How to keep a man by your side forever. Advice from a psychologist and sexologist

There is a lot of literature and articles that discuss this issue. Sexologists give advice on how to keep a man at different stages of a relationship, even if both of you are not free. Wise women will share their experience and advise you to endure everything.

But for every woman, no matter how trivial the situation may be, everything is always individual, because we all have different characters, different principles and goals in life. There are several methods that have been tested in practice and have not lost their relevance in our time. Try to take advantage of some of them and enjoy your life together.

Is there a need

Is it worth the effort to keep a man close to you? The question is quite individual, each situation needs to be considered separately.

  1. No need to hurry. Remember that at the beginning of a relationship, a girl in love can look at her partner through rose-colored glasses and not pay attention to his shortcomings. It is believed that a young lady should not think about a future together if the relationship lasted less than six months.
  2. Stay honest with yourself. It's time to ask yourself whether you want to live with this man until old age. If your head is filled with fantasies about children together, then you need to move on to the next question. If not, then perhaps it’s time to think about your relationship, maybe it has outlived its usefulness.
  3. Consider whether the feelings are mutual. It is important that your views on relationships coincide. It is necessary that there be reciprocity on both sides, and it does not turn out that the relationship is the result of the fact that one of the partners sought the other.

How to hold

Create rituals together. Let the guy develop a habit in which his girlfriend must be present

  1. If you are wondering how to fall in love with and keep the man you are interested in, be versatile. You need to understand that the woman you love must combine the role of wife and lover, and she also has the opportunity to find herself in the role of a faithful friend, a sympathetic sister, a fair critic, a caring mother and even a cheerful friend.
  2. There is no need to rush things; there is no need to rush in a relationship. Even if you understand that you are approaching age or are upset that all your girlfriends are already married, there is no need to rush down the aisle, put pressure on your partner, blackmail him, demanding a speedy wedding. A man must be ripe for serious changes in his life, he must be absolutely sure of his intentions.
  3. Always stay fit. This applies to both everyday life and going out in public. A girl should take care of her hair, nails, and clothes. You need to understand that she can dress up in the presence of a young man, but you shouldn’t do makeup in front of him; it’s better to let him see you without “paint” on your face. You should also pay great attention to your body. Remember that once a man was captivated by your figure, if now it is different from what it was before, it is necessary to take measures to return to the former forms with which the man once fell in love.
  4. Positive mood. No man wants to be next to a girl who constantly whines and complains about her fate. A girl should take care of her partner, be interested in him, provide support, and not poison life with her sorrows.
  5. Home comfort is of great importance. A man appreciates a woman who is able to keep the house clean. You can win a man's heart by learning how to cook his favorite dishes.
  6. Shared traditions. To get closer you need to have family rituals. This could be an evening watching a TV series or drinking tea. The main thing is that such rituals bring pleasure to both you and your partner.
  7. There is no need to control your partner, he should have freedom of action. Let him have the opportunity to make independent decisions, meet with friends, you don’t need to constantly control him, learn to trust him. Also, you should not impose yourself, convince a man that your views are right and that he is wrong. Your task is to be a faithful and loving woman, ready to support, and not control every step.
  8. There is no need to criticize him. Especially if you do this all the time. This way you will lose all chances of keeping a man next to you. Some male representatives avoid serious relationships precisely because of the fear that their spouse will start nagging. If you really need to criticize, then you need to do it carefully, for example, you shouldn’t point out his mistake, just tell him how he can do it differently next time. Remember that a man will not be able to react normally to the hysterical behavior of his partner.
  9. A woman who wants to keep her beloved man next to her should not lose herself in anything, neither in work nor in children. Otherwise, she will cease to be an interesting person. There is no need to lose your head or lose yourself in your loved one; you need to understand that no one will recognize this sacrifice or appreciate it. A man will find such a woman boring, he will quickly lose interest in her, and is unlikely to want to be around.

What is the reason for the fading of relationships?

In any relationship, passion can be tested by quarrels. In a conflictual relationship with his wife, a man does not receive due attention and, starting another relationship, expects sincerity and the ability to listen from his partner. If the second relationship does not allow him to feel satisfied, the man will not waste energy on such a mistress.

Important! Additional bonuses in a secret relationship should be new experiences emotionally and sexually.

Secret relationships for a man are a source of adrenaline, so their insufficient variety will lead to indifference. If meetings with his mistress do not bring positive emotions, his feelings may soon cool down. At the same time, the lover does not require a certain seriousness in this relationship. Just the opposite: he is looking for feelings like in his youth, when love made his head spin and pushed him into stupidity.

