Psychological status of the patient

Internal anxiety, the difficulties of relationships, haunting failures and failures, psychosomatic diseases that come from nowhere - all this interferes with life, does not allow one to believe in the future and respect oneself, causes not only mental, but sometimes physical pain, and can lead to despair and depression. At all times, mental restlessness, confusion of thoughts and feelings have brought torment to a person and led him to seek help. It was provided by priests and monks, confessors and simply close friends. Today, anyone in need of such support can seek, among other things, professional psychological help .

Those who decide to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist for the first time have many fears and questions: how they will work with him, what this work consists of, whether he will fall under a kind of “X-ray” that will highlight what a person is not ready to show to another , what diagnosis will be given to him. Work experience shows that all these worries recede into the background, bringing forward a great desire to speak out, to be heard, understood and to receive help - relief from internal pain.

Help from a psychologist is, first of all, an opportunity to get rid of the feeling of loneliness when you are left alone with your problems, an opportunity to talk about them openly, without fear of negative value judgments. After all, the presence of a problem does not characterize you as “bad” or “wrong”, but only speaks of temporary inability, the inability to recognize its true causes and see solutions, which, as a rule, go beyond the usual ideas and patterns of behavior.

An open, confidential conversation about the complexities of life and the feelings experienced, a joint analysis with a psychologist of past events and the present that follows them, the choice of solutions that can resolve a painful situation and ease the suffering of the soul - this is what professional help and support implies, what we offer you .

What kind of psychological assistance do we provide?

We have accumulated extensive experience in solving the following problems faced by clients who contact our center:

  • Treatment of depression

  • Psychological consultations and treatment of neuroses

  • Psychological consultations and psychotherapy for phobias

  • Psychotherapy and treatment of psychosis

  • Psychoanalysis of sexual deviations

  • Psychological assistance to families (couples) and children

  • Psychotherapy for eating behavior: anorexia and bulimia

  • Free consultations with psychologists on the psychological forum

How do we help?

We offer professional psychological assistance in the form of psychological consultations and long-term psychotherapy.

The difference is that consultations can be one-time in nature and devoted to a specific narrow topic stated by the client. Psychotherapy is long-term, in-depth work focused on the client’s personality. Psychotherapy with elements of psychoanalysis helps to identify the origins of problems, understand them, and carry out deep changes in character that inhibit personal development and interfere with a full life.

Depending on your personal preferences and recommendations of the psychologist, you can choose one of the proposed forms of work.

Subject status in the group

Each subject occupies a certain position in the system of interpersonal relations, which secures its place in the group.

ne and determines the nature of his relationships with other members of the group. The position of an individual in a group is directly dependent on his business and personal qualities, which determine his status, that is, his place in the group, enshrined in the system of rights and responsibilities existing in a given community. Status is a position, the place of a subject in a group, which determines its position in the system of interpersonal relations, in accordance with business and personal qualities, rights and responsibilities.

Being a member of various social groups, each individual has a number of social positions that make up his “status set”. He can be a director, an engineer, a father, a husband, a brother, an athlete, a musician.

In formal groups, the status of an individual is determined by his place in the official structure and those business qualities that are inherent to him. The status of an individual in a group can be high or low. Managers and highly qualified specialists who perform the most important functions in enterprises and institutions have a high status in formal groups. They enjoy authority due to their position and high professional competence. Low status among ordinary workers who perform relatively simple functions provided for by the staffing table and those orders that come from managers.

The high status of managers is enshrined in the concept of “bosses”, the low status of ordinary performers is “subordinates”. The official status of each individual in formal associations can be easily established, since it is recorded in the staffing table and in other official documents regulating the activities of an enterprise or institution.

In addition to the official status, each member of the formal group also has an unofficial status. Unlike the official status, the unofficial status is not recorded anywhere, and therefore, to identify it in psychology, a special method of “sociometry” is used, which means “social dimension”. This method makes it possible not only to study the structure of an informal group, but also to establish the sociometric status of each individual in the system of informal relationships.

