How to get someone out of depression from a distance

How to get a person out of depression: useful tips

Let's look at 15 tips from psychologists on how to get out of depression on your own.

Depression is a widespread condition. It can attack not only you, but also your family and friends. In this case, the question arises, what to do? How to get a person out of depression? Useful advice in such a situation should be given by a qualified specialist.

First, understand that everyone in a state of depression will show aggression, both in your direction and in their own direction (which is paradoxical). Some individuals are generally difficult to approach when depressed. People are prone to negativity, they don’t like anything, nothing suits them, the whole world seems vile and crazy to them.

But if you are eager to help and can figure out how to get a person out of depression, then I suggest you read some interesting tips.

Under no circumstances leave the person alone with you. This can dramatically worsen the situation. Spend time communicating with him, try to entertain him, find a topic that will be interesting and enjoyable for him.

To get a person out of depression, the trend of “treatment” with music has recently become popular. This method is aimed specifically at influencing the patient’s thoughts and feelings. The melody has the function of restoring the body, the main thing here is to choose the right composition so that it is not aggressive, but relaxing, but in no case sad.

The way to the heart of any person with depression is through the stomach, and to the psychological state too, so prepare for this person something that he really adores. This will help him not only be distracted, but also happy.

Tell a patient in a state of depression as many flattering words as possible, increase his self-esteem. Let him understand that you and those around him need him, that his talents and merits are seen and appreciated by everyone, that he is getting upset over nothing.

Psychologists offer a radical method to pull a person out of depression - to bring the person to a state of aggression, in other words, to annoy him a little. People's feelings are unstable, so it will not be difficult to displace the state of depression with a state of anger, which means you will quickly achieve the final result.

Tip number 5 works in almost 95% of cases of depression, so think about it, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will have to fight a completely different disease - more severe in its manifestation!

If nothing helps your depressed patient at all, then things are bad. In such a situation, I advise you to seek support from a professional psychologist who will help identify the specific causes of depression, and, accordingly, eliminate them.

How to recognize ↑

You can notice an apathetic, depressive state in a girl due to a number of factors:

  • she is in a sad, depressed mood;
  • she stops enjoying things that used to make her so happy;
  • the girl feels helpless;
  • phrases about death are mentioned in the conversation, suicidal statements are possible;
  • she has insomnia or, conversely, a constant desire to sleep;
  • changes in appetite leading to changes in weight;
  • she feels tired and complains of loss of strength.

Supporting your girlfriend in depression means, first of all, noticing changes in her mood in time.


How to relieve depression? This state is similar to prolonged indifference - the patient seems to be in a dream; during the recovery process, both ups and downs of mood can be observed. Perhaps the chosen method will not help the first time - but there is no need to fall into despair.

A person is able to help himself with depression, he just needs to understand that depression will try to absorb him again, so he will have to show some effort.

There are various methods of struggle, but whichever one is chosen, you should start with small steps, gradually approaching the goal. Choose any opportunities - every saving way helps you remain yourself and overcome difficulties, but this takes time.

Helping a woman

  1. Try to console and accept the position of the depressed young lady, even if it seems wrong. It is important for a woman to feel that she is not alone, that there is someone who agrees with her decision, someone who can support and protect. This way she can speak out and get rid of the negativity that has accumulated in her soul. It’s so important to get rid of mental burden.
  2. You need to be nearby, especially in those moments when a woman really needs someone's presence. If you personally cannot be near her at this moment, then you should provide support through correspondence, telephone or video communication.
  3. There is no need to talk about topics that provoke a depressive state unless the woman starts them herself.
  4. It is very important not to allow the young lady to be alone with her thoughts.
  5. Try not to criticize her. If you want to express something, be honest, but very gentle.
  6. Give a woman compliments, but make sure they are truthful. Each young lady has her own merits, and you need to pay attention to them. For example, say that she is a good friend or an excellent housewife, a good specialist in her field.
  7. Try to distract the woman from bad thoughts. This will help you:
  • shopping - for many girls, shopping helps cope with bad emotions, buying new clothes;
  • taking care of yourself, your body - every woman will be in a better mood if she gives herself a new manicure, hairstyle, cool makeup, goes for a walk, hears the admiring exclamations of men, this will increase her self-esteem and improve her mood;
  • helping other women - all girls are prone to empathy, they will forget about their problems if they see that someone is in a much more serious condition;
  • you can find a hobby that could lift your spirits and make you feel important;
  • art therapy - together with a woman who is depressed, you can engage in creativity, the joint process will not allow you to think about bad things, with the help of art therapy she will be able to pour out what is painful;
  • a change of scenery - for example, you can go on a trip, where there will be new emotions, new horizons will open up, which will awaken her interest in life.

