Why do people betray you?!

Scientists consider infidelity in men as a biologically determined need of an individual to leave behind as many offspring as possible. However, we should not forget that man is not only a biological animal, but also a social being. This means that it is impossible to explain the problem of betrayal only by the instinctive desire to pass on one’s genes to as many heirs as possible.

Psychologists are convinced that a person is capable of cheating on a partner not only due to some “programmed obligations” to nature, but also for a dozen other reasons. For example, with sexual dissatisfaction in a relationship or a man’s low moral responsibility to his current chosen one.

The article will fully examine such a burning topic for many women as male infidelity. You will learn about its true reasons, and also learn how to reliably determine whether your partner is going “to the left.” So, let's begin.

If you want to be a happy person, don’t rummage through your memory!

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