How to get your ex-friend back - Rules to remember

Is it possible?

The return of the young man is quite possible. Many guys want to return to a girl, but their hurt pride prevents them from doing so. It is possible to return a loved one if the girl is sure that mutual feelings remain.

The return of the young man is quite possible

You should do a simple test yourself. A sheet of paper is divided into two halves. The positive aspects of the resumption of relationships are recorded on one part, and the negative ones on the second. If the girl is convinced that it is worth fighting, she needs to start thinking about a plan of action.

There are a number of situations when it is better to refrain from the idea of ​​returning a young man or husband:

  • The man sincerely fell in love with another. In most cases, the guy's return plan will fail, and the girl will experience pain from humiliation.
  • The relationship was toxic. You need to be grateful to fate that everything is over.
  • The relationship did not develop . If a guy constantly came up with excuses, not wanting to introduce him to close people and friends, then this indicates a lack of serious intentions. A breakup will open the way to meeting a worthy man.

How to get your loved one back if he doesn’t want to communicate

It often happens that as a result of strong resentment, a quarrel, or a misunderstanding, a guy does not want to talk to his ex.

How to get your loved one back if he doesn’t want to communicate

You should try to save the situation:

  1. It is advisable to completely disappear from the young man’s life for 3-4 months. During this time, falling in love with a new passion will begin to fade, bad events will be erased from memory, and a slight feeling of nostalgia about the ex-girlfriend remains. You don't have to wait for a call. A guy may show interest through mutual friends and regularly view his page on social networks.
  2. Time must be used profitably. If the guy leaves, it means the girl has changed for the worse since she met. You should remember your appearance, change your hairstyle, update your wardrobe, try to become the only one he fell in love with when he met you.
  3. In a couple of months, remind yourself by calling. It is enough to simply unobtrusively ask how you are doing, appear in the company of mutual friends, but continue to live your life.
  4. When communicating, demonstrate self-confidence to the man. The hunter's instinct, against the backdrop of nostalgic memories, will turn attention to the former lover.

What not to do:

  • Bombard your lover with a large number of SMS and calls.
  • Arrange “random” meetings on the street, in public places. The guy will notice that the situation is staged.

Advice! You should be prepared for the fact that the tricks will not work, the actions will cause irritation and aggression. In this case, there is no need to continue trying to get the man back.

How to get a guy back if he's already with someone else

All attempts to return a guy when he has already built a relationship with another girl may be futile. If a man quickly started dating a new passion, this indicates frivolity or an initial lack of feelings for his ex.

How long have you not spoken?

Depending on how much time has passed since your communication, what actions should be taken will depend:

  1. Days. It hasn't been that long, so take a break and focus on yourself for at least 48-72 hours. A few days can give you time to forget everything that caused the quarrel and rethink what was happening.
  2. Weeks. If a few weeks have passed and he hasn't called or texted, now is the time to try again.
  3. Months. Try texting your ex and asking how things are going. Below we'll give you some tips on how to start a conversation.
  4. Years. Several years after your breakup, you want to text your ex, most likely to reconnect. Again, just like with the breakup a few months ago, use the tips below.

If you are still in the first 30 days after a breakup, you should adhere to the “no contact” rule.

Where to begin?

Analyze the reasons for the separation
Before starting active actions, you should try to understand your true feelings:

  1. Analyze the reasons for the separation . This is necessary to prevent repeating mistakes in case of restoration of relations.
  2. Figure out why you need a guy. You should fight if you truly love him. If a girl is driven by fear of loneliness, shame in front of family, friends, jealousy or revenge, then there is no point in fighting.
  3. Don't be discouraged, don't lose heart. A guy will not return to a girl who is insecure. If you can’t cope with the task on your own, a qualified psychologist will come to the rescue.

Important! You shouldn't fight for love if a man allowed you to raise your hand. Toxic relationships will eventually kill feelings.

Let go to get back

To get your loved one back, you need to take a short break, let him go, give him the opportunity to rethink and think about the situation. This is not easy to do, but the method is effective. Excessive emotionality is repulsive in the case of tense relationships. Chasing a guy will only make you want to run away.

If possible, then you need to maintain friendly contact with your partner. In conversation, you should try to talk less about yourself. This will create a feeling of curiosity.

I don’t know why, but I want to write

Often when people want to write to their ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, they don’t know exactly why. You may feel embarrassed about missing the past if you know you don't want your past relationship back.

If you feel this way, then there is a chance that your ex is not necessarily “the one” who cannot be missed. Perhaps you are nostalgic not for the person, but for one or two qualities of his character that you especially like.

To understand this moment, remember what emotions and actions of your ex-other half you like.

This will help you discover the “values” that really matter to you in a relationship. For example, if you always did fun things together or laughed a lot, but that is now missing from your life, then "feelings of pleasure" may be a value that your ex brought to the table.

Feelings can also be important in a relationship:

  • security;
  • adventures;
  • learning and personal growth;
  • meaningful communication.

When you understand what is important to you, then you will begin to see that these emotions can be experienced with someone else.

Therefore, the desire to constantly write to your ex may not be longing for a person, but rather a desire to revive some experiences that this person in the past may have brought you. Knowing this will help you make wiser choices in the future.

The main women's mistakes

Being in a state of shock and emotional oppression, girls make many mistakes that only push away their ex-lover.

