How to surprise a girl, including without money: when meeting, at a distance

To win over a girl, sometimes it is not at all necessary to have an account in a Swiss bank. The fair sex, of course, loves wealthy men, but sometimes ordinary attention is more valuable than gold jewelry. In addition, money tends to run out and depreciate, but charisma is the eternal value of a person. Many guys, especially very young ones, often wonder how to surprise a girl without money, believing that this is simply impossible. This is actually a misconception.

Ways to surprise a girl without using money may be needed in two cases:

  • When, in fact, there is no money (which is important for high school students and students);
  • Or if a man doesn’t want to seem banal (because it’s easy to buy something, but using your imagination is already interesting).

To understand how to impress a girl, you need to analyze the relationship, understand what is enough in it and what is missing. Below we present to you four points based on which you can figure out how to surprise a girl without money. You can use them either separately or combined.

The best ideas: how to surprise any girl

The girls are both similar and different from each other at the same time. Each of them has manifestations of attention that bring maximum pleasure - just like guys. But there is also something that everyone loves - if you decide to organize something on my list, you definitely won’t go wrong and will please her. And to be surprised, it’s enough to add an element of surprise and not warn her about anything.

The girl is surprised in the right way when she receives an unexpected, but certainly pleasant sign of attention. If your relationship is already established and within a certain framework, if you already have habits and traditions, the field for creativity will be wide.

Here is a small universal list of what to do to make a girl surprised:

  • Do something you refused to do before.
  • Help with something where she is not waiting for your help.
  • Fulfill an old, forgotten promise.
  • Save her: solve a problem that she is struggling with and cannot cope with on her own. Before she asks for help.
  • Add romance to your everyday life: a night walk, a great dinner, going to the theater, a picnic - whatever.
  • Show concern for no reason: bring her coffee to work, clean the house yourself, buy or do something for her that will make her life easier. Here, even a hanging shelf or headphones bought to replace broken ones will do - mere little things that make life better.
  • Provide relaxation: go bowling with friends, go to the spa, or just go to nature for the weekend.
  • Give an unexpected, non-obvious compliment: praise something that the girl is not used to noting about herself.

Non-standard approach

More than half of all pleasant moments in a couple’s life are built on non-standardism. This may include the effect of surprise and unpredictable behavior in an ordinary situation.

An ordinary walk can turn into a romantic one if at some point you pick up a girl in your arms and carry her down the street under the admiring glances of passers-by. It would seem like a trifle, nonsense, but for the girl it will be doubly pleasant: firstly, unexpectedly, and secondly, this way you will demonstrate to her your strength, making it clear that you will not offend anyone. She will definitely be surprised by such a burst of inexplicable emotions on your part.

Serenade under the window - what a way to surprise a girl? If you do not have sufficient vocal abilities, you can sing to the soundtrack of some famous singer. It will be even more interesting.

You can also do a standard thing, but at an unexpected moment. For example, come to her at college or work with the words: “I missed you so much that I couldn’t wait for the evening. So, during my lunch break I decided to see you...” At the same time, not only the girl herself, but also her classmates (colleagues) will be surprised. This may turn out to be even nicer than a bouquet of flowers, because you can order them and pay for delivery, but personal presence still introduces an element of unpredictability. It would seem like an ordinary meeting, but at that moment when the girl does not expect it at all.

How to make a surprise for no reason?

Sometimes you really want to pleasantly surprise a girl, but some problems prevent you from doing this. At this moment, she may be far away, or the young man may have insurmountable financial difficulties. But we must not despair.

You can please the woman of your heart always and under any circumstances, the only important thing is your partner’s desire to do this over and over again.

On distance

When trying to impress your beloved, you want to be close and see her delight and happiness, but there are circumstances when this is impossible to do. An unexpected business trip for a holiday or an online romance at a distance ruins plans to experience something pleasant together, but it should be remembered that no distance can separate two souls in love.


