10 best vitamin complexes for the nervous system



Vitamins for the nervous system are prescribed by neurologists for various diseases - multiple sclerosis, polyneuropathy, vegetative-vascular dystonia, alcoholic, toxic encephalopathy. These compounds improve metabolism in neurons and promote the process of transmitting nerve impulses along conductive fibers.

  • Vitamins for the nervous system in foods
  • Pharmacy vitamin complexes for nerves
      For adults
  • For children
  • Medicines in tablets
  • Folk ways to strengthen the central nervous system
  • Preventive measures

  • Vitamins for restoring the nervous system can only be prescribed by neurologists.

    Causes of nervous system disorders

    Disorders of the peripheral and central nervous systems occur for the following reasons:

    1. Injuries - concussions, brain contusions.
    2. Infectious processes - neurosyphilis, meningoencephalitis of viral and bacterial origin, tuberculosis.
    3. Hereditary diseases.
    4. Hydrocephalus.
    5. Toxic encephalopathy in case of poisoning with alcohol, methyl alcohol, heavy metals (mercury, lead), gasoline, carbon monoxide, endogenous poisons in renal and liver failure.
    6. Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) caused by poor blood circulation due to vascular atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, lack of oxygen due to diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, suffocation.
    7. Endocrine disorders - diabetic microangiopathy of peripheral vessels, hyper- and hypothyroidism.
    8. Oncological diseases of the brain and peripheral nerves.
    9. Overwork.
    10. Lack of nutrients - amino acids, vitamins.

    Common symptoms

    Disorders of the central nervous system are accompanied by symptoms:

    One of the most common symptoms of a central nervous system disorder is dizziness.

    1. Nausea, vomiting, which does not improve. This is typical for hypertensive encephalopathy in traumatic brain injuries and tumors of the central nervous system.
    2. Dementia, senile dementia, complete or partial memory loss.
    3. Fainting, dizziness.
    4. Spastic or flaccid paralysis of the limbs due to hemorrhage in the brain.
    5. Anesthesia (loss of sensation) of certain parts of the body.
    6. Cock gait due to vitamin B12 deficiency is a disorder of the spinal cord.
    7. Depression.

    Malfunctions in the peripheral nervous system are characterized by the following symptoms:

    1. Impaired sensitivity of the skin in certain areas - goosebumps, numbness, tingling.
    2. Dysfunction of internal organs - intestines, urinary and gall bladders.

    Symptoms of vitamin and mineral deficiency

    The nervous system reacts to a deficiency of essential substances:

    • decreased performance;
    • insomnia;
    • irritability;
    • memory impairment;
    • frequent mood changes;
    • absent-mindedness;
    • increased fatigue.

    If you notice even 2-3 of these signs, you need to adjust your diet to get more vitamins necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.

    Video: “How to nourish the nervous system?”

    Vitamins to strengthen the nervous system

    Vitamins to maintain the health of the central and peripheral nervous systems are used both in combination and separately. For neurological disorders, vitamins of different groups are used - A, B, C, D, E.

    Vitamins of groups A, B, E, D

    Vitamin A is useful for maintaining a good mood, eliminating neurasthenia and depression.

    Vitamin A improves mood.

    B vitamins are a large group that includes:

    1. Thiamine.
    2. Riboflavin.
    3. Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide.
    4. Choline (B4).
    5. Pantothenic acid.
    6. Pyridoxine.
    7. Biotin (B7).
    8. Inositol (B8).
    9. Folic acid.
    10. Para-aminobenzoic acid (B10),
    11. L-carnitine (B11).
    12. AT 12.
    13. B13 - orotic acid.
    14. Pyrroloquinoline quinone - B14.
    15. B15 - pangamic acid.
    16. Dimethylglycine - B16.

    Thiamine is a vitamin necessary for the normal functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems. Its deficiency is observed in chronic alcohol intoxication and unbalanced diet. Hypovitaminosis leads to Wernicke's encephalopathy with Korsakoff's psychosis, beriberi disease. Thiamine has a weak ganglion-blocking effect.

    Riboflavin is an important participant in the redox reactions that occur in every neuron. Promotes the formation of vitamins B6 and B9 in the body itself.

    B3 - nicotinamide and nicotinic acid. Promotes the production of serotonin, activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for digestive function and restoration of the body.

    Vitamin B3 promotes the release of serotonin.

    B4, or choline, is a vitamin necessary for the synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter required for neuromuscular transmission and the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system. With its deficiency, muscle weakness occurs. Pantothenic acid is a compound of the amino acid beta-alanine and pantoic acid. When entering the body, it is included in the composition of coenzyme A, which is involved in oxidation and acetylation. Pantothenic acid is needed for the synthesis of acetylcholine.

    Pyridoxine is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, and serotonin. If it is deficient, a person may experience depression.

    Biotin regulates blood glucose levels, which is useful in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy. Enhances the effect of folic acid and cobalamin.

    Inositol supports neuronal metabolism. Researchers have noticed its effectiveness in the treatment of mental disorders manifested by insomnia, irritability, and panic attacks. This vitamin helps reduce blood glucose levels, preventing the development of diabetic polyneuropathy.

