The husband left for his mistress - how long will it take for him to be drawn home: analysis of the situation, how long to wait, what to do if he does not plan to return

Possible reasons

A man can leave for his mistress if there are constant scandals at home

  1. Tendency towards polygamous relationships. It must be remembered that polygamy is common among Muslim peoples. But it must be taken into account that such behavior is unacceptable for representatives of Christianity. If there is such a reason, the man, as a rule, after having had a good time, returns to the family.
  2. Hunter's instinct. A man has a natural pattern of behavior characterized by the need to conquer a woman. If the wife loses her mystery and attractiveness, the husband has a need to find a new mysterious young lady. As a rule, after he conquers another woman, solves her, he returns to his wife.
  3. Suppression of a man's will. The case of a henpecked man who, over time, loses control of himself and wants to rebel against the situation in which he finds himself. There is a need to find a woman who will see him as a representative of the stronger sex, who will allow him to solve issues himself and take care of him. It is not surprising that the husband decides to leave for such a woman. However, there are often cases when a man, accustomed to his way of life, finding himself independent, still needs someone to control him and show him how to behave. Therefore, over time, he returns to his wife.
  4. Fading passion. After the years that the spouses have lived in marriage, their passionate, loving relationship develops into friendship. A man may need strong feelings, because of this there will be a need to find a woman who will awaken this feeling in him. As a rule, after going to the left and satisfying his animal whim, the man still returns to his wife.
  5. Routine. A man may be tired of everyday affairs, of the monotony of family life, which has become dull and boring for him. Constant scandals at home could also poison life. In this situation, the man will also seek salvation on the side, an outlet when communicating with another woman. In this case, the husband rarely returns home if the new woman is completely different from his wife.
  6. Spouse's indifference. A situation when a woman is not at all interested in her husband’s life, does not support him, does not notice. Over time, the man realizes that he feels unnecessary, unclaimed and abandoned, so he is looking for a relationship on the side. Happy to create a new family.

Conversations, conversations...

Of course, it was painful: the husband and his new girlfriend stopped by together on weekends to see the children. In addition, they were met together by acquaintances and friends. He hasn’t gotten around to officially meeting his parents yet (he’s afraid, after all), but he once took his new girlfriend to his brother’s dacha. It is clear that the breakup was discussed: “Olka’s husband left for a young girl!” But Olga firmly decided: she does not participate in this “competition”.

“I decided for myself: let him remember me as tactful, calm, confident in my abilities. And with a young woman... live and see,” Olga explained to her friends at gatherings in the bathhouse. After steaming and taking a contrast shower, they drank chamomile tea with homemade pies.

For information on how to behave if a third appears in a couple, read the article “How to get rid of a rival without magic and crime” >>>

Who do men go to?

A man goes to the woman in whom he sees what he lacked at home

Let's look at the answer to the question of which mistresses do husbands go to. It is necessary to understand that a man will not run away from home out of the blue, something will not suit him, and it is this “something” that he will find in another woman. The situation in the family influences what kind of rival the opponent will be.

  1. If there was constant rivalry between you and your spouse, the man was always trying to prove that he was in charge, then he will go to a woman who will allow him to feel his leadership.
  2. If you behave like a caring mother, take care of the beauty and order in the house, but you don’t have enough time to take care of yourself. It is not surprising that a man will go to a woman who is well-groomed, has good hair, in beautiful clothes, with perfect makeup and manicure. It will not be difficult for him to prepare food for her, because now he will be able to admire beauty, even if it is achieved through cosmetics and certain outfits. The main thing is that he doesn’t see this at home.

Men, depending on the circumstances, can go to women who have the following qualities:

  • good hostess;
  • a young lady who sincerely admires him;
  • well-groomed woman;
  • cozy and peaceful;
  • gorgeous;
  • selfless, who is content with little;
  • the one who is constantly in a good mood;
  • a woman who doesn't make scandals; ideal lover.

