How to understand that a man truly loves: how he behaves and is it possible to determine this when you are not dating yet?

Men in love: what are they like?

When a girl is in love, she wants her chosen one to have the same feelings for her.
Behind the veil of his rose-colored glasses, it may seem to her that he paid attention to her or at some point looked at her meaningfully. But what is desired does not always turn out to be reality. Sometimes it is very difficult to get out of the web of consciousness clouded by love and adequately assess the situation. Our advice will help you with this. To understand whether a guy loves you or not, take a closer look at how he behaves. There are special moments in a person’s words, facial expressions, and gestures that can reveal his true feelings. And then either jump for joy and fly in the clouds with happiness, or be upset due to the lack of mutual emotions on the part of the chosen one.

Let's look at the main signs that a guy loves you.

What to do if it’s not clear whether a guy loves you

Of course, the easiest option is to directly ask the young man how strong his feelings are. But this option is only suitable for brave girls, and even an insecure guy can be irrevocably frightened. Therefore, it is better to prefer other methods, softer and unobtrusive. The most reliable indicator is to pay attention to tactile signs. If a guy loves you, he will unconsciously try to touch you once again. Moreover, this will manifest itself even where there is no particular need for touching - for example, when letting you through the door, a guy may lightly touch your back. Or, if you need to show you something in the distance, instead of saying “Look,” the guy can touch your hand and then gesture to the desired object. Tactile sensations very well reveal a person’s spiritual feelings and his need for close relationships.

Another option for what to do when you don’t understand the feelings of a young man is to try to “hook” him, specifically making it clear that you prefer only open relationships, where people confess their love to each other without hiding it for many years. You can hint about this to the guy during simple conversations, or come up with a suitable story about your friends and share it with the young man, focusing on the right or wrong male behavior. Or you can make him feel jealous, this also has a good effect. A smart young man will quickly understand what you are driving at and will decide to quickly reveal his feelings so as not to lose you. Even if he does not openly talk about his feelings, he will begin to show his jealousy in behavior and will show the young people around you that he has serious plans for you.

Words of a loving man

When a woman loves, she is ready to shout about it to the whole world. Men differ in this regard:

  1. Not every young person is able to express feelings in words. Such representatives of the stronger sex are ready to prove emotional attachment with serious actions and deeds, but saying three cherished words is almost like death for them.
  2. If a loving person does not have the courage to make a confession, he will definitely put into words the tenderness and warmth that overwhelm his heart. And he will try to avoid swearing and rude words in the presence of his lady.
  3. Emotional eloquence in the love sphere is not always a true manifestation of adoration. The fiery speeches of the chosen one may simply be a sign of passion and desire for intimacy. Or he simply knows how to professionally seduce the beauty he likes, knowing that ears are a woman’s weakness.
  4. You can find out whether a guy loves you or not by the way he behaves in conversation. If a young man is interested in your stories, listens carefully, trying not to miss a single detail, this shows his interest. At the same time, you can notice that the guy talks about his plans, using “we” instead of “I”, talks about dreams, describing a wonderful future with you. This means that he sees you next to you in the future and considers you his soul mate. If a man tells endless stories about himself, his adventures and even love affairs, then in this case, most likely, he sees you as a friend, not a lover.

Actions of a loving man

You can understand whether a guy really loves a girl or not by how he behaves and what he does for the sake of his chosen one:

  1. Strong feelings are judged if a person tries to fulfill any desire of his beloved, even at the level of guessing thoughts. In this case, he knows all her tastes and preferences and tries to constantly please her with surprises, flowers, gifts, sweets, just to see a smile on his beloved’s face.
  2. You can determine whether a guy loves you by how interested he is in your life and what worries you. Only an absolutely indifferent person does not show interest. The lover is looking for ways to solve the girl’s problems, even the most insignificant ones, because it is very important for him to be needed. If the gentleman does not experience any special feelings, then his habit will be to complain about fate, to expect help from his companion, perhaps even financially.
  3. You can understand that a guy has fallen in love with you or, on the contrary, does not love you at all, by the way he behaves in the presence of the fair sex. All men are males and, when they see a pretty young lady, they unconsciously try to attract attention and preen themselves. For example, they straighten their hair, straighten their shirt collar, raise the timbre of their voice, try to make you laugh, etc. If he has tender feelings for you, then against the backdrop of being relaxed with other ladies, he may behave timidly and shyly with you, blush, and be nervous. Or he simply doesn’t notice other beauties because he can’t take his eyes off of you.
  4. When all a man’s thoughts are occupied by one woman, he will have no desire to dream about other ladies. An indifferent person will not hesitate to even periodically remember his former companions and, perhaps, compare them with his current one, and not always in her favor.
  5. If a person is in love, he will easily sacrifice a party with his best friends in favor of his beloved. Or he will take her with him and at the same time will not feel “under his thumb,” since personal relationships come first for him.
  6. In his insanely busy schedule, a guy in love will always find time to meet his lady love, for a call or a tender SMS. But if you notice that your chosen one rarely calls, the conversations are short and mostly formal, he is unlikely to experience fiery emotions towards you.
  7. When thinking about the question “how do I know if a guy loves me,” take into account the following facts that confirm that he passed the test of the strength of his feelings for you:
  • talks about future children together,
  • made a marriage proposal,
  • he is ready to do anything for you,
  • regularly provides assistance to your parents.

How to find out if a guy loves you

You can understand that a young man loves you by different moments - a glance, a manner of communication, phrases, correspondence and calls. The common features are that a guy in love will constantly look for varied contact with a girl. He will call or write to her for the most trivial reasons (for example, asking if she knows the phone number of the nearest pizzeria or asking for advice on whether she should watch the latest movie released). If possible, the guy will look for regular meetings, even casual ones. He will find out from the girl’s friends her address or the places she most often visits, and will be nearby absolutely “by chance.” A loving guy will be ready to give up even his usual meetings with friends or visits to bars in order to devote free time to his girlfriend instead.

In all his behavior, a guy who loves a girl will try to show himself as confident and reliable. Even in those moments where you can completely cope on your own, he will offer his help and attention (offer to carry your purse, walk your dog, open the lid of a can of canned food). There will also be some jealousy in his behavior - he will ask, with whom you spent last night or whose male voices he heard on the phone during your conversation. This is quite normal if jealousy does not cross reasonable boundaries and does not interfere with your communication. A guy will never be jealous if he doesn't take a girl seriously.

Another important indicator for the strength of your chosen one’s feelings is that the guy who loves you will be ready to introduce you to his family and friends, and will also actively strive for a pleasant acquaintance with your relatives. This is a serious step, which for a man means readiness for a strong and long-term relationship. If you are already in a relationship, then the strength of the guy’s feelings will be manifested by the desire to communicate with your family and truly join it, help them and become a full-fledged member of the family, and not avoid visits and communication. By the way, this can also be checked during your visits to his family’s house. The guy will probably, after a couple of visits, offer you to leave a toothbrush at his place or give you a personal towel - in a word, he will try to surround you with home comfort and make you feel at home among his family members.

The difference between the behavior of a guy in love and a guy who just likes you

A guy in love and a guy who just likes a girl are two completely different people. If a young man in love is ready to commit bold acts in order to achieve a girl at any cost, sometimes even going beyond the bounds of his pride, then a guy with simple interest is unlikely to sacrifice his pride. A guy in love will not be ashamed to show his attention to a girl in public places or in the presence of friends nearby, but a guy who simply likes you will most likely not do this, because he has no special desire to be perceived as a couple or close people .

A guy in love will always be ready to come to your aid, even in small things, having heard your random requests. This could be the need to rearrange the furniture in your home, or help in choosing a new phone or buying household appliances. But a guy with a simple interest in you, without love, will not always be ready to disinterestedly help in resolving trivial issues.

And of course, a guy in love always strives to develop relationships. He will think about your future together, and will start talking about living together or getting married, even if he talks about it in the future tense. And a guy who just likes you doesn’t think about such things, because he doesn’t consider you as a permanent life partner and future wife. You can check this point by directly asking the young man what he thinks about the future of your relationship. If he starts to move away from the topic or laugh it off, you should think about the seriousness of his feelings. If a guy identifies specific moments, time frames, or simply starts telling what moments he dreams of together, this is a good indicator of the seriousness of your chosen one’s feelings.

