Who is choleric and how to identify him?

  1. Characteristics of a choleric person
  2. Choleric: pros and cons
  3. Cholerics at work
  4. Traits of a choleric child
  5. Mixed temperament (melancholic-choleric and choleric-sanguine)

Hot, impulsive, quickly reacting to a situation, passionate and unbalanced - these are the main characteristics of a person with a choleric . Among the features of this type is that he never sits still, is able to overcome many difficulties, but is subject to sudden mood swings and strong emotional outbursts. Choleric is a restless person, a perpetual motion machine

, who is always in a hurry somewhere, tries to do several things at the same time, but does not always complete them.
Unlike a sanguine person, a choleric person can hardly be called cheerful - his energy sometimes takes the form of conflict

Who is a choleric person: a brief description of temperament

A choleric person is a person who takes life lightly, but always seriously, so it is difficult to upset them. In a nutshell, a choleric person can be called a rapid optimist .

They are very difficult to dislodge from the saddle. If a choleric person has a goal, then he will definitely achieve it. Nothing can stop him until he gets his way.

Cholerics are people of the dominant type, strong, determined, stubborn and even a little arrogant.

All efforts of representatives of this type are always aimed at achieving the ideal. They never sit idle, they are always on the move. Typically, choleric men are leaders in their workplace because they know how to achieve their goals by any means.

The constant mobility of choleric people infects those around them. However, not everyone is able to withstand the fast pace taken by these optimists. The ability to carry others along with them makes choleric people successful leaders.

We also recommend that you find out: Who is a melancholic person?

How to deal with a choleric person?

Choleric people are people who should not be avoided, because they go to success themselves and can lead others. They “charge” others with a positive attitude and activity. But all people are different, and for some of them the boundaries of what is possible and what is impossible are blurred.

They love to lead people, and in most cases they know how to do it. Cholerics are quick-tempered, but most often this feature has only a positive side. They can throw out their emotions on another person, quickly solving all problems without accumulating them.

But this is the main drawback. Choleric people most often do not have the ability to restrain their emotions, and a person who “fell under the hot hand” and does not know the characteristics of this type of temperament may be offended. Especially if this person is melancholic, for whom such behavior of others is simply unacceptable. A choleric person can offend a person, even if he did not mean to. In this case, he will have to do something completely out of character - an apology.

But if a person with a choleric character type finds a “golden mean” for himself in his own behavior model, he will be able to achieve a lot in life and become a real role model.

Emotional background

A choleric person does not show his experiences openly, like a sanguine person.
However, he does not know how to hide his emotions at all, so they can easily be read on his face. When communicating, an impulsive choleric person can suddenly “flare up like a match” and offend his interlocutor, being rude or even insulting him, just because he did not agree with his point of view.

Another distinctive aspect of this type is excellent self-control. When faced with troubles, choleric people do not panic

, and immediately look for a way out of the current situation.

Despite their high sense of purpose, choleric people often cannot correctly assess their strength. This leads to the fact that some things remain unfinished. True, some of the suspended goals may be implemented later.

Features of this type of temperament

Despite the fact that people are often identified as choleric based on their temperament type, it is not so common to meet a pure choleric person. The fact is that one person most often combines several types of temperament. But this still happens. And in order to recognize a choleric person in society, you need to know about the main criteria for this type of temperament.

So, a choleric person can be recognized, firstly, by analyzing the speed of occurrence of certain of his reactions. This mainly concerns anger. They say about such people that they “start up with a half-turn.” Some scientists also say that choleric people most often have special body proportions. For example, they must be thin. But it is difficult to agree with this, since it is still necessary to distinguish between the emotional side of a person and the physical one.

Choleric at work, professions for choleric

Given the natural abilities of these people, they make excellent leaders
. In other words, they are suitable for areas where it is necessary to quickly make several decisions at the same time. At the same time, they cannot remain on the sidelines for long.

Jobs with frequent business trips are suitable for them. Changing jobs and starting new projects will help choleric people maximize their organizational abilities.

They will make excellent heads of departments, branches or directors of enterprises. At the same time, it is desirable that they be employed in those areas where live communication with various people is necessary. Work for choleric people is, first of all, self-realization and achieving a sense of significance for the colleagues and friends around him.

