Unique ways to attract money and good luck to your home

Sergey Savchenko November 18, 2020 20 613 2 Minute(s) read

According to the classic, man is born for happiness, like a bird is born for flight. No matter who you ask, everyone wants to be happy. At the same time, ideas about happiness differ radically. Some people think that they cannot be happy without a music center. For others, happiness is associated with delicious food. Postman Pechkin - he couldn’t imagine happiness without a bicycle.

Some people are lucky twice: they not only live happily, but are also able to realize their happiness. Others do not see their happiness straight away. And instead of being happy about what they have, they grieve about what they don’t have, without even thinking that maybe if it’s not there, then it’s not really needed.

Sometimes, in pursuit of happiness, a person does not very reasonable things. For example, he tries to make himself happy using various chemical compounds: alcohol, drugs or other, not the most beneficial substances.

I remember one interesting experiment. Rats had electrodes implanted into their pleasure centers. In order to be happy, the rat needed to press the pedal. The unfortunate animals, unable to deprive themselves of artificial happiness, pressed the pedal until they died of hunger.

The rats became dependent on the supply of piece happiness and were no longer interested in anything

Of course, it is very difficult to draw the line between real and artificial happiness. A glass of good wine drunk in a pleasant company, or a liter of mumbo jumbo drunk in a basement in the company of homeless people can make a person happy. Where is real happiness in this example, and where is artificial happiness? So you won’t answer right away.

How to attract luck into your life

1. Research your choices.

Most people associate luck with chance. And while there is some truth to this, a lot of luck has to do with the choices we make. Even the smallest choices can determine who we are and, surprisingly, the people with certain qualities who are attracted to us.

Choices can also affect the environment we find ourselves in, how we spend our time, and how we perceive the world. This all determines how the world perceives us and the opportunities that flow from that perception.

2. Don't focus on failures.

There is no need to worry too much and think for a long time about the failures that life brings you. Of course, you will need time to study failure and its causes, but even during this time, think about how you could avoid failure, find the right solutions, answers and opportunities.

How to bring good luck to your home

3. Think positively and find the positive in your failure.

Each failure should be seen as simply an incident in life that does not greatly affect long-term success and happiness. This way you will be freed from the shackles of failure that bind you.

Positive thinking can truly change your life. Just imagine: if you think about bad things, you are unlikely to have the desire to do something useful. Let's say the weather forecast said it will be sunny this weekend. You are preparing to have a picnic, but suddenly it starts to rain. You shouldn’t curse everything and everyone, but just think that the day will still be good and you can find good alternatives to a picnic.

Any failure needs to be worked through. Here are a few steps on how to do this:

* You need to separate the accidental or inevitable from what you yourself are responsible for, even partially.

* Ask yourself: “What can I learn from this situation?” Simply put, find the loopholes by which failure can be turned to your advantage.

* Reset your chances to open new doors, new opportunities. Do something new.

How to attract good luck to yourself: 3 simple ways

Every person's life is filled with failures and victories. But what to do if the black streak drags on, and fortune does not want to turn its face? Learn 3 simple but effective methods to attract good luck.

Good luck according to feng shui

Feng Shui masters claim that the main energy that controls a person’s life lies in his home. The right environment in the house can attract not only Fortune, but also wealth, love and happiness. The east is considered the luck zone in the apartment. It will be useful to place a large number of indoor plants in this part of the home. They are able to cleanse the house of all negativity and impart a strong positive aura that will promote success in all endeavors.

There are also special symbols of good luck that can be used to decorate the east of the apartment:

  • Aquarium with goldfish. He will help with any financial or career issues. Having acquired such a Feng Shui talisman, you will never know need and material difficulties. The preferred choice of fish is 9 gold and 1 black.
  • Hotey. The fat-bellied laughing deity will bring well-being and prosperity to the house. Before leaving the house, look at him with a smile, stroke his belly, and throughout the day you will experience success in all your endeavors.
  • Horseshoe. This symbol is common not only in Feng Shui. It is known in the customs and signs of many nations. A horseshoe hung over the front door with its ends up symbolizes a full cup and attracts good luck to the house.

Feng Shui is an ancient practice that has followers all over the world. People have been creating this teaching for centuries and have been able to determine exactly how to attract good luck. Therefore, it is worth taking advice in the field of Feng Shui.

Plot for good luck

This method is a powerful ritual of white magic. You can resort to it once a week, preferably on Monday. To do this, early in the morning, looking in the mirror, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Luck and success are in me, fortune is in my hands. Everything is subject to control, everything planned comes true. I am strong, I am confident, rivals away, troubles away. Amen"

Having said this, wipe the mirror with the palm of your right hand and boldly go to implement your plans - any of your undertakings will be crowned with success.

