Psychological training for middle group children In the land of good mood

A psychotherapeutic group for women helps participants cope with psychological problems that bother them. A group is a place of safety and strength, a place where you can take a resource, understand yourself and others, accept what is happening or find ways and energy to change the situation.

People come to these groups with a wide variety of topics, and we see an incredible diversity of life experiences and perspectives, but there is also an incredible sense of unity. A group is always live communication and real participation; in classes we can laugh and cry, discuss something, share experiences and feelings, ask for support, and most importantly, seek and find answers to our main questions, extract those feelings that were hidden, live them and free ourselves from the emotional burden of the past, so that live more fully in the present.

In the group we do not judge, criticize, give assessments or advice (unless the participant herself asks for it). There are rules that ensure environmental friendliness and safety of work: confidentiality, respect of participants for each other, acceptance of others, responsibility, the right to say “stop”, speak only from “I” and other rules that we draw up and accept together with each group.

Meetings are held once a week, the duration of one lesson is 2 hours, the cost is 500 rubles. Classes start on August 27, 2018!

What is a therapeutic group?

Typically, the therapeutic group is recruited by one or more psychologists. The group can be thematic, when the facilitators declare a topic to which further work will be devoted. Or it is a dynamic psychological group, where each participant can solve their own problems that arise.

Groups are of open and closed type. In an open group, new members can join at any time, while in a closed group the composition does not change, which promotes greater openness and trust.

There are also short-term therapy groups, which last a few months, and long-term groups, where participants can meet for several years.

A therapeutic group typically consists of three to fifteen people. Meetings typically occur once a week and last between two and three hours.

Psychologists and group members provide a safe environment for exploring and solving problems. Gradually, group members begin to trust each other, this allows them to communicate openly and be honest, talk about their feelings, personal problems, and understand that they are not alone in this.


The book is the first manual on group psychotherapy in Russian, written both for leaders of psychotherapeutic groups and for their participants. The author answers the questions: how to become an effective group psychotherapist and how to become an effective group member. The book is written in accessible language and can be read and understood by both a professional and a person simply interested in group psychotherapy; however, accessible language does not at all simplify the content of the work. The author summarizes not only his unique practical experience, but also the experience of colleagues, as well as the main literature of developed countries over the past 40 years, focusing on the advantages of group psychotherapy over individual one. The book is addressed to psychotherapists, psychologists, students, as well as doctors and all specialists who work with people.

There is no doubt that man, every man in the world, is on the path to initiation. Some take the long way, others take the short way. Everyone is the creator of their own destiny, and no one can help him in this, except with kindness, generosity and patience. Henry Miller

What are the benefits of group therapy?

One of the main advantages of a therapeutic group is the interaction between group members, which provides a high level of support, care, emotional experience and mutual assistance. Participants can give you feedback that you cannot always get in life from loved ones or colleagues. And often, it is difficult for you to try new ways of interaction and relationships with others, but in a group you can take risks and gain new experiences, for example, defending your boundaries, presenting yourself as you are, expressing your true feelings and positions.

Some of the benefits of group therapy include:

  • A safe, supportive environment to discuss difficult emotions and experiences
  • Being surrounded by other people with similar psychological problems, possible solutions to them, lack of isolation
  • Interaction with other members of the therapeutic group makes it possible to quickly identify problems, allowing them to be solved under the guidance of a psychologist
  • Increased self-awareness and motivation to change
  • Improving interpersonal skills, increasing self-esteem, aligning relationships
  • An ideal setting for practicing new skills and behaviors

To get the most benefit from group therapy, you must be willing to participate. The more open and honest you are, the more you'll get out of the experience.


One or another classification of groups can help to better understand the diversity of psychotherapeutic groups. There are three possible criteria for such classification: (1) the main purpose of the group

(improvement of personality, development of skills, solving personal life problems, treatment of disorders; (2)
ways to realize the goals of the group
(self-help, providing support, psychological education, analysis of the group process, clinical psychotherapy); (3)
theoretical basis of the group
(psychoanalysis, individual psychology , psychodrama, existential therapy, client-centered therapy, gestalt therapy, transactional analysis, behavioral therapy, rational-emotive therapy) In this chapter we will discuss the basic principles of work of various psychotherapeutic groups.