  1. 1. One of the best ways to please your beloved from a distance is to unexpectedly come and spend the whole day with her. This way she will be sure that the guy needs him, because he has come a long way just to see her. It is recommended not to just come to her home in the morning, but to appear out of nowhere: meet her after school or work, come around the corner with a bouquet of flowers and hand it over with a smile.
  2. 2. But if it is not possible to come, and through correspondence on the Internet the man has already confessed his love to her in all existing languages ​​- there is no reason to be upset. There are many more ways to warm her soul without being nearby: order flowers to her home by courier delivery, and write romantic poems in the message.
  3. 3. If you urgently need to go on an unexpected business trip, but you have already purchased a gift and want to give it in an unusual way, you can hide it in the apartment, where she will not find it in advance. You can play remotely with your loved one by sending her via SMS to this place according to the “hot-cold” game principle. This is an extraordinary way to propose marriage, stunning your future wife. When you meet, you can give her a bouquet by asking your question in person.

Without money

There are situations when a guy is still young and does not have money for expensive gifts, or perhaps financial difficulties unexpectedly appeared just when it was planned to surprise his beloved.

But you can look after a girl beautifully without money:

  • Write a romantic confession on the asphalt. The girl will be stunned by such a surprise and will experience the most pleasant emotions when she gets out of bed in the morning, looks out of the window and sees pleasant words addressed to her.
  • Compose a song or poem in her honor . It does not matter at all how good a young person is at singing or writing poetry. The girl will definitely appreciate the time spent by her loved one to express her feelings with warm words. For her, this will be a sign that this relationship is not an empty phrase for the chosen one.
  • Invite you on a date to an unusual place. There are a lot of interesting places around: parks, forests, rivers and lakes. The romance of new places will definitely please your partner. Moreover, in nature or on the roof of a house with a beautiful view, you can arrange a good dinner that both will remember for a long time.

Words about feelings

Walking through a beautiful park, you can just stop, take her hand and simply tell her about your tender feelings, about how beautiful and unique she is. Your loved one will be very pleased by such an unexpected manifestation of feelings. You can end such a confession with a passionate kiss that will turn her head. The surprised girl will remember this for a long time.

Another way that will help you express something that is difficult to describe in words is a love letter. Real letters, written by hand, have not yet lost their relevance. If a young man uses perfume, then he should lightly spray the piece of paper on which the message is written. Such an envelope can be sent by mail or handed over in person at a meeting.

Relaxation day

As a surprise, you can plan the whole day so that it is as comfortable as possible for your beloved. In the morning, bring coffee to bed, prepare breakfast, do all the work at home, prepare her a bath with soap bubbles and offer her a massage. Your beloved will definitely appreciate such attention, especially after a hard week of work.

Song on the radio

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the girl’s character traits. If she loves noisy parties and being the center of attention, then you can make such a surprise. If she is modest and does not like close attention to herself, then it is better to abandon this idea.

Self-cooked dinner

You don’t need to spend a lot of money on such a dinner; it’s much more romantic than going to a restaurant, because all the dishes for the girl will be prepared by the hands of her beloved young man!

You need to buy food: chicken, champagne, some vegetables, fruit and a tray of strawberries. Be sure to buy candles.

Bake the chicken with vegetables (there are simply no easier recipes for dinner!), place the fruits in a special wide plate, and place the strawberries separately. Melt the chocolate in a water bath (or in the microwave) and place it in a warm place so that it does not harden. Light the candles and set the table for two.

The main course will be delicious chicken, and for dessert - fruit and strawberries, which can be dipped in melted chocolate.

For ardent romantics, there is another way to surprise a girl and express your love without spending a lot of money. Buy or catch a beautiful butterfly outside the city.

The butterfly needs to be placed in a beautiful box with holes so that the insect has the opportunity to breathe.

Give the girl a present and tell her to open the gift at home. Just find out in advance if she has lepidopterophobia - fear of butterflies!

Surprising a girl without money is not so difficult, the main thing is to have a rich imagination and a great desire to please your beloved!

Surprising the girl

To somehow brighten up the period of separation, you need to constantly remind yourself. The girl is a sweet follower; she should not make grand gestures. She has had enough of daily calls and gentle SMS. But a guy may well come up with something extraordinary to not let his girlfriend forget about himself, even when she is thousands of kilometers away from him.

