Nervous causes fever and headache

March 23, 2020, 14:54 Photo: ZUMA/TASS
Their symptoms are quite similar, the differences do not appear immediately. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is to prevent complications, and this is the job of the doctor, not the patient. A person should just follow the recommendations.

In theory, it is clear that universal checks would almost certainly increase the number of cases in the country, but one of the side effects would be an increase in the level of panic. The burden on the medical system would also increase. And against the backdrop of seasonal flu and acute respiratory viral infections, it’s already difficult for her. The winter, which marked the beginning of the spread of the virus, only worsened the situation - the layering of diseases common for this time of year on top of the pandemic, as well as the similarity of their symptoms with the symptoms of COVID-19, forced every second person who coughed to suspect that they had coronavirus. Most often it is unfounded, but nevertheless it is worth examining the signs of a particular infection in more detail.

First, we need to understand the terms. Influenza, ARVI, and coronavirus are all viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, just manifesting themselves in slightly different ways. ARVI, or colds, are commonly called infections caused by certain groups of viruses - adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, enteroviruses and others. Coronaviruses, by the way, also belong here - that is, strictly speaking, COVID-19 falls under the category of ARVI. Influenza is caused by a special group of viruses of certain strains.

How is influenza different from ARVI?

A cold usually means a cough, runny nose, stuffy nose, and less often - a sore throat and fever. However, the symptoms develop slowly and do not appear suddenly. Serious complications, as a rule, do not arise.

Influenza, on the contrary, appears suddenly - and, as a rule, a person’s temperature immediately rises. A runny nose is not so typical for him - typical symptoms are headaches, cough, body aches, fatigue, chills. In addition, the flu is more dangerous due to the complications it can cause. Among them are rhinitis, otitis, meningitis, pneumonia.

Fever, dry cough, body weakness and phlegm in the throat are the most common symptoms of COVID-19, according to the World Health Organization. They do not solve the problem of identifying it, since they also occur with the common cold and flu. But there is definitely no need to panic at this stage, since in 80% of those infected with coronavirus the disease does not progress beyond these symptoms. Bed rest and plenty of water are enough, and within two weeks the person usually recovers.

How is coronavirus different from influenza?

In the early stages of the disease, COVID-19 is indeed very difficult to recognize. However, it is still easier to distinguish it from a cold than from the flu: as soon as, following the fever, the whole body begins to suffer - from myalgia, chills, aches, for example - a cold can be ruled out immediately. Unlike the flu.

In general, the main difference between COVID-19 and the flu can, and even then with a stretch, be called shortness of breath. But for many infected people it never occurs, which is only for the better. There is no shortness of breath, you are breathing normally – there is no need to insist on a coronavirus test. There is no vaccine for it yet, only supportive treatment, so crowds of people testing will only put unnecessary strain on hospitals.

Is it true that all diseases are caused by nerves? It will surprise no one that many diseases are directly related to the state of our nervous system, and the more nervous we are, the more our body suffers. Even in the works of the ancient Greeks, including Hippocrates, the idea of ​​changing the body under the influence of the soul developed. Modern scientists are well aware of exactly what thoughts and how they are involved in the appearance of certain changes in the body.

Can the temperature rise due to nervousness? In the article you will find the answer to this question.

Why does the temperature rise during stress?

The absence of signs of inflammatory processes when the temperature rises often becomes an indication that the cause lies in the negative effect of nervous tension on the body.

There are various reasons that contribute to the manifestation of this symptom:

  1. Hormonal release. This is how the body reacts to a threat. In times of danger, the adrenal glands produce the stress hormone cortisol to mobilize energy and adrenaline, which increases muscle function. Blood circulation increases, which leads to an increase in body temperature. The level of hormones is normalized at rest, but if a person experiences stress for a long time, the fever remains.
  2. Chronic fatigue syndrome. An overly active lifestyle does not leave a person time to recover, which provokes a constant feeling of fatigue, which leads to temperature fluctuations.
  1. Vegetovascular dystonia. With strong mental stress, thermoneurosis can develop, since the work of the hypothalamus, the center of autonomic nervous activity responsible for normal thermoregulation, is disrupted in stressful situations. This condition leads to hyperthermia. Thermoneurosis is typical for easily vulnerable people with increased emotionality. Signs of this condition include headaches, weakness and fever.
  2. Diseases of a psychosomatic nature. An increase in body temperature may be the body's reaction to external stimuli or internal discomfort. For example, if a person is worried about an upcoming event, the brain tries to eliminate the cause. The appropriate method is illness.
  3. Decreased immunity. Long-term nervous tension leads to this fact. A person whose body’s defenses are depleted is more likely than others to develop bacterial or viral infections with an increase in temperature.

