We often argue with the girl. Frequent quarrels with a girl, what should I do? We constantly fight with a girl over little things

Very often, quarrels arise in relationships between a guy and a girl, and between husband and wife. Men usually do not initiate these quarrels. Therefore, they often cannot understand what the actual problem is. In fact, quarrels arise due to the fault of both. In this article we will look at what men are guilty of and how to fix it.

First you need to understand that girls are different from guys not only physically, but also psychologically. They think, solve problems and simply live differently. But you also need to understand that guys and girls are nowhere without each other. And so let’s look at the main male mistakes:

Communication – girls love with their ears. They love us to speak and not remain silent. Although men love silence because they want to think. Therefore, you need to try to communicate with the girl more often. Even if you are tired after hard work, try to devote 10 to 20 minutes to your beloved. Listen calmly to her, and preferably not silently. You must be a participant in the dialogue, not just a listener. After this, you will see that the girl will calm down. You need to understand that this is the psychology of women - they love to chat. Thus, they are discharged. And the possibility of a quarrel after this is clearly reduced.

Attention - women need it. Without it, they feel lonely and unnecessary. Therefore, they become offended and begin to conflict again. From time to time you need to ask your loved one about how she feels, how she slept, how she was doing at work or school, what she ate. They enjoy it and feel needed.

Feeling of security - girls want to see a protector and reliable support in a guy. Without this, the girl feels unprotected. Or he begins to take on a masculine character trait. This usually doesn't end well. After all, nature intended for a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman. And since a man is strong, he must be strong in every sense of the word.

Decisiveness – women help solve common problems. But they want a man to make decisions. Therefore, you should not let a woman choose in serious matters. She can, of course, make decisions. But after a certain time you will hear reproaches in your direction that you are not decisive. And it will be true.

The breadwinner of the family - since ancient times it has so happened that a man is the breadwinner. Therefore, your task is to provide for your family. And your wife’s task is to help you with this. There are many men who spend their entire lives looking for work. Of course, quarrels cannot be avoided because of this.

It's nice to be surprised - girls love pleasant surprises. They love it when a guy gives flowers, arranges a romantic dinner, or takes them to some restaurant. You need to do these things from time to time. And the girl’s reciprocity will not keep you waiting.

These are the main male mistakes that cause quarrels. Therefore, I advise you to work on yourself. Try to develop a little in these directions. Then your relationship will become more harmonious, and your beloved will become much happier and, in turn, will make you happier.

This question brought you to my blog for a reason. Frequent swearing leads not only to frustration between a guy and a girl, but also to serious crises in relationships. There is probably no couple who doesn’t swear at all. In a relationship, in some situation, certain disagreements arise that need to be resolved. Your point of view does not coincide with the point of view of your girlfriend. There are no people who would agree on everything and would agree with each other’s every whim. Even if there are such people, then all the same, their desire to be the main one in the relationship, or simply whims or a sense of pride and power in a couple, will ultimately lead to these very quarrels.

Over the years, a man and a woman must get used to each other. This can be compared to the gears with teeth in a watch mechanism. When people start dating, they circle around and don't even touch. But the relationship is getting stronger and these gears begin to rub against each other. The man has his own teeth with unique patterns, and the woman has her own. They cannot immediately begin to rotate in one clock cycle, as in a watch mechanism. With every quarrel, these teeth break, this is called “grinding in” in a relationship. In the end, the couple begins to understand each other in almost everything and quarrels become less common than at first. The two gears rubbed against each other and formed identical patterns. This pair has been ground in and passed the test. Such a couple can only expect a happy future together in the future. I also recommend reading the article What do our wives want from us?

But people are different and their character is different. There are couples in which the guy is the clear leader in the relationship and has a very complex character. And the girl, on the contrary, is very soft and vulnerable. After every quarrel, the girl begins to harbor resentment and have a hard time experiencing these moments. In such cases, you should try to avoid quarrels without good reasons and try to resolve everything peacefully and without shouting. Over time, all this will pass when the couple gets used to each other. But so that this time does not lead to big problems in relationships and unnecessary tears of the girl, you need to adhere to certain rules.

