You are so good and I love you! As a friend, of course...

The desire to beat off a girl who is already in a relationship is not uncommon, since worthy girls are rarely left alone. Some men only wonder how to make a girl fall in love with him if she loves someone else, while others make colossal attempts and actions to conquer her. And only a few manage to achieve results, since this is far from an easy task.

Usually busy girls do not pay any attention to the male half of society due to existing feelings. But if, nevertheless, a man managed to get into her field of vision, a girl who has a boyfriend can only be liked by having all the indicators and criteria of a successful and attractive man. Particular attention should be paid to tactics of behavior with the object of sympathy in order to achieve her favor.

How to meet a girl who has a boyfriend?

Before taking active steps to win a girl, a man must find an opportunity to meet a girl who has a boyfriend. Psychologists name several rules, the observance of which will help you get closer to the person you like:

  • A man should be the dominant one in any relationship, thanks to this girls will always be attracted to him. Girls always notice men with a high social status, self-confident and capable of making decisions in different spheres of life.
  • If you establish an emotional connection between a man and a girl, this will become a motivator for her to communicate with him often. You need to communicate with her in such a way that she feels the man as if she has known him for many years. The best way to emotionally connect with a girl is to constantly make her laugh and evoke pleasant emotions through communication.
  • To begin with, you can ask the girl what ideal man she sees next to her, after which you immediately need to talk about her current partner. This will cause her to compare her ideal with her boyfriend, doubting whether he is really the one she would like to see next to her.

Such communication will not only develop into a strong friendship, but will also force the girl to evaluate her current relationship with a sober look. The best way to meet any girl is through mutual acquaintances and friends, or common interests, hobbies and leisure activities.

How to forget

Even if you have done everything to conquer the one you like so much, this is not a guarantee of success. You won't be able to force her to be with you, and you'll have to accept it. Everyone has their own way, and it can also take a lot of time. Here are some tips on how to forget:

  1. First, accept the situation and understand that you need to work with it. Realize why you want to forget a bad experience.
  2. Avoid meeting her, remove anything that reminds you of a failed relationship, erase your phone, unfriend her on social media. networks.
  3. Make time for family and friends, look for meeting new people - perhaps this is how you will find true love.
  4. Be active in your activities, especially your favorite hobbies.
  5. Work on your life, all its areas, deal with things that you haven’t gotten around to.
  6. If you start thinking about relationships and, even more so, feeling sad about it, immediately take your mind off such thoughts.
  7. Go somewhere - new impressions will erase the unpleasant experience.

In any case, be patient and don’t beat yourself up if you can’t forget about it right away. It takes time, especially if the attachment was deep. Don't let your self-esteem suffer and think that you are alone forever. There are a lot of girls around, and if you don’t get discouraged, you can easily find the one.

How to please a girl who has a boyfriend?

In order to please a girl who has a boyfriend, a man needs to become perfect externally and internally. First, during communication, you need to find out what the girl would like to see in her partner, with whom she sees a common future and family. Next, you need to find out for what qualities she likes the current guy, and then instill in herself his positive qualities and traits.

Have you ever had to steal a girl from another man?

Not really

Next, you need to understand whether there are aspects of her boyfriend that she doesn’t like, because there are no people without flaws. During any quarrel with him, a man needs to wonder why the girl is not in the mood, what upsets her, and most importantly, provide her with support. Knowing the qualities that a girl cannot tolerate in her current boyfriend, a man needs to develop the opposite traits in himself, which will not go unnoticed by her.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

To attract the attention of a girl who already has a boyfriend, a man simply needs to become better than him in all the parameters that are important to her. The first thing you need to start a relationship with her is friendship and support.

How to understand that they don't love you

Before you do anything, observe how she behaves. Being attracted to someone is not as easy to hide, as is not wanting to be in a relationship. Body language is your main assistant. She is unlikely to let you touch her or take her hand if she does not plan to build a relationship. Friendly hugs and eye contact are also sometimes prohibited.

Of course, simply shy people also behave this way, especially if you met recently. Then “go on the offensive” and ask her out. A bad sign will be urgent matters that arise in her mind as soon as you raise this topic. This means that for some reason she doesn’t want to admit that you are not a potential partner for her. But if at the same time she continually pays attention to the other guy, looks at him, tries to attract his attention, then this is your opponent.

