What should be the ideal relationship between a guy and a girl?

Why do girls choose older men?i

Girls are more attracted to such men than young guys. Of course, it is impossible to say with certainty that such a man will be extremely smart. At this age, assholes can also be found. Young guys, on the contrary, can be incredibly nice conversationalists.

  • Amazing manners

They will never push you against the wall and kiss you with slobbery kisses. Such men will give up their place, hold the door, and give a luxurious bouquet instead of just one rose. And for girls it’s like a red rag to a bull.

  • Life experience

Girls don't want to wait for a guy to grow up and wiser. And these men have a wealth of life experience behind them, which is not so easy to obtain. It’s better for a lady to immediately choose a “ready” man.

  • They don't try to change their partner

A real man is not interested in the color of his nail polish, his clothes, or the number of gray hairs. They are more captivated by the inner world, and they look at imperfections more simply, unlike those of younger age.

  • Responsibility

He knows how to draw boundaries, knows where to give in to a woman and where to take on all the difficulties that arise. It is worth saying that they are not tyrants. But this behavior of a lover helps a woman feel cared for and protected. On an intuitive level, this is perceived as a single union even in the most difficult times.

  • Money

They stand high and have economic stability. For a girl, this is a guarantee of a quiet life that no one can resist. Although this may seem mercantile at first glance, most ladies who are going to arrange their own lives will give preference to a person with a stable income and housing.

  • Not trophies

They differ from young people in complete confidence, because there have been numerous situations in their lives. On their conscience are relationships with women from clubs, hidden privacy in cars. This list can be continued for a long time. They learned a lot. Nothing will surprise them. They don’t want to brag to their comrades about whether they managed to sleep with you. All they need is time at home with their beloved.

  • Honesty

Whether this is an unexpected acquaintance or a significant relationship, representatives of the stronger sex specifically understand what they want from their own partner. In addition, they state this decisively and not harshly, and women really value such honesty.

  • Taste

As soon as the conversation turns to such preferences as drinks, food, clothing or travel, adult men choose the most luxurious things. They are able to pay for them, and also understand that an excellent thing cannot come cheap.

  • Help

Women love it when men can feed them. And we’re not talking about an ordinary omelet or sandwiches. Girls prefer it if their other half is pleased with a prepared dinner: azu Tatar style or oysters in wine sauce. And mature representatives of the stronger sex cook and do not rely on anyone else for this.

  • Respect

Have experienced an unhappy relationship or the loss of a loved one. For this reason, they treat the lady with respect and listen more. Such men are more open and there are much fewer conflicts in similar relationships.

About a man's relationship

Men, never fight women! Both victory and defeat will be a shame for you.

If a husband constantly looks for flaws in his wife, then another will find her merits.

A real man never cheats. He doesn't have time for new women. He is busy looking for new ways to surprise the one and only.

Oh. It would be better if we didn’t meet him...

A man always treats a woman the way she treats herself.

When you are in pain, a strong man will help, and a weak man will pretend that he is even worse.

Men love to play lapta. This paw, that paw...

A man who allows himself to be pushed around by a woman is neither a man nor a woman, but simply nothing.

If a person doesn’t have time for you, feel free to turn around and run, run away from him, otherwise you’ll spend your whole life just waiting for your turn.

There are two periods in a man’s life when he does not understand a woman at all: before the wedding and after.

Anyone can make a mistake. It is worthy to admit a mistake. Ask for forgiveness courageous. Renew the relationship STRONG.

Male solidarity differs from female solidarity in that men are in solidarity for no reason, while women are in solidarity against someone.

Real men never get offended by women. They just wait for them to calm down and continue to love them further.

A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with ice, please. and right in his face?

A woman's desire is law as long as a man's desire is a woman.

Only a man without flaws can look for a woman without flaws.

Male logic: if I find out, I’ll kill! Women's logic: even if it kills me, I’ll find out...

