The best dating sites for serious relationships in 2020

Each person is a unique personality, therefore, despite the fact that the sound of the phrase “serious relationship” is the same for everyone, the meaning put into this concept is individual. It depends on personal life experience, perception of the world, environmental influences, as well as on the direction of the life vector, faith in the future, hopes, dreams and expectations.

Where to meet a serious man?

Obviously, meeting a single, serious man is unlikely to take place in public transport, a bar or a nightclub. Where, then, do decent, respectable bachelors “live”?

Visit stores with luxury men's clothing and accessories. Carefully examine the product, pretend that you cannot make a choice. Maybe the man who happens to be nearby will help you choose a “gift for the boss.”

IMPORTANT: Do not linger near the shelves with underwear. Men may think that you are choosing things for your boyfriend.

If a man needs your advice, do not be shy and show your participation. Express your opinion, ask what he liked.

Take a look at your favorite supermarket - the department of semi-finished and ready-to-eat foods . Usually this is where bachelors buy food for dinner. True, their seriousness can hardly be judged by the contents of the basket. But you can easily start a casual conversation by advising a man about some culinary product.

You can meet a suitable man in a supermarket

  • A “casual” acquaintance with a good man can happen in a car dealership , but only on condition that you can attract attention to yourself
  • Men visit car shows with certain thoughts, so getting them to be interested in these moments will not be easy
  • Intelligent, educated men will meet at exhibitions , athletes - in gyms. If you dream of meeting a musician, go shopping for musical instruments , attend classical music concerts

You can meet the man of your dreams at the gym

How do you see your chosen one?

Girls seeking to find a chosen one are guided by a pre-compiled (even if mentally) list of merits expected from a man, performing certain actions, even if the acquaintance has not yet taken place.

Most often, this list includes the following requirements for a potential applicant:

  • Understanding.
  • Respectful.
  • Ready to help.
  • Secured.
  • Problem solver.

However, the difficulty is that hypothetical character traits cannot influence the seriousness of the proposed union. Girls try to convince themselves that pre-meditated conditions help them find a partner they can rely on: reliable and stable in everything. But this argument is weak, especially considering that no one (neither HE nor SHE) is able to guarantee that the relationship will last forever - the man will not stop loving, the girl will not leave.

The basis of a serious relationship is harmony in the couple, and for this you need to find the right man.

How to search? Understanding who is needed, which is easy to do if you understand yourself.

On which site can I meet a man for a serious relationship?

Girls who prefer to communicate on the Internet and hope to meet the man of their dreams there are simply obliged to create accounts on the following sites:

  • is a site where you can not only meet a man, but also take a partner compatibility test
  • – social dating network
  • S – mobile dating site, convenient for smartphone owners
  • – online dating 24 hours a day
  • Fotostrana – a dating site with a huge user base
  • is one of the oldest dating sites
  • – a site with the ability to communicate via video chat
  • is a free dating site for users from all European countries
  • – a site with a multimillion-dollar database
  • eDarling is a site only for serious dating with the goal of developing relationships and starting a family. Flirting and looking for relationships “on the side” are not allowed on the site
  • – dating foreigners

Dating sites have brought together many single men and women

IMPORTANT: If you register on a dating site to find a man with serious intentions, do not post your candid, frivolous photos. It is better to post several good quality photos in which you are openly smiling and in nature.


You can meet a worthy man at any time and anywhere. If you decide to choose online resources, then in this case, fill out your own profile correctly in order to immediately interest a man. If you prefer live dating, then you shouldn’t sit at home. You need to go to various establishments with large crowds of people to significantly increase your chances. But it will be easiest to find a soul mate if his interests coincide with yours.

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Author of the article

Elena Milkova

28 years old, psychologist, sexologist. I consider myself an expert in dating and relationship development.

