What should parents do when their child is hyperactive?

One of the most common conditions in young children is hyperactivity. This diagnosis is most common among preschool children, but older children can also be susceptible to the disease. An overly active child is poorly socialized and has difficulty learning. It is difficult for him to establish relationships with peers and concentrate on gaining knowledge. The pathology may be accompanied by other nervous diseases.

Childhood hyperactivity is observed in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Pathology is a disruption of the normal functioning of the brain, which leads to severe nervous tension.

Why is this a problem

Adults usually do not pay attention to the child’s behavior, believing that he will “outgrow” with age. And they turn to a doctor only when the problem simply cannot be ignored.

In kindergarten, the problem is just beginning to develop. But when the child goes to school, the signs begin to be expressed more clearly. The educational process requires organization of classes, that is, this is exactly what the baby is not prepared for. Poor concentration, active mobility and inappropriate behavior in class make a full-fledged educational process impossible.

Children with increased activity constantly need the supervision of a teacher, since it is very difficult to focus the child’s attention on the educational process, he is constantly engaged in extraneous matters, is distracted, and lacks attention. The teacher's patience and experience are often not enough to correct destructive behavior. A reverse reaction begins to form—aggression.

The development of such children lags behind their classmates. Teachers cannot adapt to the developing pathology, this leads to conflicts. A hyperactive child at school is often subject to bullying by peers, and he develops problems with communication. They don’t want to be friends with him; this causes resentment, attacks of assault, and aggression.

The tendency to lead due to the impossibility of being one begins to give rise to the development of low self-esteem. After a certain time, isolation develops. Psychological problems appear more pronounced.

Many parents are frightened by this diagnosis. They may believe that their child is developmentally delayed. This is a wrong opinion, because in fact a hyperactive baby:

  1. Creative. He has many interesting ideas, and his imagination is very rich. If mom and dad help the child, in the future he will be able to become a wonderful specialist with a creative approach to business or a representative of a creative profession with multifaceted interests.
  2. He has a flexible mind, is distinguished by enthusiasm and the ability to find solutions to complex problems. He is versatile, has many interests, and strives to be the center of attention.
  3. Energetic and unpredictable. This property can be both beneficial and negative. The baby has a lot of strength for different activities, but it can be almost impossible to keep him in place.

There is an opinion that a hyperactive baby is always on the move and moves chaotically. This is not entirely true. If any activity absorbs all the attention of a preschooler, he may forget about everything else. It is important for parents to encourage hobbies by allowing them to choose what to do.

The symptoms of hyperactivity in a child and his intellectual abilities are in no way connected. Very often these guys are very talented. In addition to treatment, they need to be educated, kept within clear boundaries, trying to develop their natural abilities. They often dance, sing, and perform in public wonderfully.

Causes of hyperactivity in children

Increased excitability is usually observed in children whose parents have a choleric character. Children, as a rule, only copy behavior in a more pronounced form.

If we consider the signs of hyperactivity in a child under one year old, there is a clear tendency towards a genetic predisposition for the transmission of this pathology. Approximately 45% of parents of hyperactive children suffered from this condition in childhood.

In most cases, disruptions in brain activity begin in utero. The following factors can lead to the formation of pathology:

  • Difficult pregnancy;
  • Unhealthy lifestyle or maternal smoking while expecting a baby;
  • Stress and anxiety experienced by the expectant mother;
  • Intrauterine asphyxia;
  • Toxicosis during gestation;
  • Hypoxia.

Less commonly, the disease can arise as a result of a difficult course of labor. Its occurrence can be influenced by such phenomena as:

  • Very long contractions or attempts in a woman in labor;
  • Using medications to induce labor;
  • The birth of a baby before 38 weeks.

In exceptional cases, hyperactivity appears for other reasons that have nothing to do with birth. Pathology can occur if the following factors are present:

  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Quarrels and frequent conflicts between parents;
  • Overly strict upbringing;
  • Serious chemical poisoning;
  • Unhealthy eating.

The listed reasons are risk factors. Of course, it is not necessary that a difficult birth will result in a hyperactive child. If the expectant mother was often nervous and was kept in confinement, the risk of developing a problem in her baby increases.

Not every baby who behaves inappropriately is hyperkinetic. For some guys, stubbornness, disobedience, and excessive mobility are a consequence of temperament. You just need to learn how to behave with them and not punish them, as this can cause a backlash.

ADHD symptoms

Typically, symptoms of ADHD in children begin to appear between the ages of 2 and 3 years. However, in most cases, parents consult a doctor when the child starts going to school and he or she discovers problems with learning that are a consequence of hyperactivity.

In a child, symptoms of hyperactive behavior manifest themselves as follows:

  • restlessness, fussiness, anxiety;
  • impulsiveness, emotional instability, tearfulness;
  • ignoring rules and norms of behavior;
  • having problems sleeping;
  • delayed speech development, etc.

Each symptom is a reason to contact a specialist who will tell you how to calm a hyperactive child, fight ADHD and help the child adapt to society.

Symptoms of hyperactivity

The main symptoms of hyperactivity in a child under 2 years of age do not appear immediately. Until this time, he can behave quite normally. They appear gradually. The manifestation of the disease in children can be suspected if:

  • During the daytime, restlessness, constant fussiness, excessive restlessness, inability to complete the task;
  • Poor sleep at night - movements and sobbing in bed, anxious prolonged falling asleep, regular waking up, talking in sleep;
  • Any type of work begins to cause reluctance to do them;
  • Inattention, forgetfulness, periodic scattering of various objects, poor concentration;
  • Failure to comply with adult requests;
  • Attacks of impulsiveness, emotional instability.

It can be very difficult to distinguish attention deficit disorder from ordinary childhood restlessness. Some parents and specialists mistakenly diagnose their child, even though the child does not actually have any serious problems.