A man should not be given a second chance. It can't be fixed anymore. And his promises will be forgotten by him as soon as everything in the relationship becomes the same...

The man who gave a woman wings will never wear horns!

Why do men choose younger girls?2

Men also try to get a woman who is much younger than him in age. There are a number of reasons.

It is important for men to feel their own sexuality, and by choosing a younger girl, they grow a crown, a belief in their own delightfulness and the ability to arouse interest. Together with a younger woman, representatives of the stronger sex see themselves as macho, capable of attracting any lady. Sexual relations with a young woman help prove that he is nothing yet, he does a lot of things in bed, he will amaze her at any moment and teach her new techniques, it only gives him confidence in his own sexuality.

What are the pros and cons of such a relationship?3

Such a man is an individual and has achieved a lot in life. He has some material benefits, the lady will not need to earn a lot of time through hard work or wait a couple of years until someone presents it to her on a silver platter. There is no need to think about whether he is promising or not. Everything is obvious. Of course, there is an excellent position, position among people, or simply a regular good income.

Such a man is a personality. Smart and competent. It’s more fun to be with him than with young boys who still have the wind in their heads. Guys don’t bother about the need to start a family, but women want it from an early age. Relationships with adults also have financial benefits.

Often, women in daddies are attracted to money. According to statistics, women who have no money are extremely rarely preferred. This kind of person buys himself everything his heart desires, and for a young lady he is able to organize heaven on earth. After all, it’s great to visit numerous countries in your youth, try a large number of different things, buy only items from couturiers and drive around in a magnificent, expensive car. So a girl can exist one day without thinking about what awaits her the next day.

He has already had a large number of relationships in his life, for this reason he understands how to build relationships, where to compromise, and where to demonstrate his quarrelsome disposition. He is more tolerant, and this indicates a normal perception of young whims. He will easily accept all the whims and hysterics of his lady. An easy and measured life with such a man is guaranteed. He has many such necessary friends. Able to help a girl organize her life.

Many people believe that such representatives of the stronger sex will constantly be proud and admire their youth and beauty. There will be no betrayal, due to the fact that a young sorceress is waiting for him at home and he idolizes her. She thinks that only she is interesting, worthy and beautiful in comparison with others. But it is necessary to remember that there are also “Casanovas” who will freely find themselves another girl, you just need to beckon with your finger.

Despite all the advantages, I recommend that women also look at the disadvantages of such a union: if a person is old, how long will he live? He is not eternal. With your illnesses and problems, there will be no time left for the girl. In this case, financial gain may not always make a young woman happy. Everyone is obliged to do something without the help of others in order to then feel the taste of happiness. In most situations, women are a piece of furniture. He will throw her out the door in a second or simply forbid her to express her own opinion.

Why do men choose younger girls? Men also try to get a woman who is much younger. Young girls can easily increase in a man one of the parts of the personality structure in the concept of S. Freud... How? It’s just that with a young person they also feel young, active and increase their position in the eyes of their friends. They say, “look at her age, I still have gunpowder in my flasks”! Only there is a secret meaning - representatives of the stronger sex, seeking to increase their own ego at the expense of a young woman, are simply indecisive men with a bunch of complexes, afraid to admit it to themselves.

  • Subordination

There is an opinion that it is much easier to conquer a young girl and change her the way her heart desires. Of course, this is not everyone. However, an older man really hopes to give the girl all the necessary knowledge and tries to make her a servant. He needs her to look at him with her mouth open and fulfill all his decent and indecent whims. But this is a misconception. You can't change anyone. A girl can only appear pliable and gentle in order to get everything he wants from a man. And then once, he shows his claws, and that’s it... The man is now in her hands.

  • Charm

Young women are easier to charm. It’s true, such people understand how necessary it is to take care of the ladies; of course, their financial capabilities allow them to woo a young girl. And if an adult guy still has living space, has a car, money and doesn’t look like an old man - that’s it, the lady completely dives into the pool of love and will show him to her friends as an exhibit. However, you need to be careful here and make sure that she needs more than just financial stability and housing.

