How you can make money: a psychologist’s method of determining

How you can make money: the main answer

“I’m sitting at home now. I tried to go to work, but I didn’t like working at the passport office. And you wouldn’t be able to make a living there, because they pay little.” My interlocutor continued.

“My husband and I are now looking at ideas on how and what we can earn money from. But no ideas for my own business, other than selling rags. doesn't come to mind."

What do you think: how can a young woman earn money, and how?

Do you want to earn your first money? No start-up capital? Start with a garage sale.

The main answer (to the question how can you earn money?): in any available way within the scope of your skills and abilities.

I recommend that you, as a new entrepreneur, focus your mind on acquiring several types of income to begin with. Perhaps later you will be able to build an entire business on one of them. In the meantime, sharpen your self-presentation and sales skills, because that's what matters.

How to make money idea #1: garage sale

Another difficulty in starting a business is that there is no free money to purchase goods for resale.

The age-old idea of ​​“how you can make money” will come to the rescue - organize a garage sale. As Americans often do, they display things and household items near the garage that are no longer needed. But which are of interest to other people, so feel free to start trading.

You don't have to have a garage to have a garage sale.

  • Take an inventory of closets, storage rooms, furniture and gadgets.

  • Check to see if there are items that are in good condition but are not used.

  • Take photographs of these items, clothing and furniture.

  • And put it up for sale on online classifieds sites. Like “Avito” or “Farpost”.

Believe me, what you don’t need will still serve other people. Which will be attracted by the low price.

The author of this blog himself recently replaced the sink in the kitchen, dismantled the old one and sold it along with the mixer. For 700 rubles - to a young guy who will install it in his garage. I'm sure most people would simply throw this sink away or scrap it for metal.

Don't skip this step. Start earning money, and at the same time you will tidy up your closet, make room for new things and ideas in your life.

Six Kinds of Fear by Napoleon Hill

There are three enemies that every person should get rid of - fear, indecision and doubt. Indecisiveness leads to doubt, which creates fear. And that, in turn, paralyzes a person’s ability to act. Therefore, Napoleon Hill advises self-analysis to identify six signs of fear. To defeat an enemy, you need to know his name, habits and habitat. It is quite possible that fear is in your subconscious.

We have all been convinced more than once that thoughts tend to come true, so getting rid of fears will allow a person to gain financial success and thinking.


Fear of poverty

Many people are afraid of poverty and thereby bring it upon themselves. Here are six symptoms that will help you recognize this type of fear.

  1. Indecisiveness . This is the habit of allowing others to think for themselves, while remaining inactive.
  2. Indifference . This is an unwillingness to fight poverty, an attitude towards a bad event as fate, a lack of initiative, as well as intellectual and physical laziness.
  3. Anxiety . A frowning, gloomy appearance, which leads to excessive alcohol consumption and addiction to drugs and smoking. Also, such people are characterized by self-doubt.
  4. Doubt . Manifests itself in the form of apologies and explanations.
  5. Overcaution . Such people talk only about possible failures instead of focusing their minds on the means to achieve success. Pessimism, which leads to somatic diseases.
  6. Procrastination . In our century this is called procrastination. Avoidance of responsibility and complete lack of initiative.

A person left without a job is ready to accept the first offer, which leads to a deterioration in his already terrible financial condition. He looks at the shop windows and feels like a second-class citizen. Envy exacerbates fear and helplessness. Fear of poverty breeds more poverty.


Fear of criticism

There is always enough criticism in our lives. It can cause an inferiority complex in a person and leads to a complete inability to build constructive relationships. It kills creative thinking and forces you to take several steps back.

Seven symptoms of fear of criticism:

  1. Shyness . Expressed in timidity and nervousness. It may seem like a pleasant character trait, but such a person is not capable of achieving success.
  2. Weakness of character . This is thoughtless agreement with someone else's opinion and lack of ability to clearly express one's thoughts.
  3. Imbalance . Poor posture and memory, inability to control your voice and behavior. An extremely unpleasant character trait of a person who wants to devote his life to business.
  4. Inferiority complex . The habit of saying big words to impress. Such people seem self-confident, but in reality they are not. They imitate others in the way they dress and speak, and are accustomed to inventing stories of their achievements.
  5. Extravagance . The desire to spend more than you have in order to appear richer, the habit of living beyond your means, and taking on debt.
  6. Lack of self-esteem . This is a habit of giving up any of your undertakings with a light heart, laziness of soul and body.
  7. Lack of initiative . This is uncertainty in your ideas and fear of expressing your point of view.