Choleric child: how to raise

A choleric child is an energetic and playful toddler who can visit many places in a short amount of time, loves vigorous and active games, and most importantly, he can be heard very well, because he is always very loud, and most importantly, he talks quickly, is always interested in something, but it is extremely rare that everything is completed.
Everything that a choleric child wants to have, he strives to get by screaming. In addition to this, any little thing can cause hysterics. For example, if he did not receive the desired toy or his diapers are dirty.

Therefore, in raising a choleric child, you should adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. Endurance and perseverance are the main qualities in the upbringing and development of a choleric child. And if he did something wrong, then you shouldn’t yell at him, because yelling has a bad effect on such a kid
    , and by the way, he already has an explosive temper. Also, do not subject your child to physical punishment. You just need to calmly explain all the mistakes, then show them how to perform this task correctly and give them another opportunity to correct everything.
  2. Since a choleric child is an emotional child who can sometimes demonstrate hostility
    , one should try to direct this emotionality in the necessary direction. For example, send him to play sports, where he can throw out excess energy, or give him the opportunity to play various outdoor games, for example, football, hockey, which are great because they have clear rules, thanks to which the baby learns to be restrained and organized.
  3. Any emotional manifestation can be controlled by drawing. In this case, you need to give him a blank sheet of paper every day, on which he will draw
    his own emotions.
  4. In order to teach your child to bring every task to its logical conclusion, he should be given a task and at the same time clearly define the result
    that needs to be achieved. Puzzles are great for this occasion.
  5. It is imperative to cultivate politeness and tact in a child
    , with the help of various fairy tales, which form only positive qualities in the child.
  6. You should try to give the child as much parental attention as possible
    , play various outdoor games with him, draw, walk outside, read interesting books. In a word, spend as much time with him as possible.
  7. Try to switch the child’s attention from one task to another, but it is important to teach any task to be completed. And the main thing is that he must have an incentive for this.
  8. It is necessary to come up with some daily rituals
    , and most importantly, always adhere to them, because such rituals are very important for a choleric person. For example, come up with a special ritual before bed. The main thing is that it should be done every day and not forgotten, otherwise all this can become a real problem.

And most importantly, it is necessary to exclude all violent emotions from the environment in which the child grows up: family scandals, films in which there is a lot of aggression, and much more.

Choleric: characteristics of a child

A choleric child is a little hurricane. Everything that happens around him causes such a violent reaction that it amazes those around him. If he liked something, he will long and excitedly share his impressions with everyone who agrees to listen to him. If such a child is upset or offended by something, he will not fail to take advantage of any opportunity to express his dissatisfaction.

The little choleric is the boss of all games. Secondary roles are not for him; he recognizes only one post for himself - commander. Once carried away by some kind of fun, he can become so immersed in it that he literally disconnects from reality. At the same time, an excessive amount of bright emotions can tire him.

A choleric child is quick-tempered and irritable. If dad or mom refuse to play by his rules, a scandal in the family is guaranteed. However, one should not follow the lead of the “little general”, fulfilling any of his whims at the first call.

A choleric child exhibits such a cool disposition. The child's characteristics also include independence and some aggressiveness. Sometimes such children grow up into uncontrollable and overly independent teenagers.


There is an opinion that it is choleric people, thanks to their assertiveness and self-confidence, who move the wheel of history. Undoubtedly, their determination and inescapable enthusiasm do them credit. However, sometimes they still need to “slow down” so that in the rush to achieve a goal they do not hurt the feelings of others.




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Choleric: strengths

  • Emotional sphere

    Choleric people are born leaders, dynamic and active, constantly in need of change. They always consider it necessary to correct other people's mistakes; they have a strong will and determination. They are independent and self-sufficient, unflappable, it is difficult to deprive them of self-confidence, and they spread this confidence to others. Capable of taking on any task.

  • As a parent

    Confidently takes a leadership role in the home, defines goals and motivates family members to take action to achieve them, always finds a way out of any situation, and organizes the household.

  • At work

    Focused on results, thinks big and is not distracted by details, copes well with organizational work, looks for the most practical solutions to assigned tasks, quickly moves from theory to action, knows how to correctly distribute responsibilities, is focused on productivity, sets goals for the entire team, stimulates activity, needs competition.

