How to win and keep an Aries woman

In this article, psychologist Evgenia Dvoretskaya answers the question “How to communicate with an Aries woman?”

A woman of the zodiac sign Aries is a sincere, open, courageous person, a natural leader by nature, who approaches life with optimism. Despite the fact that she is a woman and not a man, every person feels safe next to her. This is a very purposeful lady, she always knows what she wants and what needs to be done to achieve what she wants. This is a person who is very confident in his own strengths and abilities. Because of her pronounced leadership qualities, a woman of the Aries zodiac sign will not tolerate anyone trying to command her or tell her what she should do.

Despite all her strong-willed qualities, such a lady needs a man next to her who has all these fighting characteristics. She will never deal with a man weaker than herself. She needs someone who will match her personality, someone who will do anything for her. The main thing is that the beloved man of an Aries woman does not suppress her leadership abilities, does not try to control her decisions, actions and actions. She wants to have a man next to her who can treat her with trust, and to whom she can entrust all the most important things. In addition, the Aries woman is very jealous by nature and will not tolerate her man paying attention to anyone other than herself. Then she will simply leave his life.

Be friendly and decisive

When wanting to show interest in an Aries woman, be friendly, decisive and unobtrusive. If you're too serious from the start, you risk coming off as clingy to her, and nothing turns an Aries woman off more than a clingy man. Be light-hearted, joke around, and most importantly, treat her platonically until she makes the first move. This is a must. Aries is a sign whose color is red and whose energy is masculine - it is ruled by the planet Mars, a symbol of war. You are dealing with a fearless leader.

She is a mystery, the personification of the feminine principle, refusing to play by the usual feminine rules. She doesn't care what people think, and she certainly won't fall victim to tradition. This testosterone-fuelled cutie won't want you to pay for her. While you are looking for your credit card, it has already paid for itself. She will not behave like those pampered submissive women you met before - be prepared that she will challenge you to compete in arm wrestling or show off your shooting skills, and it is not a fact that you will not lose!

Since she is ruled by a masculine sign, it is really important that she makes the first move when you start dating. She will immediately let you know whether you are sexually attractive to her - through words or body movements. Aries are generally incapable of keeping secrets, no matter how hard they try. Most likely, if an Aries woman likes you, you will know about it very quickly. You may sometimes meet an Aries woman who seems modest, just open up to her and she will let you into her world.

How to make yourself fall in love

Since the Aries woman is strong, a man must show courage and assertiveness in order to initially arouse interest in his person, and then use seduction methods. You can make a passionate and independent girl fall in love with you if you act according to the plan:

  1. Show confidence, sexuality, calmness, determination.
  2. Not every woman will understand an unexpected kiss and a bold hug, but an Aries girl will definitely appreciate it. You shouldn’t insist on sex on the first day of a date, but a passionate, daring kiss will excite the blood of an extraordinary young lady.
  3. When it becomes clear that the chosen one is intrigued and reciprocates, you should gently transfer the initiative into her hands. Then all that remains is to encourage her actions and carefully correct her actions.

In love, Aries are loyal, passionate, proactive, impulsive and romantic. When a girl is in love, everyone around her notices her condition. She literally exudes energy, cheers and pleases those around her, and carries out her duties with ease. When problems arise on the personal front, the girl becomes quiet, passive and gloomy.

Be so honest and open

When you talk about yourself, be as honest and open as you can be. Don't even try to be slippery or play in front of her. Aries women hate insincerity and duplicity; they will see through you very quickly and give you such a sweet life that it won’t be enough if you are not completely honest with them. Talk about your achievements and plans for the future. Aries women are very reliable friends and partners, and if they think your goals are worthwhile, they will be happy to help in any way they can.

Because they say what they think without hiding anything, they expect everyone to tell the truth. And nothing seems to make them think otherwise. As a result, many Aries become disappointed, upset, and feel used and deceived. No matter how often their trust is betrayed and they face unpleasant consequences, Aries always continues to move on, forgetting about grievances, rushing forward without learning anything, again trusting the wrong people too quickly, and so on constantly.

