Beautiful wishes for a good mood for the whole day (have a great day)

What is the daily routine

  1. Proper use of sleep time.
  2. Time for nutrition and personal hygiene.
  3. Proper distribution of time for rest and work.
  4. Time for physical activity and sports.

The ability to create the right daily routine makes us disciplined, develops focus and organization.

Thus, a life rhythm is developed, where the expenditure of time, as well as energy, on minor things that can be done without is reduced to a minimum.

In this article, we will try to comprehensively answer the most important questions regarding the daily routine for a healthy lifestyle, we will talk about the impact that biorhythms have on the effectiveness of activities, as well as methods and methods for creating an effective day for different categories of people.

A little theory about the daily routine

We often wondered about the daily routine of a successful person. The secret of these people is that their daily routine is thought out to the smallest detail; they plan their time in order to distribute it rationally and as efficiently as possible.

The ability to correctly place emphasis and, as a result, manage your working time is of great importance for discipline and organization. And if you are interested in developmental or training programs, want to stick to a diet or organize proper nutrition, you cannot do without a daily routine.

A person needs a routine so that time does not take advantage of our absent-mindedness. Sooner or later, every person in his activity is faced with haste, the feeling that time is amorphous, and confusion arises in work and personal affairs.

Think about it - can you honestly answer the question right now of how much time was spent on this or that activity without controlling the use of your time? A daily routine for a healthy lifestyle allows you to effectively and competently manage your time, and being deprived of the valuable planning skill, it is impossible to make long-term plans.

There are only 2 types of biological rhythms - external and internal

(respectively, exogenous and endogenous). They appear in synchronization with the internal cycles of the body (sleep and wakefulness), as well as external stimuli (the change of day and night).

When composing a regime, circadian regimes are of greatest interest.

– these are cyclical fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes that are associated with the change of night and day. Their period is equal to a full day - 24 hours.

The influence of biorhythms

When creating an effective daily routine, one cannot ignore the biorhythms of the human body. Practice shows that the so-called “larks”, having slept until 2 o’clock in the afternoon, having previously gotten used to waking up at 7 am, feel lethargic and are slow in their pace of activity.

In the context of this section, we will give a definition of biorhythms

– these are periodically repeated changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes, as well as phenomena in living organisms, on which functionality depends.

Main components

1. Sleep

In the first place, of course, is sleep, otherwise all the planned tasks will go to hell due to the fact that it will be difficult to even just keep your eyes open, not to mention fulfilling your duties. Adequate rest is vital and should be at least 8 hours.

By the way, oversleeping also has an adverse effect on health, paradoxically.

You should go to bed no later than 11:00 pm, otherwise your body will produce cortisol, a stress hormone. And this will eventually lead to depression, then what kind of cheerfulness and joy can we talk about? For more detailed information, check out this article.

2. Food

It should be complete, so you shouldn’t skip meals because you’re busy or because you want to maintain your figure. With food, the body gets the opportunity to replenish energy reserves so that you have the strength to work and, in general, want something. Among other things, various vitamins and microelements are supplied.

3. Rest

Be sure, no matter how busy you are, to take breaks, otherwise you will begin to use up your reserve resources, and this can lead to serious illnesses. So, once you're done with your responsibilities, give yourself the opportunity to do things that bring you joy and help you recover.

And if you don’t know how to organize your leisure time, because you’re used to devoting all your time only to your career, then make a wish list. Many of them have arisen in your mind from time to time, but you have not dared to bring them to life - start implementing them immediately.

4. Physical activity

They are necessary for both adults and children. Playing sports improves health, helps cope with stress, increases self-esteem, stamina, mood and activity.

5. Work

It is a rare person who lives without having to perform any duties. Realizing your abilities allows you not only to earn your daily bread, but also to satisfy your needs and show ambition, which will ultimately lead to success and self-esteem.

How to create a daily routine for owls and larks

Psychologists often refer to the well-known distribution of people, depending on their period of activity, into “larks” and “night owls.” The latter make great efforts to get up early in the morning; they are most active at night and in the evening. Larks, on the contrary, are literally boiling with energy in the morning, which is depleted in the evening.

This classification is very conditional, since if the correct daily routine of an adult has been drawn up, then, if desired, the type of wakefulness can be changed without causing harm to the body. The main thing is to choose a strategy and show willpower.

