How to organize your time and start working effectively?


The first and easiest step towards self-organization is planning your time. At the beginning of the next day or in the evening of the previous day, sit down at your desk, open your diary and write down all the necessary and important tasks along with the time frame that will be required to complete these tasks.

You can exaggerate the time by a couple of minutes to give yourself a head start. The most important thing is to strictly adhere to this routine, otherwise self-organization will not take place.

Self-development without tricks

I recently wrote about self-discipline - there were two quite detailed and thorough articles: Self-discipline itself and How to develop self-discipline. Today – a small, but, I hope, quite valuable and unobvious addition that will help you learn to organize yourself a little better. When you organize yourself for some business, try to set goals and achieve them, you are to one degree or another besieged by extraneous desires and thoughts, and you often have to do what you don’t want. Any work, even the most creative in its essence, is somehow connected with routine.

Or else. There is a desire to do something (exercise, keep a diary, learn a foreign language - and a strong string of standard examples), but this desire soon disappears, the person lacks regularity. It lasts for a week or two - and then...

I had a similar situation with my personal diary. I started running it several times - and it lasted for several weeks, and then I abandoned it (there were no quick results and feedback from readers, as is the case with a blog). Having stumbled upon old records a year or two later, I literally received a wagonload and a small cart of valuable food for the mind, many opportunities to understand and analyze myself.

(A diary is generally an excellent tool for self-development).

I wanted to keep a diary - even if I didn't always have anything to write down. With motivation, God forgive me, everything was in order (in human terms: it was my real desire). I could force myself to write notes every day - but such a diary, as I understand it, is of little use.

The solution turned out to be very simple. And not even brilliantly simple, but simple and logical, it was easy to achieve if you set the task correctly.

I often write down my work thoughts in a rough draft. It’s more convenient to think this way: by drawing a diagram or writing out in a column a list of things that occupy your consciousness at that time, it’s much easier to make a decision. I just started making these entries in the diary, consistently filling out its pages. As a result, I got what I wanted - material for self-analysis in the future. It turned out not quite a diary, but in this case there is no difference.

Why did I tell you this?

Then, to demonstrate with a simple example the mechanism of self-organization - more precisely, a method that can help organize oneself to complete a task that, for some reason, is being carried out with difficulty.

The mechanism is as follows:

1. Understand what exactly you need. (In my case, subjective notes marked with dates) 2. Turn your head left and right and find something that you do just like that, regularly. (In my case - sketches for decision-making, working thoughts) 3. Combine what is needed with what is already being done. 4. PROFIT!!!

Something you do just for fun can also be:

- a problem that needs to be solved - a thing that can be done differently - a hobby that can be slightly modified - a friend's hobby that can be slightly modified;)

Briefly speaking. The main tip of this post that can help you become a little more organized in life:

To organize yourself to do something, try to find something else to do so that you can kill two birds with one stone.

(Although I prefer this formulation: Do you have a problem? Set it against another problem!)))

Such “life hacks” are often called the secrets of success. I'd say today's advice is a little more honest. For example, like this: “the principle of effective thinking.” It was a bit long, but it turned out...

Anyway. Let's move on to the second half of the article. All of the above is also important and useful in terms of organizing yourself, but for the sake of such advice, I would not bother writing a post.

The example considered clearly reveals some other patterns that have already been written about here earlier. Having realized this, I once again realized how interconnected everything in life is, how similar the reasons are for a wide variety of problems and untidiness.

. From the inability to organize oneself - to a passion for pop psychology and problems with confidence, motivation, and self-discipline.

Judge for yourself:

— my initial problem (the inability to organize myself to keep a diary) was caused by a unclear idea of ​​​​what I actually want. Consciousness simply slipped into the usual, stereotyped direction - a diary? Diary! (but any development can only occur if the mind is free from patterns - or at least strenuously fights against them)

— we can say it another way: the problem stemmed from the inability (unwillingness?) to analyze successes and failures);

- or it could be like this: I tried to do something that I didn’t really want. When it comes to organization and self-discipline, it means that it doesn’t fit with your desires. However, I kept trying instead of stopping and thinking.