How to communicate with Aries men and Aries women. Let's consider the subtleties of communicating with people of the zodiac sign - Aries.

Aries is a fire sign. People of this zodiac sign are frank and inclined to go ahead. Aries are very strong, they prefer to command rather than be subordinate. They are real leaders. But few people know how to communicate with an Aries correctly.

To attract attention

It is impossible to conquer an Aries girl with a languid look, ambiguous hints, or hesitant compliments. You need to act decisively, trying to demonstrate your best qualities. But don't forget about romance, surprises and surprises. Appearance for Aries is not an important criterion when choosing a partner, but one should not forget about a well-groomed appearance. The chosen one will pay attention to the guy if he has clean hair, a neat hairstyle, harmoniously selected clothes and a pleasant cologne.

Compliments addressed to women should be sincere, appropriate and original. Obviously, a banal bouquet or a kiss on the cheek goodbye will not suit the fiery lady. You need to do something unexpected that the girl will remember for a long time. A daredevil guy who knows how to have fun, enjoy every moment, and is ready to throw himself into the pool headlong will win the heart of the chosen one. It’s difficult to say how long the relationship will be, but intrigue will appear from the first minutes of meeting.

How to communicate with an Aries man?

Do you want to bore an Aries? Then you can talk to him exclusively about your problems. He will be absolutely uninterested in this. The fact is that an Aries man is the center of the entire Universe. Therefore, you need to show that your interlocutor is interested in knowing everything about him! And this is the main rule on how to communicate with an Aries man. It is enough to just be a listener who is interested in his stories. Aries will definitely appreciate the lively and grateful sparkle in the eyes of their interlocutor.

Aries really likes to communicate with smart people who know the topic well. The main thing is not to cross his path and not to start an argument. Otherwise it won't be good. And if the situation worsens, you may find that Aries has stopped communicating completely. And it will be very difficult to establish relationships. Do you want to please an Aries? Then you should ask his advice and opinion. But this is far from the only way to the heart of an Aries man. You also need:

  • Look into his eyes, attract his attention;
  • Be unexpected and surprising;
  • Show your initiative and independence. You need to slightly resist all the advances of Aries;
  • You should definitely be proud of him! And then he won’t make you bored.

Communication with an Aries guy is a real art! It is important to remember that you cannot:

  • Tie an Aries to you and limit his freedom;
  • Criticize him and compare him with other men;
  • Communicate with other men. Aries should be the only loved one, he needs to devote all his free time;
  • Be angry and offended by Aries. He will not persuade or reassure;
  • Show your bad mood in front of him! He will simply stop communicating.

Knowing these simple rules on how to communicate with an Aries, you can not only seduce a man of this zodiac sign, but also maintain a strong relationship with him for a long time.

Representatives of the fair half of humanity can be of different zodiac signs. And many will have a hard time with Aries. So, they will be very comfortable communicating with Taurus women. It will be beneficial for Aries to be together with a Cancer woman. With Leos, an Aries man will experience intense love and passion. How can a Scorpio woman communicate with an Aries man? It won't be easy. This is a very dangerous communication for both.

How to communicate with Aries women?

Do you want to please an Aries girl? Then you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. It is important to support her in everything;
  2. She doesn't need to be criticized;
  3. You must always listen to her very carefully and never interrupt;
  4. You need to behave kindly with an Aries girl, feel sorry for her, and console her. She will never refuse care and attention;
  5. Under no circumstances should you give her advice or teach her anything. After all, any Aries woman is a proud and narcissistic person!
  6. It can be quite difficult for an Aries woman to communicate with men because of her strong character. But she is a very good friend. This is what one values ​​in others;
  7. You need to constantly emphasize how good an Aries woman looks. She takes care of herself and demands this from her partner;
  8. You need to communicate with an Aries girl on an equal basis. The topics of conversation should be interesting to both. And, it is worth noting that Aries have a very high intelligence.