Psychologists' opinion

Recently, the theory of self-hypnosis has become very popular. Sometimes there is so much talk about it that it begins to seem ineffective. But in fact, a positive attitude and positive thoughts can change your destiny for the better. A person who always predicts only failure and failure for himself is unlikely to succeed.

Once you decide to take this advice, set yourself up for success. For added impact, create your wish list and display it in a prominent place. The title of such a letter should be: “Luck is with me.”

Remember, your destiny is in your hands, and you decide what awaits you in the future: successful completion of affairs or failure. Use all three methods and you will soon feel your life changing for the better. We wish you good luck,

How to attract luck and money

4. Treat yourself like a winner.

If you tell yourself every day that you are a winner, you will become a winner. It may sound stupid, but try to say every day: “I am a winner. I can do it. I'm smart and happy." It can have a positive effect on your life.

5. Be more open to different possibilities.

Very often, when we go somewhere, we expect a certain result. If we go to a party, we hope to find new acquaintances; if we go to a store, we want to buy something at an attractive price.

However, this approach is too straightforward. We go after certain things, ignoring other opportunities that surround us. Try to be more attentive and open to other possibilities and surprises. It pays to be more spontaneous. This will significantly increase your chances of attracting good luck.

Attract luck and money into your life

6. Visualize what you desire.

Before you achieve something in the real world, imagine it in your head. What you can create in your imagination can appear in the real world. Moreover, visualization prepares you for possible obstacles and problems.

7. Ask yourself what you want.

People who are attracted to luck understand that the most effective way to get what you want is to simply ASK. By asking questions, you open yourself up to opportunities that seem like pure luck to ordinary people.

How to attract luck and money to your home

9. Do more good things, and good things will begin to attract you.

By doing good deeds for people and the environment that is important to you, you create a favorable background around yourself, which, in turn, will lead to kindness being attracted to you, and with it good luck. People will value and respect you, and many will want to help you and, if necessary, support you. Simply put, the more positive you give, the more good you will get out of life.

It's also worth being generous with new people. By helping them without expecting anything in return, you attract good luck to yourself.

10. Be
prepared .
To become lucky, you need to prepare well. Luck appears when you are given an opportunity, and you know how to take advantage of this opportunity, because you have the necessary knowledge and qualities. You need knowledge to recognize opportunities among the noise, you need experience to recognize the signs that those opportunities form, and you need courage to take risks.

11. Avoid energy vampires.

Try to surround yourself with talented people with strong character and avoid people who are called energy vampires. These are people who suck the life energy out of you with their behavior, their words and actions.

Money and our attitude towards it

To improve your financial condition, you need to change your attitude towards money. The magic of well-being works if we do everything right and magically change our familiar world.

Money is a clot of energy, a formless substance that requires maximum attention and respect, and not slander and curses. Why are you pushing money away with your thoughts and words?

You cannot combine the word money and the particle not (no). Stop thinking “I will never be able to buy such a wonderful house” - replace it with “I will buy such a house, and I have enough money to fulfill my dream.”

But it’s not enough to say - you need to visualize the image of a new house, feel the energy of money, close your eyes and imagine in front of you a suitcase with brand new hundred dollar bills with which you will pay for your house.

Attention: To understand the essence of this installation, watch the documentary film “The Secret”. This is a wonderful film that will help you fulfill your deepest desires.

Thank every penny that ends up in your wallet, love money, give it a piece of your positive energy, let material wealth into your home, open the door to new and interesting things that can affect the financial side of your life.

Avoid envy of other people's well-being - rather strive to learn the secrets of their financial stability, value yourself and your work. If you need to radically change your life and field of activity, then get rid of fears and doubts, allow yourself to be happy and confident in your actions, which will lead to material wealth!

Attention: do not limit your life financially. If you want to buy this particular laptop, then go ahead and buy it, no matter what, break your stereotypes and change your karma.

Always think only about your well-being, learn to think correctly, do not waste time on increasing other people's earnings. Until you learn this, no rituals, money trees, candles or prayers will help.

Ways to attract money and luck

12. Stop complaining.

To attract good luck, you should make some changes in your behavior. For example, get rid of the habit of complaining. Try to think more about how to help people. Discipline yourself and set the right goals to strive for. Don't let fear stop you. True workaholics create energy around themselves that attracts successful circumstances. Luck is not an accident, but a product of what you do.