Express delivery

Courier services today can offer almost any delivery. This could be a bouquet of flowers and a gift, which, in general, will surprise few people today. It can also be a basket with gifts, filled to order: from sweets and champagne, to sausage sticks and an assortment of cheeses.

It is not always worth surprising with romantic gifts. Much more unexpected may be the delivery of, for example, ordinary food or medicine. This will be relevant if the girl does not have time to go to the store or if she is sick. Such care will be much more pleasant than a bouquet of flowers.

This is done simply; any courier service is easily found on the Internet. This could be a company delivering its own product. Or maybe a courier service that delivers what they ask for. Of course, it will be more expensive, but it's definitely worth it.

Chamber of Secrets

If the previous option on how to surprise a girl from a distance seems too expensive, then there are more economical ideas. Everyone enjoys receiving unexpected surprises. When you are nearby, you can put some candy in your jacket pocket or a chocolate bar in your bag. From a distance, this cannot be done on your own, but you can use the help of those nearby.

It is enough to ask a person you know who comes into the girl’s house to take part in organizing the surprise. Transfer money to a card and ask to buy something specific, and then secretly hide it in your lover’s house. It could be anything - a soft toy, a creativity kit, sweets, a soft scarf or a warm blanket. Basically, it doesn't matter what it is.

The search itself and the anticipation of a surprise will greatly surprise the girl. All that remains is to call her, preferably via video link, and give a couple of hints. And then watch with what delight she will search for the hidden gift.

To meet adventures

When you have the financial opportunity, you can surprise a girl in a rather chic way. True, this method requires thorough preparation. Taking a surprise vacation together will inspire any relationship.

To prepare such a surprise, you will need to find out when the girl will be free. You will also need information about her documents. Then everything is simple - we buy a plane ticket for convenient dates and send the girl an electronic ticket. Anyone will be pleased to wake up to the sound of an alert about such a letter. It will be enough to reveal all your cards and wait for such a desired meeting.

A more complex option will require more effort, but surprise is guaranteed. Ask friends to take her to the airport under some pretext. There, through them, hand over the ticket and put her on the plane. And then meet her at the airport. True, it will be necessary to prepare well and make sure that she collects the things she needs for her vacation without guessing anything.


To surprise a girl, you don't always have to spend a lot of money or come up with cunning plans. Sometimes it's enough to just do something with your own hands. Thanks to the Internet, today everyone has this opportunity.

You can record a song, even in audio messages. The main thing is that it is written independently. The only energy consumption required here is the process of composing the text. We record the text, put on music and send an amazing message.

You can also make a video clip. This could be photographs taken together, a story told, or even a whole script about a relationship.

You can also just call and read a bedtime story.

Advertising banner

If the business trip (yours or the girl’s) is long-term, then after a few days correspondence and calls will no longer bring positive emotions.
It will become a routine. You can tell a girl about your feelings with the help of a loud declaration of love. The definition of “loud” means that not only she, but also other people will know about the recognition.

How can this be done, and even at a distance.

Again, it is possible to contact a special company. This time it will be a company that designs advertising banners. They don't care what is written on the poster. The main thing is that it is paid. We proceed as follows:

  1. We come up with a poster design. You can do this in your city. If you know layout programs, you can do everything yourself, otherwise the poster can be designed by a company.
  2. In the city where the girl is located, we are looking for a company that does advertising on banners, on buses, on transport, etc. The main thing is that the poster is visible to a large number of people.
  3. We pay for the order by card.

If you choose an advertising banner, then try to place it on the route of your girlfriend.

Here I am

An option for the most impatient guys who do not want to put up with separation: you can simply come to your beloved. The girl will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised that you are ready to follow her to the ends of the earth, forgetting about your own affairs. But if you carefully plan your arrival without informing your beloved about it, the result will be doubly surprising.

