Where does joy come from? 9 Best Foods to Fight Seasonal Depression

What foods help cope with seasonal depression? The story is told by nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, researcher at the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety Natalya Denisova .

Dairy . They contain vitamin D, the production of which decreases in autumn and winter due to decreased sunlight. And this vitamin is directly related to mood. By the way, studies show that the entire population of Russia is, to one degree or another, deficient in vitamin D. Maybe that’s why we often walk around gloomy and dissatisfied? You should consume 2-3 servings of different dairy products per day. For example, in the form of snacks. This could be yoghurt, milk porridge, a glass of kefir or milk at night. In addition, the presence of special substances in milk - endorphins - will help lift our mood.

Article on the topic: Pike-perch cutlets and salmon roll.
Menu for fish day Fatty sea fish .
Mackerel, herring, salmon, and tuna are sources of not only vitamin D, but also omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help the brain work well and also act as antidepressants. It is advisable to eat fish at least 3-4 times a week. By the way, there is even research data that in regions where they eat fish more often, they suffer from depression less often. There are also beneficial fatty acids in vegetable oils, especially flax and hemp. Black chocolate . Moreover, one that contains at least 70% cocoa beans. And cocoa beans, in turn, are leaders in the content of the amino acid tryptophan, from which the body synthesizes the joy hormone serotonin. But with this means of raising your spirits, you must observe moderation. Chocolate, although healthy, is very high in calories. But 20-30 grams of dark chocolate a day will help cope with seasonal depression.

Banana . Also a source of the amino acid tryptophan, it is also able to elevate mood and acts as an antidepressant. Since it is quite high in calories, you should not abuse it. One banana a day will not do any harm to your figure, but will be a great help for your mood.

Avocado . In general, one of the main fruits against depression. It contains good protein, which also serves as a source of tryptophan. Plus there are healthy fatty acids.

You can't fry it raw. Products that are healthier when hot Read more

All vegetables and fruits are bright in color - red, yellow, orange : carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, citrus fruits, persimmons, tomatoes. They contain large quantities of beta-carotenes, which are also involved in the synthesis of serotonin from tryptophan, and are also antioxidants. Plus, fresh fruits and vegetables are a source of vitamin C, also an antioxidant.

Leafy greens . In addition to beta-carotene, it is also rich in folic acid. And its deficiency reduces the ability to withstand stress, while fatigue, apathy and irritability increase.

Meat (poultry) . Again, a source of the amino acid tryptophan, complete protein and B vitamins, which are necessary for all biochemical processes in the body to proceed normally.

Wholemeal bread . Another source of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help fight stress.

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Eat and be sad. What foods cause depression?

Depression and nutrition

Depression can be triggered by various factors, failures in love, at work, or personal tragedies. Sometimes a person loses interest in life, although there are no apparent reasons for this. A depressive state can last for several weeks, and sometimes even months. A depressed person is prone to cruelty. In severe cases, he shows aggression towards people around him or may harm himself.

The study of depression as a separate disease began only 100 years ago. However, cases of the disease itself were documented by ancient doctors. For example, Hippocrates called this disease melancholy.

Symptoms of depression vary greatly from person to person. They depend on the age and gender of the patient. Common signs of the disorder are:

  • depressed state;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself.

Any doctor knows about the need for a special diet for depression. An unbalanced diet leads to a lack of substances important for the functioning of the body. As a result, health deteriorates - both physical and psychological. In addition, poor nutrition during depression can aggravate the patient’s condition, especially if the patient is a woman.

When a person is upset, he is drawn to sweets and junk food. An excess of such products on the menu leads to obesity. Dissatisfaction with one's appearance aggravates the depressive state, which, out of habit, eats high-calorie foods. As a result, the patient finds himself in a vicious circle. The more a woman eats, the worse her mood becomes, causing her to eat even more.

To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right menu. A diet for depression should be based on foods rich in vitamins and amino acids. B vitamins are especially important. It is necessary to consume foods that not only improve your mood, but stimulate brain function.

Foods that help improve your mood

6 ways to enrich your diet with mood-lifting foods

Have you lost heart? Does your excessive irritability annoy you?

Perhaps it's time to take a look at your diet? Experts say that food can both improve your mood and worsen it.

  • If you keep your blood sugar levels stable and your gastrointestinal tract functioning smoothly, you can stay energetic and in a good mood every day from one meal to the next. If your blood sugar levels fluctuate at the same rate as the roller coaster rides up and down, you'll likely be in a bad mood. You will also have the same condition when your gastrointestinal tract does not function properly, due to constant hunger because you are on a diet, or constant constipation because you do not get enough water and fiber.
  • If you lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right every day, you will not know what a bad mood is. For example, certain foods can cause an increase in the production of a chemical called serotonin, which is responsible for a good mood. There are also foods that can prevent inflammatory processes, and this will help preserve blood circulation to all internal organs.

Eating a diet high in fiber with minimal unsaturated fat is a good start to maintaining a good mood. And no one doubts this, says Dayan Becker, director of the Center for a Healthy Lifestyle.