Even if your soul is torn to pieces, you don’t need to beg the guy to come back

There are certain points that you should try to avoid in every possible way.

Mistake #1: Humiliation

Even if your soul is torn into pieces, you don’t need to beg the guy to come back . It is absolutely forbidden to blackmail him with suicide, to fall on his knees, if only he would return.

A decent guy won't be with a girl who doesn't respect herself.

Mistake #2. Sexual relations

Some women think that the reason for breakups lies in the man's dissatisfaction with his intimate life. For the sake of returning their lover, they agree to have sex after a breakup, try to fulfill his desires, and make sexual fantasies come true.

A dismissive, humiliating attitude towards yourself will not help you get your man back. He will only use the girl for sexual gratification. You need to forget about the idea that you can really keep a man with the help of intimacy. A woman should not be easily accessible.

Mistake #3. Tokens of attention and gifts

When the breakup was due to the girl’s fault, you need to apologize. But at the same time, there is no need to shower the young man with gifts and souvenirs. It looks strange.

Specific ways to get a guy back

Of course, the ideal option is when you followed the above recommendations, and the guy in itself was blown away by you again. But if for some reason this does not happen, or he is embarrassed to take the first step, then for you our specific, active ways to return the guy who abandoned you. They are effective when a guy needs very little to decide to return.

• Apologize.

Surely both you and he messed up. Most likely, you are expecting an apology from each other. What is more important to you - your own pride in a company of 5 cats, or to become happy in a relationship or family? Write, admit your part of the guilt. Then it will be easier for him to admit his own. At least you’ll dispel your grievances and start communicating.

• Tell him that you think about him often.

For example, tell us how you recently walked along the embankment alone, and remembered how on that bridge you and he vomited together for the first time, holding hands. Or how you sat in a cafe and remembered how he collected half-eaten food from other tables and gave it to you. The main thing is to make it clear that you have not forgotten about him yet, feelings are not completely lost, and you can try to return something. Then it's up to him.

• Hint to the guy that you have a free apartment today and a whole mountain of goodies.

As you know, all men need is a tasty meal and a quality “cast.” Hint to him that you have something to eat, and at the mere thought of him you become wet, like Lake Baikal. It would also not be amiss to say that this evening there is a fishing license, the fishery inspectorate has left for the country, and the red days of the fishing ban are behind us. After such evenings, it is rare that relationships are not restored.

How to get your ex-boyfriend back - advice from guys

Men and women perceive a breakup differently.

Real advice from guys will help you get your ex back:

  • Do not hurry! Do not try to figure out the situation right away, in the heat of a showdown. Give the guy time. Perhaps the young man will understand that he made a mistake. If you constantly put pressure on him, this will only confirm the correctness of his decision to break up with you.
  • Don't overdo it with initiative. Be patient and wait. Men do not like intrusiveness, and the desire to conquer an impregnable fortress appears again and again.
  • Stop being hysterical. Leave your acting talents for another occasion. Tears and snot only cause irritation and a desire to leave as quickly as possible.
  • Don't start a showdown . Don't make trouble, stop fighting and waving your fists. The forces are clearly not equal. Such behavior causes ridicule, pity and can result in retaliatory aggression.
  • Don't use magic. If a guy finds out that you wanted to solve the problem with the help of a spell or love spell, he will immediately leave you.

It is possible to return a guy if the girl is sure that this desire is dictated by sincere warm feelings for the man. Attempts to return a lover because of revenge, jealousy, and injured pride are doomed to failure.

How to return someone who does not want to return?

I have another one, I love him,

but I can’t forget “that one”

but I understand that it’s “unforgettable” only because my pride hurts.

But only if he left me, why do I need one like that?

And self-esteem needs to be treated!

Firstly, even if the “cup” turns out like new, and the cracks seem to be completely invisible. but it’s still difficult to forget that it’s glued together.

Secondly, “repairs” take time. Maybe I should buy a new one after all?

1. Become different. The one he hasn’t seen you with yet.

2. Take care of yourself. Even if you don't achieve your goal, you won't regret wasted time.

No, these tips are not without meaning, you just understand this only with time

Actually, appearance is the last thing I meant. Of course, if during your “melancholy” you (this is the author) have completely “abandoned” yourself, it’s worth changing - hairstyle, manicure, new style. But, if your style has already been found, is it worth breaking it for the sake of something unknown? That's not what we were talking about here. Become a different lifestyle. Example: Have you always been a homebody? Was it difficult to get you out of the house? “Take” your closest friends on a hike. Of course, if you don’t like spending the night in tents at all, you shouldn’t do it. Come up with something different, unusual, mysterious. Surprise and interest, first of all, yourself, secondly, everyone around, and only thirdly, “this particular guy.” And then everything will work out.

From personal experience. Once upon a time, while still a student, I also broke up with my boyfriend and really dreamed of getting him back. Firstly, I signed up for dancing and six months later I began to move very well. Secondly, I got my license and started driving to university. Etc. I think you already understand how it all ended. The “cup” stuck together, but it turned out that I no longer needed it.

Source: How to return someone who does not want to return? I have another one, I love him, but I can’t forget “that one”, but I understand that “it’s unforgettable” only because my pride hurts. Yes, only if he left me,

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