Certain symptoms may indicate neurasthenia, but you still cannot self-prescribe medications for hyperactivity in children.

If you suspect ADHD, consult a doctor. Before the age of 1 year, hyperactivity may manifest itself as follows:

  • Strong excitability;
  • Nervous reaction during hygiene procedures (the baby may cry during a massage or bathing);
  • High sensitivity to external stimuli (sounds, light);
  • Disturbed sleep patterns (frequently wakes up at night and stays awake for a long time during the day; it is very difficult to put him to sleep);
  • Developmental delay (the baby may begin to crawl, walk, sit, and speak later than peers).

Up to 2-3 years of age there may be difficulties with speech. The baby is unable to form phrases and sentences for a long time. It is not diagnosed until the age of one, since these signs often appear due to teething, digestive problems or the whims of the baby.

Highly qualified psychologists around the world recognize that there is a crisis of 3 years. In attention deficit disorder it is especially acute. At this time, the baby’s parents begin to engage in socialization and take him to kindergarten.

Read also…. What to do if a 3-4 year old child doesn’t listen: Advice from a psychologist

This is when hyperactivity becomes noticeable. The child may be restless, inattentive, disobedient, and have problems with motor skills and speech. Parents may notice that it is very difficult to persuade a preschooler to go to bed.

A three-year-old feels very tired in the late afternoon. The baby cries for no apparent reason and behaves aggressively. Thus, excessive fatigue manifests itself, but the child continues to be active, talks loudly, and moves a lot.

In most cases, the diagnosis is made in children aged 4-5 years. If parents have not paid enough attention to the child’s physical and psychological health, the symptoms will become very noticeable when they start school.

Signs of hyperactivity are expressed as follows:

  • Difficulty concentrating;
  • Restlessness;
  • During a lesson, a student may leave his place and violate discipline;
  • Difficulty in understanding the teacher’s speech;
  • Hot temper, aggressiveness;
  • Nervous tics;
  • Lack of independence;
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Unbalanced behavior;
  • Enuresis;
  • Severe anxiety.

Mother and father may note that he has problems with academic performance. Often the illness can be accompanied by conflicts with classmates. Peers avoid overly active children because it is difficult to find a common language with them, they behave aggressively and impulsively. Such guys are touchy and cannot always correctly assess the possible consequences of their behavior.

How is diagnostics carried out?

It is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis at the first visit to a professional. In order to find out the verdict for sure, observation is necessary, which can last up to 6 months. The examination is carried out by three specialists: a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and a neurologist.

Many parents are often afraid of visiting a psychiatrist. However, there is nothing to worry about, because a good doctor will be able to accurately assess the child’s condition and choose the right treatment regimen. The examination must consist of:

  • Conversations with the child;
  • Observing the actions of a small patient;
  • Filling out the questionnaire by parents;
  • Neuropsychological testing.

Based on the information received, specialists make accurate conclusions about the child’s condition. Sometimes the problem may not be hyperactivity at all, but other diseases, so in some cases a blood test, an EEG, an ECHO, or an MRI of the brain may be necessary.

Older children are offered to undergo psychological testing, which determines their abilities for logical development. After a complete examination, the specialist diagnoses the absence or presence of pathology and, if necessary, develops appropriate treatment.

In order to identify the disease in time, you will need to consult with an ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, speech therapist, or otolaryngologist. Before starting treatment for hyperactivity in preschool-age children and older children, it is necessary to wait until an accurate individual diagnosis is made. There is no need to make hasty conclusions.

School teachers often complain about overly active students. It is difficult for them to sit still and they tend to break discipline in class. In this case, the syndrome may not have any effect on memory and motor skills.


The syndrome develops against the background of functional immaturity or dysfunction of the subcortical nuclei of the brain. Information cannot be processed normally due to which a variety of visual and emotional stimuli become unnecessary, provoking irritability and anxiety.

There are many factors that, according to experts, lead to the development of such a phenomenon as hyperactivity in children.

The most common ones should be noted:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Very often, children with ADHD have relatives with similar disorders.
  2. Trauma and brain damage.
  3. Pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother (eclampsia, hemolytic disease of the fetus, consumption of alcoholic beverages or medications by the pregnant woman).
  4. Infectious diseases suffered in the first months of life.
  5. Socio-psychological causes of hyperactivity (improper upbringing, unfavorable microclimate in the family, antisocial behavior of parents, poor living conditions).

The development of the syndrome in children cannot be ruled out by exposure to negative environmental factors, primarily environmental pollution with neurotoxicants (lead, mercury, etc.).

Features of treatment

There is no magic pill for attention deficit disorder. For children and school-age children, treatment for hyperactivity is always prescribed in a complex manner.

With the right choice of medication, treatment results are achieved in 95% of cases. But you will have to undergo treatment for more than one year; drug adjustments will probably be necessary at an older age.

Drug therapy involves the use of sedatives, drugs that stimulate psychological development, and also improve metabolism in the brain. For this, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, nootropics and psychostimulants are most often prescribed. In certain situations, antipsychotics and antidepressants are prescribed.

But you should not attach primary importance to drug treatment, since it only relieves symptoms and does not get rid of the cause. Also, it cannot replace the most important thing - love for the child. It is she who can cure him and subsequently give him a full life.