The look of a guy in love

A young man who is not indifferent to a girl will try to look at her often, but secretly, so as not to betray his feelings. His gaze will be intent and attentive - he is interested in seeing as many features of the girl’s appearance as possible, studying her from all sides. In addition, subconsciously people are always drawn to look at their loved ones. Having met your eyes, a guy in love will most likely quickly hide his eyes; your eye contact will be short-lived. Only as feelings develop and deepen will your gaze become bolder, eye to eye - this indicates the trust of your relationship. Therefore, being in a more or less long-term relationship, the gaze of a guy in love will be sensual, intent, as if he is trying to absorb his beloved whole.

A guy in love looks at the girl greedily, as if he doesn’t notice others around. You can read real delight in his gaze; he cannot stop looking at the object of his adoration and will constantly glance at the girl. Especially often his gaze will linger on your lips and eyes. It is these parts of the body that young people associate with tenderness and passion, which is why the gaze wanders to the lips and hands most often.

How does a guy in love communicate?

The main indicator of a person who is in love with you is the appearance of great concern in communication. The guy will constantly ask if you are cold while walking, or if you really liked that movie you went to yesterday. This concern will also manifest itself in relation to your shortcomings - as soon as a girl complains about her unslim figure or ugly appearance, the guy who is in love with her will immediately begin to say that everything is fine with her figure. At the same time, the guy perfectly accepts all the girl’s real shortcomings and does not deny them, and, if desired, even turns them into advantages.

Once in a large circle, a guy, even when communicating with other people, will try to be close to you and, when the opportunity arises, introduce you to everyone as his girlfriend. If you are not officially a couple yet, then with phrases and gestures the guy will emphasize that he is in love with you and it is better for other young people not to come close. He will definitely hug you, call you emphatically cute, in a word, he will show his rights to you in every possible way.

When communicating, a guy will try to call you by name as often as possible, because this is the best subconscious way to win someone over. At the same time, he can also use affectionate options that will surely make the girl smile - and this is another reason to become closer to each other. If we talk about communicating in private, then there are two options: in the first case, the guy will try to talk and ask questions without stopping, in order to avoid an awkward pause and not give away his excitement. In the second case, when the young man is more shy, he will be embarrassed to communicate and will prefer to give a larger share of the conversation to the girl, becoming an excellent listener for her.

Calls and correspondence with a guy in love

Of course, calls and correspondence via SMS or on social networks will occupy a large place in communication with a guy who is in love with you. These two types of communication will differ significantly from the usual calls and correspondence with friends and acquaintances. Calls from a guy in love most often happen for unimportant reasons - after all, it’s just important for him to once again attract your attention. He will also start calling or sending sweet SMS in the morning wishing you good morning or in the evening wishing you good dreams. If you didn’t answer the call, then another one will probably soon follow, or an SMS with exciting anxiety and words asking if everything is okay with you. And if he couldn’t answer your call, he will definitely call you back as soon as he has a free minute.

In correspondence, communication styles that are atypical for this guy will probably appear - he may start using a lot of emoticons, acquire new phrases. Cute words and nicknames like “cat” or “bunny” will definitely appear - it’s much easier to start showing attention in this way in correspondence than in personal conversations. Since social networks are a place where it is not always possible to track the amount of communication you have with other young people, a guy who is in love with you will definitely “mark his territory”: he will begin to actively comment on your posts, post his posts on your page, and share music with you .

In many ways, a guy in love begins to adopt the girl’s correspondence style, subconsciously adapting to her. Your correspondence will become long and active, sometimes you may not even notice how you communicated until late at night on social networks. The fact is that the person who loves you will be interested in learning everything about you, and for this you need to correspond as long as possible and develop your joint topics for communication.

He compliments you all the time

Does he praise your appearance even when you're in old jeans and an oversized T-shirt, collapsing after a hard day at work? And most of all, he tries to praise you when you feel bad, are you going through a breakup or a quarrel with your boyfriend? The conclusion is obvious, and we will add on our own that he is great.

He is very worried about you

When something unpleasant happens in your life, is your friend ready to wipe out your offenders from the face of the earth? Is he upset and worried no less than you are (or even more)? If the answer to these questions is yes, then he cares about you very much. And perhaps more valuable than just a friend.