You can continue to rummage through the nuances of causes and effects for a long time. By themselves they are unimportant. Something else is important.

Whatever problem in life or obstacle to self-development and success we consider, it can almost always be traced
that its roots are in an insufficiently effective way of thinking, a low degree of awareness of one’s life and a weak influence of the mind on life

And vice versa: many problems are simply removed if only a person knows how to act consciously and rationally (truly rationally!), as befits a Homo sapiens.

Therefore, I never tire of repeating that the path of self-development begins with a person’s true awareness of himself.

Good luck!


It is especially difficult for people who like to sleep to organize themselves. Sometimes they can watch TV until late at night, and then early in the morning safely ignore the alarm clock and continue to sleep, which results in numerous delays.

So, next time you turn on the TV, set it to turn off automatically, which will remind you of tomorrow when you have to get up early. Set two alarm clocks if one can't get you out of bed. Just put the second one away from the sleeping place so that you have to get up and turn off his piercing screams.

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And subsequently the work will become more enjoyable and will not seem so hard.

5. Focus on the task at hand

While performing tasks, we can be distracted by many things - gatherings on social networks, advertising on TV, talking with colleagues or friends, phone calls. This all eats up time and prolongs the completion of tasks. Concentrate on the work you are doing from start to finish and be sure to set a deadline. This way you will complete one task faster, be able to relax for a few minutes and have time to do many other things.

Make a black list of little things that distract you from the main task, and always look through it.

6. Always motivate yourself

Doing things always has some kind of result. Let this result be your reward and motivation before starting the task. Self-motivation not only lifts your mood and inspires, but also increases the efficiency and quality of work.

7. Learn to say the word “no” to other people

Learn to say no to people who take advantage of you and your time. This magic word will free up more than one hour in your working day. After all, some people are looking for someone to give up their work on, so be a performer of someone else’s and unnecessary work.

8. Set up your workspace comfortably

Correct and soft light, a comfortable chair, a clean work desk - all this is of great importance not only for ease of work, but also for its efficiency. After all, it is impossible to work when there is chaos and inconvenience around.

Psychologists also advise observing the “closed door” rule. That is, work in a separate room where no one will disturb you. It’s even better to work in an office, where there will be much fewer distractions than at home.

9. Forget about work once it's done.

Train your brain to switch from work to rest. Don't think about unfinished or tomorrow's tasks outside of work. Your brain cannot be in constant tension, and your body cannot be in constant stress - this reduces your work efficiency throughout the week. Switch to household chores when you return from work, let your head be free of unnecessary thoughts. End the workday with friends, loved ones or family, gain positive emotions the next day, and then your efficiency will increase by up to 20%.

10. Work no more than 8 hours a day and don’t forget about rest

You can’t do all the work, and you can’t earn all the money. Therefore, try to work no more than 8 hours a day if you don’t want to burn out. Every person's body requires a combination of work and rest. Don’t forget to take breaks while working, and after each completed task, treat yourself to a cup of aromatic coffee or tea, or just go outside and get some fresh air.

How to make a to-do list correctly

Making a to-do list for the day seems like a simple task . In fact, there are some nuances here:

  1. You need to start writing a list in the evening so as not to forget anything in the morning rush.
  2. One day should be allocated no more than 7 priority tasks . It is unlikely that you will be able to do more; this is another reason for concern.
  3. Tasks should be described in as much detail and clarity . Not just “go to the store for groceries,” but “buy bread, herbs, dairy products.”
  4. It is advisable to mark next to each item approximately how long it will take.

The compiled list should always be at hand and before your eyes. This will make it easier to control yourself. Completed items can be immediately crossed out.

