/m2. Candela was referenced by blackbody radiation at a fixed temperature; the need to convert “watt” units into optical ones and vice versa led to the standardization of the so-called “visibility curve” - a standard characteristic of the sensitivity of the eye. Soon the definition of candela will change; it will no longer be associated with the eye, although the value itself will remain the same.

In conclusion, we note that it will not be possible to run with each student’s ruler to visit the meter standard. Therefore, standards and measuring instruments for any quantity represent a pyramidal structure of high complexity and cost. At the top are state standards of basic quantities, multimillion-dollar installations, isolated rooms, complex procedures, below are working standards of different classes, then working measuring instruments and, finally, floor scales, at the scale of which the best part of humanity looks with awe. And also a wooden ruler on which Vovochka scratches out her opinion about Mary-Ivanna. When she discovers this, he will be kicked out of class, and in the evening he will receive a belt.

Sensory standards as a whole system

Sensory standards are not just individual samples, but a whole system in which varieties of a certain property are arranged in the required sequence and are distinguished by specific characteristics. The development of sensory standards is carried out thanks to sensory education. Without a targeted educational process, children are able to master only some standards.

Sensory standards is a term that was first used by A.V. Zaporozhets, when he developed the theory of the formation of perception through the development of perceptual actions.

Sensory standards are ideas about certain properties and their relationships: color, size, shape, spatial arrangement, pitch, duration of time, etc. These standards appeared in the process of historical development of people. Humanity uses them as standards and samples with the help of which it is possible to establish and designate certain relationships and properties.

In kindergarten, the main content of sensory education consists of familiarity with shape, color and size. Chromatic and achromatic colors act as sensory standards, which are placed in the spectrum in a strict sequence related to the wavelength of light.

If you mix two colors that are not next to each other in the spectrum, you can get an intermediate color. If you mix two adjacent colors, you get an additional shade. You can distinguish between cold and warm chromatic colors. First, children learn to perceive white and black and chromatic colors. All this creates the prerequisites for successful learning of color names.

Typically, six color tones are introduced at first. Blue is excluded in this case, because it is difficult for children to learn. This color is best taught at a later stage, when preschoolers have an idea of ​​what shades are, where color tones are located on the spectrum, and how they can be divided into cool and warm.

The process of mastering sensory standards takes a long time and is difficult. Mastering one of the standards does not mean simply learning to name it. You need to have a clear idea of ​​what types each property can have and learn to use these ideas to isolate and analyze the properties of different objects. In other words, the study of sensory standards is their adequate use as units of measurement during property assessment.

If you carry out consistent examination work with preschoolers, they learn to easily identify and name many different signs for each object. This is the analytical mental activity of a preschooler, which in the future will give him the opportunity to more deeply analyze phenomena and objects, discover the essential and non-essential in them, and correctly modify them in accordance with the task.

Igor Vaisman. Standard of behavior


“Learning morality is,
in essence, learning to live correctly.”

Victor Pekelis, “How to find yourself”

Victoria Tokareva has a wonderful story “My Dog”. It describes the relationship between a woman and her dog with warmth and knowledge. I was simply moved by reading it. Until the heroine of the story faced a moral problem. A street dog who was in heat came to her male dog and settled in the yard. She was very homely and had bad manners. At first the owner fed her, and then began to think about how to send her out. And she couldn’t find anything better than to ask her neighbor in the country - a man who drinks and has no moral principles - to take her somewhere far away so as not to see her again.

After that, her conscience began to torment her: “I threw away the pregnant woman!” And she couldn’t calm down until she talked to friends who, in a similar situation, did exactly the same thing. The heroine of the story immediately felt relieved: “So I’m not the only one! This means that my behavior is practically the norm! God bless!"

Both the main character and her friends, who got rid of a pregnant dog, are shown as very decent, cultured, intelligent people who care about their own animals. But did they act humanely?

The heroine of the story stopped being tormented by her conscience after she learned that others in a similar situation were doing the same. It turns out that no matter how bad we act, our action will be considered normal if others act in the same way.

Is it bad to lie? Yes. So those around you are deceiving! Therefore, I will not be condemned! So, cheating is the norm! What about stealing? Actually, it’s bad, but if those around you steal, then... What about killing?

It turns out (and not only from the mentioned story) that by normal behavior, by morality and ethics, many of us do not understand the eternal truths and values ​​that serve as the basis of society. They mean how specific people around me understand it. The only bad thing is that they condemn. The good thing is that they encourage it.

If I move to a more cultural place, then I will behave accordingly, adjusting my morals and behavior to those around me. And if I move to a place where they don’t really bother with their vices, then I can relax and allow myself something.

These are the blurred categories – morality and morality – in the minds of many of us. And how can they serve as the foundation of society? No way! More precisely, such a society does not have a foundation, and it will not last long.

