How to make a girl love you very much. How to make a girl love you

You can make any girl fall in love with you. The main thing is to be consistent in achieving your goal and not make mistakes. If you want to make a girl fall in love with you, you need to follow a few rules.


1. Be assertive. Even if the girl rejects your advances at first, do not despair. Any girl can be forced to attract attention with wonderful courtship and sincere feelings. “Beautiful Courtship” does not strictly have to be expensive, but it does have to be strictly romantic. Don’t forget about standard techniques like flowers, poems, romantic messages, but at the same time remember that the more genuine your courtship, the faster the girl will fall in love with you. 2. Try to put yourself in a dominant position in your relationship. None of the girls like weak-willed men who adapt to them. But at the same time, be prepared to give in to her occasionally. It will be nice for a girl to feel her power over such a strong man like you. 3. Keep your promises. Girls are ready to fall in love with guys who live by the thesis “a man said, a man did.” Such men exude security, and you probably know that virtually every girl dreams of a man being a stone wall for her. 4. Don’t lie to her, even if you want to embellish yourself in her eyes. Many girls can subconsciously sense a lie, and all of them cannot stand it. If you are caught lying, know that in her eyes you will lose a lot of points. When you decide to make a girl fall in love with you, be sincere and open with her. Remember that trusting relationships are very important for a girl. 5. Don't forget about your appearance. Girls pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and therefore they will mechanically notice all the shortcomings and advantages in your appearance. And the greater his superiority, the easier it will be for a girl to fall in love with you. 6. On the way to conquering a girl, it is unthinkable to remain silent about such a point as sex. In order for a girl to completely fall in love, sex with you should be a source of not only physiological, but also sensory satisfaction for her. This doesn’t require anything special - you just need to listen observantly to the girl’s mood and be as open as possible to her.

Some men are gifted with the ability to make girls fall in love with them without any special problems. This natural gift of charm invariably aroused envy among some and respect among others. Everyone dreams of being able to evoke warm feelings from any girl they like. But what should most ordinary guys do if they can't do it in the usual way? Fortunately for them, the art of seduction is absolutely possible to learn.


1. You should start with your appearance. You don't have to wear Armani clothes to make girls fall in love with you. You just need to look neat and presentable. 2. After this, find out in detail what the girl you like is doing and what interests her. Find out her tastes and preferences - what films, books and music she likes. As a result, you will have general topics of conversation that will probably be fascinating to her. In addition, let’s say, an appropriately repeated joke from her favorite TV series is a hint for a girl about your soul mate. 3. Girls love beautiful gestures and actions. Throw her a picnic on the roof of the house with wine and treats prepared by you. It can also be a candlelit dinner or a sunset view. A large bouquet of flowers may not seem authentic, but it will probably be nice. 4. When a girl doubts something or easily wants to know someone else’s opinion on some matter, she goes to her mother or friends. Therefore, the main thing is to make a great impression on her parents and friends. If you gain their authority, this can provide invaluable support in the development of your relationship with the girl. 5. Think over your time together so that she remembers every day with you. A girl should not be bored on dates, but dream about the next time you meet. Video on the topic Please note! The girl probably won’t like: a bore, a lover of arguing about trifles, swearing, constantly judging others (it’s so easy to hurt someone’s feelings, hers or her loved ones) Helpful advice Be polite with her. Open the doors for her, give her your hand, if she’s cold, give her your jacket or jacket. These are trivial little things, but for girls they mean a lot.

Every person wants to be important to the people around him. However, if you feel like people don’t like you, it’s time to sort out your heart condition. The answer to the question “how to make someone love you” should be sought not in the people around you, but in yourself.