The most relevant recommendations for correction:

  1. It is not advisable for children with hyperactivity to engage in sports where competitions are held. Aerobic exercise, cycling, swimming, and skiing are acceptable.
  2. Communication with a psychologist. A professional will select a system to reduce anxiety and increase sociability of a young patient. Conversations will help improve self-esteem, develop speech, memory and attention. If there are serious speech disorders, classes will be held with the participation of a speech therapist.
  3. A visit to a psychotherapist with the whole family will help cope with the condition much faster.
  4. Correcting the actions of all family members, getting rid of unhealthy habits of parents, normalizing the daily routine. It is also necessary to identify possible irritating factors and reduce them as much as possible or completely eliminate them. It should be understood that a tense relationship between father and mother has a detrimental effect on the development of their children.
  5. Drug treatment. Doctors most often prescribe nootropic drugs and sedatives with herbal composition. However, you should treat your baby with pills only if other methods have proven ineffective. Nootropics are used to improve blood circulation in the brain and normalize metabolic processes. Taking these medications will help improve memory and attention. The course of treatment can last for a long time, since the medications have an effect no earlier than after 4-6 months.

If necessary, you can ask your doctor to recommend soothing herbs that you can drink in pure form or add to tea.

Most adults note an improvement in their children's well-being while following a gluten-free diet. Some people also benefit from eliminating starch and sucrose from their daily menu. For children with high activity, all foods that are required for brain tissue are useful: lots of legumes, nuts, protein, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, fatty fish.

You need to exclude snacks and sweets with dyes, flavor enhancers, and preservatives. Experts recommend that parents select foods to which their children do not have a personal intolerance. Why should you rotate foods and make a food diary? You should take turns removing one product from the daily menu and monitoring the child’s condition.


33 recommendations for parents of hyperactive children
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a problem that requires timely diagnosis, as well as psychological and pedagogical correction. Hyperactivity can be diagnosed starting at the age of 5-7 years. It is during this period that corrective work should begin. As a child ages, signs of increased physical activity may go away, but attention deficit and impulsivity can continue into adulthood. It is very difficult for hyperactive children to sit in one place; they fuss a lot, move, spin, speak loudly, and disturb others. Such a child often does not complete a task because he cannot concentrate on one thing, is constantly distracted and switches to other tasks. He asks a lot of questions and is not even able to wait for answers to them. He often finds himself in dangerous situations because he does not think about the consequences.

Recommendations for parents on correcting the behavior of a hyperactive child:

1. Determine acceptable limits of behavior. The child must clearly understand what is possible and what is not. Consistency is also important. If today a child can’t have chocolate at night, that means he can’t have it tomorrow, and in the following days too. 2. It should be remembered that the actions of a hyperactive child are not always intentional. 3. Do not go to extremes: you should not allow excessive permissiveness, but you should not demand the completion of impossible tasks. 4. Strictly demand compliance with the rules that relate to the child’s health and safety. Just don’t overdo it; if there are too many rules, a hyperactive child will not be able to remember them. 5. When showing persistence in fulfilling demands, do it in a neutral tone, using the same words, restrained, calm, automatically. Try not to speak more than 10 words. 6. Reinforce verbal demands with a visual example of how to do it correctly. 7. You should not demand from your child simultaneous accuracy, attentiveness and perseverance. 8. Do not insist on a mandatory apology for the wrongdoing. 9. React to the child’s misbehavior in an unexpected way: repeat the child’s actions, take a photo of him, joke, leave him alone (just not in a dark place).

10. Stick to a daily routine. Meals, walks, games and other activities should follow the same schedule. A hyperactive child cannot be excluded from fulfilling the usual demands of other children; he must be able to cope with them. 11. Do not let your child take on a new task until he has completed the first one. 12. Tell your child in advance the time frame for his play activities and set an alarm. When the timer, rather than the parent, reminds about the expiration of time, the child’s aggressiveness is lower. 13. Do not allow your child to spend a long time in front of the computer or TV, especially if he watches programs with aggressive and negative content. 14. Try to provide your child with long walks in the fresh air every day. 15. Physical activities such as boxing and power wrestling are undesirable for hyperactive children. 16. It is more effective to convince a child through physical rewards: praise the child by hugging him. 17. There should be fewer punishments than rewards. 18. Also reward your child for what he is already good at with a smile or touch. 19. Encouragement may consist of providing the opportunity to do what the child is interested in. 20. Remember that reprimand has a stronger effect on hyperactive children than on other children. 21. Do not resort to assault. If there is a need for punishment, then for a hyperactive child the punishment will be the cessation of his vigorous activity, forced isolation and house arrest. 22. As a punishment, there may be a ban on: watching TV, playing on the computer, talking on the phone. 23. After punishment, have a conversation with the child. He must realize and remember why he was punished and what behavior is not encouraged. 24. The child should have his own household responsibilities, like the rest of the family. For example, tidy the bed, organize toys, put clothes in their places. Important! Parents should not perform these responsibilities for their child. 25. Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Lack of sleep leads to an even greater weakening of attention and self-control. By evening, the child may become completely uncontrollable. 26. The child should not be constantly in an excited state. You should alternate between active and quiet activities. If a child played with children on the street for two hours, he should not immediately watch cartoons about superheroes, and then in the evening invite his friends home to play hide and seek. 27. Try to avoid large crowds of people. Shopping centers and markets, where crowds of people walk, unnecessarily excite the child. 28. Instill in your child an interest in any activity. It is important for a hyperactive child to feel capable of something. 29. Hug your child more often. Experts say that for mental well-being, every person, especially a child, needs at least 4 hugs a day. 30. In the evening, for better relaxation and calm, it is good for the child to have a massage and read fairy tales. 31. A positive psychological climate is important in a family. Support, a calm and kind attitude towards the child and between family members is the basis for the child’s future achievements. 32. Don't quarrel in front of your child. 33. Spend time together as a family more often.

Recommendations for parents of children with ADHD:

What needs to be done so that the baby gets rid of “excess” activity?