Therapy Group Rules

  • Confidentiality is an important part of the basic rules of group therapy.
  • “Stop” rule - the participant decides how deeply and frankly he can and wants to talk in the group about his emotions, experiences or problems and can stop their discussion at any time.
  • I am statements. Participants are encouraged to describe their feelings and express their wishes, based on their own thoughts and emotions, trying not to make value judgments about others.
  • The therapy group meets at the same time in the same place on pre-agreed days.
  • Participation in a psychological group requires regular attendance.

Depending on the nature of your problem, group therapy may be the ideal choice to resolve your problems and make positive changes in your life.

Remember that group treatment has proven effective for many people, so don't hesitate to ask for help.

From the author

The purpose of a person, as is known, is to create and develop his own individuality. But this is only possible when surrounded by other people and with their help. We, being separate individuals, at the same time belong to different groups of people and depend on them to a large extent. The main group in our lives is the family into which we are born and in which the foundation of our personality is laid. Whether by choice or against it, throughout our lives we become involved in many other formal or informal groups. Our fundamental values ​​and attitudes regarding the main issues of life arise and change under the influence of other people with whom we belong to a particular group. We take their opinions into account in our behavior. As we can see, each of us has experienced the influence of groups on our lives, our assessment of the world around us and ourselves.

Group psychotherapy tries to concentrate and use the influence of groups on their participants to treat mental disorders, provide assistance in solving life difficulties and problems, change and improve personality. At the end of our century we are witnessing a real apogee of the spread of psychotherapeutic groups. This form of psychotherapy and psychological counseling is used in medicine - both in psychiatric and somatic clinics, in schools, in psychotherapy and counseling centers. Group forms of work are used for training pupils and students, for training and advanced training of professionals in various fields. In other words, group psychotherapy methods are effectively used in a variety of areas.

This happens for many reasons. First of all, it should be noted that working in groups is more economical than individual work - more people can be helped in the same time. Most of our psychological difficulties and disorders are characterized by a pronounced interpersonal context, which is why psychological help is more effective in the context of communication between group members. Interpersonal learning is also effective because it allows you to benefit from the lived experiences of others.

This book examines the achievements of modern group psychotherapy in the world and summarizes the author's more than fifteen years of experience in this field. In this book, I tried to satisfy the needs of as wide a range of specialists as possible (doctors, psychotherapists, psychologists, teachers, social workers), considering the most universal aspects of the organization and work of psychotherapeutic groups.

I hope that the book will help both beginners and experienced professionals of group psychotherapy to better understand the very complex, but extremely interesting life of a psychotherapeutic group.

I would like to express my gratitude to clients and colleagues with whom I had to experience unforgettable moments in the “psychotherapeutic circle,” including colleagues from Russia, where I had the opportunity to work a lot. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Alexander Alekseichik, thanks to whose support and faith I came to group therapy 20 years ago.

The appearance of this book in Russian would have been impossible without the efforts of the translator Valentina Matulevičienė, for which I offer her my most sincere gratitude.

Rimas Kociunas

Chapter 1

For which categories of citizens are communication groups organized?

As an example, let us give the characteristics of adolescents12-13; 14-15; and 16-18 year old age groups:

  • Children and adolescents with and without disabilities;
  • Anxious, shy, aggressive;
  • Singles (those who have no close friends);
  • Children/teenagers using the Internet and smartphones;
  • Children and adolescents who have come into conflict with the law;
  • Gifted children and adolescents;
  • Children whose parents are divorced;
  • Codependent teenagers (from families of drinking parents);
  • Children and adolescents who have experienced school bullying;
  • “Ordinary” children and adolescents who want to communicate for the purpose of self-knowledge and self-development.