Athletes, businessmen and politicians who travel a lot often cannot adhere to any standard schedule, therefore the daily routine of great people is often radically different from the daily routine of an ordinary person. These people, constantly under pressure from jet lag, find it very difficult to remain effective in their work. To do this they use the following actions:

  1. The first days upon arrival are planned in such a way as to reduce physical and psychological stress.
  2. 2 days before the flight, light food is consumed, alcohol and unusual dishes are excluded.
  3. If you have to fly from east to west, if you have a choice, it is better to give preference to an afternoon or morning flight. When traveling by plane from west to east, it is better to give preference to an evening flight.

It has been proven that it is absolutely impossible to create a universal daily routine for months to a year that will suit each of us. There are too many personal factors to consider, but key points that can be called global and applicable to everyone can be highlighted. A few details.

Internal chronometer

Everything in life is rhythmic, and rhythm determines the essence of our life. Our body's biological clock has been improving for millions of years. The activity of our body depends on them.

The modern world does not give us the opportunity to listen to ourselves and adhere to the correct daily routine. We ignore the complex system of our body. We adapt our lives to the times. But the body cannot navigate according to generally accepted time.

Scientists chronobiologists study the natural processes and rhythms occurring in the human body. Knowledge of the principles of operation of one's biological clock allows a person to receive enormous benefits, since based on this knowledge he can build his correct daily routine.

Chronobiologists have developed an ideal daily routine for a modern person, thanks to which he will be able to complete daily tasks and do much more with less energy.

About the importance of sleep

Regardless of whether the daily routine of a woman or a man is drawn up, sleep must be given special attention. We live in interesting realities, when people do not devote the proper amount of time to their rest, or sleep longer than the body really needs. This, as a result, has a negative impact on human activity, and a clear daily routine and sufficient time for sleep give you many advantages - a person can rest and recover, there is no risk of sleep and nervous system disorders.

The best period for sleep is from 11 pm to 7 am.

Research shows that 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is enough for an adult. There are successful people for whom 3 to 6 hours of sleep is enough, but this is rather a rare exception.

Recommendations for those who want to set their own schedule and go to bed earlier:

  1. Stop surfing the Internet or watching TV series and devote time to your favorite book before bed.
  2. A couple of hours before you go to bed, take time for light exercise - running, walking, cycling.
  3. Don't eat heavy food at night.
  4. Ventilate the room before going to bed.


Every person needs time that he can spend exclusively for his own pleasure, for himself and only. Man is a deeply social creature, but nevertheless needs personal space. A variety of hobbies will help you spend a little time alone with yourself and still have fun.

For some, it’s playing musical instruments, others love beadwork, others find themselves in writing poetry. Your hobby must have a place in your daily routine. Half an hour or an hour of time that you can spend doing your favorite activity is certainly calming, relaxing, causes extremely positive emotions and can be an excellent antidepressant.

The work routine for a successful person must contain all the main aspects of the life of not only a rich, but also a healthy person. The correct distribution of all tasks throughout the working day can become a criterion for success.

06.30-7.00. Most people start their day by waking up at this time. This is due to the general established order of the working day. Businesses are opening, public transport is starting to operate at full capacity.

07.10—drink a glass of warm water. Drinking warm water on an empty stomach helps your digestive system become active and process and absorb food more easily.

07.10-07.25—you can set aside this time for cosmetic procedures in order to get yourself in order.

7.25-7.35—do some exercise. Light physical exercise will allow you to wake up, cheer up and tone your body.

7.35-7.45—pick up your diary and write down your daily routine for today. Check the time of all possible meetings, and also try to determine the time frame for completing other tasks.

07.45-07.55—breakfast. The best breakfast for you may be a combination of protein and carbohydrate foods. This way, you will adhere to a healthy diet, which will have a positive effect on your well-being.

How to create a daily routine - let's move on to practice

About eating. Everyone knows that proper nutrition is very important for the functioning of all body systems. Food is a kind of fuel for the body; with it we will not only get energy for the day, which we will spend during the day on physical and mental activity, but also provide the body with microelements and vitamins.

It is very important to eat nutritiously and regularly; any diets must be agreed with your doctor before practical use.

Point two – rest.

