Lifestyle - Answers to the exam in the discipline “Personality Psychology”

Where does an active lifestyle begin?

Leading an active lifestyle requires a lot of strength and energy. Only a balanced diet will help you get them. At the same time, it is not enough to simply choose healthy foods and refuse unhealthy dishes! It is important to proceed from the needs of your body. He must receive the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals he needs, without an advantage in favor of one substance or another. Therefore, proper nutrition must first of all be balanced! Your diet is the foundation of an active lifestyle.

Why do you need a balanced diet?

For slimness

Extra pounds often return after dieting. This happens because due to a lack of nutrients, metabolism slows down. Therefore, it is important to get the necessary nutrients in a balanced manner - then you can forget about diets forever! Ideally, 30% of daily calories come from proteins, 30% from fats and 40% from carbohydrates.

Herbalife has a global goal - to ensure that people around the world can eat a balanced diet and lead an active lifestyle. To achieve this, it creates innovative, high-quality products. For example, protein shakes that contain nutrients in the right proportions; protein bars - delicious and healthy snacks; protein mixtures that allow you to “get” the right amount of protein (protein is a scarce nutrient, 8 out of 10 people lack it); drinks based on aloe and fiber and much more.

For activity

In order for you to have the strength to exercise, it is important to provide your body with “fuel”. Protein is especially important (it is necessary for muscle recovery and growth) and complex carbohydrates (they supply us with energy). Without a balanced diet, exercise will not bring the desired results. As much as 80% of success from training depends on nutrition!

For productivity

Poor nutrition may be the cause of poor performance. It has been proven that it leads to disruptions at the genetic level, and an abundance of fatty foods reduces mental abilities. Only by giving the body the main substances in the right quantities can you achieve maximum productivity! Otherwise, the body will spend energy on making up for the lack of nutrients, and not on mental and physical work.

It turns out that a balanced diet is truly the basis of an active lifestyle! Follow his principles to look and feel your best.

Find out how to eat a balanced diet and control your weightLearn more January 12, 2020, 11:302016-01-12

Author: Be in Shape

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Quality and lifestyle - basic categories

The lifestyle of a normal person includes three basic categories: level, quality and style of life


The standard of living determines the quantitative side of living conditions, the size, structure of the spiritual and material needs of people. It includes income, provision of medical care, housing, free time, working time, level of education, and more.

Standard of living is primarily an economic category. It represents the degree of satisfaction of needs for spiritual, material, cultural values.

Quality of life refers to a category that includes a combination of health and livelihood conditions. They allow you to achieve mental, social, physical well-being and self-realization.

Life style is determined by the behavioral characteristics of a particular person or group of people. Life style is also a sign of independence, individuality, the ability to position oneself as an individual according to one’s own ideas about an interesting, fulfilling life.

The level and quality of life are mostly of a social nature. And the last factor is individualized.

Therefore, human health depends mainly on a personalized lifestyle. Lifestyle is also determined by personal inclinations, national and historical traditions (mentality, worldview).

The behavior of many is aimed at satisfying personal needs. All individuals are characterized by an individual way of satisfying their desires. Therefore, behavior is different for all people, depending mainly on upbringing.

Regarding the concepts of quality and lifestyle

, then the former is directly dependent on the latter. Because the quality of your life directly depends on the lifestyle you choose. That is, on the manner of your behavior, the chosen method of satisfying your needs.

A healthy lifestyle is one of the integral components of the “lifestyle” category. Included here are the positive conditions of human life, the level of culture (including behavioral), and hygienic skills that allow one to maintain and improve health.

All this helps prevent health problems and provides conditions that support an optimal quality of life.

In other words, the key point in the relationship between quality and lifestyle is

namely a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, healthy, not only physically, but also spiritually and morally.

If a physically healthy lifestyle is currently the fashion trend, most people do not worry about spiritual health.

How is a lifestyle aimed at a healthy lifestyle useful and how does it affect the quality of existence? This lifestyle is necessary:

  • to perform all public and everyday functions in optimal human mode;
  • to strengthen and maintain health
  • to realize psychological, social, physical capabilities, to reveal personal potential;
  • for active longevity, prolongation of a kind.

Contrary to general beliefs, a healthy lifestyle includes not only proper nutrition, physical activity and abstinence from various abuses and bad habits. It also includes:

  • rational organization of educational (work) activities;
  • correct mode of rest and work;
  • balanced diet;
  • rational organization of free personal time;
  • suitable motor mode;
  • hardening, compliance with personal hygiene standards;
  • sexual culture;
  • compliance with the rules of mental hygiene;
  • family planning;
  • prevention of aggression, nervous breakdowns, depression;
  • monitoring health indicators.

The concept of quality and lifestyle

- multifaceted and covers all layers of our existence and can serve as an integral, generalizing indicator.

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The concept of life style in psychology

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The characteristics of all levels of individuality are manifested in the way of interaction with the world that is developed in people and, like other characteristics, also has variability. To denote this method in differential psychology, the concept of “style” is used.

One of the first indications of the importance of the style of human behavior is attributed to I.V. Goethe, who considered it a manifestation of the highest properties of individuality. And in psychology, the concept of life style was first used by Alfred Adler, who meant by it a unique combination of traits, modes of behavior and habits that determine a unique picture of human existence (1,1, 14). A. Adler used this image to illustrate the concept of “lifestyle”. “If we compare a pine tree growing in a valley with a pine tree that is perched on a mountain top, we will see that they grow differently. These are trees of the same species, but their life styles are different. The life style of a tree is its individuality, which is expressed and formed in a certain environment. Style is recognized when we see that each tree has its own model of life behavior, and not just mechanical reactions to the environment” (1, p. 71).

Lifestyle is always present, but it only appears when a person faces life’s problems. This is due to the fact that it is formed in childhood under the influence of experienced difficulties and is based on the desire for a goal, finally becoming stronger by the age of 4-5 years. And the adult life of a person, according to Adler, only records and preserves the lifestyle, and therefore makes it possible to predict human behavior (1). The order of birth of children in a family is very important in the context of individual psychology, and, knowing a person’s place among his brothers and sisters, one can determine his style: for example, from Adler’s point of view, it was obvious that older children always experience jealousy towards younger and therefore forced to assert themselves first in the family, and then in the larger society (in modern psychology, however, the decisive importance of birth order seems controversial).

How does life style develop? Developing his idea about a person’s initial experience of his inferiority, Adler reasoned that this experience becomes unbearable and prompts a person to take action to correct the situation. As a result, he has a goal, which he achieves in the ways available to him, compensating for the initial defect, deficiency, or simply low level of ability. So, the concept of style corresponds to the systemic principle of equifinality, according to which in complex systems there are different paths leading to the same result (final). Thus, life style includes psychological qualities located at three levels of individuality: it is an individual characteristic (defect), spiritual and worldview (goal) and the means by which this goal is achieved (subject-content characteristic).

The style is stable and manifests itself in a person’s solution of basic life tasks, among which Adler identified work, friendship and love, and which are carried out by mutually influencing each other; It is the constancy of style that determines the constancy of personality. And, although the style of each person is unique, Adler nevertheless proposed a classification of attitudes that underlie the most common styles and are characterized by two qualities - social interest and the degree of activity. Adler considered a normal way of life in which a person is so well adapted that “whether he wants it or not, society derives a certain benefit from his activities. In addition, from a psychological point of view, he has enough energy and courage to openly face the problems and difficulties that happen in his life” (1, p. 75). Let us note that this psychological portrait is very close in content to a self-actualizing personality, although it is given within the framework of a psychoanalytic approach.

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