    Folic acid is needed for the formation of the neural tube - the rudiment of the spinal cord. If there is a deficiency of this substance in the body of a pregnant woman, her baby will develop a spinal cord split.

    If a pregnant woman’s body does not have enough folic acid, the baby’s spinal cord splits.

    Para-aminobenzoic acid increases the resistance of neurons to oxygen starvation.

    L-carnitine is prescribed for multiple sclerosis to improve muscle tone in flaccid paralysis.

    B12 is an essential nutrient for the central nervous system and PNS. It is needed to maintain the activity of the spinal cord and is involved in hematopoiesis (prevents anemia and the hypoxia it causes).

    Orotic acid is actively involved in the metabolism of nerve cells and promotes the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

    Pyrroloquinoline quinone prevents early memory loss in older people and has neuroprotective properties.

    Pangamic acid consists of gluconic acid and dimethylglycine. Reduces blood pressure, useful for hypertensive encephalopathy.

    Dimethylglycine is a precursor of acetylcholine. Necessary for effective neuromuscular transmission and normal functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system.

    Ascorbic acid is a natural antidepressant and improves mood.

    Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects neurons from aging and oxidation by free radicals.

    Vitamin E protects against aging.

    Vitamin D reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, a disease of northern countries with a lack of sunlight. Multiple sclerosis, caused by a malfunction of the immune system, leads to paralysis and loss of sensitivity. This is an autoimmune disease, the treatment regimen of which includes cholecalciferol.

    What vitamins are needed for good sleep?

    For good dreams at night, it is important that the body is charged with a sufficient amount of the hormone melatonin. To do this, you will have to enrich the body with some microelements. You can get the desired result by changing your diet and starting to take vitamins to improve your sleep.

    Vitamin A

    Carotene maintains the youth of the whole body, takes an active part in stabilizing sleep processes, inhibits the process of wear and tear of nerve cells and the aging process of the whole organism. Found in a wide variety of foods:

    • beef;
    • raw carrots;
    • dried apricots;
    • peaches;
    • egg yolk;
    • baked sweet potatoes.

    Carotene deficiency manifests itself in the form of weakness, depression, poor sleep, and complications after illnesses.

    Vitamin B1

    B1 is considered the best antidepressant. It relieves activity, anxiety and relieves nervousness. Most of it is found in bran.

    Vitamin B6

    It belongs to a group of water-soluble bioactive compounds that ensure the normal functioning of the body. In moderately increased dosages, pyridoxine changes the nature of dreams.

    Significantly improves mood, fights anxiety and helps you fall asleep faster. It is found in brewer's yeast, by-products, and wheat bran.

    Vitamin B12

    B12 is needed for the correct functioning of the brain. It protects its cells from the negative effects of provoking factors. With its normal intake, the risk of developing senile dementia is reduced. Takes an active part in the production of the sleep hormone – melatonin. It helps overcome insomnia. Sources are:

    • meat;
    • eggs;
    • bird;
    • seafood;
    • fish;
    • dairy products.

    The elements are also produced by normal intestinal flora.

    Vitamin C

    Ascorbic acid improves physical and mental activity. It protects against severe anxiety by producing anti-stress hormones. Ascorbic acid is found in any fruit: melon, mango, gooseberries, kiwi, oranges and others.

    Acid is also present in vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, broccoli. Ascorbic acid is important for good functioning of the nervous system.

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is extremely important for children in the first year of life. With an insufficient amount of vitamin D, the child faces impotence and malaise. A person opens his eyes in the morning and already feels broken and tired.

    Active substances are produced in the human body thanks to the sun. This is why shortages especially occur in winter and late autumn. Pharmacies offer vitamins for children that include cholecalciferol.

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin deficiency provokes a constant feeling of powerlessness and provokes fatigue. It helps control restless leg syndrome, resulting in a good night's sleep.

    It helps you quickly fall into dreams and not worry until the morning. A large amount of tocopherol is found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds.


    Insufficient amounts of micronutrients cause anxiety. The patient may wake up several times during the night.


    An extremely important property of the element is the adjustment of dreams. If there is not enough element in the body, then problems with sleep may appear. First, insomnia appears, and subsequently depressive states and mental incontinence.


    Children who sleep poorly especially require sufficient amounts of micronutrients. It affects the quality and duration of sleep. The microelement helps you fall asleep quickly and peacefully, and you will have a sound night's sleep.

    Pharmacy vitamin complexes for nerves

    Vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies help replenish the lack of substances in the body with a limited diet.

    For adults

    Aevit is available in capsules and ampoules.
    On sale are the drugs Aevit, Neuromultivit, Milgamma, Neurovitan, Neurorubin, Combilipen, Neurostrong, Vitrum Superstress, which strengthen the central nervous system and PNS.

    Aevit is a complex of retinol and tocopherol. Sold in capsules and solution in ampoules. Neuromultivit, Neurorubin, Combilipen are available both in tablets and in solution for intramuscular injection.