So, how to stop arguing with a girl?

1. Try to listen to the girl and understand the whole essence of her problem and dissatisfaction. Women like to speak not directly, but to come from afar. This is their essence and nature. There is no need to get angry about it, just try to listen to her and understand.

2. If some dispute can be avoided without a scandal, you should not miss this opportunity. Just sit down and talk. Learn to find compromises in any disputes if you have not come to an understanding of each other on this issue.

3. Everything old remains in the past. Get this into your head and your girlfriend's. There is no need to trample the same swamp several times, this will only lead to unnecessary grievances and frayed nerves. Live in the present and discuss only the present.

4. During quarrels, it often happens that the girl begins to cry. Many guys behave incorrectly in such situations and begin to put further pressure on their beloved, proving that they are right. This will only make the situation worse. Use your power and hug your girlfriend and caress her trying to calm her down. This will express your real masculine strength in this situation.

Now you know how not to argue with a girl

. I hope you find these tips helpful. Learn to do without quarrels and not get on the nerves of yourself and your loved one. If your chosen one is truly special, then all your efforts aimed at her will return to you with interest.

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I disagree. I am categorically against swearing, shouting and quarreling, especially in public places. I can’t understand when we women managed to learn how to swear with men while walking along a busy street? When did you agree to put on ugly masks of grumpiness on your beautiful faces and justify their presence? A woman may be beautiful in anger, but only when she is silent. At this moment, her eyes, throwing lightning, are truly attractive. Don’t you think that these eyes, reflecting anger and alluring in their own way, are quite enough for your companion to understand you? The mouth and the entire oval of the face in negative emotions are ugly.

4 chosen

Quarrels are a nasty thing. Especially because they have a habit of growing and reproducing at an incredible rate

It seems they had a fight over untidy socks or unwashed dishes, but in the process they said so many interesting things to each other that they practically closed their path to reconciliation
How often do partners get offended at each other and don’t talk for a long time, not because of the subject of the quarrel itself, but because of what was said during the process. But it all started because of some little thing
Let's think about how to avoid these unpleasant little things and prevent them from growing and multiplying.

Why do we constantly quarrel?

What do constant quarrels mean? Are they talking about serious problems in the relationship?

Not always, reassures
psychologist Maria Pugacheva
. The reason may be in the characters and temperaments of the partners. If they are both accustomed to setting aside their rights, expressing themselves and controlling any matter, minor clashes cannot be avoided.

“However, oddly enough, such an alliance can be very strong, because each of them actually values ​​the strength, brightness and pressure of both themselves and their partner, and is not particularly worried about such a situation. As a rule, in such quarrels, bright negative emotions are thrown off one by one, and then the same bright positive emotions are experienced together, which immediately cover up all the bad things.”

, explained the psychologist.

But there are other situations when deep discontent lies behind a minor quarrel.

. For example, a wife nags her husband for an unclosed tube of toothpaste, but in fact she doesn’t like that he doesn’t help at all around the house. Or she makes a scandal because her husband returned late from work, although in fact she worries that he pays little attention to her. In such cases, minor quarrels are symptoms of more serious problems that need to be dealt with so that the relationship does not deteriorate completely.

There is also a very sad situation - when love has ended in a couple, and people begin to openly irritate each other.

Look to the root

Consider whether there is a deeper reason for your constant quarrels

. Not a small thing, but a major dissatisfaction that does not allow you to sleep peacefully and behave in a friendly manner. Analyze your feelings and ask your partner to do the same, and then calmly discuss the accumulated problems.

This will most likely not be easy

I still remember with horror the most difficult conversations that began with the words of my young man: “Now tell me what fundamentally doesn’t suit you about me
. But, since that young man later became my husband, we can assume that they were still quite effective. When all the problems are clear and discussed, it will become clear how to solve them, what can be changed, and what will have to be accepted.

