5 Obvious Signs Your Man Still Loves His Ex

  • How to stop loving your ex-boyfriend
  • Why do you need to stop loving your ex-boyfriend?
  • How to fall out of love and forget about your ex-boyfriend.
  • To stop loving a guy, you need to start loving and respecting yourself
  • Keep yourself busy with useful things

Sometimes love gives us insidious surprises. A situation arises when it is simply impossible to renew the relationship. What to do when your soul is heavy, but you are very drawn to your ex? What to do if it seems that happiness is lost? How to stop loving a person?

How to stop loving your ex-boyfriend

Why do you need to stop loving your ex-boyfriend?

Let go of your feelings to find happiness here and now...

Our memories of a former boyfriend remain both good and bad. If joyful new experiences appeared in life, then the memories of previous relationships would most likely go away on their own. But often girls themselves do not want to let go of this situation quite consciously. It is simply impossible to move on to a new life , create a unit called “ family ”, give birth to children, when all this is overshadowed by thoughts and dreams about something else. If at the same time the girl does nothing, she can ruin both her own life and that of another man who expresses a desire to link his own destiny with her. So how can you stop loving your ex-boyfriend if he still doesn’t want to get out of his head? It is necessary to cut off feelings of attachment and longing. To do this, use the simple manipulations listed below.

Just like that, out of nowhere, we don’t remember the past. Certain conditions are required. Sometimes it’s a kind of reflex. You can just see a photo, meet your ex on the street, and painful memories are right there. This reaction simply needs to be destroyed. For your new love you need to make room in life.

How to fall out of love and forget about your ex-boyfriend.

Most often, after a breakup, a girl tears up a photo of her ex-lover. It's in vain. The memory still retains a clear idea, which is much more difficult to destroy. Try using the anchor method . Take the photo in your hands and imagine your ex in your mind. What feelings overcome you? They are the ones who prevent you from living in peace. These are your chains that just need to be broken. When the sensations become very strong during the performance, connect the thumb and index fingers on your left hand for a couple of seconds. This is a kind of anchor that will absorb all emotions into itself. Now imagine something that will cause a completely opposite reaction. So, if when remembering your ex-boyfriend , imagine the place where you felt bad with him and wanted to escape. During strong sensations, connect the fingers on your right hand into an anchor. It turns out that when you connect the fingers on your left hand, you have feelings associated with your loved one , and on your right - the opposite negative. Collect as many emotions as possible onto your right hand. While relaxing, squeeze both rings at the same time. Strange sensations? Hold your fingers for as long as you need. After this exercise, when you remember your ex-boyfriend, negative or neutral feelings will arise. Which actually will help you no longer feel not only love feelings for your ex-boyfriend, but also affection and longing .

To fall out of love, you need to discover yoga and fitness for yourself, so that you no longer go with the flow, but live actively and happily.
You can go to the mirror, think that you are the only one, such a beautiful girl and an interesting person who is waiting for a real and true Love. Think about how happy you will be when you meet and be with someone who will always take care of you and will never let you go. And in order to have such a happy future, you need to strive for what is really worthy of your attention, especially your sincere feelings, which it is better not to show at all due to ignorance and inexperience and to hold back for a more independent, independent life. That's why you need to get over your feelings for your ex-boyfriend. And start building the foundation for your happiness through study, work, hobbies and well-spent vacation.

favorite ex

For a very long time I didn’t dare to write here, I was afraid of criticism. But I can’t keep everything to myself anymore, my heart will break. Anyway, I’ll start my story.

To begin with, I’ll say that I’m married and I have 2 children (5 and 3 years old). In 2006, I broke up with my boyfriend. More precisely, we were forcibly divorced. Before me, he had a girlfriend, her sister worked in the prosecutor’s office. She threatened him that if he stays with me, he will be imprisoned for child molestation (my sister was 17). His parents sent him to another city. That’s how we broke up. A year passed, I got married. As it seemed to me, to my beloved. During this year he came back, but We didn’t talk, didn’t even say hello. Every time we saw each other by chance on the street, there was so much pain and love in his eyes. God, how I loved him, and I still love him. And he loved me madly. 7 years have already passed. All this time I was thinking about him. You may ask why I married someone I didn’t love. Then there was such emptiness inside.

I was afraid to be alone. My husband proposed to me 3 times. And only 3 times I agreed to marry him. I just thought that if I refused this time, I would definitely be left alone. A month ago, I congratulated my ex on his birthday. By the way , we didn’t sleep with our ex. We just kissed. Well, he was very happy and congratulated me (we have the same birthday). We talked. And suddenly, recently I received a text message from him saying that we shouldn’t communicate anymore. What about memories appear and he wants more communication. I managed to persuade him so that we communicate. But yesterday he wrote that he would not write to me anymore. Oh God, how it hurts me. I’m such a fool. I LOVE HIM STILL. I know, that his feelings haven’t cooled down either. That’s why he’s afraid that he won’t be able to control himself. You know what it’s like when you’re wrenched from melancholy, when tears are choking you and nothing can be done. I have a very good husband. I’m very ashamed in front of him. I feel vile. Of course he didn’t know about my communication. Moreover, they have mutual friends. Well, this is not my man, I don’t love him, but rather regret him. Even though we have children. I don’t want to live in the past, but I can’t forget, think only about the family, give yourself completely to your children. Such a fool. Sometimes I look at happy families and envy silently. The worst thing is that it’s easier for me to give up my husband than my ex. And my mother-in-law is a creature. I had thoughts about divorce. But there are no specific reasons. What will I tell my husband that I’m leaving because I love someone else? What about the children? They love their dad very much. I can’t do something like that half-heartedly. And I’m not sure that I need my ex with 2 children. And what should I do? I understand that I need to think about my family, but I love him and that’s all. I can’t do anything with myself. Please help. Advise.