Conversely, if you eat fatty foods and foods with high glucose levels, you will feel like you cannot function fully. People who consume such products note that they are often in a bad mood and constantly want to sleep.

6 ways to enrich your diet with foods and drinks that will make you feel good

  1. Eat foods rich in vitamin B12 and folic acid.

What's so special about chili with beans and lean beef? Or in a salad made from peeled chicken breast and lettuce leaves? Or in grilled salmon with broccoli chunks?

All of these meals include one food that is rich in folic acid and another that is rich in vitamin B12. Both of these ingredients help prevent central nervous system disorders, mood disorders and dementia, says Edward Reynolds, an allopathic physician at the Institute of Epileptology in London.

The largest amount of folic acid is found in legumes and greens. Vitamin B12 is found in meat, fish, poultry and dairy products.

Dishes rich in these vitamins include:

  • Burrito or enchilada (a type of pancake filled with meat) with beans or beef, chicken or pork.
  • Spinach salad with chopped crab or salmon.
  • Scrambled eggs with spinach or low-fat hard cheese.
  1. Eat vegetables and fruits in large quantities.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and antioxidant phytochemicals that affect your health.

Research suggests that people who eat a double dose of fruits and vegetables every day feel much healthier.

  1. Eat foods rich in selenium every day.

Selenium is a mineral that acts as an antioxidant in the body. But what do antioxidants have to do with wellness? Research has found that oxidative stress occurring in the brain is associated with mild to moderate forms of depression.

One study assessed the condition of elderly people with depression whose diet included 200 milligrams of selenium per day. As a result of this study, it was found that these people had more selenium in their blood and their symptoms of depression improved significantly.

Try to at least get your daily dose of selenium, which is 55 milligrams per day for men and women.

Whole grains are a rich source of selenium. If you eat oatmeal, whole grain bread or brown rice throughout the day, you can easily get 70 milligrams of selenium. Selenium is also found in the following products:

  • Beans and legumes
  • Lean meat (lean pork or beef, skinless chicken or turkey)
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Nuts
  • Seafood (oysters, crabs, sardines, fish or shellfish)
  1. Eat fish several times a day.

Research suggests that people who eat fish several times a day are more resistant to depression. Especially if it is a fatty fish, such as salmon, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on mood disorders such as postpartum depression, says Jay Whelan, dean of nutrition at the University of Tennessee.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Herring
  • Rainbow trout
  • Salmon
  • Sardine
  • Tuna
  1. Make sure you get your daily dose of vitamin D.

Don't you think that a few minutes in the sun lifts your spirits? Sunlight helps our body produce vitamin D.

Four different studies have shown a link between low vitamin D levels and mood disorders such as PMS, seasonal affective disorder, vague mood disorder and acute depressive disorder.

Scientists say people can improve their mood if they get 1,000 to 2,000 international units of vitamin D, much more than the approved daily allowance of 200 IU for people aged 50, 400 IU for people aged 51 to 70, and 600 me after 70.

Very few foods contain vitamin D. Therefore, doctors advise getting it from several sources at once: through sunlight, from food and nutritional supplements.

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Healthy food

Products for depression and mood improvement should contain amino acids. For example, tryptophan, which stimulates the production of serotonin.

Everyone knows that chocolate lifts your mood. But if you eat lean meat, fish or legumes, the effect will be the same, except for weight gain. Other protein foods (eggs, dairy products) also help improve mood.

B vitamins not only fight depression, but also prevent its occurrence. Therefore, the diet should be enriched with the following products:

  • bran;
  • buckwheat;
  • green vegetables;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • seafood.

Food containing complex carbohydrates will improve your condition and fill you with energy. Therefore, it is important to have cereal for breakfast. Buckwheat, rice and oatmeal will lift your mood and have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating foods rich in fiber can help relieve symptoms of depression such as fatigue and insomnia. This group includes fresh vegetables and fruits, which, in addition to fiber, contain many vitamins. A fruit and vegetable diet for depression stimulates metabolic processes, brain activity, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and also promotes weight loss.

Stressful situations: what to eat

The expression “overeating” depression has become a medical term. Indeed, it is possible to overeat depression. But this is a whole art. If you simply overeat on anything, the body, which is under stress, will refuse to digest the food. You need to “overeat” stress in a savory, tasteful way. Some people do just that. They go to a restaurant or treat themselves at home: cake with whipped cream , octopuses and other sea creatures, red caviar with white wine. The mood rushes upward, like a temperature column in the heat. But not for long. Gastronomic pleasure beyond measure is hard work for the stomach. And “pleasant” drowsiness is not the most depressing result of heavy feasts.

Skip a couple of dishes from the menu and you will feel much more energetic. As for everyday meals, depression quickly “overeats” on foods high in fiber - these are unground grains, fruits, and vegetables . But even here everything is not easy. If you eat more than you need, your stomach stretches. Swelling and fullness appear, and again it is depression.

There is no need to seek help from medications - some drugs increase appetite. Those who quit smoking also take the path of overeating. Former smokers transfer their passion to food. They are almost calm - during the feast, both their mouth and hands are busy, which means that the usual motor skills of a smoker are preserved. There’s just a spoon in your hand instead of a cigarette. And big.

