Claustrophobia: irrational fear of enclosed spaces

Claustrophobia is a pathological symptom that means a phobia of enclosed spaces and a fear of cramped spaces such as elevators, small rooms, showers, solariums and others. In addition, confined spaces with large crowds of people, such as claustrophobia on an airplane, can also cause fear. This type of phobia, along with fear of heights, is considered the most common pathological fear.

A subject suffering from this disease is afraid that he may become ill, which is why he always strives to take a place closer to the exit. Claustrophobia also manifests itself as attacks of uncontrollable unconscious panic. It accompanies neuroses of various etiologies.

general information

Surely everyone will agree that the modern world is literally teeming with information overload, causing increased pressure on the nervous system of absolutely every person. Thus, many begin to exhibit various kinds of symptoms in the form of fear of people or closed spaces. In general, all kinds of fears are considered a real scourge of society in the 21st century, like, for example, the well-known depression. The whole problem lies in the complexity of the world around us, as well as its multidimensionality and diversity. This is why so many people today are diagnosed with claustrophobia.

NPTsRIZ products for the nervous system

The NPTsRIZ catalog contains various peptide and non-peptide drugs for almost all body systems. For example, Cytomax (peptide bioregulators), Cytogens (bioregulators of the main body systems), plant-mineral geroprotectors and others.

A whole series of products has been created for the nervous system, which in many ways contribute to the normalization of the condition of both the nervous system itself and the emotional and mental state of a person. Also, for some diseases, ready-made schemes for complex use have been selected.

Why you should prefer complex use of products


Ready-made complexes are carefully developed taking into account the various nuances of this disease. Each product included in the complex supports and even enhances the effect of other products. They are selected in such a way that any possible side effects are almost completely eliminated. The complexes include peptide bioregulators, plant-mineral geroprotectors, herbal teas, and other products. Together they have a complex and balanced effect on the body. In addition, each individual product of the NPTsRIZ company combines well with the others and even complements each other. Therefore, the complex use of products from all sides is more profitable than single preparations.

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  • if you find it difficult to select medications on your own
  • or you still have some other questions,

– ask them in the comments. We will definitely help you make an individual choice.

Continue reading about other diseases and solutions.

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Psychologists' opinion

Psychologists have their own points of view on the development of such a diagnosis as claustrophobia. What are these theories? First of all, they argue that the so-called personal space is to blame. Of course, every person has it. However, the larger its size, the higher the likelihood of an attack. On the other hand, a large role in this issue is given to various types of trauma at the psychological level. For example, if a child was in a crowded place without his parents for a long time and was afraid that he was abandoned forever, then in his subsequent life he will try in every possible way to avoid repeating this feeling. We are not talking about cases of violence or even aggression in confined spaces. Thus, claustrophobia can certainly develop.

Symptoms and primary signs

  1. Vegetative sensations. According to experts, claustrophobia, like many other phobias, manifests itself in the form of specific attacks. So, at this moment, a sick person’s pulse and breathing may increase, sweating noticeably increases, dizziness appears, and even in some cases nausea.
  2. Fear. It is known that fear is at the core of absolutely any phobia, and claustrophobia is no exception. What does it mean? Most often, a person is able to realize what exactly he is afraid of (for example, fainting, suffocating, or never getting out of a certain room). In some cases, the feeling of anxiety is literally inexplicable; it simply interferes with leading a normal lifestyle.
  3. Desire to avoid confined spaces. This symptom, as a rule, manifests itself in absolutely everything. This is a reluctance to be in elevators, corridors, narrow rooms, in a word, in all spaces where there are so many people that even ordinary human bodies turn into a kind of walls pressing on all sides. A person suffering from this phobia will try by all unimaginable methods to avoid being in such a closed space, that is, to walk exclusively on stairs, rarely be in crowded places, and always leave doors open. Below we will look at useful recommendations from doctors on how to get rid of claustrophobia.

How does claustrophobia occur?

Manifestation of claustrophobia

Very often, claustrophobia appears as a post-traumatic mental syndrome. It can occur in miners who survived the collapse, or in former prisoners of war. Also, a similar disorder can manifest itself in those who have survived being taken hostage.

In addition, those who have not had the above-mentioned experience can also discover claustrophobia. Without going into details, it is worth noting that the number of people suffering from such a psychopathic disorder across the planet ranges from 8 to 20 percent.


Any person who is susceptible to this illness still wants to understand how to cure claustrophobia. Otherwise, there cannot be a normal life, because you will have to literally calculate your every step based on the presence of this pathology. Dissatisfaction with one's own needs, the lack of the most ordinary opportunities for self-realization, a constant feeling of inferiority - all this sooner or later makes a person think about how to overcome a diagnosis such as claustrophobia.