To stop loving a guy, you need to start loving and respecting yourself

Keep yourself busy with useful things

In general, in order for the person to completely leave your thoughts, find yourself as many distracting activities as possible. You shouldn't have time to continue loving your ex-boyfriend. Delete all your contacts, put away things that will remind you of him, limit communication with mutual friends. Weigh your past relationships carefully, remember all the disadvantages. For a while, try not to read romance novels, watch romantic films, or listen to sad music. Take the free time for yourself, go in for sports, start chatting with friends. The main thing is not to be alone with sad thoughts. If necessary, go to a psychologist, he will tell you how to regain the meaning of life. The most effective way to forget your ex is to meet a new love or temporary hobby for hanging out . But there is no need to rush into this either. First, come to your senses and renounce your past feelings. Start by communicating with friends, preferably those who will not remind you of your ex-boyfriend, feel free to communicate with new people and make friends with common interests. Learn languages, they will not only help you get distracted and become a polyglot, but will also help in the development of thought processes. At the same time, do whatever you want to do. Don't forget about helping people and loving animals. Experts recommend that if you don’t have a pet, you should get one, especially during difficult psychological periods. In general, do everything to live joyfully, lead an active lifestyle and improve yourself. The brightness of your future is determined by your prudence and clarity of mind. Don’t let any feelings get in your way, much less throw you off your usual rut.

Accept the bouquet and there is no more love for your ex!
Every person along our path teaches us something. That’s what happened with the ex-boyfriend, he gave something and maybe took something away, and his mission ended there, your paths in life diverged. Even if you happen to see each other by chance, it is only in order to confidently continue your journey with a light soul, which is no longer burdened by anything, because something different and more fateful is coming, both in your and his life. You just have to thank everything and everyone in yourself, especially the person who was dear to you and finally let go in order to discover a different personality in yourself, which is not only free from old feelings, but has also surpassed itself, going towards its bright and happy to the future.

Relationships inside out: what if you loved your ex more?

If you have had an unhappy love story in your life, then the next text will be about you. Because only by parting with someone who is truly dear to you can you determine how you really feel about other people. You learn to re-open your heart, re-enter into a serious relationship, but at times you still continue to be tormented by the question: did you not love your ex more than you love someone now?

In modern society, one simple fact must be taken for granted: often the most vibrant relationships now happen at the age of 20-25, and not in the era of the heroines of the series Sex and the City. Youth rules the world, which is why there are so many beautiful love stories around no older than 30 years. Everyone strives to get everything done before the third decade, as if after that nothing interesting happens (a big misconception). And if you are a decent matron who, by a quarter of a century, has not done anything epoch-making or significant (read “hasn’t started a stormy and romantic relationship”), perhaps you simply will not be accepted into a certain crowd.

Nowadays it is common to love young. Early loss of virginity, first experiments with alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are a kind of calling card of the 21st century. No matter what twenty-year-old starlet you spit on, she is sure to have a tragic but incredibly beautiful love story that deserves its own 100 episodes of Santa Barbara.

And therefore, when you meet someone really worthwhile, someone with whom you can connect your life, you already have a baggage of love behind you (consisting, perhaps, of more than one bag).

And starting a relationship with that special someone

, you can return memories to your exes over and over again, comparing the level of feelings. You remember how strong and bright your old love was, so you are subconsciously afraid that you won’t be able to love like that again. And there is some truth in this.

By experiencing tumultuous and emotional relationships at an early age, you give your heart complete freedom. This is the first strong experience of love. You throw yourself into the pool headlong, enjoying how the wave of feelings starts from your very toes and gradually covers you completely. You cry from overwhelming emotions and sincerely believe that you will die without this person.

You truly love for the first time. You're not afraid of anything. You trust your partner with your heart, soul and dreams. You still don’t know anything about what betrayal, deception, disappointment and pain are. Before you is only an idol, which your entire being idolizes only for the fact of its existence.

This is a relationship full of the exuberance of youth. They are like a flash that burns brightly, but not for long. They are like a hurricane that destroys everything around. They are bright, fast, merciless.

And they are not about true love, because essentially you don’t know how to love yet. All-consuming passion, insanity and frenzied feelings do not yet mean the six-letter word that you use to describe the chemistry that occurs between you. Unfortunately, this can only be understood over time, when the heart begins to protect itself from pain and learns to separate truth from fiction.

That's when you will meet the person you truly love. You feel it somewhere deep inside you - you coincided, you finally found each other. You feel it, although you doubt it: now you no longer feel like throwing yourself off a cliff after your first quarrel and you don’t want to drown in this pool with your head.

You notice flaws in your loved one, see his weaknesses, know his fears. You do not look at it blindly, like an idol, losing memory and sight from its radiance. You are seeing the light.

But there are still some things that constantly scare you. And if I don’t go crazy about him, can it be called love? And if I don’t cry my eyes out from my feelings, maybe they’re not so strong? What if I loved my ex more?

This is both true and not true. You really knew how to feel differently and you had perhaps the most brilliant relationship of your life with your ex. You really felt differently about him and partly felt something more towards him than you did towards your current boyfriend. But you didn’t love your ex - you were burning with feelings. You drowned, died, sacrificed yourself and tore yourself to pieces, but you didn’t love. You love now.

And you love much more than you can imagine. You just don't realize it. After all, in the movies they don’t say that true love is about silence and silence, about peace and inner harmony. How to show happiness on screen if it is silent and timid? How to play love if it does not tolerate vulgarity and vulgarity?

Love is about silence. And youth is about wildness. That's why it's so easy to confuse it with a six-letter word—and that's a big misconception.

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