What to do if a girl doesn’t listen to you: advice from a psychologist

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Category: Current, Video, For men, Relationships with a girl


We all know that a man is traditionally assigned a leading role in relationships - from the fact that he takes the initiative when meeting people, and ending with the fact that he becomes the head of the family.

But very often clients complain to me that the girl does not allow them to prove themselves as a leader. Why does this happen and what to do? Roughly speaking: what to do if a girl doesn’t listen?

How to punish a girl?

However, we must immediately warn that punishment is a powerful tool; it can be both very effective and very destructive for relationships. If you don't know how to use it. Therefore, if you do it incorrectly and at the wrong time, she will either lose interest in you or stop respecting you. In this article I will try to give you the most clear examples of why and how you can punish a girl.

  1. One of the most common offenses is that she didn’t show up for a date. The main thing is to show her how disappointed you are in her after this. To do this, you can write her something like this in SMS - “I could have warned her that I was scared, although you created the impression of a strong and brave girl,” or something like that, to touch her to the quick. That is, you show her that in your eyes she turned out to be worse than you expected and what she presented herself with. But if such words don’t hurt her at all, and she doesn’t make excuses, then she’s simply not interested in you properly, or even completely indifferent. It is better to break off communication with such a person altogether. But there is another option. Just come home and call her, ask why she didn't come. Then make another date and don’t come again. Then come up with a euphonious reason that will let her know that your world is not focused on her, and you may have more important things to do. However, you have forgiven her, you are ready to meet, but you are not going to humiliate yourself for this.
  2. Another common option is to ignore SMS and calls. In fact, in her opinion, such behavior may generally seem “not fatal”; she may even deliberately “warm up” you this way, or rather, your interest in her. But all this, of course, is very offensive and will not lead to anything good for you in the end. If this happens sometimes, then the option of unintentionality may naturally be present. However, regular ignoring should lead you to the appropriate thought.
    At the same time, if she has complaints about her, and you are not yet in a relationship, you should not lead to this provocation. Otherwise, she will feel your weakness and her importance. How to teach a girl a lesson for disrespect in this case? First of all, don’t show that you’re offended, just don’t take the initiative for a few days. If your ignoring has no effect, then write her a message. At the same time, begin to actively tease her about the available reasons, ignore some questions, and generally answer briefly and dryly. Use a kind of ignore ladder - with each new jamb, increase the duration of your own ignore. Of course, this could end in a complete breakdown of the relationship, but this should not bother you or stop you. After all, if she neglects you, then you don’t have any relationship yet.
  3. Raising her voice and even insults on her part should also not go unpunished. If you let such behavior go, you will certainly lose respect and authority, which should remain unquestioned. The worst thing is, of course, insults, even the most innocent-looking ones. First you need to calmly and strictly find out why she told you all this. She can try to immediately turn everything into a joke, but you shouldn’t agree to that either. Punishment for a girl must be tangible. Note that the smartest people can try to logically explain their bad deed, but no logic gives her the right to talk to you in such a tone. Remember this. Therefore, you must do everything here so that she apologizes, and understand that doing this in the future is against your principles. It goes without saying that it can “turn on” both indifference and misunderstanding. However, in this case, you need to immediately ignore the girl, and if she continues to stick to her theme, then think about whether you need one at all. After all, she is either stupid or doesn’t think about respecting you at all.
  4. Another relevant point is disobedience. That is, you forbid her something, but she does it anyway. How to punish a girl in this case so that it goes well? There is no need to talk about it, because she simply ignored your request. So respond in kind, just forget her for a few days. And again, think about whether the relationship is worth continuing if she does not understand why she is being punished.
  5. She may argue with you. Such disputes should not formally affect you in any way; it’s as if you don’t take them seriously. However, if the argument is really serious and she is wrong, then you should punish her. If she uses humor, wants to turn everything into a joke, then do the same. The main thing is that she understands that you do not agree with her and think she is stupid. But don’t even think about dragging out this game for too long. Tell them you just don’t talk to fools.

Is it possible to get a girl's respect?

Favorite people are the most precious thing in everyone's life. Without the support and understanding of family and friends in our time, it is very difficult to achieve success in life. However, there are situations when the girl you love does not appreciate the actions that you do for her, and also does not appreciate you as a person.

In such situations, no matter how hard the guy tries, his actions do not inspire respect from the girl he loves. Taking into account the fact that such situations are not uncommon, the question “how to get a girl’s respect?” is extremely relevant.

