Autonomic dysfunction syndrome in infants

Autonomic dysfunction in children is not a disease, but a so-called syndrome characterized by a slow progression. It is very easy to suspect this kind of violation. For a competent specialist, in fact, it is enough just to talk with the child’s parents and collect a complete medical history. Autonomic dysfunction syndrome is diagnosed not on the basis of one symptom, but taking into account the entire complex of disorders in the general condition of the small patient. With timely treatment, it usually goes away without a trace.

general information

The combination of functional disorders that are characterized by disturbances in the neurohumoral regulation of the heart, some organs, blood vessels, and secretion glands is today known in medicine as autonomic dysfunction syndrome. The ICD 10th revision classifies it as a disorder of the central nervous system. Moreover, this syndrome is not considered an independent disease. This pathology is classified as a very common disorder and is confirmed in approximately 80% of the population. Its primary symptoms occur in childhood and adolescence, and pronounced clinical signs develop closer to 20 years. According to experts, representatives of the fair sex are several times more likely to suffer from pathology.

Main reasons

Depending on the hereditary predisposition, autonomic dysfunction syndrome in children may appear due to the following provoking or causative factors:

  • Unfavorable course of labor.
  • Imbalance at the hormonal level.
  • Constant psycho-emotional stress.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Pathologies of internal organs of a chronic nature.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
  • Frequent stress.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in infants

Home » Children's health » Orthopedics » Vegetative-vascular dystonia in infants

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in infants is a disease that occurs in approximately 30–80% of children. But this is only official medical statistics; the disease occurs quite often. It is not always possible to establish the correct diagnosis in time. For example, if a baby has only an elevated body temperature and no other symptoms, then parents may not always think that it might be vegetative-vascular dystonia.

What is the normal functioning of the vegetative-vascular system responsible for?

The vegetative-vascular system is a complex mechanism that is responsible for unconscious reflexes such as heartbeat, breathing and body thermoregulation.

Also, the mental state affects the vegetative-vascular system. She is able to react and control every tear, sigh and stress.

Therefore, thanks to this complex system, the child may yawn or sweat. If the system fails, then the body ceases to obey and becomes unpredictable, chaos occurs.

The body of infants is very sensitive and vulnerable, so for them, disruptions in the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system can lead to serious consequences. What is the reason?

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

This is a multifaceted disease, so there is no specific cause for its occurrence.

But there are several basic reasons:

  • related heredity;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • craniocerebral injuries;
  • stress, psychological tension (anxiety).

These reasons are not all, but from them you can already understand that VSD can manifest itself even in a newborn baby. In infants, dystonia can occur if the pregnancy proceeded with complications, if the fetus did not have enough oxygen in the womb. The disease is also possible in children who were at risk of spontaneous miscarriage, if the mother smoked during pregnancy, had diabetes, or had bleeding.

Symptoms that accompany vegetative-vascular dystonia in infants

The manifestation of symptoms and their nature depends on the person’s age.

Symptoms that appear in infants:

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • colic and frequent bloating;
  • unstable stool, sometimes diarrhea, sometimes constipation;
  • decreased appetite; subsequently, the baby gains weight more slowly than normal;
  • unusual manifestations on the skin, frequent diaper rash, erythema, exudative diathesis;
  • manifestation of allergies;
  • restless sleep, frequent waking up;
  • spontaneous crying for no reason.

Congenital pathologies that can lead to the development of the disease:

  • heart defects;
  • arrhythmia;
  • pathologies of the heart muscle;
  • heart disease of an infectious-inflammatory nature;
  • Graves' disease;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

Prevention measures and treatment of VSD in infants

In order for there to be no reason to treat the disease, it is necessary to engage in prevention. For an infant, a properly planned daily routine and a comfortable and psychologically calm environment at home are very important.

Treatment is prescribed after a comprehensive examination by a number of specialists. As a rule, infants diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia are regularly monitored by a pediatrician and neurologist, as well as a specialist depending on the symptoms of manifestation (psychiatrist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist).