Romance is another reason why a man starts a new relationship. Yes, exactly romance and tenderness, no matter how hard they try to seem courageous. In a marriage where the wife constantly scolds and reproaches, without compensating for her attacks with care, the husband eventually gets tired of anger. He begins to look for that female affection that the romantic part of his character desires. And if the relationship with his mistress takes on the same emotional overtones as with his wife, the man will not tolerate double attacks.

If the man is younger

  1. There is no need to play the role of mommy. Nobody forbids you to show concern, but everything should be in moderation. If a man, for example, does not want to wear a warm jacket, then there is no need to put pressure on him. Remember that he must have his own opinion.
  2. You can't give orders in the house. Do not forget that a man is a representative of the stronger sex. It is unlikely that he will want to be henpecked. If a young man, due to lack of proper experience, is not able to make a decision, then a woman can help him. This must be done carefully, gently pushing in the right direction. Imagine how happy he will be, thinking that he achieved everything himself. After all, you need to remember that a woman is the neck on which the head sits - a man.
  3. If you want to keep a man for life, it is advisable that you have common interests and similar views. If the interest of a young man is long in the past for you, you should not point out that you are too old for this. This way you can humiliate him, question the correctness of his choice, and find yourself at a disadvantage. Don't be afraid to take action, nothing is lost yet, you can still have fun. In addition, you need to understand that if you deny your partner something too much, he will want to find someone else.
  4. The main problem of women who are in love with men much younger than them is the lack of trust and the fear that he will leave for another. However, excessive suspicions and strong jealousy will only ruin your relationship faster. You need to trust your loved one. And so that thoughts about other women do not arise, you need to become an ideal wife, lover, and satisfy your man.

Answers on questions

What to do if a man begins to avoid meetings and is constantly busy?

Such actions can be caused by two reasons: he is really busy or has simply found someone else. Whatever the reason, you need to act as follows. Stop panicking, don’t start scandals and showdowns. Let him understand that you are not running after him and will easily find a replacement for him. Move away from him and make him jealous.

What if he doesn't give any gifts and doesn't make any special effort to surprise?

The reason for this behavior is your availability and affection. When a man realizes that he has won you, he loses interest in courting and seeking attention. If you want to regain your former romance, move away, and then let him know that your affection must be earned.

What should I do if in a relationship all initiatives come only from my side?

There is a type of man who happily takes the “conquer me” attitude and expects gestures of attention from a woman. Such narcissists tend to love only themselves and want everyone else to love them too. If you want to be happy, then find a decent man and stop wasting your time on this dude.


A woman should admire her partner, surrounding him with affection and care

  1. Remember that a man is a protector by nature. You must be a weak woman. Therefore, behave in such a way that your partner feels needed and has the opportunity to prove himself as a defender. But you don't have to be too helpless, just be weak sometimes.
  2. Reinforce the importance of the young man. Let him know how valuable and significant he is in your relationship, he is irreplaceable. Let him also be responsible for some actions. When entrusting any tasks, be sure to thank them for the help provided.
  3. Ask for his opinion on any issue. That woman will be wise, who can listen to her man, agree with his opinion, but then do everything as she sees fit. However, the opportunity for a guy to feel like he is in charge, to feel like a leader is very valuable.
  4. Never openly infringe on the freedom of your loved one. Remember that such behavior can only worsen your relationship.
  5. Women should not be too much in a man’s life; do not overload him with your attention. A young man will not tolerate a relationship in which there is an intrusive person who constantly calls on the phone, tormenting him with his questions, who constantly talks about how much he misses him, how he cannot live without him for even a minute.
  6. If you want to keep a man close to you for as long as possible, then you should not blackmail him, hinting at the need to legitimize your relationship. Talking about an upcoming wedding can only scare off the gentleman.
  7. Remember the need to be varied, the same goes for variety in food. Surprise your loved one with different delicacies, change, amaze with your intelligence and talents.
  8. Always remain in a positive mood, no matter how hard and sad your soul is. Remember that you should be associated with the bright sun.
  9. Do everything to make a man proud of you. Especially show yourself in the company of his friends or family, so that everyone points out how lucky he is to have such a woman nearby.
  10. You can try to make a man jealous so that he himself can realize how dear you are to him. However, this technique may cost you the relationship if your partner turns out to be hot-tempered and takes your behavior too seriously.
  11. Create comfort and coziness at home. It is unacceptable for a man to have any problems, quarrels or scandals fall on him when he returns home from work. It is important for him to feel warmth and calm when he is close to his loved one.
  12. Carefully observe your chosen one, notice what is important to him, what he is interested in in everyday life, try to meet his wishes and needs.
  13. Do things together as often as possible. For example, you can go shopping together, and sometimes cook dinner together. It is important that this process is coordinated.
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