Create certain living conditions for him. This includes a calm psychological environment in the family, a clear daily routine (with mandatory walks in the fresh air, where there is the opportunity to have fun). Parents will also have to work hard. If you yourself are very emotional and unbalanced, are constantly late everywhere, are in a hurry, then it’s time to start working on yourself. We no longer rush headlong into the garden, constantly hurrying the child, we try to be less nervous and less likely to change plans “on the fly.” Tell yourself: “have a clear daily routine” and try to become more organized yourself.

- it’s not the kid’s fault that he’s such a “live”, so it’s useless to scold him, punish him, or organize humiliating silent boycotts. By doing this you will achieve only one thing - a decrease in his self-esteem, a feeling of guilt that he is “wrong” and cannot please mom and dad.

— teaching your child to manage himself is your first priority. “Aggressive” games will help him control his emotions. Everyone has negative emotions, including your child, just a taboo, tell him: “if you want to hit, hit, but not at living beings (people, plants, animals).” You can hit the ground with a stick, throw stones where there are no people, or kick something. He just needs to splash out his energy, teach him to do this.

- in upbringing it is necessary to avoid two extremes - the manifestation of excessive gentleness and the presentation of increased demands on him. Permissiveness should not be allowed: children must be clearly explained the rules of behavior in various situations. However, the number of prohibitions and restrictions should be kept to a reasonable minimum.

- the child should be praised in every case when he managed to complete the work he started. Using the example of relatively simple cases, you need to teach how to correctly distribute forces.

— it is necessary to protect children from overwork associated with an excessive amount of impressions (TV, computer), avoid places with high concentrations of people (shops, markets, etc.).

- in some cases, excessive activity and excitability may be the result of parents presenting too high demands to the child, which he simply cannot meet due to his natural abilities, as well as excessive fatigue. In this case, parents should be less demanding and try to reduce the load.

- “movement is life”, lack of physical activity can cause increased excitability. You cannot restrain a child’s natural need to play noisy games, frolic, run, jump.

- sometimes behavioral disorders can be a child’s reaction to mental trauma, for example, to a crisis situation in the family, divorce of parents, bad attitude towards him, assignment to an inappropriate class at school, conflict with a teacher or parents.

— when considering your child’s diet, give preference to proper nutrition, which will not lack vitamins and microelements. A hyperactive child, more than other children, needs to adhere to the golden mean in nutrition: less fried, spicy, salty, smoked, more boiled, stewed and fresh vegetables and fruits. Another rule: if a child doesn’t want to eat, don’t force him!

— prepare a “field for maneuver” for your fidget: active sports are simply a panacea for him. It is advisable to take up some kind of sport that is accessible to age and temperament.

— teach your baby to play passively. We read, and also draw and sculpt. Even if your child has difficulty sitting still and is often distracted, follow him (“you’re interested in this, let’s see...”), but after satisfying his interest, try to return with your child to the previous activity and bring it to the end.

- Teach your child to relax. Perhaps your “recipe” for finding inner harmony with him is yoga and calm music.

If a neurologist prescribes a course of medications, massage, or a special regimen, you must strictly follow his recommendations.

Inform teachers and caregivers about your child’s problems so that they take into account the peculiarities of his behavior and measure the load.

Always remove dangerous objects from the baby’s field of vision (sharp, breakable objects, medicines, household chemicals, etc.).

There should be a calm environment around the child. Any disagreement in the family increases negative manifestations.

What is important is the unified line of behavior of parents and the consistency of their educational influences.

The number of prohibitions must be reasonable and age-appropriate.

When asking someone to do something, try not to make the speech long or contain several instructions at once. (“go to the kitchen and get a broom from there, then sweep the hallway” - wrong, the child will fulfill only half of the request.) When talking, look the child in the eyes.

Do not force your child to sit quietly for a long time. If you are reading a fairy tale, give him a soft toy, the baby can get up, walk around, and ask a question. Keep an eye on him, if the questions become too many and off topic, the child has gone to another corner of the room, which means he is already tired.

Master the elements of massage aimed at relaxation and perform it regularly. A light pat on the arm or shoulder while reading or doing another activity will help you concentrate.

Before reacting to your child's unpleasant behavior, count to 10 or take a few deep breaths, try to calm down and not lose your cool. Remember that aggression and violent emotions give rise to the same feelings in the baby.

Hold off on enrolling such a child in kindergarten.

Extinguish the conflict in which your child is involved at the very beginning, do not wait for a violent outcome.

A hyperactive child is special, being very sensitive, he reacts sharply to comments, prohibitions, and notations. Sometimes it seems to him that his parents do not love him at all, so such a baby really needs love and understanding. Moreover, in unconditional love, when a child is loved not only for good behavior, obedience, neatness, but also simply for the fact that he is!

When it gets really hard, remember that by adolescence, and in some children even earlier, hyperactivity goes away. It is important that the child approaches this age without the burden of negative emotions and inferiority complexes.

Practical recommendations for teachers on working with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

  1. Introduce a sign grading system. Reward good behavior and success. Do not skimp on praise if your child has successfully completed even a small task. Encouragement can be expressed in the issuance of tokens for good behavior, which he can exchange for “rewards”: the right to go for a walk in the first pair, holding hands with a teacher, being on duty during lunch, etc.
  2. Take moments of active rest with light exercise and relaxation.
  3. It is advisable to have a minimum number of distracting objects (paintings, stands) in the study room. Class time should be constant, because such children often forget the schedule.
  4. Gradually include the hyperactive child in collective activities: first, the work should be individual, then in small groups, and then in a large team.
  5. Determine the optimal place for a hyperactive child - in the center of the room, opposite the teacher. He should be given the opportunity to quickly turn to the teacher for help in cases of difficulty.
  6. Direct the excess energy of a hyperactive child in a useful direction - during class, ask him to put away manuals, collect drawings, etc.
  7. Provide clear and concise instructions (no more than 10 words).
  8. Give more creative, developmental tasks and, conversely, avoid monotonous activities. Frequent changes of tasks with a small number of questions are recommended.
  9. Give only one task for a certain period of time. If a child has a large task to complete, it is presented to him in the form of successive parts, and the teacher periodically monitors the progress of work on each part, making the necessary adjustments.
  10. Give tasks in accordance with the child's work pace and abilities. Avoid making over or understated demands.
  11. Create situations of success in which the child has the opportunity to demonstrate his strengths. Teach him to use them better to compensate for weak functions at the expense of strong ones.
  12. Stay calm in any situation, do not let your child manipulate you.
  13. Together with psychologists, help the child adapt to the conditions of an educational institution and among peers, teach the necessary social norms and communication skills.