Andrey, 34 years old

After the car accident, an inexplicable panic appeared from being in any transport, elevator, or room without windows. The fear of another car accident haunted me. Claustrophobia and its manifestations intensified.

I didn't know how to deal with it on my own. I went to a psychotherapist for a consultation. I visited a specialist twice a week, visualized stress conditions, and within six months I was driving again. True, at the very first traffic jam I jumped out of fear, but was able to pull myself together.

Ulyana, 41 years old

I’ve been suffering for five years and I can’t do anything. And I went to medical institutions, went to a psychologist, and it was no use. Treatment with medications did not help.

Treatment of claustrophobia with hypnosis was unsuccessful. What saved me was self-hypnosis and daily visualizations of how I could independently get out of a closed space, an elevator or a cubicle without fear. Now they are helping the same patients who were not helped by neuroleptics.

Diana, 29 years old

Kicking down the door is the only long-term solution to frustration and anxiety. I suffered for two years, an attack of claustrophobia could overtake me even in public transport, the manifestations frightened those around me.

Stupidly, I got stuck in a toilet stall and the lock was jammed. She panicked so much and succumbed to the attack that she kicked down the door (not the first time, of course). It immediately became easier after I realized that I could get out of any situation. Apart from the plane, this is still my number one fear.

Why do you need a psychotherapist?

Treatment primarily involves consultation with a psychotherapist. Only a qualified doctor is able to select individual therapy that will actually be effective in practice. As a rule, it includes some medications, as well as psychological help. As for the first aspect, most often these are so-called antidepressants. Please note that only a doctor should prescribe them (no self-medication!), and also prescribe the dosage and duration of the course. Below we will give some recommendations that are in addition to the general course of treatment for a pathology called claustrophobia. Treatment, of course, must also be present.

Treatment options

Methods for treating claustrophobia

An undoubted fact: timely therapy will help to overcome the disease faster. The advanced stage requires longer inpatient treatment for claustrophobia. Therefore, at the slightest sign of illness, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Even if the fears turn out to be in vain, reinsurance is still better than a long-term stay in a hospital setting in case of late confirmation of the diagnosis.

All anxiety-phobic disorders have a similar therapeutic methodology, consisting of several main treatment methods:

  1. Consultations with a psychologist.
  2. Medicinal use.
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy.

The easiest way to combat the psychopathic symptom of claustrophobia is a psychological counseling method, which involves visiting a specialist for the patient. At an appointment with an experienced psychologist, the patient is explained the reasons for his disorder. Often the doctor is forced to persistently dissuade the patient that his phobic disorder is not somatic, but mental.

Patients experiencing severe anxiety due to the fear of severe schizophrenia require additional reassurance. In such situations, a few consultation meetings with an experienced psychologist who will help direct the patient’s thinking in the right way will be enough for a conscious person to calm down.

There are no narrowly targeted medications for the treatment of any specific phobia. With each patient, the psychologist will have to adhere to a pre-prepared individual plan. First, the body’s possible intolerance to certain medications, as well as their side effects, is determined. In some cases, stopping taking pills will be more advisable than subsequent treatment for other dangerous ailments caused by taking them. Therefore, drug therapy is often prescribed only if claustrophobia is severe.

The use of certain medications must be agreed with a specialist. Otherwise, incompetent self-medication can worsen the patient’s well-being.

Drug therapy for claustrophobia involves taking anxiolytics, tranquilizers and antidepressants. Treatment is mainly aimed at reducing the frequency and severity of phobia attacks. Considering the accidental effects, you should not take the drugs for more than one month.

Sometimes a specialist prescribes neuroleptics, which, in addition to claustrophobia, are used for more severe psychotic disorders, with the presence of obsessions. Antidepressants play a major role. The duration of the course of taking them in some cases can reach up to six months.

Useful recommendations from experts

  1. First of all, it is necessary to find the so-called primary source of fear. It is not enough to simply know what specific situation provoked the development of the disease; it is also necessary to complete it, that is, to remove tension in the soul.
  2. In addition, you can come up with a scheme that would allow you to deal with the next attack. So, psychologists advise replacing a dark picture with a lighter one. This means that at the moment of the attack itself, you should think about something good and get positive emotions.
  3. Try to communicate more with people. Meet friends in cafes, walk in parks - all this also contributes to the accumulation of extremely positive emotions. Note that during an attack you can call a friend on the phone and just talk.
  4. Whenever possible, associate a confined space with something good. For example, a burglar or enemy will never enter a closed room.

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