Fortune telling - will the husband return to the family from his mistress?

With the departure of a loved one, a woman’s life freezes, time seems to stop, and a single thought pulsates in her head: is there a chance to change the situation? The answer to this question can be obtained using fortune telling.

7 out of 10 women turn to magic

There are many ways to look into the future, and each of them provides not only insight into what is happening, but also much-needed hope. This is why fortune telling is very popular.

On Tarot

Here is one of the methods of fortune telling using Tarot cards, which allows you to get answers to the most pressing questions. In fortune telling, only the Major Arcana (trump cards) from the deck are used.

How to get your spouse back

If your husband goes to live with another woman, you should not immediately despair. Perhaps his feelings have not yet cooled down and you still have everything ahead. You can try to bring your spouse home. To do this, you must proceed as follows.

  1. Analyze your life together. Make lists of positive and negative points. It is important to do this sincerely; if necessary, lie. By analyzing these points, you should understand whether you need this person. You may not have been happy with him and it's time to let him go.
  2. Think about what your life together has been like in recent months. Remember how things were when your relationship was just beginning. Analyze what has changed. Try to return to that starting point to start over.
  3. You can try to provoke your husband to jealousy if you are sure that the man still has some feelings for you. Proceed with caution. The best ones are if the information that another man has appeared in your life reached your spouse from someone from the outside. You can also post photos of beautiful outfits and visits to interesting places on social networks. Let your spouse think that it is your gentleman who is taking you somewhere and giving you gifts.
  4. Try to improve family life. It is necessary to understand that mistresses are rarely suited to housekeeping, so it is advisable for the wife to demonstrate how clean, cozy and comfortable the house is.
  5. Try arranging a surprise date. Perfect for a romantic dinner. A man can be invited under some important pretext. Perhaps he himself will not ruin your relationship.

How not to behave

It is unacceptable to become depressed

  1. You shouldn’t humiliate yourself, lie at his feet, and ask him not to leave the family. You need to understand that even if a man decides to stay with you, he will treat you differently in the future. He will be sure that you will always forgive him, that you will not be able to live without him, that you will do everything for him.
  2. Blackmail. It is unacceptable to threaten your husband that you will not allow him to see your children. There is no need to say that you will decide to commit suicide. Such actions will further push the man to the point that he should leave, and he will no longer want to communicate with such an unbalanced, inadequate woman.
  3. It is unacceptable to ask the wrong questions. There is no need to ask why the spouse leaves for his mistress, why she is better. In such a situation, the husband may either lie or get angry.
  4. No need to be intrusive. If you plan to return a man home, then it is unacceptable to call him, write to him, or stalk him. This will only irritate him, and the chances of restoring the marriage will decrease significantly. Such behavior can only flatter male pride.
  5. Don't get depressed. There are cases when, after a breakup, a person went into a depressed state and remained in it for many years, he could not exist normally, was constantly depressed, and did not have the strength to live. Is a man who betrayed you, abandoned you, left you for another, worth giving up on himself, suffering, and losing the opportunity to meet another person more worthy?
  6. You can’t start a new relationship right after your husband leaves. It’s a fairly natural desire to repay your spouse in kind, but is it worth humiliating yourself like that? Finding yourself in the same bed with the first person you meet, you realize that you are doing the wrong thing and will feel disgusting. You will be disgusted that you got involved with some man for whom you don’t even have any feelings.

No matter how difficult the situation is, a woman should not lose her dignity. It is important to maintain reason and wisdom. Sometimes it’s better to come to terms with a man’s choice and let him go than to humiliate himself and lie at his feet.