To help your child become more diligent, self-organized and attentive, you can use special games for children with ADHD of preschool age and schoolchildren. They will also help improve memory and attention.

"Catch - don't catch"

So, to develop the latter, you can play “Catch - Don’t Catch.” The bottom line is that you will throw a ball to the child, alternately changing the instructions, with the requirement to catch it or not. Moreover, for the command, you need to determine the denoting category of words. For example, if the ball needs to be caught, then the thrower names an object that relates to vegetables. If not, then the child must hit the ball.

"Let's say hello"

You can learn to work in a team, coordinate your actions with others, and at the same time follow instructions correctly, with the help of the game “Let's say hello.” To do this, children need to move chaotically around the room, saying hello to everyone who comes their way. This should be done as follows:

1 clap from a teacher or psychologist - children shake hands;

2 claps – you need to touch your shoulders;

3 claps – greetings should be made by touching the backs of each other.

This exercise is also enhanced by tactile contact, which is very beneficial for children with ADHD. For greater efficiency, you can completely disable talking during execution.

"Magic Ball"

To develop self-regulation, you can use the game “Glomerulus”. To do this, give your baby a ball of thread, preferably brightly colored yarn. And tell him that as soon as he starts to reel it in, worries, fears and resentments will begin to become less and less, after which they will completely disappear. The game should be played when the child is on the verge of a breakdown. Make it a kind of ritual. Then the baby himself will ask for a “magic ball” when he feels overwhelmed with emotions.


To relieve tension, muscle tension and anxiety, you can play “The Animal”. Prepare items of different sizes and configurations for this. For example, glass beads, a piece of fur, a painting brush, etc. Then ask the child to bare his arm up to the elbow, and guess what kind of animal (object) is now running along it. Run the object over your palm and fingers. You can also hit the cheek, knee, etc.

"Exercises at the desk"

It is also worth highlighting the games that are played during regular classes. They are the ones who help the baby sit through his lesson . Games for schoolchildren with ADHD are played even at their desks. Their goal is to relieve stress and change the type of activity for a short time. In essence, they are simple, but at the same time effective.

Give instructions to place the fingers of both hands on one side of the desk. After the command, you will need to “run” your fingers to the other edge as quickly as possible. This exercise relieves mental stress and develops hand motor skills.

Doctors' recommendations

Any child who is brought to a doctor for help is an individual, therefore there are no specific rules for adjusting behavior. It is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of the character and conditions that surround the baby. But there are provisions from which it is necessary to build upon when treating and educating:

  1. Time control. Children with this disease are often unable to control time themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that they comply with the standards when completing tasks. The latter should be written down on paper and hung above the desk. It is necessary to promptly notice and correct the child if he is excessively shifting his attention. Calmly return to the task at hand.
  2. Features of prohibitions. Lack of attention and increased activity is expressed in children’s absolute denial of any prohibitions. There is one rule here: the absence of the words “impossible” and “no” in phrases. Instead, you need to construct the phrase so that it implies an action, not a prohibition. That is, instead of the phrase: “Don’t jump on the chair,” you can say: “Let’s jump together,” and put the baby on the floor, then, gradually comforting him, switch him to another type of activity.
  3. Specifics of implementation. The peculiarity of the pathology does not allow children to practice logical thinking. To facilitate understanding, do not overload the sentences from which you form the task.
  4. Sequence of tasks. The disease causes absent-mindedness in young patients. We must not forget that several tasks that you give at the same time are simply not perceived by children. Educators themselves need to monitor the dynamics of the process and the assignment of the next tasks.

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Games for such preschoolers must meet several main rules.

  1. The first of which involves organizing a quiet phase, when you need to rethink the gameplay, and after a short break, continue the game. The main thing is to take advantage of the moment of physical fatigue before completing the gameplay and try to switch the little patient to constructive work, but in a calm tone.
  2. The second rule is that play time should serve as a natural physiological and emotional release. For this, the child needs appropriate space. The gameplay must unobtrusively guide it in a constructive direction.

Older children benefit from sports activities. You just need to choose the right specific sport. Some people prefer team games, others prefer individual games. In any case, you need to solve the problem of excessive excitement by redirecting energy in a constructive direction.

Hyperactivity concept

In the 60s of the twentieth century, doctors called hyperactivity a pathological condition and explained it as minimal disorders of brain function. In the 80s, excessive physical activity began to be classified as an independent disease, called “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” (ADHD). When a child is hyperactive, signs of this include problems with concentration, memory and learning. The brain of such a child has difficulty processing information, external and internal stimuli. Hyperactive children are unable to concentrate for long periods of time or control their actions and are characterized by restlessness, inattention and impulsiveness.

Useful tips for parents

At home, we must not forget that a child usually mirrors the behavior of adults. Therefore, if hyperactivity is diagnosed, then a friendly and calm atmosphere must prevail in the house at all times. You should not shout or sort things out in high tones.

It’s worth spending as much time as possible with overly active children. They are greatly influenced by joint activities: walks in the forest, picnics, hikes, picking mushrooms and berries. At the same time, you should not go to noisy events that contribute to mental irritation.