“Perhaps it will be possible to reach an agreement through some compromises: “I close my eyes to this and that in your behavior, and you do not find fault with me on this and that issue.” Peace in the family can be restored if the spouses come to the conclusion that they are dearer to each other than anger over shortcomings. But it may also happen that the only right decision is separation. At least this way everyone will have a chance to find a truly happy and harmonious relationship, and not suffer for the rest of their lives,”

– says Maria Pugacheva.

How to avoid?

But even if trivial quarrels do not have a serious underlying cause, they can really ruin the mood. Let's think about how to avoid them. Maria Pugacheva assures that simply holding back emotions is not the best way out.
“This will only worsen the situation and make the relationship more and more tense,”
says the psychologist.

But you shouldn’t “pour” them on your partner either. Maria Pugacheva advises not to show emotions, but to talk about them

“If you calmly and kindly explain to your “other half” what you don’t like about him and describe your emotions, this will be a powerful incentive for him to change for the better.
At the same time, you must definitely list a couple of those traits for which you love and respect him .
And if you show emotions - get offended and raise your tone, then you will only achieve exactly the same defensive response, and the matter will not move forward,” the psychologist explained.
I will add a number of techniques that allow you to end a trifling quarrel before it begins. All tips are self-tested.

  • Before you speak (or rather, shout), slowly count to ten.
    It's a banality, of course, but it works. After all, the first reaction is usually the most emotional and rarely the most thoughtful.
  • Find out when you and your loved one have “bad” and “good” hours, do not start any discussions during the “bad” ones.
    At different times of the day we can be more or less vulnerable.
    It depends on various factors. Some are better left alone in the morning, others in the evening, some react sharply to everything when they are hungry, and almost everyone snaps if they are very busy. For example, the hardest time for me is morning. If I am hurt at this moment, the reaction can be unpredictable: I can cry, scream, or even throw something.
    My husband realized this a long time ago and only makes fun of me, calling me
    a “morning monster.”
    But it is not suitable for serious problems.
  • Together with your partner, come up with some kind of signal to end the quarrel.
    For example, a funny word or phrase -
    bombina kurgudu, kvakozyabra or anti-sausage
    If during a quarrel someone utters a conditional word, it means: “that’s it, time out, I’m starting to get excited, we’ll discuss the problem later.”
  • Turn the conversation into a joke
    Humor generally greatly extinguishes anger. Sometimes I try to continue to be angry in such situations, but a treacherous smile creeps onto my face against my will. At the same time, I remember how much I love my husband for his sense of humor.
  • Speak in a whisper
    The main problem with quarrels is that they are a vicious circle. You raise your voice, your husband raises it, you raise it even more... and so on
    As a result, both scream and no one hears each other
    . Try to behave exactly the opposite - speak more quietly. The partner will have to listen, and he will unconsciously also switch to a whisper. But it’s quite difficult to swear seriously in such a tone.

Have you ever encountered such a problem in a relationship? How do you prevent quarrels?

Quarrels - this moment is certainly typical for a society of young guys. Here everyone strives to stand out, to show their own “I”. The result is obvious. But when one of you tells me – do you often quarrel with your girlfriend? Men! I’ll be honest – I’m not ideal either. However, standing out in front of a girl is simply pointless. After all, she has already chosen you.

How can you even find reasons for a quarrel when you have a beautiful, sexy, sweet friend next to you? Look at yourself through the eyes of other guys. Fact: they are all ready to stake your claim at any moment. Do you need it? Then read and learn how not to quarrel with a girl.

Is a quarrel an indicator of a lack of feelings?

Every loving couple has quarrels. But controversial situations arise in absolutely any type of relationship where at least two people meet. Friends, business partners, lovers, relatives, distant acquaintances - no matter who communicates, a dispute can arise in any situation. But a quarrel is also a dispute, a clash of two ideas, opinions that in some way contradict each other. Only if in business circles partners adhere to the rules of etiquette, because they understand that they have no right to shout at each other, then in love relationships people do not restrain their emotions - and a quarrel results.