The sociometry method is applied as follows. Group members fill out a choice card, where they indicate their last name and family name.

a list of three group members with whom they would like to carry out joint activities. The received data is entered into an election table, which lists all members of the group, having vertical and horizontal serial numbers, and indicates the number of elections received by each of them. Depending on the choices received, each group member (his serial number) is entered into a sociogram, which has the shape of a target in the form of four concentric circles. The numbers of group members who received 5 or more elections are entered in the central circle. The numbers of group members who received 3-4 choices are entered into the second circle. The numbers of group members who received 1-2 choices are entered into the third circle. The numbers of group members who did not receive a single choice are entered into the fourth circle. The sociogram also indicates, using arrows, who chose whom.

The sociogram records the position and status of each group member in the system of interpersonal relations. Members of the group whose serial numbers are in the central circle are called “stars”. Members of the group whose serial numbers are in the second circle are called “preferred”. Members of the group with serial numbers in the third circle are called “repressed” or “neglected”. Members of the group with serial numbers in the fourth circle are called “isolated”.

“Stars” have the highest status, since they are most often chosen, they enjoy authority and have high prestige, their opinions are listened to, and their friendship is valued. “Stars” are unofficial leaders and initiators of various activities in the group. They occupy a dominant position in the group, create public opinion, and have a major influence on the nature of the relationships between group members. Leaders manage all the affairs of the group and regulate the behavior of both individual members and the entire group. A leader is a bearer of such personality qualities that correspond to the values ​​accepted in a given group. He is a model and guide to follow in all areas of behavior and activity. The leader represents the group in society. He contacts the leaders of other groups and resolves all issues related to the interaction of his group with other groups. The unofficial leader may be

and an official leader, if he enjoys authority in the group not only due to his official position, but is also a popular person.

“Preferred” also have a fairly high status and occupy a favorable position in the group, they enjoy attention from a certain category of people, communicate and be friends with them, and are authoritative individuals in their circle.

The “marginalized” or “neglected” have a low status in the group. They receive attention only from individual members of the group. Most group members do not come into contact with them and do not establish any relationships. The “repressed” behave passively, try not to take any part in the affairs of the group, do everything they are entrusted with reluctantly, and often do not complete the task assigned to them.

The “isolated” occupy the most unfavorable position in the group. Their status is negative. They do not have a specific place in the system of interpersonal relations in the group; they are simply not noticed. Their presence is tolerated, but close relationships are not established with them, although they themselves try to establish friendly contacts with some members of the group. Finding themselves isolated in their group, they try to establish relationships with random people who often take advantage of them, involving them in unseemly deeds and antisocial behavior.

Research by Ya.L. Kolomensky show that among schoolchildren, “stars” are students who have many positive qualities, such as neatness, sociability, charm, honesty, responsiveness, while students who have only one negative quality such as, for example, pugnacity or sloppiness.

The status of a subject in a group can change, sometimes increase, sometimes decrease. This happens because the position of the individual in the group changes, the results of his activities increase or decrease, the properties of his personality are transformed positively or negatively, cultural and spiritual needs and habits change.


When your soul hurts and your thoughts are racing, the main thing is to achieve a happy balance with the world of people and with yourself. The institute of “helping the soul” has a centuries-old history, but it is assistance based on the achievements of special research, using various techniques, that dates back a little more than 100 years.

The reason for the emergence of psychological help as such, the need to turn to it, was formulated by Erich Fromm, a German philosopher, social psychologist and psychoanalyst: “Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem.” This problem was resolved by different schools of knowledge: from Eastern to Western and European. Psychological assistance in its development went through two periods: the religious-mystical and the stage of modern scientific psychotherapy.