If you are overexcited, do not yell at your child. You need to listen to him silently, if you need to find comforting words, hug him, feel sorry for him. The parent is obliged to find an individual approach, since no one can cope with the current situation better than mom and dad.

Only a professional can see the presence of ADHD in a child against the background of hyperactivity. Do not neglect the recommendations of doctors. Psychologists advise the following:

  1. Organize your baby's daily routine correctly. Include regular rituals, such as bathing before bed and reading a story. You should not change the mode. Such a system will allow you to fight irritability and hysterics in the evening.
  2. Always behave kindly, calmly, and maintain a warm, cozy atmosphere in the house. Parties and constant visits from guests are not the best atmosphere for a hyperactive child.
  3. Find a suitable sports club and monitor your attendance. The baby will be able to throw out his irrepressible energy and become more balanced.
  4. Avoid punishment associated with sitting in one place for a long time or performing tiresome activities.

Psychologists say that with hyperactivity, a child denies categorical prohibitions and reacts violently to them. It is best not to use the words “you can’t” and “no,” as they will provoke tears or hysterics. You can correct your child’s behavior by avoiding direct denial.

Another common problem in hyperactive children is frequent switching of attention and loss of control over time. You need to gently and tactfully bring them back to their goals, making sure that classes are conducted at the right time. It is important not to ask your child several questions at once.

Instead of TV shows, it is best to turn on melodic, relaxed music, and the time you watch cartoons should be limited. If a hyperactive child behaves aggressively, you should not yell at him or use physical force. It is best to speak to him in a firm, calm tone. You can hug your baby and take him to a comfortable place away from people to listen and find comforting words.

Hyperactivity is not a death sentence. With the right approach and systematic treatment, you can relieve your baby of uncomfortable symptoms. You should never reproach a child or say that he is not like others. The main thing is that the baby always feels that he is loved.

Tips and tricks for parents

Learning to calm down a fidget

How to calm a hyperactive child? If he is overexcited, you should change to a calmer environment: take him to another room, offer him water. When the baby is upset, it is enough to hug him and pat him on the head - hyperactive children are very responsive to physical contact. Before going to bed, a bath with an extract of conifer cones and hops will help you calm down. Light music and massage will help your baby fall asleep faster.

Recommendations to make parenting easier

Work with hyperactive children is carried out purely individually, depending on the characteristics of the manifestation of the disorder. However, the specific psychology of children with ADHD allows us to summarize some recommendations that will certainly help parents in their upbringing.

  • Correctly formulated prohibitions. Hyperactivity in children is expressed in rejection of prohibitions. When communicating with a spoiled person, you should construct sentences in such a way that there is no negation or the word “no”. For example, instead of the prohibition “Don’t run through puddles!” suggest “Let’s walk on dry asphalt.” If the ban cannot be avoided, you must explain the reason to your child and offer alternatives.
  • Control of time frames. Children's hyperactivity also manifests itself in an insufficient sense of time, so you need to monitor the deadlines for completing tasks assigned to your child.
  • Consistency is important. The main characteristic of a child with conduct disorder is inattention. It is not recommended for him to give several instructions at the same time (“put away the toys, wash your hands, sit down to dinner”). It is difficult for a fidget to perceive all this information; he will probably get distracted and not complete any of the tasks. Therefore, instructions should be given in a clear logical sequence.
  • Specific tasks. Hyperactivity in children negatively affects their logical and abstract thinking, so tasks must be designated as precisely as possible. When communicating, you should use the shortest possible sentences, without unnecessary semantic load. Long wording is best avoided.

Games and hobbies

Games for hyperactive children are aimed at relieving static tension, developing social behavior skills, adjusting emotional response mechanisms, and playing with variants of aggressiveness. They just need play space. If the mischievous person does not have such space, he builds it not where it is allowed.

It is useful for an overly active naughty person to have a hobby. You should first of all focus on his hobbies and abilities. The baby will gain the self-confidence he needs if he understands any area. A sports section or swimming pool is great: in addition to using excess energy, he will learn discipline.

How to distinguish hyperactivity from activity?

To distinguish a hyperactive child from a simple fidget, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • An active baby has a great cognitive interest and uses his restlessness to gain new knowledge. Unlike a hyperactively aggressive child who neglects the opinions of others, he listens to the comments of adults and happily joins the game.
  • Fidgets rarely show strong emotions; in unfamiliar conditions they behave calmer.
  • The absence of a tendency to provoke active children helps them build conflict-free relationships with other children, which is beyond the control of hyperactive children.
  • Children without mental disabilities sleep soundly, they are energetic but obedient.

This disorder appears at the age of two years. However, there are some signs of a hyperactive child that can be noticed even at one year old. Often adults do not pay attention to this until the toddler grows up. Then they begin to expect more independence from him. However, the baby is unable to express it due to mental development disorders.

Boys are more likely to suffer from attention deficit disorder. Their number reaches 22%, and the number of girls with ADHD is only 10%.

Hyperactivity syndrome - what is it?

Does your child love to run, jump and play pranks and this makes you worry and makes you think about his hyperactivity? But in vain. Not every restless child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Such a diagnosis can only be made by a specialist who, as a result, will prescribe mandatory drug treatment followed by psychological correction.

In terms of terminology, ADHD is a condition in which a child is unable to focus his attention on anything and control his excessive activity.

Most often, ADHD appears in children aged two to three years, but parents begin turning to specialists when the child is about six years old. Basically, such a “delay” is due to the fact that it is at this age that the child’s active preparation for school begins, and it is during this period that parents begin to respond more carefully to the behavior and emotional state of the future student.

Why is the child hyperactive?