Is a quarrel an indicator of a lack of feelings between partners? No. It would be more accurate to call a quarrel (scandal) the inability of two adults to communicate calmly and respectfully with each other at moments when their opinions differ. When conducting negotiations, people, for example, understand that it is better to restrain their emotions and shouting in order to still achieve the best possible result for themselves. But for some reason, this rule is forgotten by loving partners who shout at each other as if they are not afraid that they might separate forever. After all, as a result of such quarrels, the partners disagree, each remaining with his own opinion. So what was the point of arguing if you didn't achieve anything?

This is not taught to the new generation. Many adults do not even realize this, who, by their own example of the inability to solve family problems (scandals), teach their children to communicate in the same way with their future companions and lovers. People do not understand that shouting at each other does not achieve a positive result. But the goal of any arguing person is to convince his interlocutor that he is right and encourage him to do what they want him to do. This is precisely the goal that people do not achieve when they quarrel.

Therefore, a quarrel is the inability of adults to conduct their conversation when their opinions do not agree, so as to achieve the result they are counting on. Only mature and wise people understand that in controversial situations it is necessary to remain calm and respectful of your interlocutor, you need to hear his opinion and be ready to give up something insignificant in order to still reach some kind of compromise that satisfies the needs of both partners.

And while you are screaming, it seems to you that you are not loved. Although only the immature minds of people who do not understand that you can not quarrel, but communicate calmly and good-naturedly, even when you don’t like something in the words of your interlocutor, think this way. Don’t shout, forget that you need to behave this way when something annoys or outrages you. Yelling will not achieve anything, but will only show your immaturity. Stay calm, show respect to your opponent, think and listen more, say clearly and briefly only what you will not regret later when you are left alone to think about the conflict that has occurred.

Who usually starts a fight in your couple?

Are you tired of quarreling? Do you feel that you are already tired of everyday scandals? Then answer yourself honestly the question: who usually starts a quarrel in your couple? Remember all the times when you started having scandals. Who usually started this or that argument - you or your loved one?

Answering the question of who starts the fight will help you look at the situation differently. In addition to finding out why the scandal began, it is also important to see on whose initiative it arose. Usually in couples, one of the partners is the constant instigator of quarrels. And most often this instigator is a woman (although situations when a man begins to argue are not excluded). If you understand that you are often the one who provokes scandals, this gives you the opportunity to reduce the number of unpleasant situations that only push your partner away from you.

Who usually starts a fight in your couple? Often, the initiator of scandals is one of the partners in a couple, and his loved one simply does not know how to respond correctly to the shouting or dissatisfaction of his other half, which is why the quarrel flares up even more. In other words, one scandal starts, and the second supports it in this process. And in order to reduce the number of quarrels, each partner needs to learn not to do what he usually does.

  • Anyone who usually starts to quarrel should think about what pushes him to such behavior. Why are you quarreling? What constantly bothers you? What don't you like about your relationship? Perhaps you are afraid of something or you have some kind of complex. You should understand the reasons for your discontent, especially if you are constantly the initiator of quarrels. You should understand that if you do not quarrel, then your relationship will not be destroyed, since your partner does not argue with you. Understand what pushes you to shout and discontent. Eliminate these reasons so that they no longer cause you to quarrel with the one you love.
  • Anyone who does not start a quarrel, but supports it, should learn to treat conflict situations differently. What do you usually start doing when they shout at you or say their “fe” (what you don’t like)? If you start screaming, stop doing it. If you begin to defend your point of view, then learn to express your opinion once (if you are not heard the first time, then this is not your problem, but the problem of your interlocutor). If you run away slamming the door, then don't do that again. Learn calming behavior rather than provocative behavior, because by screaming and running away you cause even more resentment. Try hugging your loved one when he cries, say: “Let you calm down, and then you can tell me whatever you want” or “Don’t worry about it, I’m here for you.” Learn not to maintain a quarrel, but to “extinguish” it at the very beginning.