Articles written


Tags: Helping girls

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Dating sites for serious relationships

  • It’s better to immediately start looking for your soulmate on special sites where single people register to choose their future spouse. Such sites include and eDarling
  • However, it is not a fact that registering even on the most serious site will bring you success. Not at all. If personal information is presented incorrectly, men simply will not be able to understand you
  • Therefore, first of all, you need to carefully consider the content of your profile, prepare for video chats, clearly imagine the man you want to meet, and only then choose a site


Sport in our time has become more than a healthy lifestyle; now it is a whole culture, art, ideology. You can find your other half after 30 years not only in gyms or fitness centers, as the fair sex thinks with horror. If visiting such establishments is unacceptable for you (expensive, no time, you are afraid of seeming ridiculous), then the options below will be ideal for you.

Sport unites, which means you need to approach meeting serious men seriously too. If you are at least a little physically fit, go to ski resorts (skiers are friendly people, so you won’t be left unattended), take part in various marathons (you don’t have to run 42 km, you’re not there for that purpose), go rafting on a catamaran, go play beach volleyball, ping pong, etc.

If you are not a fan of a healthy lifestyle, but have the stamina, spend a weekend hiking at least once a month. First of all, this is an ideal place for serious men to gather, plus you will get a lot of impressions as a bonus. Go to any travel agency, choose the desired direction and go ahead - sail on an excursion into the open sea, conquer mountains, explore the forest.

If you have not been friends with sports since childhood, do not bypass various sporting events as an active observer! What you need to know when visiting such places to meet men: choose a sport that matches the desired image of your future chosen one! If you want brutality - go to boxing, if you like calm men - choose chess, equestrianism or snooker, if you adore risky guys - go to Formula 1, if you need an active man - you should go to hockey or football, etc.

By the way, psychologists have proven that hormones released in extreme situations (no matter whether you are an athlete or a fan) heighten feelings for the opposite sex!

How to meet a serious man for a serious relationship for free?

  • You can meet a serious man for free anywhere:
  • free dating sites have huge databases and among the many applicants there are probably worthy serious men. You just need to stand out from the crowd of identical unremarkable ladies and win men’s hearts with your femininity and individuality
  • take a closer look at your work colleagues . Here you will have the opportunity to first observe “from the outside” the behavior of your chosen one and study his biography
  • Personal development trainings, seminars and conferences are teeming with successful, motivated men. Try your luck by attending such an event
  • ask your friends to introduce you to a suitable man. Surely one of your friends will have a lonely relative who dreams of meeting his soulmate
  • The airport is a great place to meet people. Men who fly on airplanes are unlikely to drink beer behind garages or sit all day and night in front of the TV.

You can meet a serious man online

IMPORTANT: Wherever you meet, the main thing is to smile. Look the man in the eyes, show interest, support him in the conversation. Be open to communication, then your happiness will rush to meet you.

The intersection of goals and values

You need to ask yourself: “What can I give to my partner? What qualities of mine will interest him and help him build a harmonious relationship?” This is exactly the way to go. Trying to search for a man using criteria from the list is a process that does not give an effective result.

When you answer the questions for yourself, it will be easier to decide on a candidate for your hand and heart. There will come an understanding of who is interested in YOU.

And realizing what is most valuable to you in life, it will not be difficult to answer the question: “Who do I need?” An objective answer will become a kind of filter that will help you ignore unsuitable men and find the only one with whom it is possible to create a harmonious union.

Don’t focus on little things (eye color, hair color, height, build). The main thing is common values. Couples who, despite the difficulties and difficulties of living together, remained together and met old age, which indicates a serious attitude towards each other, undoubtedly had common goals and values ​​that connected them. Common aspirations and beliefs give confidence that everything in a couple is serious and for a long time.

Please note that the main thing is that global values ​​coincide, then it is easier not to notice differences in small things, especially since over time they will completely disappear.