13. Feel the moment.

Don’t rush to the front line, getting into the thick of the most difficult battle. It is worth studying the whole situation and choosing the most suitable case. To avoid failure, you should think carefully. For example, if your boss comes in tired, you don’t need to tell him the bad news right away.

Meditation to get rid of blocks.

1) First, you need to retire, turn off phones and other equipment. The main thing is that no one and nothing bothers you.

2) You can sit, but it’s better to lie down, this way you will relax in the best way. So: relax.

3) Breathe evenly. For a few minutes, watch your breathing.

4) Next, you need to carefully “address” your subconscious. That is, you must order your negative emotions (excitement, pessimism, fear, self-deprecation...) to leave your body and mind.

5) Now, it’s best for you to tell your subconscious that in a few seconds, you will stand up and shake first your right and then your left leg, and with these actions, all negative emotions and feelings will leave you forever.

6) Now imagine how you get up, walk outside, stop (preferably near a trash can), shake your legs in turn, and a dark gray substance or substance (negative energy) flows from your legs. Mentally shake your legs, great, all the negative energy has gone into the ground.

7) Great! Now imagine that you are returning home with ease, because you have gotten rid of the negativity. You are now strong, healthy and ready for new heights of happiness and abundance.

8) Open your eyes. This concludes the meditation, but the exercise continues.

How to attract luck and money yourself

14. Don't judge yourself harshly.

Overly critical self-esteem drives away luck. Stop telling yourself that you are a failure or that you lack strength. A happy person has the best qualities, and you should understand that you have all the right qualities to achieve your goal. If you learn not to judge yourself harshly, then you won’t even notice small mistakes.

15. Rejoice.

People whose luck has turned away simply do not know how to rejoice. They don’t understand what happiness is, so they just wait for incredible luck. However, luck must be respected. Even if you have some minor luck, rejoice in it. Lucky people even rejoice that they have good weather.

16. There is no need to blame fate.

Lucky people are independent. If you haven't coped with something, then the worst thing is to fall into fantasies and start thinking that now everything depends on fate. Luck turns away from those who give up and wait for sudden luck. For a successful person, luck is not something that comes naturally, it is the environment in which he operates.

What prevents you from tasting the sweetness of the furor?

Modern psychology, far from magic and superstition, rejects the notorious luck. Scientists believe that man himself is to blame for his failures. Anyone who does not know how to attract Fortune should pay attention to the psychological portrait of a typical loser.

1. He does not know how to know himself and his essence. Hence - a blurry, unclear idea of ​​​​your life goals.

2. Always dissatisfied with everything. He always complains about his lot, creating negative energy around himself that repels the vibes of good luck.

3. Unconfident, lazy, passive. He wouldn't mind winning the lottery, but he wouldn't even bother purchasing a lottery ticket.

4. Has a narrow outlook and thinks in stereotypes. Therefore, he is not ready to take advantage of the new opportunities that life provides him.

5. Not inclined to dream, does not know how to fantasize, and is not able to experience vivid emotions. He lives “normally,” “like everyone else,” trying not to deviate from the usual course.

Psychologists insist that luck does not depend on external events, but on how you evaluate them, what you think about them. And if so, you need to learn to manage your ideas - and success will not keep you waiting.

How to attract good luck and money to your home

17. Take risks.

By doing nothing you will not attract good luck. A person who is unlucky is usually simply afraid to take risks, but a lucky person simply acts and does not think about a guaranteed result. The fact is that there are no guarantees anywhere, but by inaction, a person deprives himself of even possible luck, but a lucky person, approaching the matter with optimism, can attract good luck.

18. Learn to overcome obstacles.

Try to convince yourself that you can conquer any peak. If you are not sure about something, then it is worth studying the biography of outstanding people, many of whom reached certain heights without having anything behind them. Also, when overcoming obstacles, you should not share your plans, as envious people can harm you with their negativity.

How to attract money to your family with the help of gems?

Legends are made about the magical properties of stones that attract money. Cat's eye, amber, jade, malachite, rhodonite, citrine, carnelian, and aquamarine will act as a talisman for material wealth.

Talismans can be tamed so that they create a favorable environment, attract money like a magnet and delight the eye with exquisite forms. Transparent metal can attract good luck; you can wear a ring with chrysoprase for business negotiations.

Stones without rims should be carried in the left pocket. If you have a money dispute, then put on a ring with peridot, and if some matter has been delayed, then put it in your purse or wallet.

Black tourmaline is an ideal talisman for businessmen: it will protect against the evil eye and make the owner happier. Suitable for the sign of Scorpio - will be able to pacify them and balance their behavior.

Gems have the ability to accept your thoughts: if you think in the right direction, the stones will help attract good luck and improve your financial situation.

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