chronic pain syndrome in neurology

Hypnosis can be used both as the main type of healing and as one of the components of a complex of therapeutic treatment methods. It is used for various painful conditions, primarily those associated with mental disorders. Hypnotic forms of influence are the most effective way to eliminate neurotic disorders, excessive excitability in humans, anxieties, fears, the consequences of psychophysical overload, alcoholism, and substance abuse.

You can undergo hypnosis treatment in Moscow at our Verimed clinic. Hypnotherapy sessions are conducted by highly qualified psychotherapists who can relieve severe, depressing symptoms and complaints of various diseases.

Hypnotherapy has virtually no contraindications. Its positive action gives results in all cases without exception.

Application of hypnosis

Hypnosis is an introduction to a state of complete relaxation and psychological safety. The patient completely relaxes, falls into a deep trance, which feels similar to a state of sleep. The person does not see or hear what is happening around him; he is completely focused on the conversation with the hypnotist. Only in this state is it easiest to interact with a hypnotized person who needs help. His subconscious quickly allows a specialist to approach him, it is easier to calm a person and dispel his fears. Even some types of infertility can be cured by hypnosis. It will heal alcohol, nicotine, and drug addictions. Even coding does not help as much as using hypnosis, which is why it is used for medical purposes. To treat diseases in this way, specialists are trained separately. This procedure is completely safe, the main thing is to trust the doctor: he will always calm you down and take control of the situation.

Areas of use

Hypnotic suggestion is used both as an independent method of treatment and in combination with other psychotherapeutic techniques, significantly speeding up the therapy process. Hypnosis has been successfully used to solve the following problems:

  • elimination of increased anxiety;
  • treatment of alcohol, drug, food, nicotine addictions;
  • fight against phobias, panic attacks, depression;
  • treatment of childhood fears, enuresis, stuttering;
  • restoration of sexual function;
  • treatment of diseases of psychosomatic origin (allergies, dermatitis, gastrointestinal problems, essential hypertension, bronchial asthma);
  • revealing human creative potential.

Regressive hypnosis facilitates memory access to long-standing events, previously experienced and psychological traumas repressed from consciousness, which have a hidden impact on a person’s current behavior and prevent them from living a full life.

Hypnosis in medicine is used to relieve chronic pain and as an alternative to anesthesia during dental and surgical operations.

How hypnotic pain relief works in the video:

Psychosomatic causes of illness

Human immunity is not only protection against viruses and bacteria, but also an indicator of the stability of the nervous system. This is a psychological boundary that protects against negativity and danger, but sometimes even it fails. This may be due to deep shocks, stress and strain, and self-hypnosis. The influence of psychological factors on the development of diseases is studied by psychosomatics, one of the medical fields.

Cases when psychosomatic disorders are obvious:

  • a depressive state during any illness, when a person does not believe in his own recovery, painting life in gray tones;
  • symptoms of causeless anxiety that interfere with normal healing;
  • the patient’s conviction that he can no longer be cured, and the associated refusal of therapeutic influence;
  • an attitude towards one’s illness that is close to panic, in which a person increases the demonstration of one’s suffering;
  • the perception of the fact of one’s illness is inadequate: it seems to the person that he is not sick at all and does not need treatment.

This is not the entire list of possible manifestations. Such violations are very serious and difficult to eliminate using conventional methods. It is better to treat mental illness with hypnosis and medication. The problem is that the roots of such manifestations lie in distant childhood. Due to the wrong approach to education, pseudo-behavior is developed. In the future, it becomes the impetus for more serious consequences. A person begins to eat more during times of stress (a habit of fear from childhood) and stops when his peers laugh at him because of his excess weight. This is an inferiority complex, a violation of self-esteem, a loss of one’s own “I”. The prevailing place in life is still occupied by the opinions of others, and not by one’s own. In this case, the parents will show the child to an endocrinologist, neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, but everyone will say that he is healthy and will not be able to help him.

Here you need to get out of the subconscious that fragment of childhood that so deeply traumatized. And only an experienced therapist who knows hypnosis can do this. Through sessions, he will be able to carry out treatment, penetrate the consciousness of the ward and in a short time bring him back to life.

How is drug addiction treated?

When a person is seriously ill, all methods are good to alleviate his condition.