He goes out of his way to help you

Transport things, set up a computer, deal with the installation of equipment - he is ready to help you in any situation, even if for this he has to cancel or reschedule his own plans. Men in love are not yet capable of this.

He laughs at all your jokes

Even over those that you yourself think are not the most successful. But for him, who is head over heels in love with you, all your jokes are the wittiest in the world.

He hugs you all the time

If your normally stern friend has turned into a cuddly cuddle monster and uses any excuse to touch you, it's a sure sign that he's fallen in love.

He writes or calls you very often

How often? Well, let's say, more often than before. Or more often than your best friend. Especially if he writes not for any reason, but just to find out how you are doing. Or on business, but clearly far-fetched, so that there is a reason to talk to you again.

Well, if in the morning you wake up to his messages in the messenger or he writes messages to you even when hanging out with his friends - well, congratulations (if you like him. If not, we sympathize).

He suddenly became preoccupied with how he looked

Does he come to every meeting with you in the clothes you like? Did he grow a beard when you said Lumberjacks were cool? Has he started wearing perfume? And in the photos on social networks (where he is without you, of course) does he look the same as before? Yes, if he “prettens up” only for meetings with you, this also indicates his increased attention to your person.

He looks at you all the time

Really - all the time. As soon as you look in his direction, does he immediately look away and pretend to look in the other direction? This trick has been known to everyone since school days. The boy (okay, man) had a crush. On you.

He blushes and is embarrassed

Yes, this happens to men too. And if he doesn’t blush, he has difficulty finding words when you ask him about something, thinking at that moment which answer you would like best or would help prolong such a wonderful conversation with you.

He's teasing you

Has he suddenly gone from just being a friend to being an inveterate prankster who teases you at every little thing? Note that he teases in a friendly manner so as not to offend. If yes, then just remember the boys pulling the pigtails of the girl they like. It is the same.

He ignores you in front of other people

When you're in company, he doesn't pay any attention to you, but when you're alone he turns on super-friendly mode again? It is quite possible that he simply does not want anyone to guess about his feelings for you.

He keeps a close eye on your personal life

Has he suddenly become interested in your relationship (if you have one), or is he constantly asking if you like this new acquaintance? Or is he trying to find out if someone is showing you signs of attention? Does he want to know everything in great detail? Well, maybe it's just friendly curiosity. But hardly.

He started mirroring you

Does he walk in step with you, unconsciously (or consciously?) copies your poses, has he suddenly started listening to your favorite music and watching the same TV shows as you? Most likely, he really likes you.

He informs you about all the news

Another sign of falling in love is if a friend starts telling you all the news about his life, even the most insignificant ones. And not only about his own - he strives to be the first to tell you what you would have known without him as soon as you opened Facebook. But he got there first.

He constantly strives to please you

When he meets with you, does he often bring your favorite croissant from your favorite coffee shop, does he often recommend you new music, a book or a movie? Perhaps this is not without reason.

For you he is always free

Wherever and whenever you call him, does he come? Have you often been busy before, even if you offered something truly interesting? Well, of course, now he has fallen in love with you and wants to spend as much time as possible with you. And he will refuse the invitation only if another sudden leave of absence threatens him with dismissal from his job.

He often tells his friends about you

This can only be verified if you have met them at least once. Have you met? Did they talk to you as if they knew a suspicious amount about you? Or, better yet, they said, “Oh, so you’re Alya? And we’ve heard a lot about you!” If you're on your friend's mind, it's understandable that he'll mention you every now and then in conversations with his friends (especially if they don't know you personally).

Attitude to your environment

To understand whether a friend likes you as a girl or is just a friend for him, look at how he treats those around you: parents, friends, acquaintances. A loving person always strives to get closer to the family of the object of sympathy. Not just to say hello, but to inquire about your affairs, your well-being, compliment your mother, help your sister with a computer program, ask your father for advice, etc. He agrees with pleasure to an offered mug of tea, listens with interest to a story about your childhood, and eats a piece with admiration. Mom's pie? Well, his plans are definitely not friendly!

It's the same with girlfriends! He understands that he must please those around him, so he tries to find a common language with everyone. However, if you are arguing with someone, a friend will always be on your side: his goal is to protect you, comfort you, support you. “They are definitely wrong, so calm down!”, “You don’t deserve this kind of attitude,” “Never mind, it’s not worth your tears.” Love makes you look at things and people subjectively, remember?