  1. Try to listen more than talk. Let the man speak out and talk about the reason for his decision. If he sees that you don’t make a scandal, don’t tear your hair out, don’t accuse, don’t insult, then he will have a feeling of guilt and respect for you as a woman.
  2. Let your spouse make his own choices. Understand that trying to save your family at any cost is not always the right decision. Understand that even with the help of threats and blackmail you will only be able to stop your husband for a while, but his attitude towards you will change. Yes, and you will constantly have thoughts about his betrayal. Over time, the husband will still leave for another woman.
  3. Realize your uniqueness. You should not think that you are worse than your rival, that she is more beautiful or smarter, more economical. You need to understand that husbands leave smart and beautiful women, sometimes even for gray mice. Therefore, you should not take your spouse’s departure personally or get upset. In another woman he was attracted to something that you lack, however, this does not mean that it is precisely her appearance, figure or age.
  4. It is advisable to maintain a good relationship with your husband, even after he leaves for another woman, especially if you have children together. However, you shouldn’t treat him like your best friend, to whom you can cry into your vest and tell him about the horror of lonely life. When communicating with your husband who left you, try to abstract yourself from what happened and talk about general topics. If there is a divorce or division of property, then you need to try to resolve all issues peacefully.
  5. Don't try to invade his personal space. Try to know moderation in everything. There is no need to constantly ask for help. You must understand that now a man is not obliged to behave as before, because he now has a new family.
  6. Engage in self-development. To begin with, you can change your image, start with a new hairstyle, buy new clothes. You can rearrange the furniture. You also need to decide on a hobby and start a new business. It is important that all your time is occupied with something, there is no time left to think about sad things.
  7. Keep talking to people. It is necessary that your circle of contacts constantly expands. It is very important to communicate with people, especially those who have experienced a similar situation in their lives. It is unacceptable to withdraw into yourself, to isolate yourself from society.
  8. If you have children, pay attention to them. Now you need to replace your father, who used to be constantly there, but now is not. It is necessary to explain to the kids that you and dad will have to live separately. It is important that the mother maintains emotional balance. Remember that parental problems can affect the child’s psyche.
  9. There is no need to sit and wait for your dear husband to return. Continue to live as before. If it’s destined, the man will come to his senses and come crawling to ask for forgiveness. And, perhaps, it is better for you that your husband has left; it is impossible that in the near future you will meet a person who was truly sent to you by fate. It is also important not to allow thoughts about your husband’s life, not to try to find out from close relatives about how he lives, what kind of relationship he has now. Such behavior will only please the man’s vanity, and will cause you sadness and pain.
  10. Realize that it's time to love yourself. Listen to what you want, not your husband, not your children. Do something you have denied yourself for a long time. Understand that you deserve more; you shouldn’t hold on to a man as some kind of ideal image. The time has come to realize that you have a new life ahead of you, start with a clean slate.

Now you know the answer to the question why husbands leave for their mistresses. Of course, this event is very painful for a woman who has lost a loved one. However, you need to remember how unacceptable it is to behave in such a situation, do not forget about your own pride. But you shouldn’t give up the chance to get your beloved husband back, especially if you have children together and his relationship with his mistress is not strong enough.

New Horizons

The surprising thing is that literally the next day after this fiery monologue, changes began in Olga’s life. In addition, it was as if a spring had been released and the melancholy began to go away, the heart gradually thawed. The woman gained confidence and little by little got rid of her complexes.

Olga freshened up her haircut, got a salon manicure, took out an envelope with a stash and allowed herself a couple of new clothes. Yes, she is not a candidate of science - but she can carry on a conversation and smile at someone else’s joke, remember some funny story on the topic. She still has a cozy home and flowers on her balcony. The children's homework is in order, and their crafts are always on display!

Olga also bought a puppy. Of course, first of all, to please the children - but it turned out that she herself liked “a dog’s life”. Now in the mornings the four of them left the entrance. Olga with little Chapka in the center, her son and daughter - they run from the right, then from the left, asking to hold the leash. These daily walks turned out to be pure family happiness. And Olga no longer felt abandoned and lonely as before.

We talked more about how to cultivate self-confidence in our article “And why did you give birth to me with such...? Or How to accept yourself and love yourself" >>>

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