1. The need for love from others invariably arises when a person lacks love for himself. It seems to him that the love of others compensates for the emptiness inside. However, this is not true. Even if there is an abundance of love from the people around you, it will still not replace love for yourself. 2. More often than not, problems with self-love arise in people who were not loved in childhood. A father who is too busy with work, an indifferent mother, single-parent families, or any other reasons why the child did not have enough love from the most important people in his life did their job. The child has turned into a mature one, one who desperately seeks the love of others in order to receive what he was not given as a child. In this situation, the first thing you need to do is to reconcile with your parents in your soul, and look at the situation from a different perspective. It is possible that you easily did not notice that your parents loved you. Perhaps, due to their character or upbringing, they did not know how to show love. But virtually all parents love their children. If you think carefully, you will definitely find confirmation of this. 3. People who are accustomed to scolding themselves will certainly have problems with self-love. Even if you constantly say in a joking manner how trashy you are, the subconscious will record this and you will feel like that. Therefore, stop scolding yourself and start praising yourself. And praise for any reason. Even if you simply washed your plate, be sure to praise yourself. 4. It is extremely useful to keep a diary of your achievements, where you will write down all the great things that you have done over the past day. It is recommended to re-read the diary in the morning; it will charge you with energy for every day. 5. Love yourself. Treat yourself the way you would when you love someone else. Buy yourself everything you want, pamper yourself with gifts and nice surprises, tell yourself nice things. 6. Find an island of self-love within yourself. All day long, make it bigger and bigger, feel how you are flooded with love coming from an inner source. Do this regularly, and very soon you will feel that you have no thoughts about how to make others love you, since you yourself are full of self-love.

Every woman wants to leave a significant mark in a man’s life. She wants to become the one that he will invariably remember with special trepidation and excitement. In fact, completing this task is not as difficult as it might seem. And the secret is not at all to look somehow eccentric.


1. When you first meet a man, you need to interest him. Ordinary cute behavior is unlikely to hold his attention for long. Try to approach this issue with humor. As you talk about yourself, come up with a genuine and comedic joke that directly relates to your story. But don't go too far. Try to be as confident as possible. The man probably be able to appreciate your sense of humor and later begin to look for a meeting with you. 2. If you communicate with a man in a company, you should have several funny stories about the reserve. Many people feel awkward when they start telling something in public. It is absolutely possible to cope with this. First, practice on your friends and family. After that, use this as your trump card. With the help of a sense of humor, you will be able to not only charm a man, but also force him to adore you. And if you impressed his friends, consider him yours. 3. In order to remain in the memory of a man for life, use the following method. Spray the bed you share with your man with your perfume. You just need to do this very diligently. The smell should not be too noticeable. On the contrary, it should be subtle. It's cooler to lightly perfume your pillows. Over time, the man will get used to this smell. Further, if he encounters this smell somewhere else, your image will appear in his memory first. Smell is a powerful memory stimulant. You can also use this technique on other things. It all depends on your imagination.

Most people have things in their lives that they dream about, achieve, etc. This list can also include a joyful marriage with someone you love with all your heart. Unfortunately, a small task can get in the way of real feelings - the girl easily does not notice you. In order to achieve your goal, you will have to pay attention to yourself.


1. It’s wonderful, but true - men begin to notice hidden signs of attention from women only after reaching the age of 50. More young people “choose” to remain ignorant. 2. It turns out that you should carefully monitor the behavior of the girl you like. If you notice that from time to time she straightens her hair, twirls a lock of hair around her finger, licks her lips, or plays with small objects, bravely go to win her heart. 3. If this does not happen, you will have to try to interest your beloved. First, watch your facial expressions and movements. Your facial expression should remain open and friendly. 4. Secondly, pay attention to the girl’s well-being, try hard to stay on the same page with her. It will be awkward if you start making obscene jokes when she is angry, or complaining about life when the girl is in high spirits. 5. Third, don't be too pushy. Too many compliments and touches can only alienate the interlocutor. So, let’s say, don’t be bothered to immediately stroke the girl’s face, hair or neck. These gestures are more insightful and intimate. 6. To show your interest in a lady, fix your suit, tie or other item of clothing. By tidying up your appearance, you let the girl know that you care about her, and you care about the feeling you create. 7. Maintain eye contact. When talking to a girl, nod your head easily, agreeing with her words. This is how you can show your passion in a conversation. Under no circumstances should you yawn, look at your watch, or look around in search of something more exciting. 8. Try to be very polite, do not put pressure on the woman. Remember that girls like it when the initiative comes from a man. Video on the topic

Love is a strange feeling that can come unexpectedly or remain desired. There are situations when a guy dates a girl for a long time, but realizes that he does not feel true love for her. Such relationships need to be rescued as quickly as possible.