First of all, in order to make a girl respect herself, it is necessary to demonstrate to her the respect of others. You should be respected by your friends, your parents, teachers and other people.

At the same time, you shouldn’t embellish yourself. For example, lie about having your own business or influential friends, since this can cause serious complications in relationships in the future. Visit the pool, gym, or just do something interesting. You must convince the girl that you are a comprehensively developed person.

In order to gain the girl's respect, you must make the girl herself start looking for a meeting with you. Women always value more what they don't have, which is why by reducing the likelihood of your regular meetings, you will become more in demand.

By surprising your girlfriend, you will make her appreciate you, since they are very sensitive to the monotonous gray everyday life. Regularly arrange various surprises for your girlfriend, and also try to please her with symbolic gifts. To do this, you can wake up earlier and prepare breakfast for her. By introducing romance into your relationship, you will not only force her to respect you, but also become much closer to each other.

If all the above methods do not work, you can take specific measures. You can, for example, temporarily stop or limit communication with her, so that she understands that it is much more cozy and comfortable with you. The fact is that a person begins to appreciate what he has only when he understands that he can lose it.

Give the girl the opportunity to lose you, and if she realizes her mistakes, let her feel all the charm of your relationship with her again. If everything goes smoothly and she really loves you, after your reunion, the relationship will reach a whole new level, and rest assured that she will begin to appreciate you and what you do for her.

Why can you punish a girl?

Naturally, there is not and cannot be a universal list of actions for which any girl will automatically receive punishment. Everyone creates such a list for themselves. If you intend to build a long-term and strong relationship with this girl, you must know in advance what actions on the part of your significant other you will under no circumstances tolerate around you. These actions will inevitably cause discord in your relationship and disrupt your peace and balance.

The most common offenses of girls:

  • the desire to speak in a raised voice and insult;
  • the desire to constantly and without much sense argue and insist on one’s own at all costs;
  • demonstrative or secret disobedience, violation of what was previously agreed upon;
  • showing interest in another guy, cheating;
  • systematic delays, lack of response to calls and SMS.

It is better to eliminate such actions in the bud rather than live with them in a state of constant conflict.

You've become less confident

It doesn’t matter how successful you are at your job or how others view you. You should always remain the alpha male to your woman. She will see how society reacts to you, how they communicate with you at work, but personal communication is still of great importance. It is important for her to see next to her the same man on whom she once managed to rely.

For example, over the years your body has changed, the hair on your head has become less, but the fat on your belly has just increased. You are not happy about this and think that you can stop, pick up the remote control, put on an alcoholic T-shirt and watch TV all day long. The problem is not even in your appearance, but in your lifestyle: you wrote yourself off, joined the cohort of losers and found a warm place for yourself there. It is natural that a woman will stop respecting a man who lacks initiative and has lost all his goals in life.

What You Need to Remember Before Punishing a Girl

  • The purpose of punishing a girl is to change her behavior. If you are not going to continue the relationship with her, but just want to punish her for her wounded pride, it’s better to restrain yourself. By your reaction, you should show that you will continue to date her if she stops doing this. Otherwise, just end the relationship.
  • Don't hurt the girl, either physically or mentally. This will not improve the situation, but will only make it worse. In addition, the use of physical force and insults entails responsibility. The state, relatives, and friends can stand up for the girl. And then they can punish you for the wrong choice of methods of punishment.
  • If you decide to punish a girl, be firm and do what you promised her. Often, girls themselves unconsciously test your determination. If you change your mind, you risk losing respect.
  • Punish only serious offenses. Hysteria over every little issue is not a masculine trait.

A few more words about punishment

From personal experience I will say that training a girl is a thankless task. You can mold an ideal out of her, and tomorrow this happiness will go to someone else. Therefore, it is much more important to establish contact from the very beginning and learn to talk openly about everything and find compromises. Of course, it’s much easier to shout or ignore, but then if you do something wrong, she will do the same.

But if there is no other option and you cannot do without punishment, then make sure that your actions are not dictated by the desire to hurt your significant other (if you plan to continue the relationship). Your only goal should be to protect your own dignity, to learn that you will not tolerate such treatment on her part.

And finally, after waiting for the girl’s repentance, nobly forgive her. Celebrate the reconciliation and try not to remind her of this incident.