  1. You can quietly come to the city where the girl temporarily lives, settle nearby and arrange a day of surprises for her. At the same time, she must understand that you are doing this, and not some admirer of hers, but remain perplexed as to how this could be. For example: drop a note in her mailbox (so she recognizes the handwriting) that says something only the two of you know about. Visit her at work or college and convey a message verbally. At the same time, try to look so that you can be accurately described (you can wear the clothes that the girl is used to seeing you in).
  2. Try becoming a phantom. The girl must think that she is imagining you. Put on a baseball cap, sunglasses, a hood and appear in the girl’s field of view: come around the corner, and then hide again; show up in the crowd and then blend in; stand on the road near the traffic light where her bus will stop, etc.
  3. Just show up unexpectedly. This can happen at any time and in any place: bump into her on the subway, ask her for the fare on a minibus, ask her for the time as if you were a random passer-by. Remember: the more banal the situation, the more surprising the meeting will be. It would be nice if someone captured this moment on camera.

When performing all the above steps, remember that the girl can call you at any time to calm down her bewilderment. Be prepared for her questions. You can reveal yourself and embrace the girl in your arms at any moment, but the longer you delay it, the more touching and emotional the meeting will be.

Temporary separation is not a reason to break off a relationship. This is just a test of couples' strength and feelings. If they are real, then both parties will do everything to brighten up each other’s period of separation as much as possible, and the main steps in this should be taken by the man. He is stronger emotionally and is ready to do things for the sake of his beloved. Surprising a girl, surprises for her, extraordinary actions, constantly keeping feelings in good shape - these are the standard actions of a real man.

DIY gift

Many girls are pleasantly surprised when they find out that their boyfriend is a jack of all trades: he can not only hammer a nail, but also draw a picture or make origami!

Drawing . To begin with, it is better to choose something simple - a beautiful color drawing of nature, a sunset, some kind of landscape, so that the girl can hang it on the wall and it will remind her of you. You can see how to draw such a picture in the video.

If things go well, you can even draw a portrait of a girl. Here's a video of how it's done.

Origami . A great idea is to please a woman with a paper figurine. For example, make a paper flower that is indistinguishable from a real one! Your beloved will probably be surprised.

How nice it is to surprise your girlfriend every day

When a relationship has already been established, it often lacks emotions and experiences. It's easy to fall into a boring routine, and you have to make an effort to prevent this from happening. For regular surprises, you need to follow the girl’s life, know her hobbies, desires and problems. Speak kind words more often and about how beautiful she is. Surprises will remain surprises only if they relate to relevant, current events.

However, here are a few options to get you started:

  • Go to an amusement park. It's always emotion and adrenaline, and you'll be in a great mood.
  • Change something in the house: update the decor or furniture without agreeing in advance. But take into account the girl’s taste or use the help of her friends.
  • Bake a cake. If you are not a pastry chef, she clearly does not expect this and will be amazed.
  • Get an animal - even a hamster, even a dog, if resources and schedule allow. This greatly revitalizes relationships and brings new emotions into them.
  • Post stickers with nice words for her, changing them every few days.
  • Place small gifts and notes in her things so she finds them when she's not expecting them.
  • Organize a surprise party with all your friends. For this, by the way, you don’t need a reason.
  • Come sometimes to meet her from work or school - not every day, so that it remains a surprise, but from time to time.
  • Create quests to find gifts around the house: you will need a chain of notes in different places, the last of which will lead to a gift.
  • Organize themed days: watch relevant films, have conversations in tune with the theme and image of the day, and, if desired, dress up.
  • Keep going on dates even if you live together.
  • Set up a blind date and a secret date.
  • Fulfill her fantasies.



A little romance

Companions of rich and influential people, posting photographs from expensive resorts, caption them: “My dear is such a romantic! He took me to the islands!” Although, who knows if the man was thinking about romance when paying for the trip. Organizing a vacation for your girlfriend without money, using only your imagination, is the height of romance.

Dinner by candlelight is banal and expensive. You'll have to splurge on food, champagne or wine, those same candles... Romance is, first of all, the intimacy of the moment (in the good sense of the word). To be alone in a place where no one will disturb you - what could be more romantic? Any girl will be delighted with an evening walk along the banks of a river or lake. Don't forget to bring a blanket: it can get chilly in the evening, and wrapping yourself in a blanket together will make your hearts beat in unison.

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