How to make a girl miss you and need you

How to survive after breaking up with your ex

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The question of how to make a person miss you often arises for lovers of the candy-bouquet period at the very beginning of a relationship. Even then, partners who have become emotionally attached to each other expect that the other half, having missed them greatly, will forgive the guilty party for all sins and insults, or will itself ask for forgiveness for its own mistakes.

While girls, tormented by doubts, burst into tears in the company of friends, endlessly asking the same question - “he doesn’t love me, he doesn’t even miss me, how can I make him miss me so that he crawls on his knees?”, young people depressed by a quarrel, They try to numb their mental pain with a glass of alcohol in the company of friends, or by lifting weights in the gym. Both you and she are interested in the question: how can you make your other half miss you so much that it’s impossible to control yourself?

Making another person miss you is not difficult, there are several ways, let's look at them in order.

How to make a girl think about you - 4 tricks

One of the key secrets of seduction that most guys have no idea about is that the deeper you go into a girl's mind, the easier it is to make her fall in love with you. And, accordingly, think about you.

All successful businessmen know this: the longer they can keep their products moving in the minds and souls of potential customers, the more money they will make.

Unsurprisingly, the same principle applies to seduction: if you can get a girl to think about you constantly, then it's only a matter of time before she falls in love with you.

However, there is one caveat. Surely you won't be around her 24/7 to make sure you're on her mind all the time, right? What can be done in this case?

Third way

You can make a kind of “anchor”. How exactly? Now we'll tell you. It is necessary to accustom a person to the same action. That is, every day, for example, send him an SMS or, passing by his office, smile. You can also come up with another more suitable option in your situation. The most important thing in this matter is to turn such an action into a habit. This will not take very long (about two weeks).

Then abruptly stop such actions. With this action, a guy can be knocked out of his so-called “comfort zone.” At first he won't even understand what happened. Then we’ll start thinking about you, and also thinking about why you stopped doing this (for example, you stopped sending SMS in the morning).

How to make a girl think about you all the time

#1 Exploit her insecurities

Make her feel insecure every now and then (towards you).

The girl wants to feel your loyalty to her. While you show that you are popular with other girls. (Don't underestimate the power of inciting jealousy in a woman!)

This will ensure that she doesn't take you for granted and it will make her work extra hard to get your attention. Makes sense, doesn't it?

#2 Be unpredictable

Most men behave in a very predictable manner, so women have no problems with how to behave and react to a given situation involving a man.

Unfortunately, the weaker sex quickly becomes bored with this behavior. Without a doubt, predictability is an excitement killer.

If you want a girl to be as interested in you as possible, create an aura of mystery around yourself and don’t reveal all your cards.

This will allow her to be at a loss as to who you really are.

Behave in such a way that she cannot guess what next step you will take in relation to her. Just keep in mind that this has nothing to do with inadequacy. This is the unpredictability of actions.

For example, if on a date you suddenly want to kiss a girl, try to do it. Even if it doesn’t work out, this action will produce the desired effect on her (a brave young man + the effect of surprise, which caused strong emotions). The next attempt at a kiss will most likely be successful.

Instead of being the good guy all the time, use a combination of behaviors. Once things are going well for you and you start getting closer, pull back a little. This can be done both in communication and in physical contact. Then start getting closer again. A sort of behavioral swing that rocks her emotions.

#4 Manipulate her emotions

Every person is a manipulator. If you are going to seduce a woman, you provoke her to feel love for you... And this is manipulation.

If you don't manipulate her, then she will manipulate you. This way, you can take the initiative and reap all the benefits.

By manipulating her emotions, you will make her feel uncomfortable when you are not around. Thus, the girl begins to need you.

Mystery and intrigue will also work well here. If you communicate with a girl at a distance, you can paint an image of yourself in her head, seasoning it with understatement so that she has the opportunity to even more begin to imagine what kind of person you are.

You can create intrigue around your style and lifestyle, work, study and other areas.

These are the methods you can use to make a girl constantly think about you, including from a distance. Good luck!

Sometimes it is so important to know that your dear and beloved person, being far away, thinks about you. It’s worth thinking about how to make a person miss you and think about you. It is almost impossible to make someone bored, but you can try to make it stay in his thoughts for a long time, without causing feelings of irritation.

