How to tell if your child is involved in an occult cult


The website is completely standard, and it's also cheap. It is immediately clear that the attackers did not invest any funds here. There are always 2 reasons for this. First of all, scammers are initially intrigued by funds from the client’s wallet.

And also, projects of this quality will not last long on the Internet. That’s why attackers strive to quickly recapture their own small investments, only at your expense. Immediately the eye is less likely to see a lot of spelling errors on the website. Apparently, a student with a poor student was responsible for the text content.

It immediately becomes obvious that the website administration decided to save money on everything. In addition, there is an award and licenses on the website. However, you won’t be able to view them closer. Because the pictures themselves are small. And they cannot be increased.

It's clear why this was done. In addition, there is a tab with an intermediary license. But when we launch it, there is only text and that’s it. There was never any documentation there. Therefore, such a license does not contain any legal force. As for reviews, they are also available. All of them are negative, of course.

Users complain that they simply cannot withdraw their own funds. Namely, the project functions as a typical money collection. In one direction. Things aren't much better with contact information. The only thing the scammers agreed to show us was a contact number and that was from an unknown region.

Because no one can stop attackers from simply depriving you of your funds. No one controls such an intermediary. Global Maxis has been on the market for over 22 years. It contains a large user base of approximately 14 million customers. Any organization could envy something like this.

And the capitalization is just $3 billion, which confirms the success of its activities. This is an episode from a small legend. It is completely formulaic and there is nothing interesting here. Every word of the legend is a lie. In fact, the state of affairs will be completely different. What is the point of fraud here? And how exactly will they deceive you?

First of all, you leave your email. Then your personal specialist will call you. And he starts to deceive you. Its purpose is to assure you that you will replenish your trading deposit. Then your account will be merged soon enough. Afterwards you will be asked to replenish your deposit again.

Like, now you will definitely be lucky. But a miracle won’t happen and you will again waste your own finances. Fraudsters will keep pestering you until they steal all your money. It is quite common for scammers to drive their potential victims into debt. And to pay off debts, the victim takes out many loans. But it is simply impossible to return funds from a black intermediary.

What is the difference between a sect and a religion?

In order to understand the principle of sectarianism, who the sectarians are and what they do, it is necessary to grasp the very difference between religion and sect. The line between them is very thin, and without a concept of the operating principle it is difficult to distinguish lies from truth. The difference between a sect and a religion:

  1. Religion is much older than sectarianism; sects are young groups, the oldest no more than two hundred years old. Such pseudo-religious movements are formed by breaking away from the general faith, or at the whim of some person.
  2. The basis of religion is the worship of God, the creator of everything in this world, or deities, and it can be based on a higher goal, such as enlightenment in Buddhism. At the heart of the sect's religion, the main roles are played by their leaders, who compare themselves almost to God.
  3. The goal of any religion is not to enslave a person and drag him under its wing. Everyone seeks the path to God on their own, and decides to believe or not. In sects, complete control over a person is exercised; each of its members lives according to the rules and is constrained by certain obligations.

Exposing Global Maxis

Previously, it was said that the intermediary was officially registered and legal data was indicated on the website. The name of the website belongs to System Dev Corporate LLC, which was registered in 2020, registration number is 301 LLC 2020. The registered address is in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

There is a section on the website that talks about licenses for moderators, but there are no names of companies after the colon, which means all the tales about licenses are just lies.

The marked office type is registered in a non-resident zone. Such organizations will never be given licenses or access to real world markets. In addition, it should be taken into account that the office was registered in 2020, but what about the experience of over 20 years?

Fraudsters always hide behind non-resident companies, steal extraneous details, and register organizations in non-resident zones for $1,000. In fact, they can easily deceive simple-minded users who have virtually no knowledge of such things, declaring that everything is reliable and safe. But such registrations do not confirm anything, since by and large they do not have legal force beyond the borders of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Then pay attention to the riskiness and the client agreement, which clearly states the requirements of joint activities, there are no guarantees, high risks, no one plans to give away funds or compensate for damage.

Template fraud scheme. Attackers use all sorts of methods to attract possible victims of fraud, tell tales, offer to join the company and earn money. As soon as the client invests at least $100, the scammers begin to invent various situations in which it is necessary to invest as much money as possible. Urgent requests will continue until the user realizes that he has fallen for typical scammers.