Olga, Krasnoarmeysk

An effective way to punish a girl

How to punish a girl so that she realizes her mistake? If a girl repeatedly commits an act that you consider unacceptable (after you have clearly explained to her why she is wrong and why it should not be done), the best way to punish her is to ignore her. Let her know that if she continues to behave this way, she will lose you. If a girl shows that she is ready to change, forgive her. After this, your relationship will improve. If she insists on her way, then this is not your girlfriend. You failed to interest her. The best course of action in this case is to find your other half.

Unfortunately, girls do not always behave correctly, hang up, deceive, insult. It’s unbearable to endure, but I don’t want to break off the relationship just yet. What to do in this case, how to punish the girl so that she realizes her guilt and changes her behavior?

How to get respect and obedience from a girl

Sometimes men get tired of women's oddities. The heroine of a famous film, “all so sudden,” can turn anyone’s head, but building a long-lasting relationship with such a girl can be very difficult. Young people dream of an obedient girl.

Remember that your girlfriend is an adult, even if it seems to you that she is just a child. Sometimes, behind external beauty lies a very strong character. It’s also better to take a closer look at her and decide, is she ready to become yours forever?

To understand and to forgive

It sounds a little strange, but it actually works. You must internally forgive the girl who has offended you, otherwise resentment will creep into your every action. And she certainly doesn’t make the guy look good. Feeling her power over your emotions, a girl may begin to manipulate. Therefore, keep your head cool and act logically and prudently.

Tell her: “You have the right to behave as you want, but I don’t have to put up with all this.” And really, think about it, do you need such a relationship? Isn’t it easier now to find someone who will treat you with love and respect? In general, cool your ardor, look around and remember what you don’t need to do (until the conflict is settled):

You have no purpose in life

A man without a goal is like a ship without a helmsman: he will sail until he runs aground or crashes on the rocks. Having a goal in life and going towards it is one of the best ways to maintain the respect of your woman. When you have grandiose plans and constantly work to bring them to life, your woman will see you as a leader and admire it.

And this is incredibly disappointing not only for us, but also for your friend, because you have stopped your crusade in search of the Grail of success and self-realization. You only talk about your unfulfilled ambitions, about how much you should have done, but in fact, every day you only turn up the TV volume and complain about fate. When you refuse training and development and turn into an amoeba with a narrow range of interests, you are unlikely to be able to maintain the respect of your woman. Make plans for 5, 10, 20 years ahead, don’t dare limit yourself at any age and don’t stop dreaming. Don’t write yourself off ahead of time, so as not to lose the respect of those closest to you.

Skillful trainer

Remember, in order to achieve the correct behavior of a girl, it is important to skillfully use not only the tool of punishment, but also encouragement. Using only one whip, you will only achieve hostility and loss of respect.

“There is a means to prevent crimes - these are punishments; there are means to change morals - these are good examples.” Charles Louis de Montesquieu.

Therefore, do not forget to encourage her good deeds, give compliments, give gifts, etc. And, of course, do not punish just like that, for a trifle (for example, if she was 5 minutes late). But if the offense is serious, without delay, take action:

  • deprive of affection, compliments and gifts;
  • talk seriously, coldly and calmly;
  • look straight into the eyes;
  • cut off any hysteria or manipulation in the bud;
  • Don't spend a lot of time talking or meeting.

That's basically all, the further course of events depends on the girl. Sometimes she may not react immediately, but this does not mean she has no feelings for you.

Remember that everyone's character is different. In addition, at the beginning of a relationship, couples often test personal boundaries, and if they are not set initially, then consider it a disaster.

How do men punish girls for cheating?

Situations often occur in which the wrong behavior of girls threatens to break off a love relationship. They often behave arrogantly, humiliate the guy's dignity and try to manipulate him. Young people strive to maintain long-term relationships, but at the same time change the behavior of girls for the better. There are several psychological methods by which girls are punished without the use of force.

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At the very beginning of a relationship, a girl can be forgiven for disrespectful communication and addressing a young man. It sounds quite strange, but from the point of view of psychologists, it works. The guy forgives the girl and gives her the right to realize her mistake. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of emotions and show common sense.

The girl must understand that for disrespect for her young chosen one, he can break off relations with her. For a while, you need to stop writing and calling your beloved. During this period, you need to stay cool and stay a little in solitude. Every action must be done deliberately.