The classic scheme for combating addiction includes:

  1. Detoxification and relief of withdrawal symptoms. For these purposes, special cleansing droppers are used with the introduction of painkillers, drugs that stabilize the psyche, sleep, blood pressure, and the functioning of damaged organs and systems. Additional measures may include plasmapheresis, xenon inhalation, electrosleep, acupuncture, lymphatic drainage and other physiotherapeutic procedures. They are carried out exclusively in a hospital.
  2. Psychotherapy. It begins literally immediately after the acute condition is relieved - as soon as a person can adequately perceive the surrounding reality. The main tasks of a psychotherapist are to provide the proper level of motivation for treatment, teach techniques of self-analysis and self-discipline.
  3. Coding. Medication-assisted coding methods are only possible in cases of opiate addiction. In this case, injections or subcutaneous sewing of drugs containing naltrexone are made. This substance blocks opioid receptors, causing the body to stop responding to opiates. The drug addict is deprived of the usual euphoria, which helps to gradually relieve psychological cravings. Hypnotherapy (treatment of drug addiction with hypnosis) and the Dovzhenko method can be used as non-drug encoding methods.
  4. Rehabilitation. This is an important stage that helps consolidate the results of therapy, teach the recovering person to resist periodically arising cravings, and restore lost social and family ties.

Conducting impact sessions

There are 3 types of hypnosis:

  • individual - a hypnosis session conducted by a doctor with a patient one on one;
  • group;
  • self-hypnosis is a special type of hypnotic influence on the psyche.

With the help of hypnosis, a calming effect on the psyche, a person is put to sleep, but he obeys the will of the hypnotist and hears his commands. He can move any part of his body. The effect of hypnosis is based on complete relaxation of the human body and brain. This is the only way to convey the necessary information. In this process, the main thing is that the hypnotized and the specialist understand, trust and feel each other. People need to understand that hypnosis is not a joke or an entertainment process. Anyone who is ever exposed to it will never remain the same. Such manipulations with the subconscious always leave their traces, so before agreeing to this, weigh all the positive and negative sides so as not to cause harm. Please note that success largely depends on the competence of the hypnotist. Choose a specialist wisely.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a scientifically proven, real phenomenon, not a fiction. This is a consequence of the impact on the human psyche, as a result of which a state is achieved that is borderline between wakefulness and sleep. The practice of hypnosis has an ancient history. It was originally used in occultism; it was introduced into a state of trance using magic and spells; tribal elders and shamans worked on this. Despite the fact that the facets of the functioning of the human brain are still not completely known, the development of science has also affected the use of hypnotic practices.

In medicine, hypnosis was one of the first to be used for treatment:

  • F. Mesmer is the founder of the scientific use of hypnosis in treatment,
  • D. Brad - used hypnosis as anesthesia during operations,
  • J.M. Charcot is a psychiatrist who actively practices the treatment of mental illnesses with hypnosis.

The modern use of hypnosis in traditional medicine is based on the fact that:

  • the hypnologist sends figurative information (installation, command) to the patient’s consciousness,
  • the patient’s brain reacts to the setting with specific behavior - an emerging thought, emotion, sequence of actions,
  • Against the background of the patient’s distracted or utilized attention, the hypnologist performs the necessary action in relation to human consciousness.

These are indeed very delicate substances, which, however, can and can be worked with professionally. It has been clinically proven that when attention is utilized (which occurs in hypnosis), there is a decrease in the critical assessment of what is happening. Then a person does not think about reality and, in general, about the likelihood of what is happening, and therefore the capabilities of his body expand significantly.

When treating with hypnosis , to utilize and distract conscious attention to put a person into a trance, the classics of hypnosis mainly use pendulums, chattering and similar methods.

Psychophysiological signs of a patient being in a trance state are:

  • fixation of gaze on one place or object,
  • slowing of the swallowing reflex,
  • slowing down the blink reflex
  • pupil dilation,
  • relaxation of body muscles (including facial muscles, the so-called “smoothing” of the face),
  • a sharp decrease in the number of movements,
  • decrease in heart rate and, accordingly, pulse,
  • slower and more rhythmic breathing,
  • weakening of the reaction to external stimuli (including noise),
  • spontaneous ideomotor behavior, etc.

