Practical recommendations: what to do if you fall in love with a guy?

Short answer:

This happens very often and the main thing is that it does not depend at all on the age of the young man. Of course, he is afraid that he may be rejected and therefore prefers to refrain from such emotional conversation. But, on the other hand, if you don’t tell a girl that you like him, you risk losing her completely. Therefore, we advise you to still have courage and talk about your feelings, so that later you don’t have to regret being too shy; perhaps she herself expects this from you.

Fell in love with someone else

It happens that when you are already in a relationship, you suddenly meet a girl and go crazy. She is not like yours, so brave and interesting, beautiful and smart. You look at her and are amazed. How can you not fall in love with one like this?

But here's the rub. And your woman was like that. You just already forgot. Everyday life, gray everyday life and habit prevent you from seeing in her that very interesting, attractive and charming young lady with whom you fell in love then.

Therefore, in such a situation, I always recommend that you first take a good look at your current passion. Try to invigorate your relationship, rekindle the flame of passion.

The new lover will seem so mysterious and alluring for the time being. Over time, relationships with her will turn into everyday life. Try to improve the relationships you already have. And with this girl, minimize your communication until you figure it out.

What is the best way to deal with this situation?

We will try to talk about what way out of this situation will be positive for you. A man (boy) in love, if it is difficult for him to admit this verbally, he will help and prove it in practice, then perhaps you won’t even have to talk about it, the girl herself will understand everything by your actions. Here are some examples:

  • Try to help the girl in difficult life situations, at least just be there, support her, she will definitely notice this and appreciate you.
  • If you study at any educational institution, then everything is simpler, help carry her backpack, accompany her home, any girl in this situation will understand that she is attractive to this or that guy.
  • Protect her. If you become an involuntary witness that someone is trying to offend her, you cannot pass by, intercede, thereby showing how much you care about her and that you are ready to risk yourself in any dangerous situation for her sake.
  • Make her happy. These could be small and pleasant little things, a chocolate bar, a small bouquet of flowers, perhaps even collected with your own hands (this is even nicer).

Words in such situations are far from important; if you perform such actions, then they will not be needed at all. Also, you can write her romantic letters or notes, since you didn’t dare to say it directly, try writing it, it may not be a direct text “I love you”, but for example, “I like you” or just some kind of romantic poem, from which everything will also be extremely clear.

Fell in love and don't know what to do? This reminder is for you.



1 Fell in love and don’t know what to do? This reminder is for you.

2 What should I do if I fall in love? 2.1 3. Your goals in life.

2.2 4. You don’t need to use all the seduction techniques you know on this person.

2.3 6. Direct this energy towards something useful.

3 Let's summarize.

Hi girls. I'm Alina and today we'll talk about love. I take all my topics for publications from life. From those situations that come across me literally every day. I was recently talking to a girl. With "insane". Are you surprised? In fact, this is what she looked like at that moment, and she is normal. Was. Why? Her crazy look, idiotic smile and no less idiotic question: “Alina, what should I do if I fall in love?” We talked about a lot of things.

Of course, the girl herself did not notice this and thought that she, like everyone else, was normal. But no. The girl, at the moment when she fell in love, is no longer present in our world, the current reality. She is somewhere in the virtual world of her dreams, dreams and desires. It happened to everyone, and in my first love I also had to have my head in the clouds.

What do I want to say? At that moment when you ask yourself this question, what should I do if I fell in love. You are unable to adequately perceive any situation and think sensibly. The brain turns off. Emotions take over. In this dangerous state, it is difficult to control yourself, your actions, your words. You don’t hear anyone, you don’t believe and you don’t want to understand. Only you alone know the truth. Everyone else is just jealous of you and trying to interfere with your happiness. Mymry!

In this state, you can break a lot of wood. Especially in a situation if I fell in love, but he didn’t, or simply doesn’t know about it yet. So let's take our time. Here you need a cool head and sober calculation. It is best in this case if you have a reliable, faithful friend or sister. There are such? Run to them with your question. Don't do anything yourself.