Which products to choose

A diet for a depressed person should be recommended by a doctor based on the patient’s needs. There are many types of depression and each case requires a special menu. However, there are a number of foods that should be present in the diet, regardless of the type of disorder.

Anti-depression products include:

  • fish;
  • nuts;
  • bananas;
  • spinach;
  • cocoa and green tea;
  • turmeric and cinnamon.

Fish is a food that is practically irreplaceable when you are depressed. It is rich in protein, amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the human brain. If you eat fish dishes 3-4 times a week, you can not only lift your mood, but also improve your overall well-being.

Nuts are a food that improves your mood. They contain magnesium, which is necessary for the production of serotonin. In addition, nuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, which eliminates anxiety. Seeds also lift your spirits, but their quantity in the diet should be limited due to their high calorie content.

Thanks to their melatonin content, bananas can help relieve insomnia. Without proper healthy sleep, it is impossible to overcome depression. Spinach contains vitamin B and antioxidants that fight bad mood.

Drinks such as green tea and cocoa will lift your tone and calm your nerves. The amino acids contained in green tea penetrate the brain within a few minutes, relieving signs of disorder such as anxiety and nervousness.

Turmeric and cinnamon are spices that eliminate symptoms of depression, so they are recommended for use by people prone to this disease. Additionally, recent studies have proven that these spices improve the effectiveness of antidepressants.

Autumn antidepressant products

Autumn is the period when people are most susceptible to depression

According to psychologists, the processes occurring in the human body at the moment of temperature change . To make this time pass as calmly as possible, you should include the following foods in your diet:

  • bananas;
  • chocolate;
  • red fish;
  • cheeses;
  • seaweed;
  • oatmeal;
  • almond;
  • seeds;
  • chilli;
  • any types of meat.

A diet to improve mood will only work if a person eats the presented foods in moderation . Otherwise, depression may occur due to extra pounds.

Antidepressant products

What to give up

Food can not only improve, but also worsen depression. As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to limit sweets and high-calorie foods. Glucose improves mood, but its effect is short-lived. Within a few hours, joy gives way to aggression, then dizziness and weakness appear. Of course, one chocolate bar or cake will not have such an effect. However, systematically consuming large amounts of glucose makes a person susceptible to mood swings. Therefore, foods that sharply raise blood sugar levels should be prohibited.

What foods make depression worse? These include drinks containing alcohol or caffeine. In addition, if the patient is prescribed antidepressants, he must avoid foods containing tyramine. Such foods are:

  • hard cheeses;
  • liver;
  • soy sauce;
  • yeast.

These products, while taking antidepressants, increase the heart rate, causing tachycardia. They can also cause nosebleeds and headaches.

Of course, during depression you should not eat junk food (fast food, snacks) and sweet carbonated drinks.

Survival program

To protect your body from depression, you should drink 2.5 liters of water a day. Hot drinks are fine as long as they don't contain caffeine. But herbal infusions , for example chamomile and mint. It is better to limit the consumption of coffee or tea, but it will take at least two days to wean yourself off these drinks completely. But you will feel more resilient.

Before leaving work, eat something: a piece of fruit, an oatcake, or a sandwich with wholemeal bread .

Fruits are a powerful source of energy, as are freshly squeezed juices . Don't forget to drink them throughout the day!


Sweets, which we often turn to for help in moments of stress and despondency, have a bad effect not only on our figure, but also harm our good mood!

This is due to the fact that confectionery products contain large amounts of sugar, which causes fatigue and negatively affects mood. Therefore, it is better to replace sweets with regular bee honey. This natural delicacy will give you an emotional boost in just a few minutes!

And here again we are not just shaking the air, but based on facts! Honey contains chemical elements that promote a good mood. If you don’t believe me, eat a couple of spoons of the treat and see for yourself!


Another great alternative to the world of confectionery. They are enriched with serotonin and vitamin B, and these substances are known for causing a feeling close to euphoria.

Also, don’t forget about bananas in moments of chronic (or even ordinary) fatigue! They will give you a boost of energy for a long time.

However, do not forget that bananas are high in calories. Therefore, along with a good mood, they can bring a couple of extra pounds into your life :)

What to consider when dealing with depression?

Also, during depression and prolonged stress, the body needs adaptogens - substances that increase the endurance of adaptive systems. Adaptogens include products of plant origin: lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng, licorice, green tea, kombucha. Their use is also effective for mental exhaustion resulting from intense mental work.

While monitoring your diet, it is necessary to monitor your stool, since constipation is typical for depressive disorders.

From the point of view of the “water” theory, depressive states are the result of a lack of water in brain cells. When dehydrated, significantly less energy is produced, as a result of which many brain functions are not fully performed. Such ineffective work causes a decrease in mood, a feeling of fatigue, and rapid fatigue. Therefore, for depression, it is recommended to drink enough fluid, at least 2 liters per day.

Also, if you have the disease, you should completely stop drinking all alcoholic beverages, since alcohol-containing compounds suppress the production of vasopressin, which causes acute dehydration of the body.

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