How to teach a girl a lesson

If there is a need to take revenge on a woman or make her feel bad mentally because of her bad deeds, it is best to familiarize yourself with what is written in this and other thematic articles and not make hasty decisions.

How to teach a girl a lesson for lying, for being a sneak and for disrespect, indifference, resentment, betrayal

You can teach a girl a lesson for lying, for being a sneak and for disrespect, indifference, resentment, betrayal and other equally serious flaws in her behavior either by lightly spanking her, which is not entirely pedagogical, or by sulking for two weeks and stopping all attempts to resume communication.

How to teach a girl a lesson because she thinks she's cool

You can teach a girl a lesson because she considers herself cool by completely ignoring her existence altogether.

How to teach a girl a lesson for smoking, swearing, ignoring

It is unlikely that you will be able to rehabilitate a girl who smokes and swears, but telling her that such behavior does not suit her and that it is unpleasant for you to be in her company at such moments will not hurt. If a girl is not stupid and wants to maintain a warm relationship with you, she will try to change. Otherwise, you don’t need such a friend either.

How to punish a girl from a distance for disobedience

You can punish a girl from a distance for disobedience by letting her realize that her action caused you pain and left an unpleasant aftertaste on your soul.

How to teach a lesson to a girl who offends you, cheated on you and left you, doesn’t call you and doesn’t appreciate you, gets impudent

A girl who doesn't appreciate you doesn't need to prove anything at all - she won't understand it. Break contact with her - you deserve normal human relationships!

How not to become a “sponsor” and an “ATM machine”

This is another problem that I often encounter in consultations: many men are afraid that girls will take advantage of them, and therefore cannot find a balance between reasonable frugality and generosity. Yes, no one is safe from meeting a girl who is only focused on money and gifts. But, you have to admit, are you forced to date someone like that? Let her look for a sponsor, what does this have to do with you?

And then I foresee that someone has a question in their head: “Well, how can this be, what should I do if I can’t live without her, and she doesn’t want to meet without expensive gifts?” Nothing to do. A situation in which you are dependent on a girl, and she only needs money from you, is not normal, and it should not arise in principle. Dependence on another person should be perceived as a disease from which you need to recover quickly. If you think over and over again that you just need to “push” a little, give her some expensive thing, take her on vacation, and she will definitely fall in love - don’t deceive yourself. If a girl is determined to use you, this cannot be changed without breaking up.

And finally, some advice for those who do not want to become a “sponsor”:

  • Don't try to impress with exorbitant spending.

If you invite a girl on a date to a cafe where you regularly go, that’s normal. But if you specifically collected money to impress her with a trip to a cool restaurant, this is a very bad idea. Don’t be ashamed of your financial situation and your level, then no one will try to “promote” you.

  • Don't rush to give expensive gifts.

If you have just started dating, it is quite normal to limit yourself to a symbolic gift, even for a birthday or March 8th. And then pay attention to whether she gives you at least something. No, of course, there is no need to count the price of gifts - this is petty and stupid. But if you presented a ring, and in return they congratulated you only in words, the situation, frankly speaking, is not very good. It is good to be generous, but it is bad to be generous with people who are indifferent to you.

  • Never try to “buy attention” with money.

If she agrees to a meeting only in response to some kind of investment on your part, everything is clear here without further ado. A self-respecting person does not need such meetings. You don't want to date a call girl, do you? Well, it's the same thing.

And to summarize, I want to traditionally offer a video in which I’ll tell you a little more about what to do if a girl doesn’t listen to you. Most of my advice is aimed at men, but if girls are reading me, I think it will also be useful for them to consider some points in order to maintain a harmonious relationship.

How to punish a girl correctly: examples of situations and punishments?

Punishment is a universal tool that helps achieve correct behavior. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. Some even punish themselves - to develop will, kill laziness, overcome fears. What can we say about such foolish creatures as girls? Knowing how to punish a girl, you will correct her behavior the way you need.

This is a powerful tool. It is effective when used correctly and destructive in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they are doing. Punish her the wrong way and she will stop respecting you and then lose interest in you.

But everything is learned by comparison, so in this article I will show you clearly how to punish a girl in order to achieve your own goals and strengthen your union. We will look at the most common situations when a girl cannot be left unpunished, and I will tell you what “preventive measure” should be chosen so that this does not happen again .

She didn't show up for the date

One of the essential parts of punishment is to show that you are disappointed in the person. In this case, this will be enough.