When treating this disease in infants, preference is given to non-drug treatment. It is recommended to review and adjust your daily routine, go for a relaxing, therapeutic massage, do physical therapy, and visit the pool.

Dear parents, carefully monitor their newborn children so as not to miss the obvious symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.


Category: Orthopedics | Author: Pediatrician

Pathogenesis of the syndrome

The above etiological factors, as a rule, entail damage to the autonomic nervous system at the cellular, membrane and tissue levels. It is these changes that constitute the morphological substrate of pathology. Autonomic disorders of various structures cause:

  • Changes in metabolic processes.
  • Hypo- and hypersensitivity of central receptors.
  • Reduction of the so-called innervation of internal organs and individual vessels (supply of nerve cells).

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children

It ensures the maintenance of constancy of the internal environment, quickly responding to any influences that violate this constancy. In changing environmental conditions (stress, trauma) and internal changes (for example, hormonal), the autonomic nervous system ensures adaptation of the body. Under certain conditions, adaptation capabilities are disrupted, which leads to disruption of the functioning of organ systems. Most often these are the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Thus, VSD can be considered as a state on the verge of “health - disease”, because the child’s body is plastic and can emerge from a state of maladaptation without transition to organ pathology.

On the other hand, VSD in children can be considered as a disease that has its own symptoms, disrupts the child’s well-being, his adaptation to school or kindergarten and, therefore, requires treatment. In general, VSD in children and adolescents has a benign course and a good prognosis.

Why does vegetative-vascular dystonia develop in children: causes and risk factors

VSD is a polyetiological disease, that is, it has many causes and predisposing factors, among which it is difficult to identify the leading one. The following causes of VSD in children and adolescents are identified:

  • Hereditary constitutional predisposition. Children inherit the type of response of the autonomic nervous system to nonspecific stress. The vegetative homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment) of the child, as a rule, repeats that of one of the parents - sympathetic or vagotonic.
  • Psycho-emotional factors: workload at school, stressful situations in the family or among peers, disruption of the daily routine, overwork, fears, constant feelings of anxiety. Under conditions of constant exposure to an aggressive factor, a chronic stress response is formed in the child’s body. It is accompanied by psycho-emotional stress, and ultimately leads to somatic or autonomic disorders.
  • Hormonal changes. The adaptive vulnerability of adolescents during the period of hormonal changes is of particular importance in the development of autonomic dysfunction. Hormonal changes themselves are a powerful internal stress factor.
  • Traumatic or toxic effects on the nervous system.
  • Reduced physical activity (physical inactivity).
  • Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, substance abuse) can significantly aggravate the course of autonomic dysfunction.

Symptoms of VSD in children: what should alert parents of a child with autonomic dysfunction?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children has many manifestations. This can be explained by the fact that the autonomic system regulates all organs and systems.


The variability of clinical signs, different levels of autonomic changes, and the numerous etiological factors that provoke the development of these disorders require the identification of separate groups in this pathology. Based on the foregoing, experts propose to classify autonomic dysfunction syndrome into four groups.

  1. Cardiopsychoneurosis.
  2. Paroxysmal autonomic failure.
  3. Autonomic-vascular dysfunction.
  4. Autonomic-visceral dysfunction syndrome.

Clinical signs

The final diagnosis can only be confirmed if the young patient has the following symptoms.

Autonomic dysfunction syndrome in newborns can be caused by pathology of the perinatal period and birth injuries. Fetal hypoxia, various diseases in the first days of life - all these factors negatively affect the development of the autonomic nervous and somatic systems, as well as the performance of their functions in full. In such children, the syndrome is manifested by digestive disorders (flatulence, frequent regurgitation, decreased appetite), a tendency to colds, and emotional imbalance (moody, increased conflict).

During the period of so-called puberty, the functioning of internal organs and the direct growth of the body, as a rule, outstrip the formation of regulation at the neuroendocrine level. As a result, autonomic dysfunction syndrome in children only gets worse. At this age, pathology manifests itself in the form of regular pain in the heart, psychoneurological disorders (increased fatigue, irritability, decreased memory and attention, high anxiety), and lability of blood pressure. In addition, teenagers often complain of dizziness, problems with bowel movements and changes in the usual color of the skin.