1. Think carefully about what feelings you have for a girl. If you don’t really like her, but you are dating her for some specific reason, say, for fear of causing her heartache or out of pity, it is better to stop such a relationship, on the contrary, you will torment yourself and her for a long time. On the other hand, if you are satisfied with everything about a girl, but the feeling of love still does not come, you need to restore order in your individual life. 2. Define what love means to you. It is acceptable that you still love your girlfriend, but for some reason you don’t understand it. Love can come in different ways: if before you had the same feelings for girls, with age a person feels less euphoria when falling in love, only if the previous relationship caused heartache. 3. Think about what you like most about a girl and what you don’t. It is possible that the whole point is in some negative character traits, or you are not satisfied with something in the appearance of your other half. Highlight all the great things that you think are worth loving about her, and think about her only in a positive light. 4. Remember under what circumstances you started dating. Most likely, there is a reason why you preferred this particular girl in order to build a relationship with her. If you can recall this in memory, you will understand that your soulmate means much more to you than it seems now. 5. Communicate and meet with the girl as often as possible. Have romantic dates and say words of love to each other. You can also discover common passions or start one big business. If possible, go on a trip together. The change of atmosphere and adventures that you will experience together will powerfully bring you closer, and love can finally awaken.

In order to give pleasure to a girl during sex, you need to be observant of her sensations. It is beneficial to try to find out what she likes. Some girls are reluctant to answer such questions, but if you carefully try different things and see how she reacts, you can always discover what brings her pleasure.

How to make a girl love you?

How to make a girl love herself - this question torments many young and not so young men who once discovered that the object of passion is completely indifferent to them, or, even worse, treats them exclusively as a friend. In order for a girl to fall in love with you, you need to do as experienced heartthrobs advise, remembering that you need to arm yourself with patience and deep knowledge of female psychology.

How to make a person love you?

You can arouse the sympathy and love of a person - man or woman, if you follow certain rules. For example, love can be a reciprocal feeling, it can arise from gratitude or admiration.

Very often people look at those they lose with different eyes. Breaking up allows you to see a person and a relationship from the outside, to evaluate positive and negative qualities. And since good things are remembered better over time than bad things, a break in communication can cause deep feelings to arise.

How to make a girl love you?

Men, especially those who find themselves in the female “friend zone,” usually want to know whether a girl can fall in love over time, or whether they

    They will forever remain just friends. In this case, the main trump cards for men who want to arouse the love of the object of passion:


The way the letter is written is the first signal for her to understand what is happening. Wrote a short love SMS? Apparently, you suddenly remembered her and experienced a surge of tenderness. A lengthy message with a couple of specific compliments? She will think that you want to communicate further, to somehow build a relationship. A long letter where you describe your feelings, pour out your soul, talk about your relationship? Be careful: such a text may frighten a modern young lady. What if you are a rare bore and will now loom on the horizon day and night?

Successful examples of SMS with text:

  • I drove past your house and thought of you, smile.
  • Today I really want to see you - I have an important secret that I want to reveal to you, you will like its plot.
  • The evening city is so good! I hope you will make it even more beautiful by agreeing to take a walk with me.

The widespread advice to compose messages with humor and imagination is a dangerous thing. When deciding what to write to a girl so that she understands that I need her, examples of successful light humor will be something like this:

  • I can’t say that everyone around is crocodiles, but without a beauty like you, it would be more difficult to put up with the surrounding reality.
  • What handbag will you be carrying tonight? I want to look decent and choose matching socks.
  • Your work and girlfriends... We will send the boss to hard labor, and I will give away my girlfriends to my sheikh friends. That's when you will always be with me!

And don’t forget that there are two things in the world that women are confident in, but constantly doubt: your love and her irresistible appearance. So don’t forget to tell her that she is divinely beautiful, at the same time smart and more valuable to you than all the treasures of the world.

How to make a girl fall in love with you and run after you?

Hello readers of the site

Greetings, connoisseur of women. I know that you are worried right now because you like a particular girl whom you admire, but she, as often happens, does not even look in your direction. You want her to run after you, to love you, but as luck would have it, all these symptoms are happening to you. That is, you run after her, show love, and she only takes advantage of it.