How to understand that a man is serious? Signs of a serious man

Wasting your time on love that will not lead further than bed is stupid. You can distinguish a man who is determined to continue the relationship by the following signs:

  • he tells you how he feels
  • plans joint vacations, trips, entertainment
  • doesn’t hide from you how much he earns
  • talks about his childhood, shows childhood photos
  • introduced me to my friends and relatives
  • During the working day he always finds time to call or write to you
  • takes care of your health
  • consults with you
  • is interested in your life, interests and work

IMPORTANT: If a man does not show much concern, does not take your interests into account, appears and disappears when it is convenient for him, try to get away from this relationship. It will not be possible to change or re-educate such a person.

A chance acquaintance can turn out to be fateful

  • The last piece of advice I would like to give to women in the “Actively Searching” status: when you finally meet the man who suits you, don’t rush things.
  • Enjoy every stage of your relationship, enjoy new dates, walks and travels together, while listening to your own intuition
  • If you feel good and comfortable next to this man, you don’t have a feeling of causeless anxiety, you want to spend all your free time with him - feel free to step forward to a bright future

Goal: to maintain and build relationships

If the man of your dreams begins to show signs of attention, this means that he has developed an interest in a woman. But how to develop and maintain it?

You need to remain an interesting woman. Down with the fear of being diverse! You can’t give up your hobby or your favorite job for a man. A mandatory rule is to regularly change your image and appearance.

Nothing brings people together like shared plans. Especially if they coincide with the interests of the partner. Of course, in matters of spending time together, you need to look for a middle ground when the couple spends a sufficient amount of time together, but the partners give each other time for privacy.

Of course, the result of a woman’s efforts to find and keep a man will be individual. But many basic approaches are worth remembering when going on a date. They will make life easier for a girl in search of that very man of her dreams.

Meeting in a shopping center or supermarket

There is a good option: ask the girl you like for advice on choosing a product.
Moreover, judging by the contents of packages from stores, it is easy to determine that she prefers a sporty style of clothing, loves indoor plants and reads design magazines. A supermarket trolley can tell a lot - that a girl is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, or that she loves to cook, or that she has a sweet tooth - and the topic of conversation is ready! Now it's easy to meet a woman!

It is worth mentioning that you should not unceremoniously examine the contents of the girl’s bags or cart - this can cause irritation.

Male habitat

You can meet a man for a serious relationship after 35 years in special places, which, by the way, few people know about. What are the stronger sex of this age category interested in? Cars, alcohol, politics, social activities, fishing, collecting! So, with a smart look, visit car dealerships more often, join relevant interest clubs (start playing billiards or poker), become a citizen with an active lifestyle in order to join the city political party, take part in mass events with the participation of a large number of men (airsoft or themed car rallies ) etc. Don’t forget to go to specialized stores for hunters or fishermen, hypermarkets for construction and other places where real men hang out.

To catch the same wavelength as a serious man, visit from time to time exhibitions of various robotics, highly specialized lectures or master classes on art, cinema, and winemaking. To attract a military man into your life, go to the appropriate sanatoriums or boarding houses to meet them; you definitely won’t return from there alone!

How to start a conversation

How to get a man to start talking first? Many girls do not dare to take the first step and miss their destiny. In fact, there is nothing wrong with drawing a man’s attention to yourself, giving him the opportunity to continue acquaintance.

When talking to a man it is not allowed:

  • actively ask him about himself;
  • use obscene words;
  • interrupt him;
  • be intrusive;
  • reveal too much personal information.

The first conversation with a man should be on a neutral topic. Under no circumstances should you clearly show that you are interested in him. Representatives of the stronger sex are often put off by women's initiatives.

It is advisable to start the conversation with a question. It could be a banal “What time is it”, “How to get to such and such a street.” If a man is in the mood for an acquaintance, he will ask some counter question.

As the first phrase, you can compliment a man. For example, praise his watch or sneakers. You just need to do this unobtrusively, as if you sincerely admire something in his image.

Neutral questions or words are also suitable for the first conversation. This could be a comment about the weather, the beauty of the street you're walking along, or any question that doesn't necessarily require an answer.

For a representative of the stronger sex to speak first, you need to make eye contact with him and be sure to smile. A girl's benevolent appearance reduces a man's fear of taking the initiative.

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