Don’t bother calling her: just write a short message that should say something like this: “You created the impression of being brave and confident. It's a pity that this is not the case. I could have warned you by saying that I was scared.”

A message like this should hurt her. Here you are showing that your hopes and reality were not met, which means she will feel that she was worse than you thought.

If this doesn’t bother her and she doesn’t try to prove anything, it will be an indication that you couldn’t interest her . This means you can forget her, because advice on how to punish a girl does not work if she is absolutely indifferent to you.

Method number 2. When you return home, call the girl and, without showing emotion, ask why she never showed up. Then make another date. Only now you won’t come to it yourself.

When talking to you, she should feel a clear message: you have forgiven her, but you will not humiliate yourself in order to finally meet.

“Ignore” your messages and calls

When she ignores you a little (we're talking about one or two messages or a call when she didn't pick up the phone and didn't call back), it's not very nice, but it's not “deadly.” In her opinion. And by the same token, you shouldn’t attach much importance to it. True, there are cases when this was done unintentionally - simple forgetfulness and being busy at that time. But when this is repeated, there is a trend.

You should not complain to her about this (if you are not in a relationship). She will feel her high importance and your weakness.

How then to act so as not to let her get away with it?

If you are thinking about how to punish a girl in this case, then it is better to forget about it for a few days. In the meantime, don’t pay any attention to her , don’t show any initiative.

If she doesn't pay attention to this, you can write to her. But now communicate completely differently: actively tease her, ignore some of her questions and messages (just so that it doesn’t look like some kind of petty revenge), answer dryly and briefly.

In such actions, it is necessary to use a kind of ladder: if a similar mistake on her part is repeated, each time increase the time of completely ignoring it. The second time - up to a month, the third time - for six months. In fact, this can be considered a complete cessation of communication with a girl who has lost trust. In the meantime, you can switch to others.

Shouting/insulting from her

This kind of thing cannot be forgiven at all . And here it is important to know how to punish a girl so that she understands everything. Moreover, such cases should never be left unpunished.

Understand that even if you forgive such behavior at least sometimes, you are guaranteed to lose her respect and authority, which should be indisputable. And if you can do it once, then it’s just possible. If not a breakup, then we can definitely talk about a cooling of the relationship.

Worse than raising your tone is an insult . Moreover, such an insult may not be very “powerful”: “idiot” or “moron” in response to your joke - that’s enough.

How to punish a girl in this case?

It is necessary to ask her in a calm and serious tone why she did it. Even if she tries to make it all a joke. If she can't answer, say that "it was the first and last time she did something like this."

Particularly “smart” girls in this case will try to explain their action from a logical point of view. But no matter what she says, you can ask the following question: “Does that give you the right to talk to me in that tone?”

All these actions of yours are aimed at making her apologize or realize her wrong behavior, which, of course, can be seen by her appearance.

But you can also witness the opposite reaction - a complete lack of understanding of your mistake, indifference. In this case, you should immediately stop communicating , or better yet leave. If this is a telephone conversation, you need to hang up. If after that she doesn’t take any action to make amends for the situation, then this is not the kind of girl who will respect you, and you should think about whether you need her at all.


This is a very common situation.
You ask her to forbid something - for example, to go somewhere - but she still does it. How to punish a girl if she didn't listen to you?

There is no point in starting a conversation in this situation. There is nothing to talk about - she simply ignored your request. Therefore, you can answer symmetrically: turn on “ignore” for several days or even a week. If this measure does not have an effect, it is worth thinking about the advisability of continuing such a relationship, where your word means nothing.

Arguing with you

Don’t let her see that the arguments somehow hurt you.

Simple disputes should not be taken even with the slightest degree of seriousness. Use them to pin her easily. But if she gets involved in a serious argument with you , you need to think about how to punish the girl.

This should be done easily and as if as a joke.

Pretend that you are offended by her, but in such a way that she understands that this is clearly a pantomime joke. You can even say something like this: “I don’t talk to bad guys.”

Usually everything in this case is translated into humor, and the subject of the dispute loses importance or its course is greatly softened.

When it's better not to

People who are far from BDSM culture do not always know that its main principle is safety. And even such a seemingly harmless thing as a gag can cause serious harm to health or even cause death in your sexual play. And this is no joke. The use of a gag has a number of contraindications: asthma, epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and even old maxillofacial injuries. Don't take unnecessary risks if any of these points apply to you or your partner. There are quite a lot of other sexual practices in the world that will add spice to your relationship, try something different.