It is noteworthy that autonomic dysfunction syndrome in adults manifests itself somewhat differently. The thing is that in this case the pathology is aggravated by existing chronic diseases, neuroses, gastrointestinal diseases, mechanical injuries and hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause). Along with the above symptoms, all ailments of a chronic nature become aggravated in adults.

Symptoms of VSD in children

The table shows the symptoms of VSD typical for children of different ages.

3 yearsThis age is psychologically difficult for a child who begins to realize himself as an individual. This process takes place against the backdrop of visiting kindergarten and contact with other children and adults. Increase in general temperature, tearfulness, cyanosis of the skin. The child may complain of abdominal pain. Sometimes dizziness and headaches occur.
7-12 yearsIncreased physical and intellectual stress is combined with pressure from parents and school.Sleep disturbance, increased fatigue, memory lapses. The child becomes aggressive, anxious, fearful. Headaches and dizziness appear.
The teenager may have a fever and feel sick. Sometimes there is a sharp decrease or gain in weight. The causes of dizziness may be associated with a decrease or increase in blood pressure.

The skin tone becomes marbled. Itchy rashes appear. Sometimes depressive and subdepressive symptoms occur.


When primary clinical signs of this pathology appear, it is very important to consult a specialist. For its diagnosis, anamnesis, symptoms, time of their appearance and, accordingly, course are of great importance. Taking into account the different localization of signs of this type of disorder, the doctor must conduct a detailed examination of the small patient in order to differentiate other pathologies that are similar in symptom complex.

Then blood pressure and heart rate are monitored. In order to make a diagnosis of “autonomic dysfunction syndrome,” some specialists include electrocardiography in the examination, not only at rest, but also during light physical activity. Based on the test results, Doppler ultrasound of the blood vessels of the heart and brain (electroencephalography) is sometimes additionally prescribed.


VSD in children manifests itself in different ways, the symptoms depend on how severely the functioning of vagotonia and sympathicotonia is impaired. The clinical picture is varied. However, the main signs that can be used to suspect vegetative-vascular dystonia in a child have been identified:

  • Excessive fatigue, not typical for childhood.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Deterioration of cognitive abilities. First of all, memory suffers. This affects school performance and the overall development of the child.
  • Headaches and dizziness.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, motion sickness in transport.
  • Increased anxiety, worsening mood.
  • Irrational fears.
  • Mental instability, hot temper. In severe cases, hysteria is observed and depression may develop.
  • Dyspnea. It occurs both at rest and after physical activity.
  • Feeling of lack of air.
  • Periodic increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels.
  • Feeling of chilliness.
  • Feeling worse when exposed to heat and cold. Intolerance to stuffiness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain in the heart area.
  • Change in appetite. The child may experience bouts of hunger or refuse to eat completely.
  • Abdominal pain. During the examination, the causes of the unpleasant sensations cannot be identified.
  • Retention of stool.
  • Swelling of the face and limbs.
  • Pale skin, increased activity of the sebaceous glands, sweating.

Vascular dystonia does not have a smooth course; symptoms in sick children either gain intensity or disappear. In preschoolers, they rarely manifest themselves in full force, but already in adolescence, vegetative-vascular crises occur.

Vegetative-vascular crises are manifested by an intensification of all symptoms. The course of the acute phase of dystonia in children differs from the similar condition in adults.

When dystonia worsens, the child may complain of a lack of heartbeat. Sometimes an attack of suffocation develops. During this period, sweating increases and blood pressure decreases. After the crisis is over, children feel a loss of strength.

Preventive measures

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to adhere to strengthening and health measures. As a rule, it is necessary to change the child’s usual lifestyle. Proper and nutritious nutrition and daily physical activity should be ensured. Parents are recommended to maintain good family relationships, prevent the development of conflict situations, and neutralize emerging psycho-emotional stress. Swimming in sea water, walking in a pine forest, and mountain air have an excellent effect on final recovery.

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