What to do to make a man afraid of losing you. How to make a man afraid of losing you - advice from a psychologist

How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing you?

Being the one that a man will hold on to at all costs is probably the dream of many women. Read about how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing in the material from the unusual women's site sympaty.net.

What kind of women do men “cling to”?

Let’s make it clear right away - now we won’t start talking about the fact that you need to change for the sake of a man and become, for example, thin, long-haired, ideally preparing meat in thirty ways, etc. No! We proceed from the fact that you are you, and there is no need to break yourself and torture yourself for the sake of any man.

They love, appreciate and are afraid of losing a variety of women - including short, plump, bobbed, tattooed, who hate cooking, childfree and mothers of three children from previous marriages, careerists and housewives, intellectuals and “simples”...

The thing is that, objectively speaking, there is no magic way to “stick” any man to any woman. If we are going to discuss the topic of how to behave correctly so that a man is afraid of losing you, then the basis should be a relationship where the man has already chosen you for something, where something has already “hooked” him.

By the way, these “clues” may be precisely those features of yours that, from the point of view of other, strangers, not your men, will be considered shortcomings!

In addition, the man himself must fit into certain parameters of adequacy: because there are no methods of influencing “chronic womanizers,” hyperegoists, various kinds of manipulators and “domestic tyrants,” and even less so alcoholics and drug addicts.

And if such a character becomes so attached to a woman that he is afraid of being left without her, then for the woman herself this often turns into total control, demands, abuse and other very unpleasant and unhealthy things with the help of which a mentally unstable person tries to keep her near him.

But then begin some generalizing, sometimes elusive and difficult to describe characteristics of those very women who manage to “bewitch” men easily and without much manipulation so that they are afraid to even think about breaking up!

They are afraid of losing the woman who feels good

It's good with a man - but it's good without him! She feels good with her friends, at work, in a variety of companies, with her relatives - in general, this is a woman who is tuned to a certain wave of happiness, calmness and warmth... This sense of self is perfectly transmitted to men - they also feel good, easy and cosy!

Of course, this does not mean that we are talking about constant euphoria and a complete absence of negative emotions (this is impossible and abnormal for any person). This refers to the general light and joyful mood that prevails if there are no objectively difficult situations.

They are afraid of losing a self-sufficient woman

Everything is very simple here: if a man understands that he is not really being held back, that this girl will cope well in life without him, and no one will catch up with him with sobs if something happens, then he begins to fear that they might quit. And that you need to try to prevent this from happening - to match your lady, win competition with her other fans, demonstrate your feelings, etc.

They are afraid of losing the “mystery woman”

If there is always something left unspoken, unspoken and under-proven in a partner, then curiosity will keep a man close to her - what else will she discover, and what else will she surprise? Simple, “at home” and completely understandable girls are convenient for men, but... sooner or later men start to get bored.

This phenomenon is best illustrated by the phrase of the unfaithful husband from the movie “The Bat”: “A wife is a read book. It can be stored, protected, bound, but reading it is no longer interesting...”

As sad as it is, it’s true – men don’t last long near “read books”...

What can you do to make a man want to keep him and be afraid of losing him?

But let’s move on to practical advice from “Beautiful and Successful” - how to behave so that your man is afraid of losing you.

  • Sometimes surprise your man with something new about yourself. Not a new cutlet recipe! And, for example, the fact that you decided to go to salsa. Or you read some interesting book and want to discuss it. Or painted it purple. Or you bought a tent and are going to the mountains. In general, sometimes break the predictability of your actions and desires!
  • Not often, but give your man a reason to be jealous. Or at least think about what alternative options you have. This must be done very cunningly and carefully: you need to hint to your partner that other gentlemen are also interested in you, but you are decent, and you are not giving them much of a chance yet. For now - as long as you feel good with him. And if he wants to keep you, then let him try to make you feel good in the future, because winning in the competition of males should not be won for beautiful eyes!
  • Allow yourself to be constantly conquered a little. Even if you have capitulated a long time ago and have been actively “cooperating with the occupier” for many years! But it doesn’t hurt to distance yourself a little from a man if he gets lazy and begins to perceive your favor as something a priori due to him. And vice versa - please him and pamper him, if he himself tries to please you and pleasantly surprise you!
  • Be independent. Despite the myth actively supported by patriarchal culture that “a real woman should be weak and constantly need male help,” in fact, men highly value and respect those women who can figure out their lives themselves, make a decision, show some kind of behavior. then activity, etc. And men are more willing to help not “white-handed princesses”, but self-sufficient ladies who simply at a certain moment cannot cope on their own and really need specific help or advice.

And by all means, enjoy life and be positive. “Inner light” is really very attractive - they don’t want to lose such women!

—Author – Dasha Blinova, website www.sympaty.net – Beautiful and Successful

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Source: //www.sympaty.net/20180619/muzhchina-boyalsya-poteryat/

Constant monitoring of each other

People cannot own each other. This seems clear: slavery was abolished long ago. But if you keep trying to control your partner everywhere and in everything, then one day he will feel trapped. Especially if jealousy is added to this obsessive desire for control.