If the wife is depressed:

  • you need to show all kinds of attention;
  • show her how much you love her;
  • give compliments;
  • give gifts;
  • go on a trip;
  • make sure that she can rest; if there are children, take care of them for a while or involve grandmothers.

Now you know how to help overcome depression. The main thing is that a person who is trying to improve the life of a depressed individual takes into account all possible points that can also harm a depressed person. Don’t forget about the possible consequences of depression and be prepared for them.

Don't project the future and remove the focus from the past: work with what you have now

There is no need to avoid a bad condition and fight it, this worsens your well-being even more.

You struggle and thereby harm yourself and your social skills.

If you resist feeling bad and try to avoid it, it only gets worse.

You must live it!

Depression is normal.

Especially for people who are engaged in self-development, work, do not get enough sleep, for all men and women - this is part of your growth, your path.

And she leaves as quickly as she comes.

Tell yourself: It is what it is. It may be unpleasant, but it’s all temporary and will pass! I'll move on.

When a person focuses on future events, he loses the moment now and is in those mental projections that, most likely, will not even happen.

In addition, due to projection into the future, a gap, an abyss, is created in consciousness.

And in this abyss, a person loses himself, which creates a huge amount of fears, worries, and a feeling of uncontrollability of what is happening. We talk in more detail about getting rid of fears here.

You can always cope with the present time, but it is impossible to cope with the projections of the mind - just as it is impossible to cope with the future.

It is not for nothing that they say: “we will resolve issues as they arise.”

Always stay in the present moment to close questions about how to get out of deep depression on your own.

Features of the fight against depression in men

Women are more susceptible to depression because they are more emotional and sensitive than men. However, it can also affect men. Despite the fact that men are considered the stronger sex, it is much more difficult for them to get out of a depressed state. The male psyche is less plastic and is not able to withstand states of nervous overload for a long period. This is why finding a way to get a man out of depression is much more difficult.

Once you suspect that your husband, boyfriend or friend is depressed, you need to talk to him about it. It is very important that he admits that something is happening to him.

To do this, you should choose special words that do not hurt the man, but will allow him to realize and accept the problem. If this does not happen, then you are unlikely to be able to pull him out of depression.

How to Plan a Conversation

  • When you decide to support a loved one, be sincere, persistent, and unshakable. Let him know that you are worried about his condition and assume that he has problems. Don’t back down if he tries to laugh it off or get out of it, citing supposedly temporary difficulties. Be persistent, in this case, does not mean blurting out the whole truth: “You are depressed and you need help.” He must understand for himself that he is depressed.
  • Don't let the topic of conversation change.
  • Don’t put too much pressure, try to behave with restraint and not defiantly. It should be remembered that it’s already hard for a person, his nerves are “exposed”, and he is especially vulnerable.
  • After your husband (friend, boyfriend) has admitted that he suffers from depression, discuss with him ways to deal with the disease. During this conversation, it is necessary to find out the main reason that caused this condition.
  • Before you have this conversation, make a plan on how to get your husband out of depression. One of its points should be an offer to use the help of a specialist.

If you notice suicidal tendencies in a person close to you, without wasting time, take him to the doctor.

Never ask others for pity

Take a break, redirect your focus from depression to other activities, such as:

  • physical exercise;
  • swimming;
  • Biking;
  • journey;
  • Reading books.

Completely and completely immerse yourself in another activity, shift your focus to it.

After a while, the problem that previously haunted you will seem petty and completely undeserving of your attention.

This way you will close your worries about how to get out of depression and believe in yourself.