How to get a person out of a sect

Family support is extremely important for an addicted person

  1. First of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly led to the emergence of such a problem.
  2. You need to decide how dangerous the sect is, whether it can harm the health and property of an individual.
  3. It is necessary to understand whether it is worth using open confrontation or whether it is better to seek help from the police.
  4. It is important to maintain contact with the person who has fallen into the sect. It is unacceptable to attempt to convince a dependent person. But you shouldn’t agree on everything, otherwise you risk falling under the influence of a sect yourself.
  5. Start collecting information about the organization in order to transfer this information to the police.
  6. Try to find people who have faced similar problems, find out how they dealt with it. If you find those who currently have loved ones in a sect, it will be easier for you to act together.
  7. It is necessary to find an alternative to what became the purpose of joining the sect, to surround the addict with your care and warmth.
  8. Keep the documents with you. It is unacceptable for your husband or wife to have the opportunity to dispose of your property or transfer the apartment to the leader of the sect.
  9. If a person who is a member of such an organization disappears, contact the police immediately.
  10. Organize a visit to a psychotherapist for addiction recovery.

We should not forget that an individual who has been pulled out of a sectarian organization needs psychological and spiritual rehabilitation. Your task is to teach him to live again in a normal society.

What trading on the stock exchange looks like through the eyes of users

It is necessary to look at the situation through the eyes of a naive user. Initially, a swindler intermediary calls him and rather politely recommends taking a course in stock trading, guaranteeing simply incredible financial sums. Few will be able to resist such a tempting offer.

Gradually, the intermediary-swindler lets his naive user down so that he personally comes to the office to undergo stock trading training. At each lesson, the scammers guarantee him various kinds of bonuses, and in addition to this, systematic winnings.

How intermediaries siphon off finances from simple-minded people by hooking them. The hooked user immediately runs to a financial institution and puts his own money into a fraudulent deposit. At first he is really lucky. But sooner or later everything ends in the so-called account drain. But the scammers don’t stop there either. They offer the user to invest more funds to recoup lost money.


The supposedly safe esoteric, folk, mental methods are often not only useless, but also harmful.

For example, yoga, which is positioned as a gentle means of influencing the body, actually causes a number of diseases, in particular yoga foot drop and stroke.

All these “spiritual” practices and secret methods, described in cheap esoteric books, essentially pave the way for a person to join a cult. Some seekers of easy, secret, bypass paths to happiness, health and gaining power end up in the sect immediately, others - after a long time, and still others do not end up at all, remaining, in fact, members of a cult of the size of one follower. But the connection between passion for esotericism and alternative medicine and joining sects is obvious.

If you see that a loved one has begun to get carried away with opening the third eye, self-medication and self-healing, influencing reality with the power of thought, cleaning the aura/karma, mastering the miraculous method of walking on water, you should come to your senses at this very moment.


What the circumstances look like in reality

Now you need to look at this situation through the eyes of a swindler intermediary. Before starting the procedure of fraudulent actions of users using funds, such intermediaries are trained to exert psychological pressure on users. This includes exploring implementation strategies, thinking about more possible questions and their answers. The main principle of their activity is to call the same user regularly, pushing the scammers to deposit funds.

They deprive simple-minded people of money by establishing psychological contact with them. This is done by gaining trust in the user, as well as preparing the information required by the intermediary-swindler through intelligent questions. Having received all the necessary information about the user, the intermediary-swindler begins to manipulate him.

As soon as the user joins the game, the task of the intermediary-swindler will be to drain the accounts, but at the same time keep the user and force him to deposit more and more. Until the user loses absolutely all his savings and absolutely all his property.

Signs of a sectarian

The following manifestations may indicate that a loved one is involved in a sectarian organization:

  • constantly attends some meetings, seminars, disappears for several hours at them;
  • specialized literature or CDs with music or strange audio recordings appeared at home;
  • his social circle has expanded, new acquaintances have appeared among him, including dubious personalities;
  • new rituals, gestures, ablutions, prayers appeared in the life of an individual, he began to observe unknown fasts, celebrate unprecedented holidays;
  • can declare that he has changed, has become a new version of himself;
  • the individual begins to point out that other people live in sin and tries to re-educate;
  • the view changes, the person seems to be immersed in his inner world;
  • isolated from communication, becomes withdrawn;
  • change in behavior, vocabulary, image, clothing style may change;
  • begins to quote unknown people;
  • you can hear memorized phrases from the individual, it seems that the same record is being played;
  • the addict loses interest in study, work, friends, family;
  • an indifferent attitude or aggressiveness may appear;
  • begins to borrow money or takes valuables, household appliances out of the house, and steals money.

Review of the Global Maxis web resource

Global Maxis's website is not worth a good word. This is a cheap site with a minimum of useful information, filled with stock photos and self-promotion. Available language versions – 6:

  1. English;
  2. Russian;
  3. Polish;
  4. Spanish;
  5. Italian;
  6. German.

Checking the registration date of the domain name showed that the website had been open only a few months ago. This does not fit with the broker of this review’s claim of more than 20 years of successful activity. The legend of the reliable trading agent Global Maxis with great skill crumbled before our eyes.

The achievements boasted by Global Maxis are fake. The intermediary company, which was almost a week old, simply could not receive them. In addition, according to the service developers, one of the awards was received a year ago, when the website did not exist at all.