A non-standard way for the especially brave

Do you want to be remembered? Then borrow money from the person. Think in advance how much he can give. By the way, the longer you specify, the longer the person will think about you (this happens subconsciously). Of course, the money must be returned on time. When you return it, be sure to thank the person with the most kind words, so that he feels that he did not lend money, but saved him from a terrible beast. It is very important for a person to feel like a hero, as if in a fairy tale.

The purpose of this trick is to attract attention to yourself and leave a lot of pleasant emotions. You can borrow money even when you don't need it. Indeed, in this case, it is not the amount that is important, but the process itself, which will lead to the fact that the person will remember you.

How to make someone miss you

Before you make a person miss you, you need to disappear from his life for some time. If you are around all the time, then it is likely that no one will miss you. Of course, voluntarily leaving a loved one is not at all easy.

But only in this way will he have enough time and space for him to realize your absence and how dear you are to him. This is the only way he will understand how much he needs you.

To make a person miss you and think about you, be busy all the time or just create an appearance if this is not really the case. The next time you talk to your partner, don't immediately answer the question about what you're doing right now.

Just laugh it off, tell me some funny story that happened to you recently. This way, you will simultaneously show that you are an easy-going and cheerful person and demonstrate the richness of your life. Then your chosen one will have no choice but to recognize you as an interesting person and want to spend more time with you.

If you live separately from each other, then it would be nice to forget some trinket from him: an earring, a comb or a CD. This will be a good way to make him remember you more often. Every time he comes across this thing at home, he will involuntarily think about you. The most important thing is that the strategically forgotten item does not need urgent return. It should not be a wallet, keys or mobile phone.

The most effective way to make someone miss you is probably to be the life of the party. It should always be fun and easy to be around you. If you have a great time with your partner and don't fight over small things, he will miss you anyway if you are not with him.

Jealousy is a good helper in this matter.

How to make a person think about you? Make him jealous. Of course, jealousy is not a very good feeling. But for extreme cases this is just what you need. You can give a man the opportunity to be jealous of you for some person. This action can produce a positive result. Just don’t overdo it, everything should be within reasonable limits. The human psyche is designed in such a way that jealousy makes us think about the “object” constantly, comparing ourselves with another individual.

How to make someone miss you and think about you

Just don't be upset, don't lose heart. It is likely that the young man simply did not single you out from the many others he knew. So you need to think about how to attract his attention and be better remembered.

Keep in mind that everything that is unexpected and unusual is remembered best. If you dress the same as the rest of his friends, behave approximately the same, it is very unlikely that you will be able to immediately attract his attention. If you want to make a person miss you and think about you, try to be more original, both in your clothes and in your demeanor. But you shouldn’t go to extremes, because your goal is to attract the guy to you, and not to shock him.

To make a person miss you and think about you, don’t be too persistent! Remember, men are not particularly fond of not only unapproachable young ladies, but also overly intrusive girls. How to make a person remember you? Give him time to miss your presence.

Indirect method

To carry out such a plan, you will need someone who moves in the same circle with the person you are interested in. His role is to constantly remind him of you. Moreover, he must do this unnoticed. For example, accidentally saying that yesterday you helped him do something. Another option is that you have the thing this guy needs. Perhaps this person will call you during a conversation with your boyfriend to find out something.

As you understand, there are a lot of options. The most important thing in this matter is not to overdo it. If there is too much talk about you, then such conversations will only cause unpleasant emotions in the guy. And when he hears your name, he will tremble. This will only ruin everything, so know when to stop.

How to make someone get bored and come to you

It is impossible to force a young man to do anything against his will. Although representatives of the stronger sex are no less coquettes than women, so in this case we will not talk about how to break the will of a loved one, but about how to push him to develop a relationship. And for starters, make them miss you and come to you.

1) Try to understand the situation: do you really need this young man so much that for his sake you are ready to go to a number of small tricks. Try to understand whether he needs you too. Never call or write to him for this purpose. If he himself calls or writes to you, do not start sorting things out before he himself starts talking about them.

2) To understand how a young man treats you, try to remember how keenly he paid attention to your words and actions when you were together. If he was silent and indifferent, then you need to draw conclusions that are very disappointing for your relationship, although here you can make allowances for shyness or uncertainty. But know: in love, as in business, very large discounts have every chance of leading to ruin.