Surely you watched the series “Fizruk” and saw how Valya ran after Sasha (Valya is a guy, Sasha is a girl). He has been chasing Alexandra for three seasons in a row, but she prefers other guys. In the third season, she dates a 16th teenager, although she is 19 years old. She prefers anyone, but not Valentin, although he tries. Watch this series to see Vali's misbehavior. And never behave the way he does. Girls always leave guys like this in the friend zone.

Common mistakes

Here you are sitting in front of a computer or phone and deciding what to write to a girl so that she understands that I need her, in your own words... Just try not to make some typical mistakes of the male sex. Sometimes this is quite enough - your chosen one will figure out the rest herself:

  • Intrusiveness. If messages fly literally one after another, then at some point they will either become the background in her life - she will stop actively responding to them, or will begin to irritate her. Which is worse is up to you to decide.
  • Aggressiveness. If a young man constantly insists on dating, hints quite transparently at sex, demands some specific decision, an answer from his passion, most likely she will withdraw. Nobody likes to change something in their life, especially if it is not yet very clear what such a decision will entail.
  • Nagging. “I feel bad without you,” “I’m suffering,” “I’m lonely,” “I’m so unhappy” are not the best phrases to win a girl. Perhaps she will take pity on you - the female sex is weak in this regard, but such a relationship is unlikely to last long. She will run away from you to her cheerful friends or to a cheerful, successful guy.
  • To the extent of quotations. Sometimes your own words are not enough, and you really want to quote a good moment from a film, song, book... Be careful: your associations will not always be clear to her.

How to make a girl love you?

And here is the pressing question: “How to make a girl love you?” There is no answer to it. After these words, you can close the page and find another article that will reinforce your hopes with its presentation. But it won't change anything. Love either exists or it doesn’t. Love can pass after some time, or, on the contrary, flare up. If a girl doesn't love a man, then she doesn't need him. And the more a guy starts helping her, giving gifts, showering her with compliments, bending under her, the more she doesn’t need him. She'll just take advantage of it.

It should be noted that people fall in love with a personality image. For a girl to love you, you need to become different. You will have to change your appearance, habits, manner of communication, gestures, and if you hit the bull’s eye, then the girl will love you, or rather your image. And you will have to adhere to this image always. And as long as you are who you are, your beloved will look at other guys, and perceive you as Valentina from the physical education teacher (as a girlfriend).

You shouldn't be offended by a girl. Each person has his own program in his head. Each person, whether a girl or a guy, involuntarily chooses his own type for a relationship. Logically, I don't like bitches. There are many problems with them, but for some reason I am subconsciously drawn to them. This type is attractive to me because I understand that it won’t be boring with them. But I have always rejected quiet people, because from the outside I can see that I will be very bored. Comfortable, but boring. We need to look for a middle ground.

Every girl does the same. In her little head there are criteria for masculine qualities by which she selects a man. If your lover has a boyfriend, you are lucky because you can now understand what she needs. Study him from A to Z. Look at how he looks, how he communicates with others, how he talks to her, what he does, what clothes he wears. If you find him on VKontakte, you can understand his life style and compare it with your life. If you are inferior to him, then it is not surprising that your beloved preferred him. Girls are always looking for the best. This is their nature.

Having studied your opponent, you have two options: become better than him or leave everything as it is. In the first case, you really have to plow. Let's say you see that he is damn confident in himself, and your confidence is lacking. You are often constrained, when talking with your beloved, your speech becomes slurred, you get lost, the conversation becomes boring. You take this into service and fix it. By the way, confidence is the main quality that women value in men. Develop self-confidence first.

In the second case, you wave your hand to the side and leave everything as it is. Why work? It's better to wait for a girl who will love you for who you are. She will be much worse than the one you love, but she will be yours. You will be bored with her, but at least you have someone to be bored with. She will be ugly and clumsy, but she is your girl and you should appreciate her for who she is. In general, you understand me.