On the advertisement, where the main page of the official website of the intermediary opens, a quote from Warren Buffett is highlighted. It is unclear what the popular American billionaire businessman has to do with the company. It is unlikely that one of the largest investors in the world is considered a user of this company and, moreover, is ready to promote its offers. This is a common advertising ploy of dodgy scammers. Judging by the small number of reviews, Global Maxis has no achievements of its own, so they came up with the idea of ​​​​promoting others.

The review broker's website is filled with descriptions of fantastic benefits. They try to assure clients with every possible effort that only with this intermediary can they expect prosperity and big profits. If you trust the project developers, almost everyone who agrees to provide them with their own assets, after just half a year, has a chance of making a profit that is more than 10 times the size of the initial investment. The requirements are simply fabulous! The attackers intend to tell big lies just to get your money.

As an example, they cite a certain player who increased his deposit several times in just a few years. The merchant could never have imagined such a triumph until he became a Global Maxis user! Such advertising does not look convincing. Only a gullible “loser” who has no idea about making money on Forex can believe in it. The same can be said about comments posted in a specific section of a website. They have nothing to do with real traders. There is no precedent here; it is replaced by well-known PR slogans that are not used at all by ordinary people when writing reviews.

The Dangers of Participation in a Cult

Any sect, even a positive one, isolates a person from normal life and society. Representatives of the sect are fixated on their ideas, ideals, and interests. They think and live only within the framework of their group. It is obvious that a person cannot grow and develop outside of society. Every member of society needs to work somewhere and communicate with other people. The sect member finds himself out of touch with reality. And even if the sect has a positive character, it is difficult to call its influence positive.

For example, you can create a sect that worships free work hours or barter relationships. But what is the likelihood that this sect will become the political philosophy of the entire state, the world? It is more likely that people who promote this will find themselves thrown overboard in everyday work and social relationships.

The second danger of participation is fanaticism. Any business or idea loses its value if it turns into a fanatical attitude.

Well, the third danger of sects is that a person begins to live for the sake of the sect, giving his strength and resources to it. In many closed totalitarian sects, extremist ideas flourish. In some sects, participants are bullied, beaten, and raped. Often their loved ones are also in danger.

Participation in a sect leads to psychophysiological and intellectual exhaustion of a person:

  • loss of ability to think critically;
  • malnutrition, sleep deficiency;
  • narrowing of horizons, impoverishment of the knowledge base in topics and areas not related to sectarian teachings;
  • hostile attitude towards society;
  • loss of communication skills, ability to social interaction.

The goal of the sect is to suppress a person’s will, gain control over his thoughts, feelings and behavior. The participant becomes a slave of the sect and loses psychological, material, and social opportunities to leave it.

What Global Maxis represents: description of conditions

There are no specific details about trading requirements on the broker's website. Experienced scammers are in no hurry to reveal their cards so that possible victims do not get off the hook. All that is known:

  1. The merchant is provided with a personal specialist;
  2. analysis of applications for withdrawal of funds takes from 1 to 5 days;
  3. users will be able to use a demo version of the account with a balance of $5,000 to try out the capabilities of the platform and practice.

The intermediary promises to preserve clients' money on created deposits and hedge transactions. According to project representatives, special protection of clients’ finances is provided by the FSCS Compensation Fund (in the event of the collapse of Global Maxis, users can expect a payment of up to $50,000). This is hard to believe, taking into account the pathological deceit of the organization's managers.

What is a destructive sect?

This is an authoritarian hierarchical organization of any orientation, destructive of established social structures, culture, order, family, individual and society as a whole, practicing hidden psychological violence against its followers through the use of a certain methodology.

The word “methodology” is the key word here. It involves control of consciousness. Only in destructive sects there is consciousness control. It is not present in sects of rationalistic and mystical orientation.

Fraudulent strategy and tips for new traders

The Global Maxis fraud scheme is quite simple:

The company's broker calls the client and, under all sorts of pretexts, assures him to open a trading deposit. The attention of important users is emphasized that the organization’s trading platform was created specifically for beginners and it provides tips in the form of certain trading tips from pseudo analysts.

If a client decides to invest money, then professional sales consultants begin to communicate with him, insisting on the need to deposit a large amount into the account.

When a client tries to withdraw an amount equal to the invoice, the submitted request under all possible pretexts will be refused, and the deposit will be frozen. In such a situation, neither the police nor competent legal advisers will help you return your investments.

New traders are strongly advised to refrain from communicating with brokers of the Global Maxis organization due to the high risk of losing the funds invested in trading. To minimize non-trading risks, it is worth working directly with licensed and time-tested intermediaries. A current example is the Binarium organization. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the rating of the studied binary options intermediaries, who legally provide services in the field of online trading in the CIS, and take into account the interests of their users.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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