3) When he speaks in stock phrases, this does not mean that he is indifferent to you. Firstly, your relationship may have lasted for quite a long time, and it simply needs to be diversified. Secondly, a man is most likely constantly busy with work, and all his ideas revolve around a career or any obligations, even on vacation.

Workaholism is curable, and its relapses are not directly related to love. Thirdly, including when he looked at the women he met in front of you and did not notice what you were doing or saying at the moment, then this only speaks of some kind of inconstancy of male nature, and not completely about his indifference to to you. In the end, maybe he was simply comparing you with random passers-by, and the comparison was definitely only in your direction.

4) If, based on such an analysis, you have concluded that your relationship has a future, then proceed with direct measures that will force him to come to you. Go to a beauty salon and hairdresser. A friend’s fresh hairstyle and fresh complexion will certainly please the man she loves, and the transformation will undoubtedly benefit you as well.

5) If you want to make a person miss you and think about you and come to you, call him and invite him to visit. Although you can simply invite a guy to a romantic dinner without making up stories about a car or a computer. If he happily agreed, then this means that you will have the opportunity to surprise him, at the very least, with your culinary talent.

If a girl thinks about a man all the time, then very soon strong feelings will arise in her soul. If a man wants such a result, he needs to do everything so that she does not get him out of her head even for a minute. It would seem that the task of how to make a girl think about you constantly is difficult to accomplish and is possible only among experienced males, but in practice everything is much simpler.

Only a man who is well versed in female psychology, and therefore knows what women want, will be able to fill her thoughts in a short period of time. Psychologists offer 6 effective techniques that, when implemented, can win a woman’s heart. The main thing is to understand for what purpose a man wants to penetrate the head, heart and life of a girl.

Reading rules

When conducting the ceremony, it is necessary to observe certain rules:

  1. Only a person baptized according to the Orthodox rite can read the prayer. The woman on whom the ritual is performed must also be an Orthodox Christian.
  2. It is advisable to carry out rituals after sunset or at night. But if the ceremony must be performed in the morning or afternoon, this condition must be met.
  3. It is advisable to memorize the texts of spells.

A man must believe in the result and be confident in a favorable outcome.

Psychology of women and what they need

To conquer a girl, a man does not have to be handsome, strong, rich and promising. There are often cases when handsome men remain in the shadows, and seemingly unprepossessing men are popular among the female half of society. The thing is that some men are completely unaware of the essence and nature of a woman, while others clearly understand what girls want, providing them with it all.

Female psychology names the basic needs of any girl:

  1. Love - she wants to feel unique and loved by her partner, and when receiving warmth, she will always give many times more.
  2. Care - due to her weakness, a girl needs care from a strong partner, this will help her trust him, respect the man and relax with him.
  3. Understanding - she wants to see next to her someone who will understand, support, listen and console. If she is heard by a man, then she will always listen to him.
  4. Devotion - if a man puts her interests above his own, he will only inspire admiration from her.
  5. Loyalty - as mentioned earlier, a woman wants to be the only one for her partner, so that he does not see other women around him.
  6. Support - in times of sadness and blues, she needs someone who will say that everything will be fine, that everything will work out for them, lending their shoulder of support.
  7. Weasel - a woman is vulnerable and receptive, so you need to be delicate, soft and affectionate with her, patting her on the head in time.
  8. Help in everyday life - it is difficult for her to keep track of all household responsibilities and affairs, while working and taking care of children, which means she needs help in everyday life, showing that she is not a slave.
  9. Kindness - she loves with her ears, which means she needs to periodically say pleasant words, compliments, and admire her efforts, beauty and talents.
  10. Material wealth - a man must take care of the family, so you can’t blame the girl with anxious thoughts about where to get money and what to feed the children.

Be smart

Having a conversation is like playing tennis. But you have the power to change the rules of the game a little. You can interest a girl by playfully introducing flirtation into the conversation. This means not just answering a question with a question, but also making it interesting. The best use of intelligence is to conduct the dialogue in such a way that it is very difficult for her to predict your answer.

By using your wits, you can make her feel comfortable around you. Use the right compliments, sarcastic remarks and questions and you can easily turn the conversation into flirting.

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