How many people have died from coronavirus

At the very beginning of its spread, the COVID-19 coronavirus almost did not leave China. However, it is almost impossible to keep people from interacting, and given the hidden carriers and the scale of China, in the modern world, even the strictest isolation could only delay the infection of people from other countries.

Taiwanese scientists recommend performing a self-test every morning: you need to take air into your lungs and hold it for about 15 seconds. If you do not experience negative feelings and do not cough, then with a high degree of probability you do not have pulmonary fibrosis or an infectious disease.

Moreover, at first the virus immediately spread beyond the Celestial Empire, albeit in isolated cases, and could have spread to the entire planet, say, from Japan, Thailand or Vietnam, which had the most infected people in the first month. Tens versus thousands in China, but still more isolated cases in other Asian countries.

This is what the map of the spread of the virus looks like as of April 21, 2020. The redder. the more people get sick.

You can monitor the number of cases from our publications or on a special page where the dynamics of the spread is shown online.

At the moment, the most infected are in the USA and Italy. In these countries as of April 21, 2020. More than 1,160,000 cases have been identified (almost half of the world total), of which more than 84,000 have died. The virus is characterized by a high rate of spread. At the same time, in Italy the mortality rate is almost 15 percent, and in the United States a little more than 5. The global average is about 5 percent. Moreover, more than 170,000 people have already died in the world out of approximately 2,450,000 cases.

Italy has already become a new source of coronavirus in Europe.

Given Italy's geographical location and the lack of borders within the European Union, it is not surprising that the virus easily spread from it to Europe. It’s not for nothing that Italians were forbidden to leave their homes unless it was for one of three reasons: work, seeing a doctor, or visiting the nearest store. At first, such a restriction was only in the northern regions of Italy, but has now extended to the entire territory of the country. Next up is a complete ban on leaving the house.

Against this background, the cancellation or postponement of public events looks like a completely logical step. Not only in Italy, but throughout the world, sporting and cultural events have been canceled for several weeks now

Now everything has been canceled completely, but the Italian Football Championship matches looked like this for some time.

The calendars of international competitions have also undergone changes for a long time. For example, about two months ago the organizers announced the postponement of the Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix indefinitely, and just before the start of free practice they canceled the Australian Grand Prix, sending spectators home. Now 8 stages have already been canceled or postponed. The Italian Grand Prix, which is due to take place in the fall, is also in doubt. The Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo and the European Football Championship have already been postponed to 2021.

In the film industry, the creators of the new James Bond film, which was supposed to premiere in April, but was postponed to November, had to adapt. The creators decided that they would not be able to provide sufficient revenue for the expensive film amid the massive closure of cinemas and decided to postpone the launch. Moreover, the film is called “No Time to Die.” It's really not the time. The remaining films also revised their distribution model and moved online.

Well, don’t forget about the high technology sector. For example, the main annual exhibition of mobile electronics MWC 2020 in Barcelona, ​​which was supposed to be held at the end of February, has already been cancelled. Other cancellations followed, including the annual Google I/O conference. Now almost all exhibitions have been canceled for the near future.

What is the temperature of the nerves?

Depending on the type of nervous system, the body's reaction to a stressful situation may differ. Some do not experience discomfort, while others experience increased heart rate or fever.


High temperature can be of several types:

  • moderate (febrile) - 38-39 °C;
  • pyretic - up to 41 °C.

Such nervous indicators indicate severe stress, which is also characterized by other symptoms:

  • contraction of muscles and blood vessels, leading to a feeling of coldness in the body;
  • sudden change in blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • symptoms of acute respiratory infections, characterized by damage to the lower and upper respiratory tract.

Severe nervous excitement leads to paroxysms - an intensification of the painful state, which are of several types:

  1. Sympathoadrenal is a panic attack with a rapid pulse - more than 150 beats per minute, a sudden increase in blood pressure (BP), hyperthermia, pain in the heart, and fear of death. The condition occurs suddenly, and the person ceases to be aware of reality.
  2. Vagoinsular - a malfunction in the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Against the background of stress, insulin sharply enters the blood, which leads to a decrease in sugar levels, a decrease in blood pressure, a slower pulse, the appearance of heat in the body, and nausea. The crisis comes suddenly or increases gradually and can lead to fainting. Against the background of chronic fatigue, attacks occur more often.
  3. Mixed - symptoms of both of the above crises are observed.