There are many reasons for this disorder. The most common of them are:

  • Infectious diseases suffered by children at an early age.
  • Stress, hard physical labor of the mother during pregnancy.
  • Mother's use of drugs and alcohol.
  • Head injuries occurring during childbirth.
  • Difficult or premature labor.
  • Poor or incorrect diet for the baby.
  • The disease can be transmitted at the genetic level.
  • Conflicts within the family.
  • Authoritarian parenting style.

What kind of child can be called hyperactive?

Medical specialists classify a child as hyperactive if he or she exhibits the following signs:

  • Passion for a task lasts no more than 10 minutes. With any distraction, his attention switches.
  • The toddler is constantly agitated and inattentive. During classes or lessons, he cannot sit still, constantly moves, twitches.
  • His behavior is not aggravated by shyness. Shows disobedience even in unfamiliar places.
  • Asks a lot of questions, but does not need answers to them. Sometimes he gives an answer without listening to the entire sentence. During games, he requires everyone to concentrate on his person.
  • Speech is accelerated, swallowing the endings of words. Often jumps from one action to another without finishing what he started.
  • Restless sleep is one of the signs of a hyperactive child. Nightmares and urinary incontinence occur.
  • Constant conflicts with peers prevent you from making friends. He can’t play calmly and interferes with other guys’ play. During lessons, he shouts from his seat and interferes with his behavior.
  • Hyperactive children often do not master the school curriculum.
  • Deviations in the functioning of the brain when processing information. When completing tasks, he often experiences difficulties.
  • It seems that the child does not hear what adults tell him.
  • Absent-minded, loses personal belongings, school supplies, toys.
  • Clumsiness in the movements of a hyperactive child often causes injuries and damage to things.
  • Has problems with fine motor skills: has difficulty buttoning buttons, tying shoelaces, and calligraphy.
  • Does not respond to adults’ comments, prohibitions, punishments
  • He is subject to frequent headaches and has nervous tics.

Remember that only a doctor can diagnose ADHD. And only if the doctor has discovered at least 8 symptoms of a hyperactive child. The diagnosis is made based on the results of MRI of the brain, EEG, and blood tests. With sufficiently developed mental abilities, such children have problems with speech, fine motor skills, and low cognitive interest. Mediocre learning abilities and weak motivation for educational activities do not allow our inattentive, hyperactive children to receive a high level of education.

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If your child has been diagnosed with this, you should not be afraid and give up. There is no need to hope that the problem will solve itself. A hyperactive child really needs the help of parents and recommendations from specialists.

Hyperactive child at school

If there is a hyperactive child in the class, signs of ADHD may manifest themselves in inattention, restlessness, and rapid loss of interest in activities. Such behavior of the child attracts the attention of the teacher, who tries to reprimand the child, force him to sit still and listen to the task. These children's reading and writing skills are usually lower than their peers, which results in poor grades. The child cannot concentrate on classes at school and is reluctant to do homework. Often, due to their impulsiveness and emotionality, hyperactive children do not adapt well to a team; it is difficult for them to find a common language with classmates. If your child is having difficulties at school, ask a child psychologist for advice on how to conduct classes with hyperactive children at home, whether it is worth doing tasks together, how to teach your child to persevere when working in class, etc.

What should parents of a hyperactive child do?

To solve the problem, parents of hyperactive children should consider the following tips:

  • Take care of your daily routine. Don't forget about daily rituals: systematic reading of a bedtime story or morning exercises will extinguish the baby's excessive overexcitation. Try not to change the routine moments. This will save him from evening hysterics and make his sleep more peaceful.
  • Weather in the house. Friendly and conflict-free relationships in the family will reduce destructive activity. Avoid noisy holidays and unexpected guests.
  • Sections. Sports activities will direct the energy of a lively person in a positive direction. Monitor your regular attendance at classes; this is important for a hyperactive child. Avoid competitive sports. It is better to choose aerobics, skiing, swimming. Playing chess has a beneficial effect on the development of a toddler's thinking. During chess games, both hemispheres work simultaneously, which has a positive effect on the development of mental abilities.
  • Release of energy. If children's behavior does not disturb others, there is no need to restrain them. Let them express their emotions. After such “self-purification” the child will become calmer.
  • Punishments. When there is a need for educational influences, try not to choose punishments in which the little one will have to sit still for a long time. For him this is an impossible task.
  • Golden mean. There is no need to put too much pressure on the fidget. Excessive demands and rigidity in raising a hyperactive child will only do harm. But you should be wary of excessive care for such a baby. Children sense the weakness of adults and quickly learn to manipulate. Then raising overly active children becomes uncontrollable.
  • Nutrition. Food for such children should be healthy. Avoid sweets, foods with artificial additives, sausages, and processed foods. You can improve brain function by taking a vitamin complex in the off-season. The daily menu should contain vegetables and fruits. Be sure to include foods containing calcium, iron, and magnesium in your diet.
  • Extra impressions. Places with excessive crowds of people excite a hyperactive baby. Avoid visiting supermarkets and public transport together.
  • A television. Limit watching aggressive TV programs. However, a couple of good cartoons a day will help. While watching TV, the fidget trains perseverance.
  • Encouragement. Do not spare words of praise for overly active children. It is important for them to realize that they are on the path to victory over negativism.

Treatment and correction of a hyperactive child

There are several practical tips for treating a hyperactive child:

  • Massotherapy. A prescribed massage will help relieve muscle tension, calm the baby, and relax him.
  • Physiotherapy. Electrophoresis with drugs improves blood supply to the cerebral cortex.
  • Psychologist consultations. Play therapy will help correct behavior and learn to restrain impulsive impulses. Classes with a psychologist or psychotherapist develop the child’s speech and improve the fine motor skills of a hyperactive child. With systematic exercises, attention improves.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics, swimming pool. With their help, the nervous system is strengthened, and excess energy goes away.
  • Alekseev technique, autogenic training, Schultz model. These sets of exercises will be useful for relaxing muscles and will help him fall asleep peacefully. At first, such therapeutic work with a hyperactive child is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.