  • On friendly terms

    Does not depend much on friends, takes upon himself the organization of any group activity, plays the role of a leader, is often right in any matter, and has excellent self-control in emergency situations.

What does it mean to be choleric?

The advantages of this type of temperament include high social activity and the prospect of taking a dominant position. Choleric people are born leaders who know how to achieve success themselves and lead others to it. They know how to go towards their intended goal so selflessly that they “infect” everyone around them with enthusiasm. There are different types of choleric people; Carl Jung divided them into 8 personality types. You can find out yours using a test.

Take a personality type test

Cholerics know how and love to lead . Their temper also has a positive side, because such people never accumulate negativity and resentment. They immediately splash out their emotions on others, but also quickly calm down. This helps not to delay the debriefing, quickly solving production problems.

The temperament of a choleric person is not without shortcomings that are caused by his incontinence. This is especially noticeable when choleric people come into contact with melancholic people, who categorically do not accept such impulsive behavior. Due to increased emotionality, a choleric person may quarrel and offend someone without even meaning to. If that person is not so easy-going, then the choleric person will have to apologize for a long time, which is not very typical of his nature.

Choleric: weaknesses

  • Emotional sphere

    He likes to command others, is impatient, quick-tempered and impulsive, is constantly under tension, loves arguments and disagreements, does not know how to admit that he is wrong, is too stubborn and unyielding, unfriendly and unsympathetic, does not like tears and violent emotions.

  • As a parent

    Strives to dominate in everything, is too demanding of family members, makes hasty decisions, does not tolerate bad results, demands too much from children, which can lead them to depression.

  • At work

    Does not tolerate mistakes, does not take into account details, does not tolerate routine, can make rash decisions, is often rude and tactless, manipulates people, is demanding of others, believes that the end justifies the means, often becomes a workaholic, and demands loyalty from subordinates.

  • As a friend

    Often uses people for his own purposes, is used to dominating in relationships, knows everything better than others, makes decisions for everyone else, is too independent, bosses around friends and partner, does not know how to ask for forgiveness. He defends his point of view too aggressively, which others do not like, even if his opinion is correct.

What kind of choleric person is in a relationship?

If we accept as true the division of people into four psychological types, described by Hippocrates, then there can be only four options for relationships: with a melancholic person, a choleric person, a sanguine person and a phlegmatic person. At first glance, it seems that only a melancholic person will not get along with him. The choleric person will not be bored, the sanguine person will not be bored, and the phlegmatic person will not care. But in reality, everything is not so simple.

Take the compatibility test

In the case of a melancholic person , the union will succeed if he accepts the power position of the choleric person, and he, in turn, takes care of and cares for the melancholic person.

If the temperaments coincide , then this is fraught with “fireworks” of feelings and emotions. For such a couple, a daily “storm in a teacup” is guaranteed. But a strong relationship will only be possible if you take periodic breaks from each other.

Sanguine and choleric people will always have something to do. Both types of temperament are active and open to communication. A sense of humor will help absorb emotional outbursts, smoothing out rough edges.

A phlegmatic person has the best chance of creating a strong relationship with a choleric person. This is where the worldly wisdom comes into play: opposites attract. The main thing is mutual respect for each participant in this union, respect for his personal space.

Choleric and choleric: compatibility

Choleric is an extrovert, an optimist and a person of action

These two people of the same psychotype will not get along together in 90% of cases. The issue of leadership in a couple will constantly arise between them; their swiftness and unrestraint in achieving goals can offend both the people around them and the opponent, and thereby further fuel anger and nervousness in the relationship.

The only advice for such couples is to be able to restrain their ardor and find common ground on controversial issues, to be able to give in to their opponent and respect his opinion in any case.

Video about Choleric - a cartoon character

Famous people are choleric

Among the world famous people, choleric people are and were (from left to right):

Do you know these people - choleric people?

  • Oprah Winfrey,
  • Phil McGraw
  • Donald Trump
  • Bill Gates,
  • Peter I Alekseevich,
  • Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov,
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin,
  • Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev.

Mozhaeva Taisiya · Jan 29, 2020

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