Low-grade fever

A single increase in body temperature within 37.1-37.9 °C is an individual reaction, but if it persists for several weeks or months, then the causes are more dangerous. One of them is the negative impact of stress on a person.

Low-grade fever occurs as a result of decreased body resistance to various diseases. In this case, it is difficult to determine what was the root cause of the increase in temperature—thermonervosis or a disease with reduced immunity. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis based on the research and diagnosis of the patient’s condition.

Causes of thermoneurosis

Prolonged stress can lead to weakened immunity, making the body vulnerable to the effects of pathogens.
Fever against the background of nervous overstrain can be observed not only in adults, but also in children. Especially often, an increase in temperature due to stress is observed in adolescents, and is an indicator of the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

An increase in body temperature can be observed during severe nervous experiences, as a result of serious overexertion, or be a consequence of chronic stress or persistent depression. All these factors can, having different effects on the human body, provoke an increase in body temperature. We will look at the most common options.

  1. Chronic stress always negatively affects the body's immune system. Perhaps you yourself have noticed more than once how people who are nervous a lot often begin to get colds and viral diseases. This is due to disruption of the functioning of the immune system under the influence of constant stress factors. When the body is weakened, it is much easier for any pathogens to penetrate it. Therefore, a high temperature may occur. In this case, nervous overstrain will be only an indirect cause, leading to weakened immunity and greater susceptibility to infection, which has already provoked an increase in temperature.
  2. The presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, often developing on a nervous basis. In this case, there is an incorrect functioning of the thermoregulation center located in the hypothalamus. So the patient may experience both an increase and a decrease in body temperature. The temperature may return to normal on its own or linger for a long period. Other symptoms of VSD include: appetite disturbance, weight problems, changes in libido, weakness, tremors, dizziness, headache, malaise, sweating, drowsiness (or vice versa, insomnia).
  3. Hormonal surge. A person experiencing strong emotions, a sense of threat, fear, or severe stress may include a reaction of avoiding danger or, conversely, attacking. This process will be accompanied by the need for intense production of adrenaline or cortisol (adrenal hormones). Blood begins to intensively flow to the extremities and head, which causes the body temperature to rise. Once the threat is eliminated, the situation returns to normal. In the case when a person is constantly in a state of nervous overstrain or stress, hormones do not stop being produced in excess, and the elevated temperature can persist for a long period of time.
  4. Psychosomatics. There may also be a situation when a person, due to severe nervous strain, mentally thinks about getting sick, his temperature rises, and often this happens unconsciously. For example, such a situation may occur in a child waiting to write a test. As soon as the dangerous situation disappears, your health returns to normal without resorting to medication.

It is important to remember that there is a psychological aspect. It is necessary to understand that stress can develop not only in the presence of strong positive or negative emotions, but also in depression, a persistent feeling of loneliness, and persistent disadvantage.

The child has a temperature of 38 without symptoms: Komarovsky

Still, if the temperature has risen, it means that the body is trying to fight the disease, and this is already a good sign.

When viruses, bacteria invade the body, as well as certain types of diseases and injuries, the body mobilizes all its forces to fight the pathology and a fever appears. An increase in body temperature is a normal reaction of the body to possible threats and one of the methods of its protection.

The cause of this condition is usually determined by additional symptoms; in the absence of these, it is very difficult to make a diagnosis. Therefore, if your baby develops a strong fever, it is best to consult a specialist.

Uncontrolled use of antipyretic drugs can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the child’s immune system. One of the famous pediatricians in Russia, Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, advises to carefully assess the baby’s condition and try to find out the possible cause of the malaise.

Coronavirus symptoms

So far, more than approximately 2,450,000 people have been infected worldwide, of whom more than 170,000 have died. Now the values ​​are already large and it is clear that the epidemic is truly terrible. But we should not forget what safety standards have been introduced in China and around the world to prevent the spread of the disease. Perhaps, if not for this, the scale would have been much greater. The surprising thing is that at first there were 95 percent of cases in China, but now there are less than 5 percent.

At first, the virus simply was not released from the province where it was raging, but it was almost impossible to keep it contained. Manifestations outside this region were at first the exception rather than the rule, but everything has changed.