If we constantly quarrel with a girl, what should we do?

There will always be solutions. Guys! Moderate your exalted status, and then the problem of how to stop quarreling with a girl will be solved by itself. Give a little freedom to your beloved (if you really love), become slightly dependent on her brown (blue, green) eyes. I assure you, my friend, she will give you several times more.

Nobody forces you to give up your friends. Real friends will always understand you if you reserve some of your attention for your girlfriend. Try to increase this part to the maximum so that you can be with her more often and longer. Don’t forget about gifts, albeit inexpensive, but certainly meaningful for her. Try to remember all the events and please her with memories.

Of course, not all girls are berries in a field. The character of any person is darkness. How not to quarrel with a girl in such conditions? Especially at a time when relations are just gaining momentum. And no advice from a psychologist on how not to quarrel with a girl will help if you yourself have not personally recognized her character and adapted to it.

Therefore, the following pair seems logical: external love and internal love. If you fall in love with the external image, in fact, you must also fall in love with the internal image. When such a balance is achieved, the problem completely disappears - we often quarrel with the girl.

On a road trip or advice from a psychologist on how not to quarrel with a girl

Briefly but voluminously:

– become attentive and wise to maintain relationships;

– give half of yourself and accept half of it;

– tame the fear of communication culture (I’m sure all guys suffer from this);

– learn a real culture of communication (this is much more difficult than teaching “give a damn”);

- pamper her, love her and try to be loved.

Hello, this is Lesha Doc

and in this article I will answer the question of a guy who found himself in a difficult situation

And the subject of his letter sounds like this: “I often quarrel with a girl”

my favorite girl right now

, That

Click: Get your favorite girl

I will answer you personally
My personal email:

(everything is free)

And here is his letter that he sent to me:

Hi Lesha. Thanks for the working tips. I really need advice and an outside perspective

We've been dating a girl for 3.5 months

. I am 25, she is 20. I am a calm person, quite cheerful. More good than evil. If they piss me off, I can put him in his place (which I already doubt). She is often a cheerful, quite bright and kind (as it seemed at first), a cheerful girl.

I'll tell you from the foreplay. Met on a dating site

, met, then again and again. She was all glowing, she was very kind and sweet, for the first time I felt like a real man against the background of a girl. I wanted to protect her and protect her from the outside world, to tear her throats out for her.

She was shy, blushed, and could mysteriously cast her eyes to the floor

(I’m telling all this for a reason). In general, she used all those feminine tricks that many men fall for. Not to say that I fell in love - no. But I really liked her.

She was the first to write, almost always saying how wonderful I am

etc. (sometimes this bothered me, because she could write this at any time and 100 times a day, i.e. she was constantly spinning around in my field). I was not thrilled, I accepted it with a calm “thank you” and sometimes I wrote kind words to her myself. Then conversations in the spirit of “I am part of my man, I am only yours, completely and completely.” Sometimes she called herself a dog, and me - the owner.

Time passed, she was the first to confess her love. I told her that I would do it when I think it’s necessary, she didn’t mind. A month later - my reciprocal confession, and her happiness.

And since then almost everything has changed. Not right away, no. Gradually.

At first, minor insults to some of my words began, but all this quickly passed. Then the grievances became bigger and bigger

, she started crying. One of the indicative moments is a classic in the spirit of “you don’t love me,” followed by her hysteria and packing her “suitcases.” I didn’t mind, I said, if you want to leave, please, the door is always open. To which she quickly calmed down and, naturally, did not go anywhere.

At that time I didn’t even get the impression that I was being bent over. In general, each time the lump of irritation on her part grew stronger and stronger.

