Psychological aspect of external attractiveness. What's the secret?

Unfortunately, there is no general concept of female beauty. The same girl makes a different impression on different men. Female attractiveness is not just about appearance. Beauty is a very vague concept, shrouded in eternal mystery. It cannot be measured in kilograms or centimeters or limited by any boundaries. Sometimes a woman with an ordinary figure and an inconspicuous face attracts many male glances. And no matter what they call it - charm, charisma or magical energy, in essence it is a seduction with the help of which a woman instinctively attracts a man to her.

The attractiveness of a woman through the eyes of men

The desire to be attractive and to attract attention appears in childhood, when a little girl dreams of wearing her mother’s heels, beads and hats. Cosmetics occupy a special place. How the little princess wants to quickly plunge into the mysterious world of lipsticks, powders, blushes and nail polishes. It turns out that a future woman begins to think about how to look attractive almost from her first steps. Yes, the desire for beauty in the fair sex is inherent at the genetic level, almost like motherhood.

A beautiful woman is a state of mind!

Men do not at all strive to unravel the secrets of female beauty. They simply enjoy communicating with a beautiful woman. Now we should make a small remark: is attractiveness beauty? No and no again. Not every woman with a good figure, big eyes and full lips will catch your eye. Beauty, in principle, is a very relative concept, largely dictated by fashion. But it’s the woman whose beauty comes from within that will catch your eye.

Being beautiful does not mean being attractive, and vice versa

How men rate

Many young girls and women are very concerned about this age-old question of what it means to be attractive to a woman through the eyes of a man. But there is no single recipe for beauty. Someone blindly follows the imposed standards - 90-60-90. Believe me, every woman is individual and beautiful in her own way. And someone is crazy about buxom beauties. What do men like in a woman when they first meet?

Something else is important here. How you see yourself in the mirror. How can you present your individuality to a man?

“The concept of beauty, especially for women, can be viewed on many levels,” says Joanna GöDECKE. The vast majority of women note the concept of beauty as: a slim figure, beautiful hair and facial features.

However, many women begin to appreciate values ​​such as optimism, position in society, an accomplished personality, kindness, if they are deprived of external beauty.

It turns out that with this approach, many women see their inner, spiritual beauty. Only 10% of women surveyed reject the recognized canons of beauty and see their attractiveness in being in demand in the family, at work, and in respect among colleagues and people around them.

The research of Polish marketer Joanna GöDECKE is still very interesting.

Joanna GöDECKE emphasizes that the definition of beauty changes with the growth of consciousness. We begin to appreciate not only ideal proportions and harmonious features, but also the specific aura that comes from a sense of inner unity, joy and personal freedom. And this is the main recipe for success to always look professional.

“We can say that the world loves people who love peace and gives beauty to those who radiate beauty,” says Joanna GöDECKE. “This is a certain process that occurs in the form of an exchange of energy between us and the environment, and begins with the discovery of a potential internal resource and love for it.

Secrets of female attractiveness

In order to answer the question of how to become beautiful and attractive, you can first listen to a few tips:

  1. The most important thing that a woman needs to learn once and for all is that everything is in her hands, there are no limits to perfection. You must definitely believe that being beautiful is not at all difficult, you just have to want it. You need to lose weight - so go to the gym, after six in the evening not a crumb. Confidence in your own attractiveness is much more important than it itself. Accordingly, everything needs to be done in exactly the right direction so that confidence becomes a habit.
  2. You need to have your own individual style . It is impossible to say which style the stronger sex considers ideal, since everyone has different tastes. But having style gives a girl charm, strength and confidence.
  3. You need to watch your posture . Correct posture emphasizes the dignity of the figure, the curves of the body seem more graceful and soft.
  4. You should pay attention to your gait . A man should walk confidently on the Earth, and a woman should walk gracefully and majestically. Walking can easily turn a woman into a clumsy duck or a beautiful queen. And if only some drake follows the duck, then real men will follow the graceful queen. A woman should soar, not fly headlong. And even if she is a little late, everything will be forgiven for her with just one smile.
  5. Another powerful weapon of the fair sex is the gaze . Sometimes, just by looking into a girl's eyes, a guy loses his head. A look can convey irony, interest, and sexuality. One effective technique worth mastering is learning to smile with your eyes. This disarms the stronger sex.
  6. It is a smile that should always decorate a woman’s face, so it is better to take care of the whiteness of your teeth. Fortunately, modern dentistry allows this to be done.
  7. Laughter and voice also play a big role. You should speak clearly, calmly and quietly, giving your voice the necessary timbre and intonation. It is desirable that the laughter be harmonious and pleasantly ringing.
  8. A woman should wear women's clothing . Let men wear trousers. More dresses, skirts, the style of which can be very different. The main thing is to remember that clothes should decorate at any moment of life, even when the weather is bad and the umbrella is broken. And, of course, heels, which change not only the way you walk, but also the way you think.
  9. Makeup and hairstyle should emphasize attractiveness, and not turn into a daily chore. It's like a dish that is prepared with love is always delicious. When you wake up in the morning, you need to smile, drink coffee with pleasure and create beauty.
  10. You shouldn’t be very serious and start a conversation about the theories of Kant or Hegel in a relaxed atmosphere. Intelligence is very good, it is always valuable, but you also need to know when to stop. And a person’s ability to analyze can be recognized in a frivolous conversation, even just by a conscious glance.
  11. Don't forget about sexuality . Female sexuality is a mixture of rationality and emotionality, mystery and openness, strength and weakness, softness and determination.
  12. Nothing captivates the stronger sex more than the smell of a woman's body mixed with the subtle aroma of perfume. Most men prefer sweet, tart scents, but everyone has different tastes, so it is better to choose the scent that the girl herself likes.

The main thing is to be confident!
If you try to change your life, then you need to start by loving yourself. This can be compared to loving a child who cannot be hurt. Likewise, you need to take care of yourself, both externally and internally, which is much more important, as the most important person.

What makes women unique

Here are the main points:

  • understanding our personality and uniqueness, precisely our appearance and those characteristics that make us who we are;
  • self-esteem, which allows you to express yourself authentically;
  • self-confidence, which makes us feel attractive;
  • optimism - a person who smiles sincerely automatically becomes beautiful;
  • emotional intelligence causes us to be able to establish supportive relationships; caring for each other, which proves that we value and respect each other;
  • in a broad sense, elegance, or the ability to highlight our appearance, an appropriate dress or suit with taste. When we feel at ease, we become confident and attractive.

External beauty, satisfaction with your appearance in the mirror is the most important point, because every day we look in the mirror. If you only look for flaws, which you highlight and constantly criticize your appearance, you automatically attract your thoughts to the awareness of your shortcomings and yourself make this problem more significant. You must focus your attention on what is beautiful about you. This is how we teach people how to look at us. If we see beauty there, others will notice it. If we don't see it, we can never convince the world.

Attention from colleagues - we give compliments

More than half of the survey respondents admit that it is important to them what other women in the workplace or in society think of them. In the workplace, where we spend so much time, recognition and attention to our appearance is very important to us.

If we are told how attractive you look today, we begin to feel much more confident, increasing our work potential and energy for the work process.

It's about being able to empower other women to be their best and most beautiful. By commenting on someone's appearance, we can “give wings, but we can also cut them off.”

Therefore, instead of competition and mutual evaluation, one should rely on cooperation and kindness.

Compliment each other's beauty

They will answer you the same way. Feeling emotionally safe in a friendly environment is an invaluable element for developing better traits. It strengthens the courage to be yourself. When you are kind to each other, you give a positive impact, it becomes easier for you to believe in the beauty of your body and soul. Your self-esteem becomes more resilient. We begin to treat each other with tenderness and understanding. We create a new, positive standard and we share it with others.

  1. We also learn from each other through observation, so try to mutually recognize your individuality and highlight it in others. Joy and a sense of beauty are contagious!
  2. If you blindly give in to fashion trends or desperately try to make a career out of a look that doesn't match your appearance, you're showing the world that you don't feel unique about yourself.
  3. Develop self-esteem by seeing yourself as a unique human being with unique beauty.