In general, jealousy is the main cause of domestic violence. Remember this every time you feel like you don't know everything. All you will achieve by increasing control over your partner is his desire to stay away from you.

If you love a person, it means you accept him for who he is. And help him become better. But forcing him to do something is doomed to failure.

How to behave with your husband so that he is afraid of losing you: advice from a psychologist

A man's life passes like a relay race. Achieving the desired goal and running further is the motto of his consciousness. This is what contributed to scientific discoveries and the development of civilization.

Women are usually attracted to those who strive for new heights. In the love sphere, a man also strives to achieve his goal faster and moves on. After the wedding, a woman often notices that her chosen one pays less attention.

How to behave correctly with a man so that he is afraid of losing you: golden rules

In former times, divorces were rare.

Women tend to be attracted to those who strive for new heights

The reason was not the desire to save the marriage, but tradition. The number of divorces today shows how easy it is to ruin a relationship. This is caused by a simple misunderstanding of the partner’s psychology. The psychologist's advice will tell you how to behave with your husband so that he is afraid of losing you.

A man has a dynamic mindset, he needs development, striving for goals, competition, and pursuit. The absence of this provokes degradation. A woman, on the contrary, is static, creates comfort, arranges space, and establishes contacts with others. You cannot demand from your partner what is not inherent in nature.

To understand how to behave correctly with a man, reconsider the question.

They lose what they have already received. His wife is nearby, but interest in her is gradually decreasing. A man is afraid of losing if he could not truly achieve; a woman remains an unsolved mystery for him, a mysterious multifaceted personality. If she is one step ahead, the man will really become afraid of losing her.

Important! There is no need to strive to create in a marriage a feeling of fear of losing the family. Healthy relationships are not built on fear.

There is no need to put restrictions

It is important for men to feel in charge and responsible. At any age, they strive for independence and manifestation of masculinity. If the opportunity is taken away, the stronger sex acts in two ways. Submits, degrades or rebels.

Even reasonable prohibitions repel and provoke people to do the opposite. Remember your boy classmates: how difficult it was for them to maintain school discipline. If the teacher did not motivate, but forbade, the boys were the first to not complete the assignments and fool around. The same thing happens to a man in adulthood.

He follows the rules if he feels the need to. This is the only way to maintain masculinity.

Example: My husband has had surgery and cannot drink alcohol. If his wife informs him in the form of a ban, he will soon want to drink. The desire to be independent is higher than health. Therefore, it is better to present information in the form of advice. A thought presented in this way will make the spouse think.

“No” to overprotection and control

At the beginning of a relationship, it is easy for partners to maintain regular sexual intercourse

The man said goodbye to these “friends” in his teens, when he fought with his parents for freedom. If a young man can legally marry, then he does not need to be monitored every day.

How to behave:

  • Instead of controlling, be interested in his affairs.
  • Replace hyperprotection with care.
  • Show confidence in him.
  • Give freedom of action.
  • Eliminate directive communication.
  • Say no to jealousy.

Don't become a second mother to your husband. These self-sacrifices will be assessed as an attempt to dominate, a lack of faith in his strength.

Regular and high-quality sex

At the beginning of a relationship, it is easy for partners to maintain regular sexual intercourse. Over time, this turns into a habit, and the desire gradually fades away. Contributes to monotony of behavior, attempts to manipulate sex, refusals.

What to do:

  • Take care of sex education. Look for new ways to have fun.
  • Develop sensuality, concentrate on sensations. This will help you experience intimacy more deeply.
  • Show real feelings. The guy feels constrained and tries to act in a stereotyped manner.
  • Don't ask for gifts for sex. The man will agree, but you will fall in his eyes.
  • Punishment with refusal is a sure way to destroy attraction.
  • “No” must be justified.
  • Listen to your partner’s wishes, express them yourself.

With a man, many take an unhealthy position, considering sex as some kind of reward. Experiment, learn to just have fun. This is an essential element of a healthy relationship.

Show yourself weak

The role of a man is to care and protect. It protects your beloved from the outside world and provides comfort. This situation gives satisfaction, the guy feels needed.

Women tend to violate the natural order of things and voluntarily take on men's tasks. Your spouse will not appreciate your strength and determination. Remember your natural role, enjoy femininity.

Hide the saw

You feel calm at home. If you have setbacks at work or with finances, you can return home and recuperate. This is what men expect when they decide to start a family. And these are the most reasonable ideas about marriage.

Instead, they often encounter a “saw”. It confidently frays the nerves of both and leads to separation.

How a saw woman behaves:

  • always dissatisfied;
  • categorically demands;
  • repeats claims;
  • talks about her husband's failures;
  • doesn't thank you.

This behavior destroys strong feelings and charm, makes the character ponderous and quarrelsome.