An interesting comparison with the objective world arises here. When we need to pave a road, build a building, etc., we always resort to the help of a standard - meter, centimeter, kilometer... When we need to determine the weight of something, we find it out using the corresponding standards: gram, kilogram, ton... Temperature we measure with a thermometer, in the forest and in the sea we navigate with a compass... All these examples indicate that to solve the problem facing us, an appropriate measure and standard is necessary. We invented money for the same purpose.

But once we move on to social life, where have the measures and standards gone?! They immediately forgot about their necessity! As if our lives are less important than determining the weight of a bag of potatoes! As if human destinies, well-being, health, life and death of people close to us are worth nothing in comparison with determining the weight of manure!

However, what should we take as a measure and standard of human relations? – inexperienced people will ask. In fact, in pre-liberal times, morality was the measure of relationships and actions. And cultural figures and representatives of religions constantly remind us of this. They just don’t listen to them very carefully. Moreover, they started a story about the relativity of eternal moral values. But the standard cannot be relative. It is not adjusted to the wishes of the ruling elite or even the majority. On the contrary, they must meet the standard. The meter will remain the meter both in Africa and on the Moon. Therefore, the set of basic moral norms must be unchanged and not depend on the fickle winds in people’s heads. It goes without saying that the beliefs and lifestyle of the “heroes” of our time - oligarchs and pop stars - cannot be taken as a standard of morality. Just like a leader, a king, an emperor. It is not the standard that is compared against them, but them against the standard.

Some historical figures, great people and saints can serve as role models. But they, too, built themselves according to a certain model. The question arises about the sample. And elementary reflections always lead to the same conclusion: the standard lies in the very idea of ​​man. Whose idea is this? It is clear that not the person himself! The standard of behavior, the basic concepts of existence, the main guidelines in life, as well as the meaning of life itself - all this is found in nature, space, the unified information field of the Universe, with the Lord God - as you like, the address is the same.

“The essence and meaning of any object and phenomenon can be understood in correlation and connection with its place and role in the Cosmos. That is, everything should be measured by a single “universal scale” of Existence,” says Mikhail Weller. The natural order of things in the Universe is the basis of worldview and understanding of the world, and also acts as an absolute criterion for evaluation. With its help, you can evaluate any phenomenon, get answers to the so-called “eternal questions,” distinguish between good and evil, truth and lies, justice and injustice, the main thing and the secondary thing, what you should be proud of and what you should be ashamed of. Without this criterion, basic moral concepts are eroded and lose their original meaning.

Information about this, as has been known for a very long time, is contained in the Holy Books. But, it seems to me, the time has come to significantly supplement some of their provisions. These books were written so long ago that in many ways they do not satisfy modern people. For his life is very strikingly different from the life of ancient man, for whom and in whose language all this was written. Understanding the Holy Books by our contemporaries is very difficult. Some provisions seem outdated. They don’t find any at all. We cannot find answers to many pressing questions that confront us in those ancient tomes.

Let's take the 10 biblical commandments. Why only ten? Do they exhaust all life situations in which a person finds himself? Modern people are much more informed than their ancient ancestors. And I think that not too attentive to these commandments, as well as to the Holy Books themselves, stems precisely from the lack of awareness of these sources for a person of the 21st century.

At the risk of being anathematized, let me say: there should be not 10 commandments, but 100 or more. And they must provide an answer to most difficult situations that arise in front of a person, allowing him to make the right choice. With their help we must navigate like a tourist using a compass. Each of us also has an internal compass - conscience, but this can only be a complement, and not a contradiction. Both from one source!

Does each of us constantly face dilemmas: to steal or not to steal? Should I kill or not? Completely different dilemmas arise every now and then along our path. And the answer to them is not in the 10 commandments.

The Christian religion states: you need to forgive your offenders. Okay, I pushed myself – I forgive you. And if they offend others, should I forgive them too? Or should I just turn away and pretend I didn't see anything?

How many problems arise in relationships between men and women? What about between parents and children? And everyone considers himself right.

Where to look for answers? What to do? How to get out of the dead end that life has driven you into? Yes, even if he drove himself? After all, many people want to be fair in their hearts. But where is the measure of justice in my specific situation?

What’s most interesting is that all these unrecognized commandments have existed for a very long time. In huge quantities. You just need to select them and systematize them. “God has no other hands but yours.” Why not a commandment? “You can’t enter heaven on someone else’s hump.” What's not to like about this? And so on.

It is enough to open a collection of folk proverbs and sayings or a collection of sayings of great people - and here they are, commandments for all occasions! And what is important: their authors, who did not know each other, lived in completely different eras and spoke different languages, think very consistently, as if they were taking thoughts from the same source. But there is nothing surprising in this; the source is indeed one – the information field of the Universe. And the fact that one downloaded an idea from it through revelation or insight, and the other through reflection, observation and experimentation, is not the point. And here the irreconcilable position of the clergy causes misunderstanding. They call pride the main sin, and at the same time they themselves arrogantly do not recognize the scientific, philosophical and artistic ways of comprehending the world as divine. God can be comprehended in different ways, which is what happens, and which in itself is very correct.