But with the guys the situation will be different. If a friend is determined to do more than be friends with you, he will become a kite to fight off the male environment from you. You will constantly hear about the shortcomings of potential rivals. Appearance, character, habits, attitude towards you, manner of speaking, lifestyle - everything is not suitable! By the way, you can notice such a disdainful attitude towards your former boyfriends!

He gets a little nervous when you're around

One of the things men hate most about falling in love with someone is the butterflies and jitters they feel when they meet the girl they love. Looking from the outside, this behavior may seem cute and even funny. But anyone who has experienced this condition can tell you that there is nothing funny about the stupid and awkward comments that men make when under Cupid's spell. So constant attempts at witty banter from someone who is usually calm and cool is a great sign that he has a crush on you.

He changes his style and tries to look his best

Signs of a guy falling in love quite often appear when he changes his image. So, if your friend begins to be very careful about his appearance, constantly preens himself when you meet him, or tries to match the image that you like, then this means that he has special feelings for you. And you mean much more to him than just a friend.

The guy constantly talks about your future together, about loyalty and devotion

Another obvious sign that a friend is in love appears when he begins to bring up serious conversations about fidelity in a relationship, devotion and love. After all, few men will raise such topics and talk about them seriously. So, if your friend starts talking about plans for the future together. The fact that he values ​​fidelity, honesty and devotion in people, and wants to see just such a girl next to him, then it may well be that he is hinting at you. After all, he already knows you well enough. And, if you have such qualities, then it is quite obvious that he wants to connect his future life with you.

Attitude towards the woman you love

You can tell that a guy is in love with a girl by the way he treats her:

  1. The attitude will be read in the young man’s gaze: when his beloved appears, his eyes begin to glow, and his face lights up with a smile. In any company, his gaze will most often belong to her. When a guy jokes, he always sneaks a look at his chosen one, analyzing how she will react.
  2. A loving man always wants to envelop his girlfriend with attention, care, and tenderness. And he tries to be there at the right moment.
  3. It is important for a man to be as close to the girl as possible in order to be able to constantly touch her.
  4. Flaws and shortcomings in the appearance and character of the woman he loves do not cause a negative reaction in his partner, since he loves her for who she is. And he constantly tries to support him in this. Next to him, the girl’s self-esteem is always adequately raised.
  5. A loving man is proud of his choice and, confident in his feelings, does not hesitate to introduce his chosen one to close friends and relatives. Invites you to family dinners and holidays.
  6. In the intimate sphere, the guy makes sure that his partner feels as good and comfortable as possible. He is attentive, does not ignore contraceptive methods, and does not force sexual intercourse if she is unwilling or feels unwell.

If your chosen one does not correspond well to the indicated signs of falling in love, do not rush to get upset and give up on him. Remember that each person is individual and can express sympathy in their own special way. But in any case, a loving man is distinguished by a tender and reverent attitude towards his chosen one and always strives to protect and support her. If he is indifferent to a woman, then he will never do for her what he himself does not want.

Other screaming signs of falling in love

In addition to the above signals, to understand that a friend is in love with you, pay attention to the following points:

  • adopts your habits (gestures, words, facial expressions, demeanor, hobbies) - sympathy subconsciously pushes us to “adapt” to our partner;
  • attends all events (even the most boring ones) if you are there;
  • has been in a single status for a long time, refuses to meet new girls;
  • behaves out of character with you (suddenly becomes shy, embarrassed, nervous, awkward, silent, cheeky, vulgar, dreamy, etc.);
  • feeds you (takes you around the cafe, brings home goodies, knows your taste preferences) - it gives a man great pleasure to feed his beloved;
  • started taking care of his appearance (he took off his stretched sweater, wore expensive cologne, changed his hairstyle): guys strive to please potential girlfriends;
  • actively monitors your posts, statuses, photos on social networks;
  • is interested in your plans for the future;
  • under the influence of alcoholic intoxication, he admits how cool, beautiful, charming you are, etc.