So, if using the method of randomization (randomly) you select any class or school, then there may be children/teenagers with the socio-psychological characteristics listed above, it’s just that, apart from psychologists and social educators, not all parents, teachers and children know who studies in a conditionally prosperous class.

It should be noted that it is advisable to conduct children’s and adolescent communication groups within the system of socio-psychological support. In this system, communication groups are group correctional and developmental support. Together with him, specialist psychologists interact at the stage of recruiting the group, during the functioning of the group (intervision, supervision), at the final stage (the dynamics of development, resources of the family and the child are discussed). In parallel with the activities of the group, individual psychological support for the child is provided, and work with parents is carried out individually and in groups. Group work with parents is the same as communicative focus groups for parents, for example on the topic “How to communicate with a teenager.” Parents have the opportunity to attend any classes in which their children take part, with prior agreement with the presenters, but only as participants and not outside observers.

The program for children's and adolescent groups includes a variety of features. For example, if a child is tired during a lesson, he can get up from his chair, leave the general circle of participants, “lie down” on a special mattress-mat, and when he wants, come back. This and other techniques allow presenters to get rid of the extra energy costs associated with organizing discipline for teachers.

There are membership restrictions in a communication group. Adolescents and adults who are in acute emotional crisis, mental disorder, with aggression that threatens the life and health of others, and with self-aggression are not accepted here; they are excluded from it. Communication groups are not psychotherapeutic groups in the professional sense; they are social, leisure, and socio-psychological in nature. Clear rules of the group and internal regulatory documents of ANO SRKK "Contact" limit the scope of the group's functioning.

The author of the article, in line with his main work on the basis of the children's socio-psychological center, has been the leading trainer (psychologist, social teacher) of communication groups (correctional and developmental classes for children and adolescents) since 2014. During 2014-2019, professional experience was accumulated in organizing, conducting, and maintaining groups for children, adolescents and young people.

The creation of the ANO SRKK "Contact" in June 2020 made it possible to expand the possibilities for organizing communication groups: firstly, the age limits of participants (the ability to organize and conduct groups for participants over 18 years old - there is experience); time limits (possibility of increasing the number of meetings at the request of group participants); territorial boundaries (the ability to organize groups at different sites). And first of all, it is an opportunity to promote the idea of ​​communication groups in society, to promote the mission of the ANO SRKK “Contact”, whose activities are carried out on a charitable basis.

ANO SRKK "Contact" operates on the basis of the principles:

  • Every person has the right to communicate for the purpose of self-development;
  • Warm atmosphere. In any team (family, educational, work) a good socio-psychological climate is important;
  • "Do no harm". This principle is implemented through the rights and responsibilities of participants and leading communication groups;
  • Versatility. ANO carries out projects in any direction (cuisine, films, mentoring, etc.) with the aim of developing communication between people of all ages and all social statuses;
  • Activity approach (A.N. Leontiev, L.S. Vygotsky). Communication in communicative groups is based on an activity approach, carried out through social design technologies: the search for vital personal and collective resources aimed at a healthy lifestyle. Communication is carried out on the basis of leisure activities upon request from group members;
  • Primary prevention. Orientation of ANO SRKK "Contact" towards a healthy lifestyle, life values ​​and the development of social responsibility of citizens;
  • Voluntariness. Each participant attends the communication club of his own free will.

The scientific basis for the content of the communication groups of the ANO SRKK “Contact” is the “Theory of Relations” by V.N. Myasishcheva. According to Myasishchev, the structure of personality consists of relationships - this is the development of ideas about something: the attitude towards the world, towards oneself, towards people. Representations include components: behavioral, cognitive, emotional.