The correct daily routine for an adult involves mandatory rest, during which the body’s strength and performance are restored. During working hours, a person cannot do without rest, because it is impossible to maintain a consistently high working capacity without it. Do not refuse breaks from work, as they will give you new strength and greater efficiency and productivity at work.

It is very important to get proper rest after work.

Let's say you spend all day at the computer. When you return home, give up spending time with him, devoting time to communicating with family, reading or self-education.

A little about work. Each of us works, regardless of age. Children attend schools, students attend seminars and lectures, adults earn a living and build a career. It is very important to plan your working time. Time management technique. Self-management techniques and recommendations that will allow you to increase personal efficiency at work are presented in a large assortment on the Internet - you just need to choose the most suitable option.

Don't forget about physical activity, even if you are creating a daily routine for a girl.

Physical education is health; training should be considered, first of all, by those whose work limits the physical activity of the body throughout the day.

If it is not possible to visit swimming pools and gyms, you can exercise at home or on sports grounds.

Sections and weekends

For a child whose life includes sports, music or dancing, the daily schedule is similar to the “order of actions” of a first-grader. The main difference is that the student devotes time for relaxation to his favorite activity.

A day off is a joy not only for adults, but also for children. Of course, it gives you the opportunity to have a good rest and spend time with your family.

To avoid overwork and stress, Saturday and Sunday should be truly days off, without unnecessary stress and pressure from the daily schedule bars. The end of the week should include:

  • good sleep;
  • physical activity;
  • brainwork;
  • time-balanced nutrition;
  • positive emotions.

In order to make the next work week easier and simpler, the child can complete the homework that is already known in advance.

Practical recommendations

“The dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory.” Write down your ideas using diaries, special programs, or just a sheet of paper. The routine displayed on paper will constantly remind you of things to do.

Don't be disingenuous

– in the initial stages, include in your schedule what you do throughout the day. Add to the schedule those items that will be accurately completed. So, if you can’t go to the gym for a long time and add this item to your schedule without doing it, this is not the best solution. The daily routine must be followed.

Consider physiology

– each of us has needs and, while creating a mandatory routine for every day, we cannot neglect them. Staying up late, giving up personal hygiene and eating as and when you want is not the best choice.

During the day

1. Make sure you eat every three hours. Regular consumption of food will help to avoid sudden changes in blood sugar levels, which affect the feeling of hunger, as well as our mood and performance.

2. Keep a 1.5 liter bottle of water on the table. Every morning, fill it with clean, fresh (raw) drinking water, and remember that you must empty it by the end of the day.

3. A short break

If the work is “sedentary”, then take “active” breaks - warm-ups.

How to create a daily routine for an entrepreneur?

Based on the above, let's try to create a work plan for a novice entrepreneur. The very first thing you need to do before the start of the business day is to re-familiarize yourself with the tasks and goals that you plan to achieve. Study how many new contacts you need to make, how many letters to send, how many calls? The list of cases will directly depend on the nuances of doing business.

It is extremely important to draw up and adhere to calendar planning, which, we note, is closely related to goal setting,

as well as tasks for every day. Using a calendar plan, you can distribute events across days over a long period of time, following a previously created schedule.

Suppose a to-do list has been created and you have even started to implement them. If the amount of work that was planned makes your head swell and you absolutely don’t know where to start, it’s time to study the work plan of the average entrepreneur, which we present below.

Where to begin

We analyze regular and email. Working with morning mail is very important - you learn about key events, respond to partners, and establish new contacts.

Step two

- phone calls. Get a list of clients and partners that you need to call today in order to resolve any issues that arise. After making all the necessary calls, be sure to check the box in your plan - they say, the job is done.


- the most important thing. Study new, useful information for your core activities, using not only offline, but also online sources. Visit profiled forums, download useful books and articles.

Things to do for the evening

Before you go to bed, do not forget to complete these activities. The first and most important thing is to check your email for new messages. If there is something urgent, we respond without delay.

Put things in order on your desktop - work notes, printouts of articles, books, office supplies. Put all this away until tomorrow, today you are already resting. Don't forget to make a to-do list for tomorrow and check it against the calendar plan you created earlier.

