What to do if you stop loving your wife (husband)

How to save a marriage if he has no feelings

If you have set yourself the goal of keeping your husband and doing everything to prevent the family from falling apart, we offer some advice.

What you need and can do:

  • Change your appearance a little . A man will associate your current image (hair color, clothing style, makeup) with negativity, so you need to transform yourself. Ideally, you need to achieve the image for which your spouse once fell in love with you. Look through your old photos and go for it.
  • Create paradise at home . A husband should come home from work as if it were a fortress; greet him with a hot dinner and a cozy atmosphere. Try to surround him with care (do not confuse it with obsession).
  • Become a great lover . Don't ignore sex, even if you feel like you're being used. This will allow you to get closer. Offer your husband some changes in bed (new positions, toys, images) and he will look at you with different eyes.

What is not recommended to do:

  • Blackmail . This is the most useless way to keep your husband. So he will not only stop loving you, but also hate you.
  • Remember his betrayal . If you have already decided to save the family, then forget about what happened (if betrayal took place). And under no circumstances make fun of your husband, especially in front of other people.
  • Contact fortune tellers . Spelling a spell on your mistress or a love spell on your husband is not the best idea. All this can work against you and harm your spouse.

In the end, try to diversify your family life with the help of our tips. It says here why routine is dangerous and how to get away from it.

Very often, a sign of indifference is that a man ignores his wife. Here we figured out why this could happen and what to do in such cases.

In order not to miss an important moment in life, you need to know the body language of a man in love. What will his gaze, body position, facial expressions be like? You can learn about this from our other article.

If there is no affectionate nickname for your loved one, pick one up. Here we figured out what you can call a guy.

Why does love go away?

Each spouse has their own expectations from family life, their own ideas about it. And if these expectations of one of them do not correspond to the aspirations, dissatisfaction and disappointment arise, which accumulate latently.

The husband, let’s say, does not want to spend money on entertainment and travel. The wife refuses to stand for hours every day at the stove and create comfort in the house. Neither he nor she expected such a turn of events, because initially they were not used to dialogue with each other. At one time they did not bother to discuss such seemingly insignificant details. Dissatisfaction with each other and alienation grow and accumulate. What once united the couple is gradually disappearing.

Waning moon lapel

This ritual must be performed several nights in a row on the waning moon. So, you need to light a red candle, standing by an open window, and read the spell, looking at the candle fire:

“Our love has no end, like a wedding ring. Their feet trampled the grass, the stick scared the dog, the bird flew away from the cat, the servant of God (husband's name) and the servant of God (name) quarreled. We won’t meet again, we won’t make peace, we’ll avoid each other for the rest of our lives. My word is as strong as a stone, as precise as an arrow. What is spoken will come to pass, Amen.”

Winter ritual

Some magical rituals must be performed at certain times. This lapel can only be carried out in winter, when it is frosty outside. For the ceremony you will need a glass glass. At the bottom of the glass you need to glue a piece of paper with the inscription: “Love (name of husband) and (name of wife).” Pour water into a glass and say the words of the conspiracy:

“As the water cools down, so does your heart (husband’s name) towards me cool down, just as the water freezes, so your love for me will freeze and will not thaw.”

After this, we leave the glass in the cold.

Considering the effectiveness of this ritual, it can be carried out in the summer, using the freezer compartment of the refrigerator

Ideally, the glass should remain outside for seven days. You can leave it in the forest or in another place inaccessible to other people. After this, the glass needs to be buried in the ground.

How to get over a breakup with a guy?

Breakups are different for everyone, sometimes easy and sometimes unbearable. It all depends on the attachment to the guy with whom the girl broke up. The more grandiose the plans were, the more difficult it was in my soul. I won’t press on the pain points; it’s better to move straight to practical advice. To get over a breakup with a guy, all materials on this topic recommend getting rid of things that remind you of him.

This advice is banal, and perhaps you have already done this, and if not, then do it immediately. All his gifts, clothes, photographs, including photos on social networks and on your phone, must be removed or hidden. You yourself know why you need to do this. After all, in order to stop loving a guy, you need to not think about him. All his things, gifts and photographs will force you to remember him. So take care of it and clean everything up. If your intentions are serious, remove him from social networks. And it is advisable not to monitor his account (you will do this anyway).

In addition to things, gifts and photographs, places where you had a great time together can remind you of him. I'm not saying that you necessarily need to bypass them, but it's better to do so. That's your business. You should not visit places where you were with him. Your task is to think about him as little as possible. It will be hard to do this, but the result requires sacrifice.

Why did your husband stop loving you?

This question torments every woman who faces such a problem. There can be many reasons and, probably, in each specific case they are different. But we can highlight the most common ones.

A man may simply become simply bored with you. It seems to him that he already knows everything about you, he has nothing to discover, he sees no point in conquering you, you turn into a free application to him. Over time, he simply realizes that this application is a burden to him.