Updated April 21, 2020 - The number of cases in the United States of Italy exceeds 2,450,000 people; more than 170,000 patients died. Unfortunately, the virus has spread beyond China and spread throughout Europe and other countries of the world. Interestingly, in China the growth in the number of cases has almost stopped and now it is only in 8th place, although a couple of months ago it was in the lead by a huge margin.

The exact mechanism of transmission of coronavirus infection has not yet been clarified, which greatly complicates the situation when controlling outbreaks of the disease.

The Chinese coronavirus spreads by airborne droplets and, first of all, like other viruses, affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, ultimately leading to complex pneumonia. After infection, the main symptoms of the virus appear almost immediately, including very high fever, noticeable difficulty breathing, cough, vomiting and diarrhea. Many people ask what the temperature is during coronavirus. It’s different for everyone, but often the values ​​reach 40 degrees. In some patients, some of these symptoms may not appear, but if all this is present, then the person has more than serious reason to think about it. After the onset of the disease, everything happens very quickly and pneumonia develops literally at lightning speed. Call your doctor, don't waste time. Only specialists in a special infectious diseases department will be able to help with treatment and reduce the risk of death.

It is extremely important to drink plenty of water during an epidemic. If an infection gets into your mouth, the water will push it into the stomach, where it has a very active acidic environment that can kill the virus. If the virus gets into the lungs, it can cause very negative health effects.

Not long ago, a group of doctors from Singapore spoke about new symptoms of the disease caused by coronavirus. At first they were mistaken for dengue fever. The patients complained of fever and an itchy rash on the body. They did not have any symptoms typical of coronavirus. The direct connection between symptoms and infection with the virus is being studied.

This rash can also be a symptom of COVID-19 infection.

Treatment for dengue fever did not help them, patients began to complain of difficulty breathing, and they were additionally tested for coronavirus. The tests showed a positive result for coronavirus.

The main symptoms of the coronavirus COVID-19: - sudden change in condition - high temperature (around 40 degrees) - noticeable difficulty breathing - cough - vomiting - diarrhea - itchy rash (occurs in rare cases)

Consequences of stress and depression

Each person has a different type of nervous system. Therefore, the body's reaction to stressful situations is different. Some people experience depression in such a way that their behavior does not differ from usual, and no additional signs are observed. Others may experience a rise in temperature and increased heart rate.

Moreover, temperature fluctuations manifest differently in each person. Some will have a temperature of 37, others will go beyond 38 degrees.

Consequences of stressful situations:

  1. severe headache;
  2. heart rhythm disturbance;
  3. unexpected urge to go to the toilet.

Once the cause goes away, the symptoms disappear. But the consequences do not always resolve themselves. Therefore, you need to know how to help a person in such a situation.

Causes of thermoregulation disorders

There are 2 types of reasons. Firstly, these are somatic (bodily) reasons:

  • previous severe infections;
  • traumatic brain injury (physical damage to the nervous system);
  • various types of immune dysfunction.

The second group of reasons are psychological problems. Any neurotic problem that manifests itself as anxiety, in turn, leads to an increase in the level of arousal in a person.

At the same time, the concentration of adrenaline in the blood increases. In essence, a person turns on mobilization functions, which leads to the accumulation of internal energy. The animal part of a person wants to run, but the social, human part restrains this impulse.

A conflict occurs, which at the bodily level manifests itself in the production of excess thermal energy.

When a person is excited, he usually trembles. The same thing happens when a person is cold. In this way, microfibrillation of the muscles generates heat.

The child is nervous - the temperature rises

The reasons may be the following:

  1. the baby is nervous, expecting a gift for a birthday or holiday;
  2. the child was frightened by the sharp sound. Happens in very young children;
  3. children have a hard time experiencing a change in situation (moving, new school, kindergarten);
  4. allergic diseases accompanied by increased excitability.

It’s good if the baby talks about the causes of stress. But very tiny children who cannot speak will feel unwell if the temperature rises a couple of degrees. The child becomes whiny, irritable, refuses to eat, and cannot sleep. Literally before your eyes, your temperature can rise due to stress.

In any case, this is how the body tries to overcome stress. If the doctor has determined the cause of this behavior is due to stress in the child, then take the following actions:

  • do not leave the baby alone, he needs attention and care;
  • make drinks with lemon, mint or raspberry sprigs;
  • ventilate the room periodically;
  • if the baby is sweating, do not forget to change into dry clothes;
  • don’t force him to eat, it’s better to let him drink more;
  • Do not feed your child heavy foods (eggs, fish, garlic).

For at least a week after stress, try not to give your baby sweets or flour products. If it's too hot outside, wait it out and go for a walk in the evening.

