Final essay: Why do conflicts arise between individuals and society? (2 options)

Option 1

(422 words) We often hear that the conflict between the individual and society is only to blame for the mediocre crowd, which does not recognize genius among ordinary people. We tend to idealize those who go against generally accepted laws. However, often behind the beautiful screen of this clash lies the selfishness of one person who goes against others only for the sake of self-affirmation or gain. Russian literature is rich in such examples.

Thus, M. Gorky in the story “Old Woman Izergil” portrayed a man who opposed society only because he placed himself above it without any reason. Larra was raised away from people, because he was the child of a woman kidnapped by an eagle. Because of this, he inherited all the habits of an eagle, but there was not much of a human in him. Larra, like his parent, willingly violated the rights of others for the sake of his own needs. Only one whim allowed him to kill a girl who refused to go with him. After the murder, Larra did not even feel remorse, since he loved and valued only himself. Of course, people wanted to protect themselves from such an aggressor and decided to expel the hero. The conflict between Larra and his tribe is an allegory of the relationship between a criminal and society. When a person breaks general rules, he receives rebuff from his environment. The reason for this opposition is that the individual tramples the rights and freedoms of others for his own sake.

We find an example closer to reality in the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". Chichikov came to a small provincial town to acquire peasants, but only on paper. Pavel Ivanovich suggested that local landowners sign over to him all the dead serfs, whom he wanted to pass off as living in the Council of Guardians, where they could pawn people and get a loan. Meeting the nobles and offering such a strange deal, the hero causes bewilderment in some of them. In the end, his suspicious actions became known to the whole society, because Korobochka came to the city, who was interested in the price of dead souls. Nozdryov, who quarreled with the guest, also contributed to the spread of rumors. As a result, the heroes of the work took up arms against Chichikov, realizing that his actions went beyond the norm. If before he charmed and won over representatives of the nobility, now he aroused only fear and suspicion. Pavel Ivanovich took the changed attitude towards himself as a signal to escape. What is the reason for this conflict? The main character himself is to blame for this clash, because it was he who put his selfish interests above state laws, above public regulations. By going against the rules, a person encounters resistance from those whose rights he violates.

Thus, in the confrontation between the individual and society, we must see not only a romantic conflict, but also a real basis. Often a person is to blame for the fact that those around him have turned their backs on him. If he is indifferent to the fate of other people, if he violates their rights, then the collective will answer him in kind.

Ways to resolve personal conflicts.

There are the following types of conflict resolution:

  1. Evasion . Expresses a desire not to enter into a dispute, and if there is one, to refuse to discuss the problem. Avoiding making a decision and discussing a controversial issue has its advantages - the opportunity to analyze the situation, look at it, freed from emotional pressure.
  2. Antialiasing . It manifests itself in the form of apologies and attempts to justify itself. A person who chooses this method of resolving a dispute demonstrates humility and agrees with the claims addressed to him. But at the same time, he does not delve into the essence of the problem, and most often does not fulfill his promises. He appeals with “loud” phrases: “why should we quarrel, we are friends,” “I love you, and we will definitely get married someday.” Smoothing is a temporary measure that allows you to relieve emotional tension, but it creates mistrust and, as a rule, leads to an aggravation of the situation in the future.
  3. Compulsion. This method of resolving a conflict situation is justified only in conditions of time shortage, to maintain subordination, and in emergency situations. The participants in the conflict, where, under the specified conditions, coercion will be justified, are parents and children, superiors and subordinates. If coercion is used constantly, tension will increase between the parties to the conflict.
  4. Compromise . Optimal dispute resolution. This is an agreement achieved through mutual concessions. Each participant in the conflict partially gets what he wants, and a situation arises that is acceptable to everyone. The advantages of a compromise are the elimination of contradictions and compliance with the terms of the agreement, since they were accepted voluntarily.

Option 2

(487 words) In society there are always people who differ from the majority in their worldview. As a rule, these are gifted “black sheep” who see a little further and know a little more than everyone else. Of course, any superiority gives rise to envy, misunderstanding, and aggression. It is easier for a team to take up arms against an individual than to admit its own wrongness or limitations. This phenomenon has been considered by many writers.

For example, L.N. Tolstoy, in his epic novel War and Peace, described the dramatic confrontation between Mikhail Kutuzov and the high society surrounding Emperor Alexander. The nobles, who were not even related to the war, condemned the actions of the commander-in-chief, accusing him of cowardice and senile indecision. None of them even delved into the motives of Kutuzov’s behavior, but all of them suddenly became experts in military strategy and received the right to criticize and point out. In this persecution, everyone tried to benefit and show themselves, but the main motives of people were envy and misunderstanding. Since most of the nobles did not enter the battlefield, but only commanded from a safe distance, none of them knew whether the Russian army could withstand a direct clash with an enemy who had defeated all of Europe. And Kutuzov, who fought for many years and took up arms himself, understood that the battle imposed on the emperor by ambition and the court would not be at all beneficial for the Russians. There was a huge risk of losing the entire army and suffering complete defeat. Therefore, Mikhail Illarionovich was cunning, pretended, hesitated, but in fact he took care of his soldiers and waited for the opportunity when they could save, and not destroy Russia. Unlike most officers, Kutuzov was indifferent to awards, but loved his Motherland very much. The far-sighted field marshal was an outstanding military man, and many envied his talents. Therefore, the real reasons for his conflict with society were envy and misunderstanding, which clouded the vision of the nobles.