And now, another meeting - her resentment. She walked silently all evening, I almost didn’t bother her. I thought he would get mad and leave. He walked her home, kissed her on the cheek, refused her offer to come in and left. Then I started writing and calling. I said - I won’t allow myself to be treated like this, I’m not a toy that you can wipe your feet on.

and say whatever you want. She said that she also would not tolerate my attitude towards me.

Then meetings, reconciliation. And again - a repeat of the concert. The reason was that she went to the shower, and at that time I was sitting at the tablet and talking with my friends. Hysteria, her tears, “ while_I_are_here_only_communicate_with_me

". I reassured her and said that I was wrong.

Yesterday there was another quarrel. He asked me not to leave marks on me (he likes to scratch just like that), because of work, clients, all that. It should look right. In response, a mind-blowing logical chain: “If you don’t like traces, you don’t like my touches.”

“I’m such a fool, I won’t touch you anymore.” He walked me home, it seemed like they had made up.

In the morning I again reprimanded her about the new tracks and asked her not to do it. The answer is resentment. And then a veil covered my eyes, my hands shook, my blood pressure rose - and I told her everything I was thinking

. In response, her message is no, if you think that I will stop writing to you, you are mistaken. And she starts writing all sorts of nonsense - how a classmate is hitting on her, how she has a headache, etc. I sit and read all this with my jaw open.

As a result, at the end of the day he writes “sorry that we angered each other.” You see, he apologizes for me

. My jaw is down to the floor again. A little background information for thought - there is 1 guy before me. He drowned her in the mud, disappeared, and behaved very badly. As a result, she was ready to lie at his feet so that he would not leave her (according to her).

Lesh, do you have any thoughts on how I can get out of this situation? How to put a person in his place and at least get rid of insults and hysterics? Or is this a serious case, and you just have to run away from it? My girlfriend and I fight all the time.

So, what can you say about the girl?

There is such a layer of girls who were brought up in dysfunctional families

. Where the father constantly drank, beat his wife, his children, etc. As a result, for many years the girl absorbed this habitat.

And over time, the girl unconsciously came to the conclusion that a man should be exactly like her father

. In other words, she is unconsciously looking for a guy who, in terms of character traits, will remind her of her father.

And now the girl has found herself a guy who can easily be pissed off

various manipulations and make him kiss her thoroughly or yell at her like crazy. It is from this behavior of a guy that this girl receives satisfaction and a certain buzz.

And when everything goes very smoothly and serenely, the girl becomes very bored and uncomfortable

, since this is very different from her picture of the world, which is why she specifically has to provoke the guy and provoke his aggression with various reproaches, quarrels and scandals.

But in order to lure the guy and tame him, the girl had to play the role of an accommodating

and a feminine girl. And after the guy gets used to her and falls in love, she begins to turn into herself and becomes a strange and aggressive girl.

What should the guy do?

In this situation, you can’t really do anything with the girl - it’s a psychological trauma

, which is very difficult to cure. The maximum that a girl can achieve is to play the role of an accommodating girl a little longer than usual, but then she will have a nervous breakdown again and she will begin to provoke the guy with even greater force.

Therefore, it is necessary to break up with this girl and find a normal, adequate girl from a normal family. My distance learning course will help you with this.

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, they contain a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics that interest you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls, without wasting your time. Now I have 2 sites: lesha-dok..

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By the way, if you want to get your favorite girl right now

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How to make peace with a girl?

Quarrels in love relationships are inevitable and acts of reconciliation require special efforts and actions. Why is it difficult for a person to ask for forgiveness? Because he should first admit his guilt, because it is known that both are to blame for the quarrel. Therefore, in order to go to make peace with a girl, the guy must calm down and see his mistake in the controversial issue.

It is advisable that the guy does not immediately run to ask for forgiveness as soon as he understands what he was wrong about. There are two main things to do. The first thing is to correct your mistake so that it does not happen again. The second is to forgive your girlfriend for her words and mistakes in order to get rid of the feeling of resentment that you apologize and she doesn’t.