No less effective ways

If you are a master of caresses and various pleasures, but are looking for something new, try to show your emotions during sex. It is common to think that a girl should moan during sex, and this is typical. On the contrary, it’s somehow unusual. But the guy - no, it’s better to keep silent, on the contrary, he will be considered unmanly. Don't be shy to show how great you are to be with her. Believe me, this kind of thing excites not only men. Try telling her something nice during sex. If your meeting is soft and gentle, then it’s also cooler to say something appropriate. But during times of wild and unbridled pleasure, you can allow yourself even more harsh words. Finally, this doesn’t work for everyone. Try it and see how she reacts. And in general, a little madness won't hurt. Probably your girl wouldn’t refuse hard sex either, within reasonable limits, finally, but it should be something that will force all other thoughts to disappear from her head! Spanking or biting would probably be helpful. But there is no need to be shy about asking if she likes it; on the contrary, you risk depriving her of pleasure.

Relationships are built on trust. The main thing is that you can rely on your companion as you would on yourself, and there is no need to doubt his words. If your beloved regularly lies to you, such a prophetic arrangement cannot but upset you.

How to make a girl run after you?

There's no way to do it. Again, girls either run after you or don't run. And if you need a girl to run after you, become very valuable in her eyes. A man who is of serious value to a girl is always in demand. What does it mean to be valuable? Why do you think girls love wealthy men? Because they are valuable! The girl understands that with him, she will have everything: a car, travel, a fur coat, diamonds. But it looks like prostitution. Guys don't appreciate such girls and leave them.

Still, you need to work on your income. I'm not saying that you need to become a millionaire. You just have to make good money. You need this. Good income increases your confidence.

Your value rises when a girl sees that there are other girls around you. All women subconsciously compete for men. As soon as you turn your attention to another woman, your lover begins to get nervous. She may hide it carefully, but you can’t fool nature. If you have been caring for her for a long time, and then suddenly change the focus of your attention to another object, then she, noticing this, will begin to worry. Girls don't like to lose their fans. It pisses them off.

And this is how you can make her run after you. But this technique rarely works. Usually the girl gets offended and begins to ignore you in response. Well, let. Your communication with her ends, and you calmly begin to look at other girls who reciprocate your feelings, as a result of which you no longer read the article: “How to make a girl love you?” or “How to make a girl run after you?”

There is another powerful trick to make a girl run after you. You won't believe it, but this technique is great sex. And now you don't understand me. How is it that I can’t even kiss her, and you’re talking to me about sex. Who said that I am writing this article exclusively for your case? There are guys who are in relationships, but their girlfriends are cold towards them. If a guy blows his mind at a girl during sex, she will run after him. Some girls are willing to put up with the fact that their guy is dating other girls, but will not stop communicating with him just because of great sex. Great sex guarantees that you will be the only man.

And if you are in a relationship and your girlfriend is cold towards you, then you should think about the quality of your sex with her. Is there such a thing that after five minutes of sex you turn away from her and start snoring? If you recognize yourself, then you urgently need to correct yourself. If you don't change your attitude towards your girlfriend, then don't expect her to be with you for the rest of your life. Sooner or later she will find another guy who knows how to fuck and stay with him. The power of sex cannot be underestimated. With its help you can tie any girl to you. Read the article: “How to do this correctly or how to have sex correctly? 18+".

For a girl to fall in love with you and start chasing you, she must be afraid of losing you. If she is not afraid of losing you, then you are of no value to her. She doesn't care about you, and in this case you will no longer be able to influence her behavior. But if she values ​​you and begins to feel that you are about to disappear from her life, she begins to do everything to prevent this from happening. Then the girl falls in love and starts chasing you. But for this to work, she must not be indifferent to you. There should already be some kind of foundation.

I think I answered your two questions: “How to make a girl love you?” and “How to make a girl run after you?” Now it's up to you. Watch the video.

Where to start

It is important to understand that orgasm in girls is not only physiological in nature, but also psychological. Therefore, to begin with, you should make sure that nothing prevents her from receiving pleasure. Create an atmosphere in which she can truly relax. Start with foreplay. Unhurried kisses, touches: you must make sure that the girl is ready, do not rush too much. A wonderful way to please your partner is cunnilingus. Be gentle and considerate. Often young people do not understand very well how emotional a girl’s clitoris is. Trying to give her pleasure, they act too passionately or assertively. This leads to the fact that instead of wonderful sensations, the girl receives pain or discomfort in the most intimate and emotional part of her body. Then she persuades you that she doesn’t like it when they try to give her oral pleasure, and regular sex is something that suits her much more, primitively, because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. In reality, cunnilingus done correctly is a guarantee of orgasm, and , it comes very quickly, literally in 2-5 minutes. Try to learn more about how to caress the clitoris, and be extremely gentle and careful in your attempts. At the very least, it’s worth starting with extreme tenderness. If a girl wants more hard clitoral caresses, she'll let you know.