Recommendations from psychologists

Psychologists give the following advice to parents of hyperactive children:

  • Treat your child’s manifestations of hyperactivity not as shortcomings, but as features of his character.
  • Be prepared that such a baby will not hear your requests the first time, be patient and repeat them several times.
  • Don't yell at the restless person. Your excitement will have a bad effect on your little one; he will lose control over his emotions. It’s better to hold the baby close to you, stroke him tenderly, then ask in a quiet voice what happened to him. Repeated phrases calm and relax the fidget.
  • Music helps to put the baby in a calm, positive mood. Play classical music more often or enroll him in music school.
  • Try not to give your little one too many toys at once. Let the baby learn to concentrate his attention on a single object.
  • A hyperactive child should have his own cozy corner in which he will curb negative emotions and come to his senses. Your own room with neutral-colored walls is suitable for this. It should contain favorite things and toys that help him relieve excess nervousness.
  • Carefully monitor your child's behavior. At the first sign of increasing aggression, switch his attention to another activity. Hysterical attacks are easier to stop at the initial stage.

How to calm a hyperactive child?

You can treat a hyperactive child at home using:

  • Medicines . This method should be used as a last resort. The doctor may prescribe sedatives based on herbal ingredients. Nootropic drugs have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex, improve memory and attention of the baby. You should not expect quick results from sedatives for hyperactive children; the medications will begin to work only after a few months.
  • Relaxing baths . You can take soothing baths daily before bed. The water temperature should not be higher than 38. Add an extract from hop cones and pine needles to the water.
  • Folk remedies . To relieve tension, decoctions of soothing herbs are used. They are taken half a glass twice a day. You can prepare a mixture to strengthen the nervous system from cranberries with aloe, twisted in a meat grinder, with the addition of honey. This delicious nutritional mixture is given in a six-month course three times a day.

Provoking factors

Complications of pregnancy

If the expectant mother suffered from toxicosis and high blood pressure throughout her pregnancy, and the baby was diagnosed with intrauterine asphyxia, in the future the risk of developing ADHD syndrome increases at least 3 times.

Disturbances in the normal lifestyle of a pregnant woman

The development of the child’s nervous system is influenced by the lifestyle of the expectant mother. Harsh working conditions and bad habits, such as smoking, can negatively affect the baby’s health.

Complications during labor

Prolonged or, conversely, rapid labor also increases the risk of developing ADHD syndrome in children.

Doctor Komarovsky about a hyperactive child

The famous Ukrainian pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that:

  • A child who has problems communicating with friends at school or in kindergarten can be considered hyperactive. If the team does not accept the little one, and the school curriculum is not assimilated, then we can talk about illness.
  • In order for a hyperactive toddler to listen to your words, you must first attract his attention. When the baby is busy with something, he is unlikely to respond to the parents' request.
  • There is no need to change your decision. If you prohibit something, then this prohibition should be in effect constantly, and not from time to time.
  • Safety in a family with fidgets should come first. It is necessary to organize the living space for hyperactive children so that he cannot injure himself while playing. Demand composure and accuracy not only from the baby, but also from yourself.
  • There is no need to ask a live person to perform complex tasks. Try to divide such work into simple steps, this way you will achieve better results. Use an action plan in pictures.
  • You need to praise at every opportunity. Even if the little artist did not fully color the picture, praise him for his accuracy and diligence.
  • You need to take care of your own rest. Parents should rest whenever possible. You can use the help of relatives and ask them to take a little walk with the baby. When raising hyperactive children, the calmness and balance of their parents is very important.

Your special child should have no doubt that his parents love him very much. The correct behavior of parents in raising a hyperactive child will solve this problem. Pay attention to your little one, follow the advice of experts.

Recommendations for parents of hyperactive children

Keep a daily routine

Maintaining a daily routine is the foundation for successfully raising a child with ADHD. Games, walks, rest, eating and going to bed should be done at the same time. If your child follows the rules, praise him for it. Healthy sleep of at least 7-8 hours a day is another way to help a hyperactive child become calmer. In addition, it is necessary to exclude food dyes from the diet, reduce the consumption of chocolate, lemonade, spicy and salty foods.

Maintain a positive communication pattern

The child should be praised every time he deserves it, noting even minor successes. Usually the baby ignores reproaches, but is quite sensitive to praise. A child's relationship with adults should be based on trust, not fear. Your child needs to feel that you will always support him and help him cope with difficulties in kindergarten or school. Try to smooth out conflict situations in which your baby is involved.

Define the framework and criteria for behavior

Permissiveness definitely does not bring benefits, so differentiate between what is not allowed and what is allowed for the baby. Come up with a symbolic or point reward system, for example, mark every good deed with a star, and for a certain number of stars give the child a toy or sweets. You can keep a self-control diary and celebrate with your child his successes in kindergarten, school or at home.

Create a comfortable environment for your baby

Remember that challenging behavior in a child diagnosed with hyperactivity is a way of attracting attention. Give him more time, play with him, teach him the rules of communication and behavior. If the child misunderstood the instructions, do not get annoyed, but calmly repeat the task. The work must be carried out in appropriate conditions, for example, organize your baby’s own corner. During classes, nothing should distract the child, so remove unnecessary objects from the table, photographs and posters from the walls. Be sure to protect your baby from overtiredness.

Create opportunities to use up excess energy

A child with ADHD will benefit from having a hobby. First of all, focus on his hobbies. If your child is good at something, it will give him self-confidence. It’s great if a child plays in a sports section or goes to the pool. With the help of physical exercise, especially in the fresh air, the baby will be able to throw out excess energy and, in addition, will learn discipline.

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