Temperature surges during nervous tension

Disorders of the nervous system occur with an increase in temperature under certain circumstances:

  • constant inflammatory processes in the body;
  • under stress during adaptation to the time zone;
  • sudden change in weather conditions;
  • long course of the disease.

Signs of stress include:

  • apathetic state, lethargy;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • pain in muscles and joints (without the presence of any disease);
  • periodic dysbacteriosis.

If one of the listed signs is present, or the temperature is elevated, you should seek medical advice. The doctor, using diagnostic methods (examination of mucous membranes, laboratory tests), will determine whether it is possible to have a temperature during stress.

The temperature sometimes rises due to an increased sense of responsibility, which is associated with high emotionality. In such cases, you don’t need medical help—it’s enough to talk it out and share the problem with someone.

Impressionable people often fail to cope with the problem on their own, so it is better to consult a doctor. If you do not pay attention to the body’s reaction, an uncontrolled increase in temperature can lead to the following consequences:

  1. allergic skin rashes (even psoriasis);
  2. asthma;
  3. diarrhea;
  4. dizziness;
  5. a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  6. problems with blood vessels;
  7. colon irritation.

It happens that stress with temperature leads to pneumonia.

In any case, you need to learn to control your behavior and manage your emotions. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely banish negative emotions, but you should try to avoid them.

Is it possible to prevent nerve disease?

Of course, the occurrence of diseases caused by disorders of the nervous system can be prevented. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to avoid conflict situations in every possible way. You should not create a stressful situation for your body yourself.

In cases where the body has been under the influence of negative emotions and a depressive state for a long time, an experienced psychologist can help.

Rest and healthy sleep play an important role. Long-term exposure to fresh air, a change of environment and, of course, sleep for at least 8 hours will help protect the body from both physical and mental stress.

Particular attention should be paid to the state of the nervous system and its strengthening.

The connection between stressful situations and diseases

Nervous disorders are not easy to recognize. Often the signs are so vague that it is not easy to determine whether the temperature occurs during stress.

Nervous diseases are harbingers of more serious illnesses. Therefore, you need to pay attention to any change in well-being so as not to miss the moment of healing.

Hysterical neurosis occurs, also accompanied by temperature surges. Some people try to attract attention in this way. At the same time, vomiting, dizziness, a state of panic begin, and blood pressure rises. Periodic repetitions of panic conditions can become chronic and then develop into a disease of the nervous system. Therefore, a sudden fever in a healthy-looking person is a reason to make an appointment with a specialist.

People who constantly feel offended are also susceptible to fever. Groundless grievances lead to the development of peptic ulcers and become the causes of neoplasms (often malignant).

Active, energetic individuals are most at risk. Such people rarely forgive rivalry or individuals who are hostile to them. But, as a result, they themselves suffer from stress.

How to treat nervous temperature

To relieve acute conditions, the drugs “Relanium”, “Anaprilin” and others are used. The doctor may also prescribe antidepressants or tranquilizers. You cannot prescribe these tablets yourself, because... it is necessary to take into account all the subtleties of the course of the disease.

To make crises easier, it is enough for many to learn that the symptoms are caused by disorders of the central nervous system. And that such a state will not cause a stroke, that death will not occur, and the feeling of lack of breath is an illusion and you will not suffocate from it. That is, it is important to understand that the fear of death, which reasonably arises with such symptoms, is false. This knowledge alone is reassuring.

A course of treatment with a psychotherapist is required. Of course, you can work on yourself, read psychological literature, or wait until the situation resolves itself if stress was caused by a specific event. But, as practice shows, professional psychotherapy works faster and more effectively.

If you are overwhelmed by emotions, then it is useful to at least talk to someone

For long-term treatment, herbal medicine, taking B vitamins (they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system), calcium, ginseng, eleutherococcus, motherwort, valerian, depending on the set of symptoms, are suitable.

Of the drugs that normalize the function of the nervous system, Cortexin has proven itself well. And “Aminalon” improves the nutrition of brain cells, so it can even be taken as a prophylactic course before an upcoming intellectual or emotional stress.

A mandatory element of treatment is a healthy diet and moderate physical activity, primarily aimed at strengthening the back muscles and improving posture, because Often the cause of thermoneurosis is osteochondrosis or other disorders in the spine.

Massage and self-massage is another excellent method that helps strengthen and relax muscles, influence biologically active points on the body, calms, and has other beneficial effects.

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