Psychologists also share this effective advice.

What are the advantages and features of this awareness:

  1. You don't go there to whine, you go there to let others help you and work with you.
  2. You go there ready to accept other positive emotions from people through you.
  3. You focus only on positive people, and don’t pay attention to others and don’t see them.
  4. When you allow others to influence you positively, fears, worries and all negative emotions are repressed.

When you invite people into your company and allow them to help you in a positive way, they feel special around you.

Questions about how to help a man, girl, or loved one get out of depression will remain open if the person himself does not want help and does not ask you for it.

Are you saying you feel bad? It could have been even worse!

Don't justify yourself and don't feel sorry.

Take action! Dominate!

You don't need psychiatrist help for depression.

Act on your own despite adversity!

Try harder!

Look at it as a journey where you learn to be even stronger than you are now.

The key for those who have lost their passion for life and see it as meaningless

How to realize and implement this:

  • Don't try to be perfect emotionally. By clinging to positive emotions and trying to hold on to them, your internal resistance to reality and what is happening will grow.
  • When you resist the appearance of bad emotions, you only increase their appearance.
  • All people on the planet are chasing emotions, status - something that comes and goes and is impermanent. And it is an endless race for what is impermanent.
  • If you don't tremble so much and are delighted with positive emotions, then you will suffer less from depression and will not be so affected by negative emotions.
  • When you are at an emotional peak, just enjoy the positive emotions and realize that this will not last forever.

Realizing this will answer your questions about how to get out of protracted depression on your own.

6. Get enough sleep and spend 8 hours sleeping to get a lot of energy in your body

Pros of a good 8 hours of sleep:

  • When you sleep, you replenish your vital energy.
  • Your internal dialogue is turned off.
  • In a dream, you no longer have the worries that bother you in reality.
  • In a dream there is no past and no memory of a bad past, just as there is no future.

To fully replenish your vital energy from sleep, wear a night blindfold. When you are in complete darkness and there is absolutely nothing shining into your eyes, the energy after sleep appears many times more.

Make sure you close the window with curtains and there are no streetlights shining from the streets.

Why is it important to get enough sleep:

  1. When you don't sleep enough, your psyche is more fragile.
  2. A person who does not get enough sleep in society will be more influenced by negativity; he will easily lose control over the situation and, above all, over himself.
  3. Thus, a bad experience is consolidated in the mind, which creates a desire in a person to close down and avoid this negative experience.
  4. Later this can result in internal pain. Therefore, it is very important to get enough sleep in order to worry less about thoughts about how to help yourself get out of depression.


It is impossible to cope with depression on your own without changing your quality of life. Pay attention to how much you sleep - if the duration of sleep is less than the recommended norm, then no matter how hard you try, you still won’t get enough sleep, and accordingly you will perceive what is happening poorly.

It is necessary to reduce the load, alternate work and rest, and use weekends to relax. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to take a trip for a long time - put everything away for later and go on a trip, even if it’s for a few days, but you will feel how your soul rejoices.

It is recommended to drink herbal tea to reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Also, we must not forget about appearance - a good-looking person who has made an effort to come in clean, ironed clothes, with makeup and hairstyle (if we are talking about a woman), simply will not allow himself to become sloppy on every occasion.

Get out of the house more often to get some fresh air

Why is it important to breathe fresh air and go outside:

  1. strengthening the immune system;
  2. relaxation and peace for the nerves;
  3. it promotes good sleep;
  4. blood supply becomes better;
  5. metabolism in the body accelerates;
  6. long walks increase appetite;
  7. opens pores, has a positive effect on the skin.

It will be better to take walks than sit motionless in one place.

If your child sits at home a lot, it is not surprising that he is always feeling unwell. Remember that he needs to breathe fresh air more often, and no longer ask questions about how to help your daughter or son get out of depression.

Probable Causes

The loss of a loved one, termination of pregnancy are possible causes of depression.
Before you think about how to get a girl or guy out of depression, you need to decide what influenced the occurrence of this condition. So the most common reasons include the following options.