    Contains thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. Prescribed for diabetic neuropathies, post-stroke conditions, encephalopathies of various origins.

    Cytoflavin is available in solution for intravenous administration. Contains riboflavin, inosine, nicotinamide, succinic acid. Used for cerebral atherosclerosis.

    For children

    Neurologists prescribe the most effective complexes for children:

    1. Multitabs - contains all the essential vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) and minerals (iodine, selenium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper).
    2. Children's alphabet.
    3. Vitrum for children.

    Vitamin complex Vitrum for children.
    These vitamin complexes are necessary to calm hyperactive children, increase their learning ability and resistance to mental and psychological stress. Their use is indicated for ADHD, dementia, and logoneurosis.

    Vitamins for children

    Children are practically not prescribed sedatives, as they inhibit development. Children are susceptible to stress no less than adults, so their nervous system needs constant replenishment with useful substances. Most of all, their nervous system needs vitamin B complexes. They are involved in the construction of nerve cells, help improve brain activity and promote timely psychomotor development.

    Children's vitamin complexes are popular

    An excellent remedy not only for adults, but also for children is the drug “Neurobeks”. It contains a full complex of B vitamins. Alphabet is also an excellent remedy for improving brain activity. It contains no dyes or any additives, so even the smallest ones can take it. "Multitabs" has long been popular in the domestic vitamin market. Produced in different forms, intended for children from 0 to 18 years old. "Vitrum for children" is produced in tablets.

    The drug is indicated for school-age children with stress and lack of appetite during spring vitamin deficiency.

    It is important to remember that vitamin complexes are also medicines, and you cannot prescribe them yourself, especially for children. An excess of vitamins can cause no less sad consequences than their deficiency.

    Medicines in tablets

    Neurostrong from ArtLive contains thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinamide and flavonoids to strengthen brain vessels. They are prescribed for neurocirculatory dystonia and asthenodepressive syndrome.

    Vitrum Superstress contains thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine, biotin, cyanocobalamin, ascorbic acid and vitamin E, ferrous fumarate. The composition contains iron and cyanocobalamin - antianemic substances that prevent a hypoxic state that threatens the death of neurons. Fumarate is an organic form of iron that is easily absorbed by the body.

    Magnesium orotate calms the excited central nervous system. Orotic acid salt is used to improve metabolism, and magnesium is used to support the adrenal glands, which are responsible for responding to stress.

    Useful substances in the fight against stress

    Frequent experiences can cause a person to experience headaches, digestive problems, fatigue, weakness and insomnia. These reasons negatively affect the nervous system. When a person is depressed, their body increases production of a hormone called cortisol. Such hormonal surges greatly weaken the body and immunity.

    Special vitamins for nerves, which have already been tested and have given one hundred percent results, will help restore your psyche and strengthen your immune system.

    Ascorbic acid

    Vitamins C for nerves help relieve nervous tension, stress and depression. The vitamin helps improve the functioning of the adrenal glands, since it is in them that cortisol is formed. If a person can get the required amount of acid, he will feel much better. Women will not only have stronger nerves, but also their nails, hair and skin will look much more beautiful. Ascorbic acid also accelerates wound healing and properly develops skeletal systems.

    The active work of ascorbic acid against stress and depression begins when working with flavonoids and carotenoids. The human body itself is not capable of producing such substances. To get them, a person can start taking vitamins in the form of ascorbic acid or eat foods that contain this acid. What products contain ascorbic acid:

    • red peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower;
    • greens, onions;
    • tangerines and oranges;
    • watermelon and melon;
    • rose hip;
    • currants and strawberries.

    Tangerines contain ascorbic acid

    B vitamins

    B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system. They strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system. It is necessary to consume B vitamins comprehensively, since they not only relieve mental stress, but also restore strength during physical activity. A large amount of B vitamins contain:

    • bananas;
    • nuts;
    • pepper;
    • potato;
    • fish.

    What elements are contained in B vitamins? Each B vitamin is responsible for a specific function in the human body, the list is given below:

    1. B1 has a good effect on the nervous system. If this component is not enough, a person will often feel nervous and tired during physical activity.
    2. B2 allows nerve cells and muscles to work properly. If there is not enough of it, severe and dangerous depression will begin.
    3. B3 controls blood circulation and metabolism. Its lack will disrupt sleep, cause arrhythmia and heart disease.
    4. B5 promotes rapid wound healing. This vitamin suppresses inflammatory and infectious processes that often appear due to stress.
    5. Lack of B6 causes nervousness.
    6. B12 normalizes the nervous system and helps the body function properly both during sleep and while awake.

    Folk ways to strengthen the central nervous system

    The efficiency of the brain and peripheral nerves is improved by:

    Daily exercise helps improve the nervous system.

    1. Hardening, contrast baths.
    2. A balanced diet, including vegetables, fruits, grains, bran.
    3. Physical education - daily gymnastics.
    4. Use infusions of peony, motherwort, and valerian as prescribed by a doctor.
    5. The use of adaptogens - astragalus, leuzea, ginseng, angelica.

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