After working through these two points, you can go and make peace. Of course, a small gift as a sign of reconciliation will speed up the process. This could be a bouquet of flowers, her favorite treat, or just a trip to an inexpensive cafe. When starting reconciliation, do not forget that you are asking for forgiveness for your offense, but do not demand the same from the girl. Start the conversation with the fact that the argument was stupid and you realized your mistake. Then say that you really missed your loved one and remind her of your feelings for her.

The process of reconciliation is very easy if you are ready to correct your wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness for them, putting your selfishness away.

There is not a single couple who has at least once encountered a situation of alienation from each other. A man hurt a woman, which is why she wants to be alone for a while. The woman humiliated the man, which is why he wants to think about the need for such a relationship. Every couple goes through a period when both partners begin to think about the appropriateness of their relationship. Accordingly, if a man and a woman see indifference towards each other, then this can become the impetus that will lead to a break in the union.

From time to time, partners have to improve relationships with each other. We are not talking about quarrels, here we are talking about the stage when a quarrel occurred and the partners went to their corners, each remaining with his own opinion. And if someone wants to maintain a union, then a completely logical question arises: how to improve relations with a loved one?

There is no more effective way to improve relationships than to start talking to your partner. No need to press, no need to impose. Take 5 minutes to talk with your loved one who is offended or angry with you. Just clearly and specifically ask him a question: what can you do for him so that he forgives you and your relationship survives?

There is nothing easier than asking your loved one directly about what you can do to “appease” him. People mistakenly try to get helpful advice from strangers on how to deal with disagreements with their loved ones. No strangers, not even psychologists, know your loved one better than himself. Only he can tell you what you can do to make him calm down and your relationship to continue. Only he himself knows how you can please him and how you can anger him even more. And any advice from strangers here will be meaningless, since you are trying to improve relationships not with them, but with your loved one.

This recommendation is based on the fact that a man and a woman should be able to communicate with each other. If you don’t know how to communicate, then your relationship (family) will be short-lived. You must learn to approach and talk to your loved one, just as he must learn to talk to you. After all, relationships are your joint business. And only you know where to develop them, how to make them and what needs to be done for you to please and receive forgiveness.

Why do we often quarrel with a girl - reasons

Two sexes - two different natures. No matter how much we want it, we constantly quarrel with the girl, to some extent, precisely because of this banal difference. Nature instills in the female soul a subtle feeling of love. Based on this feeling, your friend expects the same answer from you. But guys! You are too spoiled by the modern rhythm of life, and apparently that’s why you and your girlfriend started quarreling more. You want to be cool everywhere and even in the company of women. I won’t be surprised if tomorrow one of you tells me again - I quarrel with a girl every day.

When people complain to me (!) - I often quarrel with a girl, and ask for advice on this matter, I see several reasons for the conflict:

– your desire to remain free and independent;

– desire to please both girlfriend and friends;

– jealous attitude towards “personal” property;

Come on, my friend, let's look at each reason separately in order to understand what we have in the end.

Freedom and independence make you often quarrel with your girlfriend

You met a super girl, you want her, maybe you even fell in love, but at the same time you want to remain completely free and independent? Really, do you have the genes of your early ancestors, when the male sex viewed women as a second-class product? Learn the truth - modern women are no longer the same and if you don’t change the “tone”, conflict is inevitable.

Playing on two fronts is the cause of conflicts with a friend

Every guy, as a rule, has friends. And then you meet a girl who naturally demands your attention. This situation puts you before a choice - either all the attention to your friends, or half to your friend. A difficult choice, but if the issue is not resolved, quarrels will not keep you waiting long.

Jealousy as a reason for discord

According to research, approximately half of all men have feelings of jealousy. It's a nasty feeling, I'll tell you, my friend. You involuntarily treat your friend as if she were a personal item. You yourself invited her to listen to Dima Bilan, and when she dared to express a modest compliment to him, you threw a scandal at her. How do you think? Was your action good?

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