The hero of the play, A.S., suffered from the ignorant and conservative noble society. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Chatsky received a foreign education, so he clearly saw the shortcomings of Russia and understood their reasons. He was a patriot, so he immediately tried to correct the situation and open his listeners' eyes to the obvious problems. But Alexander’s wit and erudition evoked a completely different reaction from people. They perceived in his words only mockery and infringement of their own dignity. They did not understand the true meaning of speech due to ignorance and limitations. So, from everything Chatsky said, Sophia realized only that he was mocking her beau. Pampered by wealth, corrupted by lawlessness, representatives of Famus society did not want change, because they themselves did not meet the high demands of justice, progressiveness and morality. Therefore, they all focused their efforts on fighting Chatsky, and not on working on themselves. They gladly accepted the rumors about his madness as the truth and crossed Alexander out of their ranks, because it was easier to get rid of him than to get rid of their vices. In this example, the reasons for the confrontation between the individual and society are also envy and misunderstanding. The majority simply took revenge on the minority for its talent.

Thus, it is easier for society to wage war on dissidents than to change itself and admit its own shortcomings. Therefore, the cause of conflicts is often envy and the inability to understand those who feel and think differently. Most cannot accept the fact that some individual has gone far ahead, so they strive to get rid of it.

What is group conflict?

Group conflict occurs when at least one of the opposing sides is a small social group. There are two types, depending on the participants.


  • The conflicting parties are the boss and the team. It may arise due to the director’s incompetence, an incorrectly chosen management style, or the team’s rejection of the new manager due to his unreasonable demands.
  • The confrontation between an ordinary employee and the team. It happens when an individual decides to deviate from the norms of behavior established in the group.
  • Dispute between a microgroup and an individual. The reason could be, for example, a change in group consciousness.


The following parties are involved in such a conflict:

  • Staff - administration. Reasons: low wages, violation of legal norms, lack of clearly structured communication between employees and management.
  • Divisions of one organization. Occurs during the distribution of resources, against the background of structural changes, in the case of mutual dependence in solving a problem.
  • Microgroups in the organization. They arise due to divergence of interests, high ambitions of group leaders, and the presence of mutually exclusive goals.
  • Two or more organizations. A dispute may arise due to non-compliance with previously agreed obligations when dividing sales markets and spheres of influence.
  • Informal groups. Contradictions due to differences in spiritual values ​​and interests. It often manifests itself in the form of extremism.

Types of destructive behavior

It is difficult for psychologists to clearly define what destructive activity is, since it is inseparable from the concept of a norm, and a norm, nevertheless, is an unstable concept.

The main classification of types of such behavior is given below.

  • Delinquent
    Is the illegal actions of a person, which entails criminal, administrative and legal liability.
  • Deviant
    A pattern of behavior that contradicts the moral, ethical and ethical ideas of the public (difference from the recognized norm of behavior).

Read on topic:

Teenagers with deviant behavior


Types of destructive behavior

Classification of destructive behavior is difficult, since specialists have to work with a floating value - the norm. It is subject to change, and what is considered acceptable today will be beyond the scope of adequate behavior tomorrow, and vice versa. Basically, psychologists divide destructive behavior into two large groups:

  • delinquent behavior (exceeding legal boundaries, breaking the law);
  • deviant behavior (non-compliance with generally accepted standards of morality and morality).

How can a destructive person change for the better?

To change your condition you need to work hard on yourself. If possible, you should seek the help of a psychologist if the degree of the disorder is severe enough.

Develop your empathy and compassion

If a person shows compassion and empathy towards others, it means that he feels much less aggression towards himself and towards others. People will stop being afraid of him and will begin to communicate with him, help and show reciprocal feelings.

Do not be afraid

In psychology, all fears are divided into true and false. True fears are circumstances that pose a real threat to life and health; false - all those fears that a person feels in relation to himself. Don't be afraid to seem funny, inferior, imperfect. The most important thing is your own adequate perception of yourself. Then no one will be able to humiliate or insult you.

Don't harbor aggression

Lack of release can negatively affect an individual’s health, so it’s worth finding the most suitable method for releasing emotions. For some it may be music, others prefer running, others need to hit a punching bag, and others find themselves in art. The main thing is that it brings emotional relief.

Start already, without leaving the screen, to engage in emotional release. Many psychologists have recently been practicing “Anti-stress” coloring books. Below you have the opportunity to use this technique absolutely free.

Choose how you want to paint.

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