And then your professional life will not compensate for anything, but, on the contrary, will be an excellent addition. And the question about a woman’s attractiveness through the eyes of a man will simply stop worrying you.

Women's practices exercises women's site. Women's practices

What are women's practices?

These are sets of exercises, meditations, and relaxations for women aimed at different goals:

1. Finding inner harmony and tranquility

2. Sexuality training, development of femininity

3. Increased sensitivity and receptivity

4. Development of the ability to love, give love and gratitude

5. Accepting yourself as you are

The most common Taoist women's practices are complexes of breathing and physical exercises, where the ability to focus on one's internal sensations and the flow of energy is of great importance.

A woman's youth depends on the hormonal system, so it is important to keep her sexual energy in good shape. Taoists believe that the key to health is a fulfilling sex life with a regular partner. In order for sexual energy to flow well in the body and trigger rejuvenating processes, women do special sets of exercises. Practitioners can help a woman feel orgasm much more clearly.

Women's practices help a woman remain feminine, awaken Yin energy in herself, and be soft. If yang (male) energy predominates in a woman, then she becomes a “man in a skirt”, rigid, aggressive and inflexible, unable to trust a man.

There are also women’s practices aimed at harmonizing the menstrual cycle and improving the health of the woman’s reproductive system. After childbirth, women's practices help to quickly recover; for expectant mothers, this is good preparation for childbirth.

At our webinars we practice women's energy practices and women's sexual practices. Sometimes I record practices on

If you want to study the practices in depth, you can choose any course from or look at the schedule of webinars for the near future in the column on the right.

Squats and libido. Daily gymnastics

It is enough to perform a small set of exercises daily to avoid various problems with sexual function and the need to visit a doctor.

Squats are considered the most effective way to prevent problems in the prostate gland and other organs of the male reproductive system. However, only those who perform them correctly will be able to achieve maximum effect. How to do it:

  • Starting position: standing with your legs slightly apart. Your arms can be lowered down or extended in front of you, and your toes should point outward.
  • Tighten your buttock muscles as much as possible.

Doing squats. The key point is that you need to descend to a depth at which your back does not arch in the lumbar region

  • Without lifting your heels from the floor, lower yourself down as far as you can.
  • Having descended as far as possible, you should linger a little (at least 5 seconds).
  • Carefully, without jerking, rise to the starting position.

Every morning you need to start with 20 of these squats. This will be an excellent prevention of prostatitis, and will also help increase blood circulation and testosterone synthesis in the body.

Exercises to increase sensitivity. How to increase sensitivity in your palm

To increase the sensitivity of the palms, perform the “Energy Ball” exercise.

Place your palms in front of you, opposite each other, lower your shoulders, press your elbows to your body. Spread your fingers apart as if you are holding something in them. Start slowly and smoothly opening and closing your palms: from the smallest distance between your palms to the width of your shoulders. Then place your palms one above the other, crosswise. Imagine that you are holding a heavy ball in your left palm. The ball is so heavy that your hand begins to sink under its weight. Let the ball fall, then sharply lift it in your palm and, as it were, throw it onto the palm of your other hand. Now, under the weight of the ball, the right palm lowers, and the left palm holds it a little from above. When passing the ball, try to make sure that the fingertips of one hand touch the fingertips of the other.

But in order to truly develop the sensitivity of your hands and get the benefit from performing mudras, you need to be able to control the energy channels of your hands.

To begin, simply lower your hands and try to feel each of your fingers. To make it clearer to you what to do, tell yourself: now I feel my little finger. And listen carefully to your little finger, as if it were not part of your body, but an independent being. Now try to fill your palm with energy. Place your hands in front of you. The left hand is below, motionless, fingers spread and bent upward. The right hand is on top, fingers spread and pointing down. Begin making slow clockwise circles with your right hand over your left hand, running your fingertips and nails over your fingers and the edge of your lower palm. At the same time, imagine that you are stirring the flows of energy with your right hand, much like in the game about the magpie-crow who was cooking porridge (but not with one finger, but with the whole palm). Feel how the energy seems to flow into your right hand.

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