Also, do not forget about hygiene. A gag is an item for personal use, you don't share your toothbrush with other people? It's the same story with him. No matter what kind of trust you have, personal hygiene is paramount, and using a gag from a previous relationship with a new couple would be a bad idea. Just buy a new one.

Caucasian principle of education

In Islam, people live according to certain religious traditions. Caucasians are considered the most courageous defenders. They do not forgive insults, evil and cowardice. Any girl who lives in the Caucasus knows all the local norms of behavior and does not violate them. This is especially true for disrespect towards your man. Girls are punished for stupid actions exclusively morally without the use of male force. A real man does not raise his hand to a woman. Otherwise he will be punished.

A woman must constantly obey her man and create a cozy environment in the house. She must treat all relatives in the family with respect, honor older people and take care of the younger generation.

Typically, in Caucasian families, women do not commit illegal actions that could anger a man. They perform all their duties with due respect. In families, there can be no talk of betrayal. In case of infidelity, the couple is divorced and the girl has no right to remarry.

These are the laws that all female representatives adhere to and do not violate. Men protect their family from harm and are the main defenders of their fortress.

Daily sex

“You don’t want me at all! Why are you lethargic all the time? When was the last time we made love,” she tells you? And here, of course, you want to fly up in righteous anger. Because you have a new project at work, everything is also complicated and her head hurts, a new season of some Homeland has been released, but it turns out that it’s your fault. Stop! Sex is cool and pleasant, your daily dose of endorphins will make you feel better, it's great exercise, and sleep - what's sleep? We'll sleep in a coffin. In short, the best revenge in this situation is a daily routine. In three days she will be bragging about you to her friends. A week later at work she will be asked what happened to her gait and where this clubfoot came from. In ten days she will be VERY surprised. In two weeks, he will start hinting that he might as well watch TV. In four years you will fuck her completely, and she will ask for mercy.

You're not dominant

Do you know which marriages are destroyed with a 90% probability? Those in which the domineering wife dominates, and the husband obediently carries out her orders, and this is truly terrible. In many families, a matriarchal system develops in which a woman takes over many of the most important functions of a man: she begins to make the most important decisions, determines in which direction you will move, and delegates some women's responsibilities to a man, which he meekly performs. In this situation, men themselves put the eggs in the box and give them to their woman for free use.

How to take revenge on the person who offended you

There are almost as many opinions on this matter as there are living people. In our age of developed information technology, we, of course, do not act as our relatives did in the distant past. But this same time, in turn, dictates new prospects for a more elegant and thoughtful revenge.

Regardless of what level of society you belong to, not everyone will decide to discuss their feelings with others. This bitter disappointment sits quite deep in your soul. However, so is the anger in the heart of your opponent.

Motives that are most often the root cause of revenge:

  • Insidious attitude
  • Envy,
  • Infidelity,
  • Betrayal,
  • Humiliation,
  • Insult and so on.

As you can see, these reasons are not always truly worthy. In some cases, your action may turn out to be low. But how to get out of the situation if you have really been seriously hurt?

Give up the computer

Are you spending too much time on social media and not paying enough attention to her? OKAY BABY! No, it’s clear that someone is wrong on the Internet, and political fights on Facebook have not been canceled. But no, no. Armchair warriors are on the warpath. We put Facebook aside for a week and... and start talking to her. About her work. About your work. About the international situation. About how good it was during the scoop. Or, conversely, bad. Have a political discussion with her. Finally, talk about tanks. This will end very soon: at some point you will come home, and a smiling wife will be waiting for you, dinner and a laptop standing right in front of the plate. Because a) you won’t tell her anything new, you talked about all the burning topics during the first three dates, b) she’s not interested in dancing at all, c) now she also had to not log into her VKontakte account, not play the “dress up” game fashion model”, do not discuss with indignation how famous TV presenters dress and do not solve other eternal questions of existence.