During the day

She had worked for several hours and was a little tired. Tell her how beautiful and smart she is. This will charge her with positivity and lift her spirits. Now is the time to provide support and show attention and care, which will confirm the seriousness of your feelings.

  • “I can’t concentrate on work. I think about the most wonderful girl in the world that I was lucky enough to meet.”
  • “All day long I feel the pleasant smell of your perfume, hear your melodic voice, feel your gentle touches. I think I'm sick of you."
  • “Every time I look forward to our meeting to spend time with an intelligent and charming beauty.”
  • “It’s raining outside, probably because you’re sad. Give people joy - smile."
  • Encourage her, for example, with an offer to go shopping with her on the weekend: “I hope you will be pleased with the purchase of a new dress. I promise to go around all the stores and patiently choose things for you. Let's spend a pretty penny. You deserve it, my hard worker."
  • "You're the best. Always remember this."
  • “Brilliant, gorgeous, kind, smart, charismatic, special, loved. Sending you a million kisses and good mood.”
  • “Let everything work out in your hands, my hardworking bee. And if problems suddenly happen, I am ready to protect you from any trouble and misfortune.”
  • “You are my guiding star, illuminating my thorny path in life. Your advice and your support are so important to me. I want to remain forever in your sweet captivity.”


Don’t drive her into a corner with your frank letter: she will be forced to give an answer, and it’s not a fact that you will like it. Lead her to the idea that you need her vitally, very gradually. Don’t put such a serious decision on fragile women’s shoulders. Become a part of her every day, albeit small, but obligatory and pleasant, and do not miss the moment when she is ready to take a counter step.

  1. If you want to write something nice to your girlfriend, try not to be corny. The phrases “how are you?”, the vague “let’s go somewhere in the evening” are so hackneyed that they have become a simple expression of politeness, rather than romantic feelings. These same thoughts can be expressed differently:
      “My horoscope says that today is a great day to continue making new acquaintances. Let's check it out tonight?!"
  2. “Angels are always in a good mood, but just in case, let me clarify: are you all right?”
  3. “How is the most wonderful girl in the world feeling?”
  4. She may treat pretentious and unusual expressions as irony or even sarcasm. Therefore, such words should not be used when writing a nice message for a girl.
      First of all, they must be appropriate, sincere and warm: “You are my sunshine. Shine and give beauty to this world."
  5. Highlight what you especially like about her: “I think about you all the time: before my eyes is your sweet smile, gentle look, silky hair.” “Great photos on your page. But in life your figure is even more luxurious.”
  6. Note her character strengths: “You are one of the few people I can trust.” “You know how to see the unusual in the ordinary. This fascinates me." “I like your desire for self-development and self-knowledge.” “You don’t deny your mistakes and learn from them. These qualities amaze me." “Your parents raised a wonderful daughter.”
  7. Emphasize its importance to you: “You charge me with positivity. I'm happy next to you." “You inspire me to new achievements. Now I’m ready for exploits.”
  8. Compliments are a powerful weapon in the right hands. What nice words can you write to a girl?
  9. Do not overuse compliments, otherwise the girl will stop appreciating them.
  10. To please your friend, you can write to her that you have prepared a surprise or gift for her. “I got my tickets, we’re leaving tomorrow. The courier will deliver my card to you, buy what you need for your vacation at sea.” “A surprise awaits you in the evening. As incredible, wonderful, sweet as you.” “A gift for my beloved is on the way.”
  11. Brevity is the soul of wit. Be concise in expressing your thoughts. Try to keep it to two or three sentences.
  12. Your message must be literate, without obscene and vulgar expressions or vulgarity. In order to write text without errors, you can use special applications.
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