How to communicate with an Aries woman? This is a whole science. But the main rule is not to infringe on her self-esteem and pride!

How to surprise

The most effective way to conquer the independent and extraordinary Aries is to perform an act that can surprise. How to do this depends on the situation. A girl needs to be wooed, won over again and again, but not conquered and crushed under herself. It will not be possible to turn her into an obedient housewife, and attempts to tame her will result in a break in the relationship. In behavior, you should not allow delays and all kinds of delays. When a chosen one walks around the bush for a long time, a negative impression is formed about him, which is impossible to change. You must act spontaneously and decisively. Moreover, you should have the main trump card - understanding. The Aries girl needs support and approval of her actions. If a man can give her this, she will stay with him for a long time.


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Here you need to take the position of the golden mean. Aries do not like arrogant and self-confident people. At the same time, persistence will help you quickly achieve your desired goal. Fiery girls do not accept timid and insecure suitors, completely ignore their attention, and quickly give in under pressure.

Comfort and stability

The Aries woman will not be satisfied with little. Stability and comfort are the main conditions of the union. To win the heart of your chosen one, you need to provide confidence in the future and offer a relationship on mutually beneficial terms. At the same time, you need to understand that the representative of the fire sign will not stop pushing her rights, defending her positions and fighting for her own independence.


The girl will love the surprise gift. The option when the girl orders the gift herself and the man pays for it will not work. An original approach is needed here. A man needs to find out the preferences of his chosen one using different methods and tricks, and then give her what she likes. We need vivid emotions and impressions, an effect of surprise. During the courtship period, a girl will not appreciate a banal bouquet, a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine. But if the present is in the form of a surprise, for example, a basket with a card at the doorstep, then she will like it.

Aries does not like trinkets, unnecessary things and cheap gifts. If you give, then something valuable, and when there are not enough funds, it is better to come up with another surprise.

Balance in relationships

Girls born under the sign of Aries are dynamic, cheerful, bright, sociable, good-natured and hospitable. Representatives of fire bestow warmth on those around them, light up, amuse, excite and add energy. For a union with a chosen one to be happy, he must share the interests of his beloved and understand her aspirations.

Other fire signs - Sagittarius and Leo - have similar views on life. Finding mutual understanding with them is easy, but achieving balance in relationships is problematic. Each sign claims primacy and does not want to give up its leading position. If a compromise can be found, then a long-term alliance is possible.


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The stars predict a happy future for the representative of the fire element with Gemini and Libra. They feed Aries and at the same time restrain them, preventing spontaneity and rash actions. Air signs can come to terms with the independence of their chosen one, since they themselves value freedom. Geminis are sociable, intelligent, versatile and completely incomprehensible even to themselves. Libra is the personification of romance, love and temptation. They know how to adapt to their partner, rarely quarrel, and prefer to smooth out rough edges.

Aries are compatible with Aquarius, but the probability of a successful union here is 50/50. Water signs can form relationships with Cancers, who admire the openness and cheerful disposition of Aries. The most problematic alliances are with Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.

Aries-child: education and communication

Was your baby born under the zodiac sign of Aries?
Then he will definitely turn his parents’ entire lives upside down. After all, now he will be the main member of the family. All attention should be focused on him. Aries children are demanding and decisive. Therefore, parents should be prepared for the fact that they will have to communicate with their child correctly:

  • No restrictions. Otherwise, the baby will not calm down until he gets what he wants;
  • Despite his persistence, the child loves displays of tenderness towards all his family. Therefore, hugs and kisses are what kids of this zodiac sign need;
  • Any order will be met with hostility. Therefore, you only need to negotiate and ask with an Aries child;
  • There should be no falsehood or deception in communicating with a child. Let the bitter truth be better.

The Aries child always acts and says everything directly! And his determination helps even adult parents overcome serious obstacles.

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