How not to lose your authority:

  • Even in conflicts, try not to scream - this lowers the “value” of your words and makes you weaker. You can raise your voice, but do it calmly, don’t shout.
  • Do not allow yourself to be drawn into endless disputes - if you have made a decision, then go to the end. At most, you can explain your decision, but you don’t need to look for arguments for a thousand of her objections and try to convince her. Your word must have weight so that it is taken into account, and your decisions must be clear and unambiguous.
  • Don’t expect constant initiative from a girl - if you passively expect her to figure out how you’ll spend the weekend, where you’ll go on vacation, where you’ll go in the evening, there won’t be any talk of your leadership.
  • Don’t start quarrels over trifles - by constantly criticizing a girl or trying to “push” her on some unimportant issues, you risk developing a kind of immunity in her. Simply put, she will stop paying attention to your criticism. Your word will mean more if you rarely express dissatisfaction, but only on important issues. And there is no need to make concessions here.

In a word, I want to say that there is no magic way to make a girl obey and respect - respect, in principle, cannot be obtained by force or demanded. It can only be earned by correct behavior, firmness of your decisions and self-confidence.

Do not scream

Even newborn kittens can raise their voices at opponents, so the ability to make loud sounds in moments of excitement does not give you weight at all. Representatives of our species use screaming in order to: a) call other members of the pack for help; b) bring yourself into a sufficiently excited state, preparing to repel the enemy; c) scare the enemy.

Therefore, screaming is a sign of weakness, a sign that you are almost losing control over the situation, for which you are already attracting your last reserves.

Children scream more often than women, women scream more often than men. Very strong men do not raise their voices at all. Because they don't need to.

Irina: “Everything about Yaroslav became clear to me when after dinner he took me home. In the car, he screamed like a woman at everyone who cut him off, overtook him, slowed down in the wrong place, or turned the wrong way. And if, getting into the car, I was thinking about what to answer him if he wanted to come up to my house, then, leaving it, I knew for sure that this dinner was our last meeting."

Dress well

This is a difficult number, but it's worth it. “Why do you always dress like a homeless person?” Well, in particular, my dear, you dress well, I would like to say here. But it will be an insult (and then punishment), so no, let’s make the dream come true. We go to some “Mega” (and yes, reluctantly, we take our sweetheart with us and listen to her advice, answer very politely) and dress well. Expensive. We buy designer jeans. We buy an inexpensive jacket to go with them, about thirty thousand. We buy T-shirts not for 250 rubles, as usual, when old T-shirts decay, but good, thick cotton T-shirts with designer prints. We buy soft, wonderfully flowing lounge trousers so that we don’t have to walk around the house in stretched sweatpants. We spend two-thirds of our salary on this. For the rest of the month we limit ourselves in everything, we eat buckwheat and lentils, we don’t go to restaurants, we don’t buy boots, we answer all questions: “Well, you wanted me to dress well.” If it doesn’t work, you can repeat it next month. And on vacation, go to your mother’s dacha - walk in the forest and fish, while my dear takes care of the potatoes.

Just in case, let us emphasize once again: we men are very peace-loving. We need to de-escalate the conflict and avoid it in the future. We want to live calmly and moderately, scratch our dignity, watch TV, eat borscht, bring home a salary, kiss and hug, and be brainwashed as little as possible. And for this we are ready to do a lot.

How to choose?

First, decide what you want to get from the gag. To prevent a person from uttering a word, the gag must be located inside the mouth and fix the lower jaw and tongue. Practitioners of BDSM on a regular basis will not find anything unusual in this, while untrained people are unlikely to have a desire to repeat such violence against the oral cavity. So it’s better to start with other, simpler types.

The snaffle is the best option for beginners. It is a hard stick upholstered in soft material. Not to be confused with the element of horse harness! However, in a sex shop they will give you advice and help you choose the best option for you. The snaffle leaves some freedom, and you can definitely distinguish between satisfied moans and cries for help.

Rings and spacers are another popular option that offer a number of benefits. Firstly, such a gag does not interfere with breathing; air passes through it freely. Secondly, it leaves a lot of opportunities for oral sex if the partner does not object, and the ring is of sufficient size so that your “device” can penetrate it. Even though the mouth is not blocked, you will not be able to speak with the ring. Try talking with your mouth open and see for yourself.

A ball gag is a more hardcore option. If you decide to start with this, make sure that there are holes in it to provide air access. The material from which the ball is made must be elastic and soft so as not to harm the teeth. To determine the optimal size, take a bite of an apple. No, don’t try to bite off as large a piece as possible, you need a regular bite, comfortable and not requiring you to stretch your jaws to the point of cracking.

