How to stop ruining your relationship? Advice from a psychologist.

  • 7 mistakes in relationships with girls
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Love relationships are not only a territory where people receive pleasure and approval, but also become a field of mysteries, unpredictability, and mistakes. It is very easy for a guy to make a mistake that he initially considered the right thing to do. It is much easier to make mistakes at the beginning of a relationship than later, when the guy already knows the girl well. Therefore, it won’t hurt to look at 7 or more male mistakes on the men’s website

Have you ever experienced similar situations?

  1. You joked, and the girl was offended by you.
  2. You helped another girl, and your beloved accused you of cheating.
  3. You didn’t call her in the evening to wish her “good night,” and the next morning she mentally broke up with you.

Guys sometimes really don’t make serious mistakes that could cause girls to be offended by them. If you just didn’t give flowers or didn’t say a nice word when it was expected of you, then don’t blame yourself for the wrong behavior. If you never give flowers to a girl or give her compliments, then this is already wrong behavior.

Anyone can make a mistake. And it’s good if girls give guys a chance to improve. However, mistakes are often fatal to relationships. For example, if you are cheating with other young ladies, then it is understandable why your companion decided to break up with you.

We will even call behavior that men like to justify by saying that they were intoxicated, committed out of emotion, or by accident, a mistake. Justifications are arguments for complacency. However, they do not always work in relationships with girls. You can make excuses as much as you want. But if a girl breaks up with you or gets upset with you when you don’t want her to, then this is your problem. Here you need to consider the mistakes that are often made, so as not to make them and not spoil your life with them.

Ritual using a table

Discord can be done at the table

For home use, a ritual involving a table and a knife is perfect. This ritual is performed on the waning moon. When you are alone at home, go to the kitchen and turn the kitchen table upside down with its legs. Then take a kitchen knife in your hands so that the side with the blade is in your hands. Use a knife handle to tap the legs of the table and say the following spell:

“These two servants of God (Name of the woman) and (Name of the man) cannot be together, cannot sit together. Do not make eye contact, do not speak the same language at the same table. I will knock them out with all my love, so that the hum will be heard. You will hear this hum and disperse forever.”

The plot is read three times. If possible, leave the table in this position until the next morning. Then the table returns to its normal position, and the following words are spoken:

“Everything that is agreed upon comes true, all my strength helps me.”

The knife that you used in the ritual is removed away from prying eyes. It cannot be used until the ritual has worked. It will start working in about a week. If you see that the ritual did not work, then it must be repeated, using the same knife.

Snail condition3

The following habit has nothing to do with assault and humiliation of a partner, but is no less destructive for the couple. This is coldness, dryness, holding back emotions and feelings towards each other. The girl is frank with the guy, expresses a desire to have a heart-to-heart talk, share secrets and dreams, but the guy disowns her, withdraws, keeps her at a distance.

Perhaps in a previous relationship he was misunderstood, criticized, ridiculed, so he tries to keep his feelings locked up and his true thoughts to himself. The girl gradually moves away from him, and he cannot overcome the barrier of internal enslavement.

And what do you have here?4

Destroying internal complexes acquired in past relationships is an important task when creating a new love affair. This is especially true for the intimate side of life. More than once, a man could hear from a former passion about the minuscule size of his “hero,” about clumsiness and dryness in bed, and the woman was repeatedly informed that she was “a log in bed,” cold as a fish and fat as a seal.

And then a couple of lovers met with a backpack of complexes and stiffness behind their backs. They would enjoy being close to each other, enjoy carnal pleasures, but every time they touch a loved one, they remember their own “incompetence.”

Why doesn't she tell the truth5

One of the big mistakes that partners bring into new relationships is the habit of lying and denying their own guilt. If in past relationships a woman’s behavior was subject to strict control, criticism and punishment, then when she is with a new young man, she will not trust blindly, but will dodge, be cunning, and deny her own guilt, so as not to appear in the eyes of her beloved as a bad and careless woman.

Does he hit you mean he loves you?2

The same situation is repeated in a couple, when a woman received blows and insults from her former gentleman. Having been in the role of a victim, she either transfers the role of a hunted doe into a new relationship, or checks her beloved guy for lice. The situation does not happen intentionally: the lovebirds had a fight, rashly said various nonsense, the young lady flushed, flew up to the guy and gave a tasty “bream”.

At first, the man will experience not so much anger as surprise: for what, why? A similar scene will be repeated. Having made sure that she is not in danger of physical harm with the new young man, the girl will get into the habit of coping with anger and irritation using such an unconventional method.

She will begin to experience some pleasure from what is happening and (not an unimportant fact!) trust and spiritual warmth in the one who allows himself to release female anger. However, this behavior threatens to become unhealthy.

Sooner or later, the guy will be angered by the girl’s reaction and the role of “scapegoat” assigned to him. A reasonable man will not fight back, but he will not allow the young lady to beat him up either. He will grab her hands and firmly say that from now on he will not tolerate such an attitude towards himself, otherwise there will be a break.

A strong man's hug, and a calm statement that he does not want them to lose each other because of such “nonsense”, can turn “Xena the Warrior” into an affectionate, caring Gerda.