Be careful when criticizing your child - this can lead to the problems described above. Learn to accept constructive criticism and be immune to unfounded criticism.


Fear of diseases

Fear of getting sick leads to somatic illnesses and makes a person weak in spirit. If you have this fear, you are unlikely to think about your financial success. Your head will be occupied with only one thing.

Fear of disease has seven symptoms:

  1. Self-hypnosis . A person searches himself for symptoms of all possible diseases and, of course, finds them.
  2. Hypochondria . Comes with bad thoughts. A person starts to get sick and sometimes even medications don’t help.
  3. Impressionability . It undermines the body's vital forces to resist.
  4. Lethargy . Leads to excess weight and reluctance to do anything. In such a situation, a person is unable to motivate himself, much less think financially and look for sources of income.
  5. Anxiety . A person reads medical literature, even if he is not sick and constantly worries about himself.
  6. Intemperance . This is the habit of drinking alcohol and nicotine instead of taking medications.
  7. Self-indulgence . The habit of arousing pity from others.

It may seem that the fear of illness and its manifestations are not directly related to financial independence. However, look at any millionaire - do you see at least one of these signs in him?


Fear of failure in love

This is perhaps a good fear when it comes to a poet and a creative person in general. But in financial matters, this is a destructive fear.

Three symptoms:

  1. Jealousy . This is the habit of suspecting loved ones without any reason, complete disbelief and suspicion.
  2. Adventurism . Tendency to steal, cheat and take risks. It's going into debt to buy gifts to show off your best side.
  3. Finding mistakes in others . For the slightest reason.


Fear of old age

This fear comes from two sources. Firstly, from the idea that old age brings poverty. Secondly, from false beliefs that such a state is helpless and there is no joy in it.

Four symptoms:

  1. “Forgive me, old man...” . This is what some people say apologetically when they reach forty or fifty years old.
  2. Premature decline . By the age of forty, many people are finally overcome by an inferiority complex, which leads to the degradation of the human personality.
  3. The desire to look younger . Imitating the clothes and behavior of young people, which looks ridiculous in the eyes of others.
  4. Lack of initiative . If a person decides that he is old, then this quality is developing in him. He doesn't want to make any more serious decisions.

Only people who are not confident in their financial future, poor or destitute people are afraid of old age. The rich look at passing time differently, philosophically. They are not afraid of old age, they enjoy it. Some billionaires, even at 80 years old, work hard and find no reason for inaction and worry.


Fear of death

People fear death itself or for religious reasons. This often numbs such people so much that they are unable to think about anything else.

Three symptoms:

  1. Thoughts about death . These thoughts come not only to the heads of old people, but also to young people, which prevents them from enjoying life. Often such thoughts come when a person has no meaning in life. Serving other people will help here - a person busy with other things will not think about death.
  2. Connection with fear of poverty . The death of a loved one is associated with the approach of one’s own poverty.
  3. Connection with disease . May lead to depression.

Napoleon Hill links all six types of fear to anxiety and asks how we can get rid of it. And Dale Carnegie, in his book “How to Stop Worrying,” answers this request.

We recommend that you read these two books from cover to cover because they contain a lot of important information. Think and Grow Rich helps you shape your financial mindset, and How to Stop Worrying helps you break that nasty habit and eradicate fear.

And finally, I would like to warn you. Of course, now you know enough about finance, but always remember one very smart phrase: “Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.” Humanity, represented by a huge number of people, commits a lot of stupid things. And if a crisis or something completely unexpected occurred in the world economy, this does not mean that it was deliberately provoked by someone. On the other hand, this also does not mean that as a result of this event someone did not make a big profit. The global economy is incredibly complex for everything to be calculated down to the smallest detail.

Good luck to you and good luck in your further training in financial literacy!

Reason 3. Ignorance and non-compliance with the laws of money.

For example:

Inability to accept. Low needs. Ignoring your desires. Unfulfilled obligations. Debts. Incompleteness. Lack of joy in business. Or from money. Greed. They took someone else's property without asking. Quarrels, tension. “Stuck” on money. Bad actions. Resentment towards parents, partner, friends, country, world. To myself. Guilt. Envy. Misunderstanding how a woman can get money. How manly. Etc.

Money is an energy that reacts very quickly and sensitively to certain things. It is important to be able to accept and pass through large cash flows.

In fact, no one teaches us these rules anywhere. But ignorance, for example, of traffic rules ALWAYS has a detrimental effect on both the driver and pedestrians.

It's the same story with money. You are ALREADY on the fast track. And while driving...

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