Here are a few other ways you can tell that she doesn't see you as a boyfriend yet:

  1. For the fair sex, it is of great importance who her partner communicates with. If she is not jealous of other girls, even if you provoke her to it, then there is no question of any love .
  2. She may criticize you and belittle you. A lady in love, on the contrary, admires her chosen one.
  3. Lack of interest in your life , views, because sympathy implies that we strive to learn more about our partner.
  4. She doesn't flirt, doesn't seek your attention, doesn't try to express her sexuality.

How can you make a girl fall in love with you?

In order to make a decision to make a girl who is already in a relationship fall in love with him, a man needs to be convinced of reciprocal sympathy for himself. It can be identified by several indicators:

  • she is always ready to talk;
  • she always smiles when she sees a man;
  • she is willing to share personal information;
  • You can often hear compliments from her;
  • she shows that her current relationship does not bring her joy and happiness;
  • she flirts and touches the man unknowingly.

To win a girl, even if she is not currently single, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Respect - if you treat her with respect as a true gentleman, show care and support, sooner or later she will appreciate it.
  2. Initiative - at first the initiative should be completely in the hands of the man, but later you can allow her to invite the man to a meeting herself, giving only hints.
  3. Spending time together - during communication and walks, a man needs to behave in such a way that the girl feels as comfortable and at ease with him as possible.
  4. Showing interest in her - a man needs to show interest in her and her life in every possible way, asking questions about her dreams, plans for the future, etc. Then you can hint that for a man she is not just a friend, saying a phrase like “I have never met a girl like you.”
  5. Step forward - if a man has shown a girl how special she is to him and not just a friend, he needs to take action. To do this, you need to talk about your feelings and give her time to think about the situation.

In no case should a man pretend to be an improved version of a girl’s current boyfriend; on the contrary, he needs to become a new and fresh breath for her, someone special and unique. As soon as a man indicates his feelings and intentions, you cannot demand decisions from her or expect her to leave her boyfriend. The girl will need time to understand the situation and reassess what is happening in her life.

What to do if you fall in love with a friend's significant other? — Chita.Ru survey

Perhaps you will meet your destiny in the park or at work, in a museum or on a lake. Maybe it will be the guy next door or the girl you accidentally run into in the store, or maybe it will be the other half of your friend with whom he has already begun to build a relationship. What to do?

This didn’t happen to me, but we decided to do a small survey.

Vadim Yakovlev, sales consultant

: I probably would have remained silent. You can’t do this to a friend and get into their relationship with a girl.

But there are exceptions, if I’m really in love, but things aren’t going well with my friend, then here I can just talk, explain that feelings have appeared. Then ask your friend whether he is against your further actions or not. If not, then you can start wooing the girl. But if everything is serious there, they are in love, then you will have to remain silent and communicate less with the girl.

Maria Erofeeva, fitness trainer

: If I fell in love with my friend's boyfriend, then I would, first of all, tell my friend that she has a very cool boyfriend. Secondly, I added that I also want such a guy. Thirdly, I would never in my life tell my friend that I was in love with her man. Because I have only one friend like that, but there are plenty of men. I don't want to lose my friend.

But since she got such a wonderful guy, I will be very happy for her. And believe that I will be lucky too. For example, suddenly he has a twin brother.

All about beauty and health in Chita and Trans-Baikal Territory

Yulia Skornyakova, chief editor of Chita.Ru news agency

: This is the most difficult question in friendship and in relationships with a man. Although there was no such practice, thank God. Perhaps because the men of friends or those who friends like become someone without gender (sorry, everyone involved).

If this happened, I would limit contact with the couple as much as possible, limiting it minimally with my friend: after all, we are friends with her, and not with her friend. Probably, here, as elsewhere, the main principle is “Don’t renounce”, but in any relationship I am in favor of a person putting an end to the previous ones before starting new romances.

Artyom Petrin, presenter

: If this is just a friend, then I will simply destroy this feeling in myself. I respect my friends. This feeling may appear uncontrollably, but, no matter what, I will not take any initiative.

There are no other options in this situation. This is not even discussed. I won’t be able to live with a woman, and then, for example, my friend will come to visit. This is wild to me. I am the kind of person that most likely this situation will not work out.