Beautiful wishes for a good mood for the whole day (have a great day)

Here are beautiful and original wishes for a good mood for the whole day for a friend, mother, girlfriend, husband, wife. Choose a poem that reflects everything you want to wish a person and send it via SMS. After all, desiring good things, we get returns like a boomerang. The poems and prose presented below reflect all the wishes for a good day and good mood that you can think of. Your friend will be delighted!


I wish you a wonderful mood, May this day bring positivity! I wish that every moment brings you only a stream of joy!

Let only kind, smiling people surround you all the time! Let your eyes shine like the sun and everything will always be great in life!


A smile is the key to success, it is commonly believed. I wish you to follow this rule every day.

Don't forget to smile, And the day will be full of luck, Everything will work out everywhere. Have a good mood!


Sun, I wish you a good and excellent mood, excellent health and incredible optimism of the soul. May the smile never disappear from your face, may your heart beat in time with fun and joy, may your every day be successful and happy.


I wish you a good day and a great mood. Let the new day bring only the best, happiness, luck.


I am sending you the news of the day: May the morning blow with positivity, Luck and luck will love you. You get one answer to everything - yes!

Let everything in the world wish you well - traffic lights, weather, friends. Let the warm sun always warm you, May your eyes sparkle with happiness all the time!

Let your cheerfulness not fade today, And let everyone give you a piece of goodness. I hug you, kiss you lovingly. Let everything be cool! Have a great day!

Wishes for a good day and good mood


Let your mood be great, Let your eyes sparkle, I wish you to swim all day in success, joy, love.

I wish you to be positive, joke, laugh, smile, gloomy thoughts and despondency, never give up.


Let it cover you with a sea of ​​positive emotions. And they pass by, All problems pass by.

And luck haunts you, Early in the morning, Good mood, Will never leave.


Smile with all your heart, with all your heart, Let the positivity cover you completely! Life is so beautiful and wonderful, agree, Let every moment be filled with kindness!

I wish you to shine instead of the sun, to give rays to all those who are near you! Don’t even think about being sad or bored, fill your world with a positive charge!


Let a smile brighter than the sun shine on your face, May the day today only pleasantly surprise you, Think only positively so that the degree of your mood rises, adding Joy and inspiration!


Let your mood be great, Because this day will only bring joy! May luck accompany you and may your heart sing with happiness!

May this day be filled with goodness, A smile, only bright flowers, My love, sun and warmth, And bright, good miracles!

Wishes for a good day and good mood


I want to wish you a glorious mood, smile and not see obvious Negativity.

Let nothing overshadow your good mood. I wish you happiness and peace on this day.


Don’t be sad, don’t even think about it, sadness is not our friend, drive them away so they don’t snoop around.

Smile wider, more often, Show patience in everything, Let your life be sweeter, Have a mischievous mood!


More positive, And a good mood, So that you have enough strength for everything, And luck does not leave you!


I wish you the most wonderful and wonderful mood. Let the day pass richly and cheerfully, let the rays of love and joy illuminate your soul. I wish you strong hugs from your loved one, sweet kisses on your lips and incredible feelings of happiness in your loving hearts.


Good morning, my sunshine, May it be a wonderful day, Be in a good mood, Wait for happy changes.

Don’t lose your cheerful mood, Smile, have fun, After all, our whole life consists of such avid days.

Wishes for a good day and good mood


The key to eternal luck is a good mood, so that joy can walk nearby, you need to smile more often.

Don’t build any obstacles, Develop, achieve your goals, Appreciate every minute in life, After all, living in the world is very cool.


May the sun be clear, May the new day be beautiful, May everything you wish come true immediately!

In a good mood, with great inspiration, you will overcome everything, striving for your dreams!


All joy in life should be unexpected, unbidden. Therefore, I wish you all the best!

And if you wake up in the morning with a smile, everything that happens during the day will only be for the good!


May your mood be good and cheerful. And always, let it not depend on the weather, even in the sun, even in the cold.

Let people give you happiness, smiles, joy, warmth, because they will decorate your life, bring goodness and beauty.

And let no one meet with irritation and negativity. I wish you positivity in everything and one hundred percent mood.


Let it be a great day and a good mood, drive away laziness, and good luck to all of you in your business!

I wish you, dear ones, more strength and patience, And let your smile burn, Warm, joyful moments!