Tips for declaring your love

Young people, you can help yourself in this situation and protect yourself from the girl’s refusal. I'll tell you how to do this. First of all, you should pay attention to your beloved and assess how ready she is for a conversation of this kind. Invite her for a walk just by chance, give her flowers when you meet, and then you will understand everything yourself, if a girl agrees to spend time with you, and also accepts a gift from you with a smile, then most likely she is more than willing to communicate with you. In most cases, as was mentioned above, girls themselves understand perfectly well how a guy should treat her. This conversation is just a way to firmly indicate your attitude and intentions towards the lady. Of course, you shouldn’t start a conversation if the girl doesn’t suspect anything, such news can’t always bring a positive result, it’s better not to rush in these matters, but gradually show your attitude, and only then back up your words with deeds.

What to do?

I can tell a lot of desperate guys that the world didn't end when she left. Moreover, all is not lost with regard to the ex-girlfriend. At least, you can’t say for sure until you try. Moreover, getting back a girl who already has someone is not much more difficult than if you just broke up, because the strategy for behavior in such situations is the same.

And here's what to do:

  1. Stop filling your head with obsessive ideas and destructive thoughts like what to do if a girl falls in love with someone else or how to get your ex-girlfriend back. If you think and talk only about this, you will simply annoy others and guarantee a bad mood for yourself for several weeks.
  2. You have a lot of energy now, but it is destructive, and therefore you need to direct it in a constructive direction. And instead of wasting time on squabbles with competitors, spying on her, long SMS and heart-to-heart evenings with friends at the bar, it’s better to finish the things you started with her, and take care of yourself, try to spend this time with maximum benefit for your personal life. development. This way you will not only become more interesting as a person, but you will also temporarily switch from the object of your adoration to other things. Basically, this should lead you to the idea that life goes on and it is still beautiful. But, ideally, of course.
  3. The time apart is also the time she has to miss you. The constant flickering before her eyes interferes with the creation of a positive image, and therefore it is better to disappear from sight for a while
    . Moreover, the more you show her signs of attention after breaking up, the more likely it is that she will take a chance on a new relationship, if she has not already done so. Just because you got her. However, you shouldn’t disappear completely either - you need to let her know that everything is fine with you. Therefore, actively use social networks and pigeon mail. Publish as much positive news and photos as possible on your pages - travel, clubs, exhibitions, new places and acquaintances, interesting hobbies. It goes without saying that you will have to take such photographs somewhere. However, this is precisely what is pleasant and useful, and therefore we must try. And when she sees all this, reads it, hears from mutual friends or acquaintances - and she will definitely find out about this, because people, and especially girlfriends, are chatty about other people’s failures - then she will feel sorry that she cannot share these successes with you . At a minimum, your active life will intrigue and touch her, because she secretly, of course, hopes that you are out there somewhere sad, alone, and even crying at night.

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How to overcome fear

Remember that when you decide to do this, it should be your informed decision, and not some impulse of emotion that will end as quickly as it began. You should not be afraid of such confessions if they come from the heart, because your lady is also able to assess the degree of your sincerity towards her. If you yourself are not yet sure of your own feelings, then you should wait and not rush into confession; first check yourself to see if everything is fleeting in this case. In general, when you decide to act for yourself, look at the girl’s behavior, prepare the right ground and go ahead.

What should I do if I fell in love?

Well, or if there are none, read and remember what you need to do. Of course, if this is not the first time you have fallen in love and you have experience, but your head is already cold, then you can handle it yourself. And if still not. Then read what you need to do. Correct actions are the key to a long and happy life.

1. To get started, you don’t need to do anything.

As strange as it may sound, in the midst of overflowing emotions and an unbearable desire to act, you need to do nothing and remain silent. No matter how much you want to always be with him, hold his hand and look faithfully into those bottomless, beautiful, most desirable eyes. SHUT UP! Disconnect. Just be alone with yourself. Turn off your phone, don’t call yourself, don’t communicate anywhere on messengers or social media. networks. Calm down. Take this time for yourself. Go with your friends to a cafe, cinema, theater. Take a break.