Initially, the “problem of existence” was solved using the methods of religious traditions. The search for its origins was carried out solely on the basis of ideas and dogmas. Appropriate methods for solving were proposed: for example, meditative practices in Eastern teachings, so-called metaphorical communications used by both Eastern and Western schools - the Sufi parable “The Tale of the Sands”, “Ten Bulls of Zen”, fairy tales, parables, sayings, everyday narratives . Trance communications were also used based on rhythmic monotonous actions or repetition of words - ritual dances, chanting mantras, prayers; hermeneutical procedures - fortune telling on cards, runes, etc.; body-oriented methods - for example, yoga; sacred symbolism - the use of totems, amulets, appeal to the symbolism of religious services; the phenomenon of catharsis - for example, the process of confession, talking through a problematic situation.

All these methods, enriched with scientific knowledge, are still used in one form or another, bringing positive results. Thus, metaphorical communications are reflected in fairy tale therapy, body-oriented methods are used both as a separate direction and in combination with psychoanalysis; elements of catharsis are easy to observe during a consultation - one of the forms of help from a psychologist.

If life has stopped making you happy and has lost its meaning, if relationships with loved ones have turned into a series of quarrels and deep mutual resentments, if you are having a hard time with yourself and you don’t see a way out of the situation, it’s time to seek psychological help. Finding the source of mental pain, realizing the real problem, changing habitual patterns of behavior - this is the path along which we invite you to walk together. “Change your thinking and you will change your life ,” - during the consultation process you will definitely appreciate the correctness of these words of Brian Tracy.


Psychology first hand: psychological publications

Love or neurosis?

We all want to love and be loved, if we succeed, we feel happy. To this extent, the need for love, or more precisely, the need to be loved, is not neurotic. In a neurotic person, the need to experience the love of other people is exaggerated. If the people around them are less kind than usual, this spoils the mood of a neurotic and causes phobias or severe depression. He clings to people... He may need psychological help and psychotherapy. It is important for a mentally healthy person to be loved, respected and valued by those people whom he values; neurotic need for love is obsessive and indiscriminate

How to deal with stress?

When stress becomes chronic and mental symptoms develop, it becomes obvious that something needs to be done. Coping with stress can take many forms: from desperately trying to find a way to “relax” to seeking help and support from loved ones. Sometimes the desire to escape from stress leads a person to what could be called destructive methods of self-support - drug addiction

Psychological consultation

What happens during a consultation with a psychologist is certainly not magic. In a serious process of psychological counseling, the client, together with the psychologist, sooner or later becomes able to work on his initial - sometimes hidden, sometimes explicit, “magical” expectations regarding his psychologist and psychological counseling in general. Then comes the realization that the paths of psychological change are not so much magical and supernatural, but rather human, depending on two people who, being next to each other, are able to talk about something really important, relating not to something beyond, but to what is happening between them

How to diversify relationships? Psychologist's advice

If your sex life has become monotonous and predictable almost to the point of disgust, take immediate action. Let sex be the first thing you do in the morning, not the last thing in the evening. Do this in a new environment, in new underwear, in a new mood. Even the most amazing lover will get bored if you have learned all his tricks by heart. In the initial period of an intimate relationship or marriage, there was no talk of monotony. Mutual attraction and impatience forced them to have sex in different settings and with all possible variety of positions and techniques. However, over time, what was new became familiar and even boring.

Social prestige of the individual

Each person has multiple statuses, both prescribed (age and gender, nationality) and achieved (middle manager, department head, company director). The more free a society is, the more important the achieved statuses become and the less important the prescribed ones.

Among all statuses, the most important and valuable for society stands out - the main status of the individual. The main status is usually:

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  • professional status;
  • family status;
  • status in the social group where the individual achieved the greatest results.

The main status corresponds to the social prestige of the individual.

Definition 1

Social prestige is society’s assessment of the significance of an individual’s position in the social structure. The higher the prestige of an individual’s position in society, the higher his social status is assessed.

If the high importance of a particular person, his personal characteristics, and not his social position are indicated, then they speak of the authority of the individual.

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