Poems of good mood


Let every moment bring you a colorful mood, And my pure love Give you happiness again and again!

Fill the whole world with a smile, sit like a ladybug, After all, this colorful day will bring a stream of goodness!


What will cheer you up? The opinion that Sunday is coming, It will be possible to rest from the heart and take your time!

Enjoy a long day With your dear one, just the two of you, You can gather friends, Or just eat and sleep.

The main thing is that your soul should be clear and not rainy. And I always wish: “So that you don’t feel sad!”


Good mood, Joyful emotions, Sunny smile - Only mega portions.

Let the message of love Inspire you a little, Let the sun smile Only through your window.


I wish you a good day and a great mood. Let success lead you, Give joy and inspiration.

May you be able to realize all your plans, ideas and plans. May my great love be your faithful talisman.


My joy, I hasten to wish you a good mood. Remember, you can do anything, you are a person of incredible strength and charisma, great dreams and good luck. And may all your aspirations, hopes, desires and deeds be supplemented by an excellent mood that will invigorate and inspire you. Whole.

Wishes for a great mood in verses for the whole day


My beloved little man, Throw away your sadness, Rather, smile, And get distracted for a moment.

It’s not easy for me to write to you like this, I assure you, it’s not a trifle, I will wish for the mood, And for inspiration.

So that happiness fills the day, I am not too lazy to wish this, So that everything turns out well, And all things come true!


May you be in a good mood today, And may luck, happiness, joy overcome boredom and ennui, I love you very much, Don’t forget about this, Come on, smile quickly And never be sad!


Let your mood be great, There is no reason for sadness and sadness! May every moment give you a chance to achieve all sorts of heights!

Let your soul be filled with bright light, And let the light light up in your glasses! May your wishes come true Today, on this joyful day!


Let this day sound a cheerful note, And let your soul sing in the morning, And in all your personal affairs, and at work, Let everything go beautifully and easily,

Let the mischievous naughty breeze Mix the bright colors in fate, Let it be light in the soul, a good holiday, And in the heart - let my love for you!


Don’t be sad or sad Under any circumstances, It’s better to smile more often As a sign of goodwill.

And then the Light that comes from your soul will return to you, Even the sun will smile and wink persistently.

Wishes for a good day and good mood


I wish you a good mood, I kiss you, I adore you! Let passers-by smile and admire you!

Let the day pass playfully, add a lot of positivity. Luck is waiting for you around the corner, And now, unexpectedly, you will be lucky!


Celebrate today in a good mood! Let there be inspiration and forget about laziness!

Let your plans come true, let your dreams come true, and let new ones be born, and let them all be hits!


Let the mood be bright Like a rainbow - a child of the rain - And let a carefree soul sing like a lark in the sky.


Smile, beloved sun, And luck will smile on you! Only optimistic thoughts, so that everything works out perfectly!

I wish you a colorful mood, a lot of positivity and joy, May love give you strength, May this day be successful!


I wish you good things. I want to be in a good mood, May the new day give you happy moments.

The sun to you, beloved ones, Let it smile in the sky, Let the Dream come closer every day.

With a good mood I wish you not to part with your dreams and follow the path of happiness.

Have a nice day. Good mood poems for the whole day


A new day will bring you a charge of good mood. Grant your confident look, cast your shadow to the world.

Decorate it with a splash of emotions, Add color to it now. You'll see, everyone will definitely have to go through this day having fun.


I will gather the rays of dawn into a bouquet, I will breathe into it great love for you, I will hold the light of the sun in my palms, and I will draw your lovely image for them,

I will give you joy, lovingly, by driving away your worries and doubts! May your day be great. I wish you a good mood!


Let there be a beautiful day, And an evening with romance, Let there be only happiness In beautiful bright candy wrappers.

Let there be a wonderful mood, like on a holiday. Love you! I want to say - Smile more often.


Let the colorful mood Walk alongside you all day long, And let good luck accompany you, Even the shadow of sadness go away!

I wish that your plans come true so simply, without difficulty! Let my love always be your talisman!


Let your mood be bright on such a bright, joyful day! I wish you only luck, a flow of colorful emotions!

Today all the peaks in the world will be conquered by you! There are definitely reasons for happiness, After all, all “taboos” are allowed!