Why build psychological boundaries and how to do it?

Boundaries are like the front door. If you didn't have it in your house and anyone could enter, how would you feel? I don't think it's happy and safe. The door protects us from dangerous and uninvited guests.

Psychological boundaries perform a similar function. When they are very blurred or built incorrectly, a person expects pain and disappointment from the relationship, which are replaced by depression and apathy. Next, a person can begin to play the role of a victim and shift responsibility for his emotions onto others - it’s THEY who don’t understand me, it’s not about me.

The simple rules presented below will help you build internal boundaries and live in love and acceptance.

Rule 1. Create a personal code

Take a notepad or open a document on your computer and write down in detail what rituals and actions help you maintain peace of mind and balance. Remember situations when you felt unpleasant and uncomfortable, and think about what you would like ideally.

For example it could be:

  • Be alone one day a week.
  • Meditate and go to yoga.
  • Learn to answer or ignore uncomfortable questions (why you are not married, no children, how much do you earn, etc.).

Implement these rules into your life. Remember: if you don’t want or are too lazy to set any rules, others will do it for you.

Rule 2. Negotiate immediately

Sometimes people build relationships under the influence of butterflies in the stomach and according to the principle “everything is fine now, but we’ll figure it out later.” This approach leads to unjustified expectations, loss of time and energy. To change the situation, immediately tell your partner what you want and expect in a relationship and what you don’t. Sometimes you may already find yourself on the bank: this river is completely unsuitable for you.

It is advisable to discuss the following areas:

  • Emotional. What emotions do you want to receive from communication? Which ones are you willing to give? Think about the purpose of the relationship. This could be flirting, family life, interest. If your goals do not coincide with your partner's ideas, boundaries will be violated. For example, you want an easy and relaxed romance and are not ready for routine life, but a man needs a wife who will iron his shirts. If these points are not discussed, one or both partners will feel uncomfortable.
  • Material. You need to understand whether you will need to invest money in your time together. If in American culture everything is clear a priori regarding the financial issue, then in Russia a woman can clarify whether she should take money with her or whether the man pays her.
  • Temporary. Discuss how much time you will spend together. Time is a non-renewable resource, and it is very important to evaluate it realistically. Otherwise, both partners will have the illusion that they can at any moment encroach on the other’s time to the detriment of his interests.

Rule 3. Cultivate your inner core

To be truly respected and accepted, it is important to be yourself. Many are held back in this matter by the fear of “straying from the pack,” of being selfish and inconvenient for others.

It is easier for people to give up their needs than to hear a bad word addressed to them. Here it is advisable to ask the question: what is more important for you - to live your life in pleasure and be real or to suffer and pretend to be good?

The first path is not easy and requires high awareness and responsibility, the skill of self-acceptance, it is based on constant work with flexibility and willpower. But the dividends from it are corresponding - respect and recognition, a completely different standard of living and environment.

The second way is easy. The most important thing about him is to blame everyone around him and suffer. The corresponding bonuses are disrespect, neurosis and illness.

What difficulties may arise in relationships?4

A lady who decides to throw in her lot with an older man should pay attention to the difficulties in the relationship. First of all, there may be different interests. The sad thing is that they can only appear after a few years. Clashes will be frequent and cannot be ruled out.

An equally important role is played by parents who do not really want their daughter to connect her life with an old man. The same goes for his children. If they are the same age as their future stepmother, no good will happen.

It’s not even worth talking about the attitude of others towards this. But if a girl is ready to overcome all difficulties, then go ahead and sing.

Touching statuses about relationships to the point of tears

I locked my heart and put up a sign - NO ENTRY! But love came and said - I can’t read.

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But the worst kind of suffering is not knowing what decision to make!

Headache. You're probably trying to get out of it...

My plan was to break his heart... but I'm still picking up the pieces of mine.