  1. Loss of a loved one. Sometimes an individual is not able to survive this grief on his own; he cannot do without the help of an experienced specialist. Relatives should surround him with their attention, demonstrate care and warmth, but they should not be too intrusive.
  2. Problems in personal relationships. Depression can begin against the background of divorce or simply unhappy love. Someone finds the strength to move on with their lives, start a new romance, someone must simply get over what happened, and this will take some time. Particular difficulty arises for women whose self-esteem is too low after a breakup. If your relative has problems for this reason, then you need to not only surround him with special attention, but also take certain measures to help him again believe in himself and his attractiveness.
  3. Overwork. When a person is in a state of stress for a long period of time and does not have the opportunity to fully rest, malfunctions begin in his body. In such a situation, in order to overcome a depressive state, you must first get a good rest.
  4. Abortion. Many girls who have experienced an abortion or miscarriage cannot get out of depression for a long time. The problem is not only in the negative feelings that arose on this basis, but also in hormonal imbalances that have a negative impact on the nervous system. You can save a loved one from depression in such a situation with the help of calm support, but there is no need to resort to any extreme actions or pompous phrases. We need to go through such a period together, and do everything to ensure that the girl retains the desire to have children in the future.
  5. Creative or professional crises. A situation when a person cannot realize himself, he is oppressed by criticism and the hostility of others. In this case, you need to make sure that the person has motivation for new achievements. It is important to celebrate his merits and successes; he needs to believe in himself, in his abilities and be able to move on.
  6. Doing something that doesn't give you satisfaction. It can be a job, a lifestyle, or a hobby that is imposed by someone. In such a situation, it is important that the person is supported from the outside, convinced that he can change his job, give up his previous activities, and start looking for something that will truly be loved and will satisfy him.
  7. Manipulation. It is possible that an individual who demonstrates depression, in fact, simply wants to attract attention to himself, wants his family to surround him with their care. This behavior can be either conscious or unconscious. In such a situation, it is best to ignore fictitious symptoms, talk frankly with the person, and try to find out the motives.

How to get a person out of depression - tips and tricks

Depression is a depressed, depressed mental state. It’s good when the patient realizes his problem and tries with all his might to solve it.

However, not all people can boast of such consciousness. In some cases, a person cannot cope without the help of others.

To understand how to get a person out of depression, you need to understand what this condition is.

Why does a person feel bad?

The diagnosis of depression is made when a number of symptoms are present:

  • anhedonia (loss of ability or inability to experience positive emotions);
  • negative thinking (pessimism);
  • motor retardation.

It is easy to understand that a loved one has become a victim of depression. It is enough to follow him for several weeks.

If after 14 days the symptoms have not disappeared, you need to sound the alarm. First of all, it is necessary to determine what exactly caused this condition.

Depression, like any mental disorder, has its “roots”. The reason may be dismissal, divorce, death of a loved one, financial collapse, chronic stress. However, the factors that provoke the development of the disease may not be so global.

Thus, psychologists identify several types of personalities in which the tendency to depression is “integrated” at the genetic level:

  • Statothymic type - neat, conscientious, hardworking people.
  • Melancholic – pedantic people, strict and demanding of themselves.
  • Hyperthymic – people prone to constant worry, insecure, with low self-esteem.

A biological factor should not be ruled out. If there are no obvious causes of depression, it may be worth looking for the answer in the human body.

So the root of the disorder may lie:

  • in hereditary predisposition;
  • in previous somatic and neurological head injuries;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • in changes in the hormonal system;
  • in chronobiological factors, such as seasonality, decreased REM sleep, etc.

If you cannot find the cause of the disorder, you can seek help from specialists.

Is it possible to treat the disease on your own?

Is it possible to help a person cope with depression without the participation of a psychotherapist or psychologist? Yes, you can.

Characteristic manifestations

The following symptoms may indicate that a loved one is experiencing depression:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • predominantly negative thinking;
  • change in appetite, either its absence or increase;
  • confidence in the failure of all endeavors;
  • lack of faith in a happy future;
  • apathy;
  • lack of desire to communicate with other people;
  • the emergence of a need to drink alcohol;
  • lack of any interests, withdrawal from former hobbies.
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