Making a to-do list

You can write a list for 2-3 days or even a week in advance. These will be draft versions , something will be added to them, and something will be deleted, but an approximate “outline” of future tasks will be drawn up in your mind and more clarity will appear. It will be easier to answer the question “will I be free by the weekend.”

Basic time planning techniques

There are several principles and techniques that have long proven their effectiveness.

  1. Timing method . To understand where time goes, you need to observe yourself for several days. You will need to record how many hours and minutes each task takes. Honesty is needed here. If out of 8 hours of working time 3 were spent watching TV series, you will have to record it that way. Subsequent analysis of these records will reveal “black holes.”
  2. ABC planning method . All current affairs need to be divided into categories. Category A – urgent tasks that cannot be delayed. Category B – tasks are not urgent, but important. Category C - something that needs to be done someday. You need to set priorities and act accordingly.
  3. Pareto rule . An interesting principle that states that only 20% of all efforts made produce 80% of the results. This does not mean that you need to do only a fifth of what you planned. The idea is to figure out those tasks whose completion will yield the most fruit, and do them first.

Time planning
Mastering time management systems also takes some time. But it's a good idea to spend a few minutes and save a lot more .

Eat frogs for breakfast.

This famous time management expression is not based on Brian Tracy's book Eat the Frog! 21 ways to learn to keep up,” as many believe, and a phrase from a famous older writer:

If you eat a frog in the morning, the rest of the day will be just great, because the worst that could happen today has already happened.

Mark Twain.

If you don’t believe the experience of many successful businessmen and entrepreneurs, then you should definitely check it yourself.

Plan one most important work issue (task) for the morning, and choose the rest easier.

Set aside time to study tasks in depth.

In English there is such a thing as “Deep Work” , which means deep immersion in work. The term implies maximum concentration on the task at hand and protecting yourself during this time from all kinds of sources of irritation. You yourself have probably encountered a situation more than once when you need to seriously and thoughtfully understand something, but some little things get in the way and distract you.

The definition of the concept of Deep Work first appeared in the book “Work with your head. Patterns of success from an IT specialist” (author Cal Newport). The type of work described requires serious concentration and requires complete concentration and immersion in the task at hand.

Only in this way will it be possible to solve truly complex issues at a high level, to do something, and not to plan. The main condition is the absence of distractions.

It is clear that not everyone has the opportunity to step away from all matters and hide from everyone in an isolated room for several days or weeks to think carefully. Yes, this is not necessary; the author suggests creating your own “deep work” schedule based on your own capabilities. Determine for yourself a time interval during which you can isolate yourself from the entire environment. At the same time, you should choose the time when you feel the greatest surge of strength and increased alertness; usually these hours occur in the morning.

Prepare carefully and turn off all interfering factors:

  • cellular telephone,
  • TV,
  • radio,
  • notifications on the computer,
  • other devices that may interfere.

Delegate routine.

It is useful to identify the most common problems that you have to solve on a daily basis. Those that have long become habitual, but you constantly have to spend some time on them (even 5 minutes a day turns into 30 hours a year). Entrust their implementation to other people, for example, freelancers. Or automate if possible. Why do something that you can delegate to someone else?

Read more in our article: How to delegate correctly.

Set your priorities.

There is a simple, but very practical and effective way to divide tasks according to criteria of importance and urgency . Its inventor is US President Dwight Eisenhower. The scheme he came up with is named after him and consists of 4 sections. The horizontal lines indicate how urgently tasks need to be completed. Vertically they are divided into what is important and not so important.

Eisenhower Matrix.

Try using the priority matrix and creating your own priority set. You will be amazed at how much time you spend on urgent but not important tasks. One has only to remember a mobile phone, which is a serious source of additional distractions: notifications about messages on social networks, SMS, calls, checking email. A long list, you will agree.

Try to devote more personal time to really necessary tasks: complete important and urgent ones first . The results should not be long in coming.

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