The brain of a hypnotized person is able to remember and process some facts and circumstances that would not be perceived by him in a normal state. Some scientists even draw conclusions about sending consciousness to past lives and the like. Scientists do not have a clear opinion whether such memories can be trusted, and whether a person under hypnosis can lie.

It is noteworthy that the human brain in this case is not turned off, the person in this state does not sleep, moreover, the recording of fluctuations in the electrical potentials of the brain indicates precisely his intense concentration. Under hypnosis, the human brain falls into a special state - a paradoxical combination of inhibition and receptivity. Developing this observation, scientists suggest that all processes occurring in the human body and brain are not consciously realized, but are controlled by the subconscious.

A person in a hypnotic state remembers and assimilates ideas and attitudes expressed by a psychotherapist more easily. This is what creates positive change. An important and at the same time perhaps the only requirement for ensuring a therapeutic result is the presence of a conscious desire for change. That is, the patient must be in agreement with the proposed positive ideas and attitudes.

Today, hypnosis is one of the absolutely legal methods of psychotherapy. It is assessed by practicing hypnologists as a tool for introducing a person into a trance state, in which he perceives the psychotherapeutic influence as effectively as possible. The trance state has long been used to activate a person’s internal forces; it helps to recover from a large number of diseases, quickly acquire new skills, or develop existing ones, and mobilize the body’s resources.

Hypnosis according to Erickson

Conventional and Ericksonian hypnosis are not two different types. These are different approaches to influencing the patient’s consciousness. In ordinary hypnosis, the author uses a magnetic gaze, believes himself to be able to force the hypnotized person to do what he wants through an authoritative voice, intonation and orders.

Hypnosis according to Erickson is an absolutely calm, gentle and unobtrusive control of the consciousness of the ward. The hypnotist does not impose his opinion, but simply pushes the needy person through the careful use of words to take the right actions towards curing his internal problems. The person does not feel dependent on the hypnotist, he feels complete freedom of action, and the trance state tells him what to do next; it seems to him as if things around him are happening on their own. This method of influence is the most correct in relation to the unconscious state of the hypnotized.


Another amazing type of influence is self-hypnosis. This is a certain state of a person in which one can achieve high personal results, a high degree of mastery of one’s consciousness and a transition to the unconscious.

This way you can get rid of long-standing complexes, fears, and unnecessary thoughts on your own. It is very difficult to do this, but when you learn to control your brain and body, then nothing is scary. Your own body is an algorithmic mechanism, and if you influence it correctly, you can get an amazing result. Don’t be afraid of experiments, everything new appears only thanks to them!

Through self-hypnosis you can achieve the following goals:

  • restore proper, complete, restful sleep;
  • provide complete rest, deep relaxation and meditation;
  • strengthen mental and physical health, maintain nerves;
  • detach yourself from stressful situations;
  • develop yourself, your mind, thinking, memory, imagination.

Self-hypnosis is easy to do. You must first put yourself in a state of high perception, achieve maximum concentration of attention on the desired goal. When this is done, use your suggestion and help yourself. After such meditations, the body will feel better, more energetic, calmer and happier. Regular practices will teach you to capture harmony in everything, develop a sense of beauty and naturalness, and teach you that regular and painstaking work is needed to realize what you want. If you are not entirely confident in your abilities, you need specialist moderation. This should never be forgotten.

What happens after the session

The state after a hypnosis session is comfortable, calm, like after a soft relaxing massage. If during the session there was intensive work with suppressed negative emotions, a pleasant state of release and relief is felt. Some absent-mindedness is possible, but after 10-15 minutes you will most likely be able to get behind the wheel of a car, and even more so, travel on public transport.

During treatment, unnoticed by you and others, your condition changes. First, this affects subtle behavioral reactions: intonation, gestures, reactions to stimuli. Gradually you become calmer and more confident, you feel better both physically and emotionally.

As you change, the circumstances around you also change. Communication with you will become easier and more productive. During this period, you can notice amazing changes in relationships with others. Patients often tell us about unexpected changes in the behavior of family members, co-workers, or loved ones.

You can quickly become a master at using hypnotic techniques individually, opening yourself up to endless possibilities for creativity, healing and learning.

Hypnosis is a time of free discovery, exploration and awareness of your abilities.

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