And if I meet you again... I will hide the pain... I am an actress, I will play my best role...

The most bitter thing that could happen to them happened: they were simply bored with each other.

The hardest thing in a new relationship is getting used to other hands.

We are all broken. The most important thing is to find a person whose fragments match yours.

Words are not needed if you can speak with your eyes.

And you throw back at him: “It hurts!!”... but in fact, it hurts and is needed...

Girls themselves run away from their happiness, chasing wealth. And then they regret that they didn’t notice the guys who were really capable of doing anything for them.

If two people are destined to be together, no matter how many separations, tears and troubles they endure, fate will still unite them.

How to choose a behavior model?5

If such a man is smart, then when communicating with a younger girl he will see her childish naivety and amusing stupidity. Even when he talks about serious things, and a woman behaves like a child, then honor and praise him for his delicacy and benevolence.

With eye contact, he is able to secretly find out everything about a lady that shows her “liceiness”:

Commercialism. The problem is not the cake he bought for her - only rednecks do that. We're talking about desires. If the target has its own price list and brand, this indicates a financial attitude towards the representatives of the stronger sex.

Promiscuity. Actions, appearance and makeup can “scream” about a girl’s behavior. Pumped up lips and large silicone breasts covered with a piece of latex obviously indicate that the girl is not a modest person.

Intelligence. If a woman talks only about herself and her purchases, then her mental development is immediately visible.

Is it worth starting such a relationship?6

It is worth considering not only your age, but also by year separately, since the older a person is, the less the difference is felt. For example, a girl is 17, a guy is 23 - this is an abyss, and a lady is 37, and a man is 45 - then this is only a minor hole in the path that can be crossed.

Talk to your significant other about this problem on the first date so that no negative psychological reactions arise in the future. Understand that there is a difference in years, and it significantly affects your future life. Think about how to build relationships correctly and how to be in them. It is important to discuss and discuss these problems together.

If you are just choosing a person, then try to keep the age difference small. After all, it will simply turn out that it will be necessary to simply fulfill requests. And this is more of a relationship-contract: a man provides stability, for example, and a lady needs the presence of her wife in the house - after all, this is the custom, many believe. This applies to those for whom the advantage is emotions, not material wealth.

You didn't know who to ask about sex with an older man? Read about it with us!

Who can build relationships with?

A serious relationship should be built between a MAN and a WOMAN.

Only in this case can you really begin to build a relationship, and not “in quotes”, which is what happens to the vast majority of people (pasting time and having sex). This is, firstly.

Secondly, an alliance (tandem) can only be strong and durable between a man and a woman. Between young people (18-25 years old) = unions, in the vast majority of cases, do not end well. And this is not at all surprising; later, I will tell you why...

Now, just understand: at the age of 18-25 it’s unlikely that anything serious can happen. Therefore, looking ahead, I’ll say: if you really want to build a serious relationship, choose not a girl, but a woman (the finished product), and you, my dear, not a boy, but a man (the finished product).

Only FINISHED PRODUCT + FINISHED PRODUCT. Only formed individuals. Later, again, I will explain why, but for now just remember this as our Father (although you are unlikely to know him).

And at the same time, do not forget (or remember, if you didn’t know at all) the basic rule: each creature has a pair, and they get what they themselves are.

In other words, do you want a worthy, high-ranking woman? OK. But then you yourself must be a worthy high-ranking male. Understand? And vice versa. A woman, with a man.

Those. if you yourself are low-ranking “fu-fu” = and your male will be the same fu-fu and your life and relationships will be “fu-fu”. For every creature has a pair, and they receive what they themselves are and what they deserve.

Therefore, you want a better life, you want strong, long-lasting, happy relationships = firstly, upgrade yourself to a high-ranking personality, secondly, choose the right partner for yourself (not girls or boys, but a woman worthy of you, and vice versa, a man worthy of you ) and of course, work on your relationship with your partner every day.

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