Why relationships deteriorate over time

Where do relationship problems come from? From a reluctance to learn how to create relationships, from ignorance that this needs to be learned, from a lack of understanding of the simple laws by which love blossoms or fades.

Think for yourself: when you want to do the splits, then regularly go stretching at least three times a week, devote time and attention to this matter, and then there will be progress. You are sinking lower and lower towards the floor. The same thing happens when you learn a foreign language, earn money, and so on. When you pay attention to something, your life naturally becomes more and more of it, its quality improves. Why does exactly the opposite happen to relationships, because we live in this every day?

Every year the gap between loved ones becomes wider, feelings cool down, hands give up... And now it seems that there is no way out but divorce. But the story could be completely different.

How to pick apart using onions

Distance does not matter for this ritual

This ritual is good because it allows you to quarrel with people, even if they are at a distance from you. It can be used effectively if, for example, the husband went on a business trip and got another woman there.

To carry out this quarrel between people, it is important to go to the cemetery, taking an onion with you.

You need to go not to the cemetery itself, but to the nearest intersection to this place. Stand at a crossroads, think about the people you want to quarrel with, imagine it in bright colors. After this, you need to cut the onion in half and say the following words:

“I cut, separate the servant of God (Name of the man) and the servant of God (Name of the woman). So that now there would be only tears between them, as bitter as from this onion. You will no longer see happiness with each other. Don't understand each other, don't listen to each other. As this onion rots, so will your love pass and be forgotten.”

After this, you need to throw one half of the bow to the right side and the other to the left. Throw the onion halves out of sight of people. Go home. As soon as this onion rots, the quarrel will take effect, and disagreements will begin in the couple.

What harmless mistakes can ruin relationships with people?

Lots of noise

The more jokes and irony in the speech, the more likely a person will become the life of the party. But, laughing at his witticisms, we are subconsciously a little afraid of such a person and do not approach him: wit is perceived as aggression. As for women comedians and jokers, they are often lonely - men prefer to be laughed at at their jokes.

Negatively discussing other people

Such revelations bring people together (after all, now there is one common secret), but not for long, as they cause anxiety: it is still unknown what the interlocutor is telling others about you.

"Hunt and Hum"

When we listen to a person, we try to somehow respond to his words. But many people think that it is better not to interrupt, but to insert more often, for example, “um-yes.” In reality, it seems to the narrator that the listener is not interested in this story. This automatically distances people from each other.

Available separately

In fact, this is an important reason. Distance yourself from the team when it comes to eating: refuse treats, immerse yourself in work at the moment when everyone decides to drink coffee, say at the table: “I’m on a diet today.” By doing this constantly, a person causes the hostility of others, and subconsciously. Because eating together has been perceived since ancient times as an act of friendship and discovery.

Always strives to help

There are people who will not pass by if they see, feel or think that a person is in trouble - they will help even to their own detriment. Everyone appreciates such altruism, but they try to avoid a friendly relationship. Firstly, they are burdened by a sense of duty. Secondly, the one who helped, with his presence alone, does not allow you to forget about those very troubles.

Saying too many good things

Compliments are the decoration of communication. This means you should observe moderation. If praise and admiration is frequent, it can be intimidating. It turns out that the person is constantly watching you, thinking about you. What this means is unknown. But it's better to stay away from him.

To wave hands

The more active the gestures and the wider the range of movements, the more conflicts. Such movements are read on an unconscious level as aggression and cause an appropriate reaction. People unexpectedly begin to answer sharply, turn away, move away. Or they just leave.

Look you straight in the face

Many people think that this is a sign of attention. Actually this is not true. In order to deliberately arouse hostility, there is even an “exercise” - looking at your interlocutor during a conversation as if you noticed something strange on his face.

Give advice in any form

They are still a cause for dissatisfaction. After all, each of us has a need to consider all our achievements as our own merit, and to shift failures onto others. Show the patterns of the social machine. Well, who will be to blame if a friend advised me to go to the boss with suggestions, but at that moment he was not in a good mood.

Who's the boss?!i

If in the past, the partner suffered humiliating or disdainful treatment, then being in a new couple, he will immediately begin to indicate who is in charge. Men, trying to seem like an important, central figure, use commanding notes in their treatment of their chosen one out of place and without meaning. They begin to point the woman to “her place,” emphasizing their own importance in every possible way.

With an imperious hand, the guy points to the side, taking the pose of Peter the Great, and fear arises in his soul: God forbid, he does not recognize authority in him, or disobeys, or leaves, proudly slamming the door... The man is trying in every possible way to show that he is not henpecked in their partnership, as they say: “Let everything be done according to my word!”

A woman who was humiliated and ignored by a former “scoundrel” will try to take revenge in a new relationship. She will begin to “take it out” on her partner, portraying either a “mistress” or a “capricious girl,” demanding that he act according to “her wishes.”

This is how the atmosphere of mutual understanding and comfort in a new couple deteriorates when one of the lovers brings some of the accumulated resentment from a former relationship into a new romance.

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