1. Andreeva G.M. Social psychology M: 2001 2. Bern E. Beyond games and scenarios. - M.: Potpourri, 2008. 3. Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of art. - M.: Labyrinth, 2010. 4. Bridget Jones's Diary: film / produced in France, USA, UK, 2001 5. Kryukova T.L., Ekimchik O.A.,. Phubbing as a threat to the well-being of close relationships // Journal of Consultative Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2020 6. Leontyev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. M: 1977 7. Myasishchev V.N. Psychology of relationships: selected psychological works / V. N. Myasishchev; edited by A. A. Bodaleva; — 4th ed. – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2011. – 398 p. 8. Pochebut L.G. Psychology of society and social capital 9. Tokareva M. N. Theoretical foundations for studying the problem of loneliness and its relationship with communication in social networks, Journal Baltic Bulletin Immanuel Kant Federal University. Series: Philology, pedagogy, psychology. 2020 10. Charter of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Service for the Development of Communicative Competence “Contact” dated 13.0619, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, 15s. 11. Fedorova E.D. Social isolation and feelings of loneliness as a consequence of Internet addiction. National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design. 12. Chekhonina L.P. “Psychological support for the development of civil legal competence at school” (educational program) January, 2014. 13. Chekhonina L.P. “Development of life values ​​and social responsibility of children, adolescents and youth” (social and pedagogical program of additional education) January, 2018 info/news/news_details.php?ELEMENT_ID=13375. 14. Chekhonina L.P. “Development of socio-psychological competence in the process of self-presentation of an Internet user,” (educational program), January, 2020. 15. Chekhonina L.P. Communicative competence and social skills / section 2.2 / Social and pedagogical activities in an educational organization: Practical guide, 2020, P.23. 16. An epidemic of loneliness threatens the younger generation under the age of 25 - conclusions of scientists article on the Internet December 24, 2020.

An article in support of the “Communication Groups” project (a model for organizing socio-psychological trainings), the “Golden Psyche” competition based on the results of 2020

Let us consider in more detail how the concept of V.N. Myasishcheva is used in communication groups:

1. Behavioral component of ideas. What we develop, construct, adjust: model behavior/patterns. Questions for discussion and awareness: “How do I act in a specific life situation?”, “Is my behavior model constructive?”, “If not, what can I change in my behavior?” What the work is based on: behavioral models are acquired, developed or corrected through observation, imitation; speech, actions and thoughts are staged through interactive/interaction: social tests, business situational games, exercises with discussion and discussion.

2. Cognitive component of ideas. What we develop: critical thinking, correct: thinking stereotypes. Questions for discussion and awareness: we study some myth, for example, “the victim is the perpetrator of bullying.” What the work is based on: we debunk thinking errors/myths through discussions, brainstorming, discussions, exercises.

3. The emotional component of ideas. What we develop and correct: awareness of feelings and emotions. Questions for discussion and awareness: “What feeling am I experiencing in this particular situation?” “Am I aware of my feelings, do I identify them, can I name them, accept what I feel, decide what to do about it? For example, negative emotions, such as resentment, envy, anger, anxiety, fear - how to negotiate with them? What the work is based on: this is the question of whether a person controls his emotions, or whether emotions control a person.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the most difficult thing, in our opinion, is not the organization and conduct of communication groups, but their recruitment - recruiting. It is difficult to “pull” a person out of his four walls; the question always arises of how to motivate and not harm. However, experience based on feedback shows that people who came to the group, feeling a psychologically safe environment for themselves, consistently attend classes. It turns out that the most difficult thing for organizers is to “draw a person into the group,” and for a person to take the first step towards a small community. Here we see the role of socially responsible caring citizens of neighbors, children, parents, psychologists and other specialists.

It is important for organizers of communication groups to expand social partnership: with artists (musicians, poets, actors, painters); with specialists from different fields (art therapists, psychologists, speech pathologists, etc.); with representatives of the public, socially responsible businesses, philanthropists - in order to attract their personnel, civil and human resources into the activities of ANO SRKK "Contact" based on the needs of participants in communication groups. The value of communication groups lies in the fact that each participant always has the opportunity to return to them. Perhaps in another year/season it will be a new composition of participants, but if a certain category of citizens has a need to return here from year to year, it means that such groups are in demand by society. People who visit communication groups more than once say that they discover something new for themselves each time.

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