Perhaps the man is disappointed in you. During the period of love and passion, you were for him the best and most beautiful woman in the world. But the feelings have subsided, and suddenly he sees in front of him a completely different person who has ceased to be an object of admiration for him.

And, of course, a man could meet another woman and fall in love with her. This happens often and no one is immune from it.

But the worst thing is when it turns out that your husband never loved you. He was simply pursuing some benefit for himself. And now he has it, and he no longer needs you.

What to do if your husband falls out of love?

You can come to terms with it, let it go and start a new life. But if you are not ready for this, if you want to keep this person, to reawaken old feelings in him, then be prepared to fight.

First of all, take care of yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and answer the question of whether you like your reflection. Try changing your clothing style, getting a new haircut, perhaps this is exactly what your husband has been waiting for from you for so long. Don't be afraid to experiment. Your new look will certainly make him pay attention to you and even, perhaps, say a lot of pleasant words to you.

You must be attractive to your man so that he does not have the desire to look around. Play a sport, take a yoga class, or start going to the pool. All this will help you regain a sense of self-confidence, become a chic, well-groomed woman, and you yourself will be able to look at your life from the outside, understand what you really want. Or maybe you want a new relationship and new feelings? After all, you deserve it!

The main thing is don't force him to stay. You will never be able to force his feelings back. First of all, love yourself and then your life will definitely begin to change for the better. Think about what you have always dreamed of, what you have denied yourself, and try to make your dream come true. Believe that you will succeed, often imagine how you have already achieved it, and your dream will certainly come true.

Lapel from photo

For the ceremony you will need two photographs - of the husband and wife. The photographs should be placed on the table, facing each other. Then between the photographs you need to put a bowl and put a blank sheet of paper in it, write one word on it - “love”. After this, set the sheet on fire and read the plot while the fire burns:

“As this flame burns, so their love will burn out, just as a sheet of paper burns to ashes, so the love of a husband (name) for his wife (name) will dissolve, just as the wind will carry away these ashes, so the husband will leave his wife.”

You need to make sure that the sheet of paper completely turns into ash. After this, open the window and throw the ashes to the wind. It is worth making sure in advance that the remaining paper will be carried away by the ash in the opposite direction from your window. To enhance the impact, the ritual must be performed three nights in a row. As practice shows, already two to three weeks after the completion of the ritual, the husband begins to feel uncomfortable around his wife, then he develops a persistent feeling of hostility, often turning into hatred.

Ritual with a photo

To carry out this lapel of a husband from his wife, you will need a photo of them together and a church candle. There are the following requirements for photos:

  1. Good quality, their faces should be clearly visible;
  2. Absence of other people in the photograph;
  3. The photo is no more than one year old.

We spend it at midnight during the waning month. We light a candle on the table. On the back of the photo we write the word “NO”. Now we set fire to the photo paper from a candle with the words:

“As the photograph burns out, so will you part. Amen!"

Repeat until the photo lights up. We collect the resulting ashes and throw out a handful, saying:

“And you will only be together when you have collected all the ashes. Amen!"

After throwing away the ashes, you cannot talk to anyone until the morning.

Proper separation

Of course, it happens that no actions on the part of the wife help, and the husband made the final decision - to leave. Then you need to make sure that everything has been done to save the family, and, placing responsibility on him, let him go. If your husband stops loving you, what should you do? You can’t hold him against his will, but you can give him the opportunity to figure it out, to be alone with himself, even to try a new family life. In most cases, men repent.

If repentance never overtook him, then why love someone to whom you mean nothing? Happiness is the work of man, and life is very short. Live and breathe deeply, it means yours is yet to come!

If it is impossible to save the family, especially if there are children in it, you should not have a negative attitude towards the children and thus take revenge on your husband. On the contrary, remain friendly, wish your husband happiness, and explain to your child that this is life and, unfortunately, not everything in it happens according to our ideas. If your husband stops loving you, what should you do? In this case, remember this truth: what is good for one case is not suitable for another! Therefore, in no case should you “show off the heat” - everything needs to be weighed and, with a cautious approach, try to restore the relationship.

Often family life begins with joy and harmony, but over time it becomes simply unbearable. Over time, many women are faced with the fact that their husband loses interest in them, becomes cold and indifferent. What should the wife do in this case? Should we fight and win our spouse again or reconcile and separate?

When should you sound the alarm?

It is not difficult to understand that serious problems have begun in the family. The following signs may indicate that your spouse's feelings have cooled:

  • He does not strive to spend time together with his wife. If you used to often visit cafes, restaurants together, go for walks, visit friends, but now this is not the case, you should think about it.
  • Your husband stopped asking how you are doing. He doesn’t want to talk about how his day went, he doesn’t share his experiences.
  • There is a physical estrangement between you. Your husband stopped hugging and kissing you. Intimate relationships became irregular or non-existent.
  • Your husband began to criticize you more. Notes of irritation appear more and more often in his voice, and it becomes more difficult to please him.
  • You stopped talking about general plans for the future. Your spouse doesn't want to make plans because he's not sure he wants to be with you in the future.
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