To make your mood great, Smile, I beg you, quickly! Throw away all your fears, all your doubts, and your soul will instantly become more cheerful!

May everything go according to plan today, May every moment make you happy! And there will be pockets full of money, It’s even necessary to get rid of sadness!

Words of wishes for a good mood


My beloved, may everything around you be beautiful and wonderful on this bright day, let all the problems go into the shadows, and the whole world become joyful and clear.

Let your mood, dear, sparkle with happiness and fun. May you be surrounded by endless warmth and insanely immense luck.


Laugh, Sing and Smile, Rejoice, my love! Charge yourself with positivity, and share it again and again.


I wish you a good mood now, so that you don’t suffer from sadness, fears and doubts.

Let a smile adorn your beloved face, And let your heart be passion, tormented by tenderness.


Let life give the smile of a random passer-by, I wish my loved ones a good mood.

So that happiness smiles at you in every moment of your life, And a small miracle happens every day.

So that we can be positive and joyful as fellow travelers, And so that we give love to each other more often.

I wish you a good, wonderful mood, so that every new day can become a holiday for you.

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See also:

  • Beautiful and funny wishes for a good (good) evening and good mood to a girl, man, beloved, beloved in your own words
  • Short SMS for your beloved girl (woman) the most beautiful and gentle for the night, good morning, happy Valentine's Day, wishes for a good day
  • Beautiful, funny and original wishes for good morning and a good day to a friend from a friend in your own words
  • Beautiful, funny and original wishes for a good (successful) day to your loved one (man, woman, girl, guy)

How to create a child's daily routine

Child's daily routine

- this is responsibility and discipline that will help the child adapt to the new conditions of kindergarten and school. But besides this, drawing up a child’s routine greatly helps parents cope with their responsibilities on time.

Undoubtedly, such events save time, which the mother can spend on relaxation, on herself, or on her beloved spouse.

For babies

The first years of life are especially important for the future development of good health of the toddler. He must get enough sleep at least 4-5 times a day, eat food about 6 times and take walks in the fresh air at least 2 times a day.

In order not to forget anything and not get confused, you need a strict daily routine:

  1. 06.00 First meal, continued rest.
  2. 09.00 The baby wakes up, brushes his teeth, and washes himself.
  3. 09.30 Second meal, games, wakefulness (at the toddler’s discretion).
  4. 10.00 The baby gets dressed and gets ready for fresh air.
  5. 10.30 Promenade in a stroller or in mom’s arms.
  6. 13.00 Third meal.
  7. 13.30 Rest.
  8. 16.30 Meal, light snack.
  9. 17.00 Walk, games, communication (depending on what the baby wishes).
  10. 20.00 Hearty dinner.
  11. 20.30 Communication with family and friends.
  12. 23.00 Wash and brush your teeth at night.
  13. 23.30 Light snack.
  14. 00.00 A good night's sleep.

Many people are concerned about the fact that the child goes to bed so late, otherwise there is a possibility that the baby will wake up during the night and ask for food, and then the schedule will be disrupted. When the baby is a little older, you can put him to bed at approximately 9 pm.

In kindergarten

A properly designed daily routine allows the child to quickly adapt to the new place and schedule of the educational institution:

  1. 7.00-8.00 Arrival at kindergarten, communication.
  2. 8.00-8.30 Morning meal.
  3. 8.30-9.00 Self-education, cognitive activity in a group.
  4. 9.00-9.15 The baby gets dressed for outdoor activities.
  5. 9.15-11.30 Games, communication outdoors.
  6. 11.30-11.45 Return, wash the baby’s hands, prepare food.
  7. 11.45-12.30 Hearty, delicious lunch.
  8. 12.30-13.00 Games, getting ready for bed.
  9. 13.00-15.00 Day rest.
  10. 15.00-15.30 Light snack.
  11. 15.30-17.00 Training, group classes.
  12. 17.00-18.00 Outdoor recreation.
  13. 18.00-18.30 Hearty dinner, enriched with vitamins.
  14. 18.30-19.00 Going home.
  15. 19.00-19.30 Promenade with family and friends.
  16. 19.30-20.00 Games, light dinner.
  17. 20.00-20.30 Washing, brushing teeth at night.
  18. 20.30-7.00 A strong and sweet night's rest.
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