Essentially, we have a colossal number of commandments for all occasions. And they are from the same source. They came to us in different ways, bit by bit, at different times. And these grains are more valuable than gold. All that’s left to do is select the best from the mass of books and print them in such a quantity that every family can have them. This is a worthy task for our government, which deals with everything, but not the basis of the foundations of every society!

© Igor Vaisman, text, 2015

© Book stall, publication, 2015

Sensory standards as samples

Sensory standards are patterns that are developed by people that children must learn in order to successfully learn in the future at school. The development of these skills occurs gradually from a very early age. The formation of sensory abilities should be carried out during this period, while knowledge about the surrounding world is accumulated.

Preschool age is characterized by the fact that the main sensory standards in children are colors and shades, geometric shapes, the size of things, the characteristics of musical sounds, and the pitch of the voice.

Humanity has developed these standards over thousands of years. And kids should master them in the first years of their lives. The teacher and parents should strive to help children master these sensory standards. It is necessary to create all the conditions for the development of ideas about surrounding objects. This happens when children play educational games, when they work or study, when they sculpt or draw, when they walk or go on excursions.

Each age has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account when mastering sensory standards. Let's discuss them in more detail.

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Some moral standards and patterns of behavior in management

Ethical norms and rules are manifested in the relationship between the organization and the social environment; between organizations; within one organization - between managers and subordinates, between people of the same status.

The general moral principle of human relationships was formulated by I. Kant: “Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can always also have the force of the principle of universal legislation.” In relation to the activities of a manager, this principle can be formulated as follows: when making decisions, act in such a way that your aspirations, dictated by your ethical norms and rules, are compatible with the moral values ​​of other parties to the discussion, allow coordination and harmonization of the interests of all parties, but do not contradict moral standards as a kind of universal laws.

Let us highlight some generally accepted moral standards and examples of ethical behavior.

1. Strive to turn your organization into a cohesive Team with high moral standards of behavior. Align employees with the organization's goals. A person will only feel morally and psychologically comfortable when he identifies himself with the organization, its Collective. At the same time, it is necessary to support everyone’s desire to remain an individual and wants to be respected for who he is.

2. If problems and difficulties arise related to employee dishonesty, the manager should explain its reasons. If we are talking about ignorance, then we should not endlessly reproach a subordinate with his weaknesses and shortcomings. You need to think about what you can do to help him overcome them. In this case, it is necessary to rely on the strengths of his personality.

3. If an employee has not followed your order, you need to let him know that you are aware of this, otherwise he may decide that he tricked you, or consider such behavior to be the norm, both on his part and on the part of the manager.

4. A remark to an employee must comply with ethical standards. Collect information about this case. Choose the right form of communication. First, ask the employee to explain the reason for not completing the task; perhaps he will provide objective facts unknown to you. Strive to make one-on-one comments to the employee while respecting their self-esteem.

5. Criticize actions and actions, not the person’s personality.

6. If appropriate, use the “sandwich technique”: hide the criticism between two compliments. End the conversation on a friendly note and take the time to talk to the person soon to show them that you mean business.

7. Try never to advise a subordinate on what to do in personal matters. If the advice helps, you probably won't be thanked. If it doesn’t help, all responsibility will fall on you.

8. Don't play favorites. Treat all employees as equal members with the same standards.

9. To maintain the respect of your employees, never give them the opportunity to notice that you are not in control of the situation.

10. Observe the principle of distributed justice, the greater the merit, the greater the reward.

11. Encourage your team even if success is achieved mainly due to the success of the leader.


12. Strengthen the subordinate's sense of self-dos - A job well done deserves not only

mnst erial, n0 and moral encouragement - do not skimp on

13.The privileges that you give yourself should extend to other members of the work team.

14. Trust your employees and admit your own mistakes at work. Team members will still find out about them. Concealing mistakes is a manifestation of weakness and dishonesty.

15. Protect your employees and be loyal to them. They will do the same to you.

16. Choose the correct form of order, taking into account, first of all, two factors: first, the situation, the availability of time for nuances; secondly, the personality of the subordinate - who is in front of you, a conscientious and qualified worker or a person who needs to be pushed at every step. Depending on this, the most ethically acceptable standards of behavior should be chosen.

Ethical standards of management should describe the general system and rules of ethics that, in the opinion of the organization, its employees should adhere to. The purpose of their creation is to establish a normal moral atmosphere and define ethical rules when making decisions. Each organization, if it values ​​its reputation, will strive to establish the highest standards of management ethics, which are the most important components of business.

Questions of the control day

1. What ethical standards are highlighted in the teachings of Confucius?

2- What are the historical traditions of management ethics in Russia?

3. What is the continuity of ethical management standards in Russia?

4. What are the modern moral standards and examples of leadership in management?

5. What is the main idea of ​​​​creating ethical management standards in an organization?

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