If you think that during this time he will lose interest in you or forget about you, then you are deeply mistaken. A man gets bored with obsessive women, but unavailable ones attract him. The man is a hunter. He does not need a submissive roe deer, he is looking for an obstinate doe that kindles the fire of passion and hunting in him. They love not the woman herself, but their imagination about her.

2. Find someone else.

What? Surprised? Shocked? How, why, but there is no one more beautiful than my beloved, he is the light in my window, the angel of my heart. Your head is foggy. We need to get rid of him so that a sober calculation remains.

Find any guy, just someone who got caught. And seduce him. Fall in love with yourself. Feel that you can and THIS light in the window is not the only one. There are times when at such a moment the scales fall from their eyes and girls find exactly the one they need. How special. And more often than not, he was always somewhere nearby, and you didn’t even notice. But it doesn't matter if that doesn't happen.

Your goals in life.

Always remember your goals. I repeat, once again, ABOUT OURSELVES. Don't snot and drool what to do if I fall in love. And think about the earthly, real, vital. Man - this is generally the tenth thing. The main thing is you and your goal. Improve your skills, study, work on yourself, move up the career ladder. There is no need to stick your tongue out and drool with lust at his Instagram every 5 minutes.

Now I do not urge you to shove this deep and bright feeling as love somewhere further. No. I want you to have a sober mind and a solid memory when making an important decision. They could adequately assess the situation and make informed decisions.

You don't need to use all the seduction techniques you know on this person.

He will certainly be amazed and surprised by your inadequacy and ardent desire to possess him. But you won't achieve much with this. Never forget that the hunter is not you, but he.

5. Extinguish emotional stress with physical stress.

If you have high emotional stress due to what to do if I fell in love. Then do some physical exercise. Load your body with physics. Go to the gym, take care of yourself.

Channel that energy into something useful.

Instead of stupid chatter with your girlfriends, do something useful and meaningful. Wipe your snot and direct this entire flow of unbridled energy to specific things. Show him what you can do. Do something that will affect him. You can, but he can't. Start learning and speaking Chinese. Open your own salon. Let him feel that you are a person he has never met before. At the same time, you are still not in his greedy clutches. Prey that is trying to escape. Important loot. This one cannot be missed.

7. Show him all this.

Everything you did above, he must see, evaluate and realize.

  • You like him, but you don’t hang around his neck, don’t make claims, don’t demand or ask for anything, but simply show him your interest in him.
  • You have more than one, several guys are chasing you (point 2), you are in demand, men like you.
  • You cannot give up everything for him and forget your own goals.
  • You are capable of making very important decisions in your life, and you are doing it.
  • You don’t make various tricks and efforts to draw him into a relationship with you, as many other girls do.
  • You take care of yourself and not only because of him, but always.
  • You can easily implement your projects and not drool on his Instagram.

Tell me, are there many girls who behave this way? Well, how can you not fall in love with someone like that?

What if it's for real?

“I fell in love with a guy’s friend,” girls often say. The topic is quite popular today. If this has happened to you, rest assured that you are not alone. And different people can give a lot of advice - the most contradictory.

By the way, Freud himself convinced people of the reasons that influence our desires. Perhaps you were not happy with everything in your relationship with your boyfriend or spouse. Perhaps you were looking for another man without knowing it? Many ladies specifically test their charms, trying to prove to themselves that they are seductive. The problem may be that the girl will get carried away and fall in love with her own “victim.”

A friend of the man you love can also attract you with his inaccessibility. Therefore, feelings may not actually be as strong as they seem. Falling in love with another may also appear because the girl is offended by her partner for some reason. Thus, she takes revenge and deals a strong blow to her chosen one.

Although the feelings can be real. In this case, you will have to solve the problem as tactfully as possible. So as not to cause pain to your ex-lover.

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