But what to do with all this? Psychologists say: if a girl understands that her friend is in love with her, the only thing she can do is to be sincere towards him. Don’t deceive yourself or your close friend, don’t give false hopes, don’t use other people’s feelings. Tell everything honestly, only as gently as possible. And if you yourself see a potential man in your friend, why not give yourself the right to happiness?

Useful video:

How can you check your partner's feelings?

Everything seems to be fine in your relationship, but a vague gnashing in your heart cannot leave you. Your boyfriend periodically says that he loves you, but how can you check this to understand whether he is lying? Moreover, if your relationship has been going on for a long time, perhaps he could have cooled off towards you.

Ways to check your partner's feelings:

  1. Focus on the peculiarities of his behavior. Periodic touching and stroking of your body, a gentle smile, a look that envelops you with warmth and tenderness, speak of tremulous feelings. If a man has grown cold, he will simply avoid looking at you.
  2. Ask him directly if he loves you. And pay attention not to the answer, but to how he will behave at this moment. Tension, an averted gaze, a grin in response, or an attempt to laugh it off should alert you. But don't overuse this question, as most men simply can't stand it.
  3. Carefully ask mutual friends how he speaks about you, if he has other hobbies. Based on their answers and especially their reactions, you can guess how he feels about you.
  4. Check the situation. There is no need to create it on purpose; there will definitely be problems in the life of every woman. For example, a car broke down in the middle of the road or a pipe burst in the bathroom. The main thing is that if you find yourself in such a situation, inform him about it and tell him that you need immediate help. A loving man, even if he really cannot come right away, will definitely react and find a way out of the situation. For example, he will call friends or specialists who can come to the rescue.
  5. Come home with flowers and sweets, smiling mysteriously. If a man is not indifferent to you, then signs of jealousy should appear in him one way or another. Unless, of course, you are a teacher and the situation is not trivial.
  6. When thinking about the question “how to check a guy if he loves me,” you can resort to an indecent method: examining his phone. Contacts in it may contain interesting names, and calls and correspondence will either give away your partner or convince you of his sincere feelings.
  7. If, in front of you, a man has the habit of proudly recalling ex-girlfriends or his previously free life, without fear of hurting your feelings in this way, then most likely he has cooled down. After all, a sincerely loving person has no desire to cause negative emotions in his companion.
  8. To check whether a guy loves you or not, you can conduct a kind of feelings test. Arrange with a pretty friend so that she will show him signs of attention and flirt. Of course, there is a possibility that he will reciprocate her feelings, and maybe she won’t refuse. Then you'll have to lose them both. But, on the other hand, do you need a person who can betray so easily (this applies to both your boyfriend and girlfriend).
  9. Have an interesting and useful time answering the questions of unique modern psychological tests, among which “accidentally” will be the following topics: “how to understand that you have fallen in love with a girl sent by fate,” “how to understand that you really love your girlfriend.”

Under what conditions is it better to date a guy?

Common places (study, work, gym, etc.) bring us closer together, but do not oblige us to continue. The proverbial “cup of coffee” is just an everyday moment; you don’t necessarily need to look for an engagement ring at the bottom.

A guy who truly loves you and is really interested in you will also not rush you or push you.
A man is a patient hunter who is able to wait in ambush if he meets a worthy “target of attack.” Attitude to gifts - are you waiting for recognition and hoping that the young man will shower you with flowers and sweets, or offer you a joint vacation? Not at all necessary, everyone has different capabilities and ideas about signs of attention. It’s better to think about what you can offer in return that could be truly interesting.

Spending together in a cafe or at the cinema is a topic for a separate study in a broad format, so we’ll leave this sensitive issue to your personal discretion. If you need money, wait for an inheritance or go to the casino, but the man doesn’t owe you anything yet. A serious strategic mistake is to expect quick recognition and gifts, because we have “already known each other for half an hour.” The gradual rapprochement is very intriguing and allows you to choose the best options for self-presentation. Don’t expect compensation for your efforts: “I spent the whole day getting ready and putting on makeup, and he’s wearing yesterday’s T-shirt,” no one forced you.

Certain shortcomings are part of a personal characteristic, they distinguish us from each other, try to realistically assess the situation. And one more thing - do not seek “retribution” in case of unsuccessful relationships. Don’t try to prove that “he will regret it” - it looks ridiculous and suggests that you are dependent on past relationships and on his opinion. Smile and move on.

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