With a man, many take an unhealthy position, considering sex as some kind of reward.

Mentally give your husband three certificates of trust:

  1. The right to make a mistake.
  2. The right to make the final decision.
  3. Freedom of action.

Stay beautiful!

When meeting a girl, a guy sees her well-groomed, in elegant clothes, with makeup and hairstyle. He thinks that his beloved wakes up in the morning fresh and blooming.

Useful habits will help you maintain this opinion:

  1. Wear clean, nice home clothes.
  2. Wear light daytime makeup.
  3. Hair should always be clean.
  4. Keep an eye on your manicure.
  5. Use perfume even at home.

The rules can be followed even with small children. This does not require financial costs, but will help your husband like you.

Remember that there are things that a spouse should never see:

  1. Depilation process, eyebrow correction.
  2. Feminine hygiene products.
  3. Hair in the shower drain.

Emphasize beauty.

Don't let it become a read book.

Do not deny yourself new underwear, jewelry, and cosmetics. Men are happy to give gifts. This helps them feel strong and masculine.

He fell in love with you because you seemed like a fairy, gentle and weightless. Let life together not dispel these ideas.

Develop in yourself what makes him dependent on you

It was possible to limit oneself to family affairs and children several centuries ago. Now living like this is just boring. Maternity leave provokes depression and makes a woman nervous and irritable. To prevent this from happening, develop yourself. Guys admire girls who are endowed with talents and do what they love.

Don't let it become a read book. The subtle facets of personality can surprise you for many years, if you don’t try to give yourself all over already at the first stages of family life.

Is there something he especially likes? Perhaps he's excited about the flexibility? Do yoga or stretching. Don't say that you are doing this for his sake. Enjoy your own development.

What to do in case of a quarrel, how to behave?

Conflict is normal . How to behave correctly in order to solve it and not spoil the relationship?

Set three hard nos:

  1. Do not try to insult, highlight your partner’s weaknesses, past failures, or touch a nerve in any other way.
  2. Quarrel in private, without witnesses.
  3. Find a compromise before bed.

A man is repulsed by a woman's scream, harsh categorical statements, rude words . If you feel overwhelmed, wait 15 minutes. Focus on your mind, not your feelings. Be clear about the result you are trying to achieve. Convey to your partner exactly the essence of your complaints and wishes.

Men prefer to solve a specific problem rather than talk about abstract situations. Tell him what doesn't suit you and he will make efforts to resolve the conflict.

“Blackmail by leaving”: a very bad way to make a husband afraid of losing his wife

Any person can be manipulated. A whole science in psychology studies ways to persuade others to agree with your opinion. Although it's fun, should it be used in a family?

A man is repulsed by a woman’s scream, harsh categorical statements, rude words

Women who lack wisdom tend to show their husbands that he may lose her, hoping to renew his interest. The manipulation truly demonstrates a woman's desire to leave. In addition, her husband will consider her unreliable, eccentric, and will expect a trick.

How to behave with a man in bed before and after a quarrel

The quarrel becomes a thing of the past as soon as a way out is found. Do not remember grievances or suspicions.

In bed, avoid the following topics:

  • unsaid claims;
  • doubts about honesty;
  • new discontent.

If after a quarrel the desire for intimacy has not yet arisen, say directly that you are worried about what happened and are not in the right mood.

Don't let conflicts affect your intimate relationships.


It seems that maintaining love is a difficult art with many pitfalls. In order for a husband to reach out to his wife, trust, and strive to spend more time together, you need to follow the main rule - respect your partner.

Your beloved is an independent person, an individual. Give him the opportunity to remain like this. Develop yourself, live life to the fullest. Remember: no one can become part of another. Let go of the desire to make your loved one your property.

Source: //favoritca.com/otnosheniya-v-brake/problemy-v-seme/kak-vesti-seba-s-muzem-ctoby-on-boalsa-teba-poterat-sovety-psihologa.html


Another way to lose the woman you love is indifference. As a rule, this is the worst thing that can happen. In a relationship, it is important to fight for it every day. This is the only way to keep the flame of passion alive. You need to share the most important moments in life together and pay more attention to your partner than to yourself. This is the only way you can earn the right to a strong relationship.

If you begin to ignore your loved one in the simplest things, her attitude towards you will change. Because the main thing that everyone wants from their significant other is support. If you are unable to give it, love will begin to disappear. Slowly but inexorably.

And the worst situation is when you begin to find something in life that becomes more important to you than family. Love does not tolerate this.

Comfort and conformity

This is by far the easiest and fastest way to lose the woman you love once and for all. You will have to develop the will to make changes regularly, avoid routine, and take the lead whenever your woman gets bored. After all, it is a man's responsibility.

Women often feel lonely when a man stops caring for them. Send her a signal that you are ready to do at least something for your relationship.

If you are a conformist in life, do not expect that life itself will become more interesting and eventful. This won't happen unless you make an effort on your part.

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