However, you don’t have to buy a gag, but make do with improvised means. Even the items of clothing will match, from his tie to her thong. Just don't think about using tape. Firstly, it does not allow breathing through the mouth, which can lead to tragedy. Secondly, removing the gag after erotic games will be a real torment for you.

How to get a girl's respect and make her obedient

First of all, when such a question arises, you need to remember that your beloved is an adult, even though it sometimes seems to you that she behaves like a child.

Very often, girls who are naive at first glance have a strong character, which is why, before forcing a girl to obey you, you need to take a closer look at her and understand whether she is even capable of becoming obedient.

First of all, in order to gain a girl’s respect and make her obedient, you need to understand why you need this. Are you trying to break her character, subjugate her, impose your will on her? If yes, then you should deal with your complexes, as this is an unhealthy desire.

It’s another matter if your girlfriend doesn’t value you, plays and manipulates you, doesn’t appreciate you. Then it’s better to just break up with her and engage in self-development in order to begin to respect yourself. And only then start relationships with girls.

But consider the option when you need to gain the girl’s respect and make her obedient, because she has difficulties with behavior, and you feel responsible for her, or you are older and wiser.

Never tell a girl directly that you expect complete submission from her. Also, don't compare your current girlfriend to her friends, or your ex-girlfriend, especially if the comparison isn't beneficial to her. When expressing your complaints, start the conversation with praise, gradually moving on to the fact that, despite this, there are some shortcomings. If she allows you to flirt with other guys, you should gently hint her about it, and try to surround her with your attention, so that she never looks at other guys again.

In order to gain a girl’s respect and make her obedient, you must first specify your complaints. So, for example, if you don’t like that your girlfriend is often late at work, find out why she is late in the first place. After this, try to explain to her that you are very worried and worried about her.

Remember that by achieving complete submission on the part of a girl, you can thereby deprive her of the right to vote, and soon she may simply become your reflection.

It is important to know!

Let us repeat once again that safety comes first. One of the main dangers during oral sex games is salivation. Swallowing with a gag in the mouth is quite problematic, and drool will accumulate in the mouth and even leak out. So if seeing your loved one drooling makes you feel uncomfortable, try some other games. And under no circumstances lie on your back with a gag in your mouth, so as not to choke on your own saliva. It's unlikely to kill you, but violent vomiting is almost guaranteed.

To stop uncomfortable practices in the BDSM community, it is customary to use safe words, but with your mouth closed it will be impossible to say anything, so you will have to agree on gestures. Take as an example the gestures of wrestlers who signal submission by slapping the palm of their hand on the floor.

If your sexual practice also involves fixing your hands, which is quite common, there is another option - hold a bell in your hand and ring it if something goes wrong. You can buy it in stores for hunters and fishermen.

Perverted vulgar punishment for a girl

We will look at the most common situations when a girl cannot be left unpunished, and I will tell you what “preventive measure” should be chosen so that this does not happen again.

To the moon

Bend or stoop over a sturdy bar or office chair. Just keep in mind that the furniture must be really strong. In this position, you can have a spanking session or indulge in toys or tongue. Penetration can be left for dessert if you or your partner wants it.


If you want to feel like a master of bondage, fool everyone and just buy the appropriate equipment in a sex shop - the straps will help you secure your “bottom” in the way you want, even in the shape of a pig on the holiday table. But if you don’t have special equipment, it doesn’t matter, it’s simple: tie your ankles and wrists crosswise.

Hot chair

Not in the sense that you need to warm it up somehow, just tie your wrists or ankles to the legs of the chair. You can blindfold your partner to make it more interesting. Some people like to be touched with a light feather or an ice cube. If the “bottom” can’t stop the “top” from doing his “ticklish thing,” it will be even more fun, right?

Lay me down and tie me up

Simple and tasteful: take a tie (there are special bondage ties, but you can take an ordinary one), lay your partner on his back and tie his legs and arms. You can untie your legs later if you want. The main thing is to remember that the knot should not be tight and your wrists should not be squeezed.

Rope cross

And here’s another very impressive pose, no matter how you look at it: the “bottom” kneels, chest on the floor, and buttocks raised up to give the “top” a pleasant viewing angle. The wrists should be tied to the ankles. But always remember about safety - no gags in this position, the “top” should clearly hear what is happening.

Open up

Very similar to the previous pose, just inverted. Your wrists are taped to your ankles, but you (or aren't you?) lie on your back, with your thighs open so that your partner can comfortably engage your tongue or toys.

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