Gennady Sushchikh, head of the children's recreation center

: It's taboo for me. I won’t fall in love with a friend’s girlfriend, I may like her, but within myself I clearly see acceptable boundaries.

But, if in theory this happened, then he would be like everyone else: he gave flowers, was caring, solved problems and took him to the cinema.

Yuri Li, student

: I wouldn’t do anything, friendship is more important to me.

But in general there are different situations. Perhaps the friend is just dating and does not like the girl. We can talk about this. Explain that she is not happy with him. If they are both happy, then just rejoice and make new acquaintances; the world is not limited to one girl.

Elena Gavrilova, pastry chef

: It seems to me that you can’t just fall in love with a person. To fall in love, you need to spend time together, feel each other, experience some emotions. Almost all of my friends have men, and I have never even had such a thought.

I think if this happened, it’s only because you’ve been alone for a very long time, haven’t met anyone, have a complex, are afraid, or simply think that you don’t want to. And you spend a lot of time with your friend and her boyfriend, you know each other well, and your friend doesn’t mind chatting about how good, kind and generally ideal he is. So my eye fell on him. Or another option. The guy himself shows sympathy, writes, flirts. There are explanations for everything, and most often they lie in our fears and complexes.

Nikolay, taxi driver

: What is there to think about? If there is even a slight chance of reciprocity, I would seek it.

Young people now do not understand how love should be valued, and they can betray friends at any moment. You can’t build a family with them or have children. Therefore, if you love it, you have to take it. You can't order your heart. And a friend, if he’s really good, will understand everything. Anything can happen in life.

All about beauty and health in Chita and Trans-Baikal Territory

Several more respondents said that they would not do anything: they would simply resign themselves and wait for it to pass. As you can see, for most respondents, breaking the relationship between their friend and their significant other is prohibited. Here even the principle “the forbidden fruit is sweet” collapses.

Yana Sazonova22:53, January 28, 2019


Effective methods and advice from psychologists

To win a girl who loves another guy, a man needs to follow a few simple tips from psychologists. Namely:

  • become a good friend for her, providing the girl with positive and comfortable communication;
  • be yourself, since girls, due to their sensitivity, immediately sense falsehood and pretense;
  • find common interests, thanks to which communication will always be lively and regular;
  • give gifts and small presents that symbolize romance and prospects for future relationships;
  • engage in self-development in order to grow in her eyes, deserve respect and not focus only on her;
  • do good deeds, supporting words with actions;
  • maintain optimism and a sense of humor in order to be a source of good emotions for her.

The main rule of how to please people and a specific girl is to love yourself. If a man is too self-critical, has complexes and lacks self-confidence, any girl will immediately feel it.

What should you not do?

If a young man becomes overly intrusive and immediately starts communicating with a captive girl in a romantic mood, this will only push her away. In fact, there are a number of contraindications to actions so as not to disrupt the plan to win the girl you like. It includes the following warnings from psychologists:

  • there is no need to talk to her about her boyfriend too often;
  • even if she quarreled with a guy, there is no need to speak badly about him, it is important to concentrate on support;
  • a man must be patient in order to show his best sides and for the girl to make her own choice;
  • if a girl breaks up with her boyfriend, don’t rush into dating and romance;
  • There is no need to be intrusive; from time to time the girl needs to let her miss herself.

It is extremely important to build a format of communication with a girl that will evoke only positive emotions in her. Rudeness, rudeness, obscene language and sarcasm must be eliminated from speech. A man needs to show a girl how comfortable and pleasant it will be to spend time with him.

The basis of friendship between a man and a woman

Friendship between two people does not depend on gender.
They may be united by common interests, experiences, problems or joys. When a boy and a girl live next to each other since childhood or study together, they often begin to become friends. At a young age there is no talk of romantic relationships; children simply do not know what falling in love is. As they grow older, friendships may remain without developing into anything more. Such friendship, tested over the years, cemented since childhood, is the purest and most reverent. If it persists into adulthood, the guy and the girl may even specifically agree that they will not fall in love with each other and take their friendship to a new level. After all, sometimes it is much more valuable to see in a person a good friend who will understand and support than a lover who thinks in completely different categories. Additionally, romantic relationships between ex-friends can end up ruining the friendship when people find it very difficult to look their partner in the eyes after a fight or breakup. Harsh memories will put an end to past warm relationships.

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