Trance state: what is it in psychology


  • Conscious and unconscious in the human psyche
  • What is trance
  • Techniques for entering trance
  • Specific forms of behavior in a state of unconsciousness
  • What is the difference between trance in psychology and trance in mystical teachings?
  • What are the benefits of trance?

Psychology is a rational science that helps you understand your thoughts and feelings in order to live happily and calmly. But there are methods in psychology that do not belong to rational, but rather to irrational spheres. This, for example, is considered a state called trance - a kind of “bridge” between the conscious and unconscious.

Conscious and unconscious in the human psyche

A girl meditates.
The human psyche can be divided into two layers: conscious, that is, a person’s consciousness, and unconscious . It is the unconscious that is the most mysterious in the psyche, since it is believed that such depths are hidden in the unconscious that a person himself is not aware of.

The unconscious has access to our resources that we ourselves do not know about.

Consciousness is a logical layer that allows an individual to interact with other people and the world around him, to find an explanation for everything that happens to him.

The state called “trance” connects consciousness and the unconscious. A person does not even suspect that he experiences this state every day, many times a day - for example, when after a hard day he completely relaxes, does not think about anything, or, on the contrary, when he concentrates on only one thought or one action.

What is trance

The girl enters a state of trance.
There are different depths of trance, but even superficial trance is useful for the human psyche. most important advantage is that it allows information that comes to a person from the outside world to be better absorbed. During a trance, that is, entering the unconscious, a person’s consciousness ceases to process information only from a logical point of view. In this state, consciousness begins to admit the possibility of illogical developments of events.

Trance in psychology is an altered state of consciousness - an unconscious state that does not divide incoming information into logical and illogical, good and bad. At this moment, you can set a command for the unconscious.

When a person comes for a consultation with a psychotherapist whom he trusts, consciousness reduces the degree of its control and allows it to quickly move into the unconscious. By working with the unconscious, the psychotherapist can more effectively solve the client's problems.

Trance and Meditation States: Similarities and Differences

  1. Consciousness. Trance is a state of decreased consciousness, or a state of drowsiness, when unconscious processes come to the fore. Meditation is a state of heightened awareness and attentiveness.
  2. Brain activity. Both in trance and meditation, the activity of the right hemisphere is increased compared to the left. Trance is accompanied by certain changes in brain activity, a decrease in β-wave activity (logical-verbal thinking) and an increase in θ and δ activity (deep sleep, subconscious). Meditation increases α-wave activity (borderline, visualization, fantasy, quiet attention) and also reduces β.
  3. Attention. Trance differs from the usual state of consciousness in the direction of attention - during it, a person develops an internal focus of attention (that is, attention is directed to images, memories, sensations, dreams, fantasies, etc.), and not external, as in the normal state of consciousness. Meditation can focus on both internal and external processes (but more often still internal).
  4. Perception. In trance, distortion of perception is observed (illusions in various sensory modalities, hallucinations and pseudohallucinations). In meditation, perception is as sharp and clear as possible.
  5. Thinking. Both in trance and meditation, there is a decrease in verbal thinking and an exacerbation of figurative thinking, which is mediated by an increase in the activity of the right hemisphere in comparison with the left.
  6. Time. In both trance and meditation, the subjective flow of time changes. Changes can go both ways. In trance, disorientation in time may occur.
  7. Control and randomness. Meditation is purposeful and controlled concentration on any object, while in trance attention moves freely, there is no control, there is a transfer of control to the leader or loss of control, sometimes leading to fear of loss of ego identity (dissociative disorders).
  8. Body image. In trance, there is a distortion of the body diagram (a feeling of shrinking and enlarging some parts of the body relative to each other, sometimes leading to depersonalization and derealization. This does not happen in meditation.
  9. Memory. In trance, memory activity decreases and experiences are quickly forgotten. In meditation, memory is sharpened, which is a consequence of heightened attention.
  10. Emotions. In trance, emotional lability is increased, which can provoke the release of repressed emotions and vivid emotional experiences. In meditation, on the contrary, it is usually reduced (emotions recede and are muffled).

Techniques for entering trance

A girl is resting in the bathroom.
In psychology and psychotherapy there are many techniques that allow you to enter a trance state. Many people, especially creative individuals, can easily and quickly enter this state. Moreover, many people make it natural for themselves. For those around them, such a state is altered, but individuals who deliberately develop individuality in themselves consider this state to be truly creative, and the state of consciousness of others as stereotyped.

Since the depths of trance can be different, the methods of entry also differ. If a person has learned to enter this state even at a minimal level, then he can easily control it - to do this, he needs to speak calmly, slowly, confidently, warmly, in rhythm with his breathing.

Psychologists and psychotherapists use this technique: they clearly and confidently give a person in a state of unconsciousness the necessary information

For example, if in a normal state a person can perceive the phrase that he is confident and courageous, capable of making decisions with distrust, then in an altered, that is, unconscious state, this information will not be subject to critical reflection. Therefore, a person will easily accept new things about himself without internal criticism.

Modern psychology considers trance to be access to the unconscious , a kind of key that allows you to open the door to the unknown.

[edit] Main varieties

Schematically, three types of trance can be distinguished: - everyday trance, a simple period of reverie into which a person plunges many times a day; - an induced trance, which is an intensified version of the previous phenomenon, carried out intentionally and, as a rule, with the help of another person. This is hypnosis - the process of immersion in a trance state. - somnambulistic trance, the deepest stage of trance. At this stage, all miraculous phenomena are possible: clairvoyance, adjustment of personality traits, pain relief, activation of the body’s defenses, etc.

Specific forms of behavior in a state of unconsciousness

A girl lies in the grass.
Specific forms of behavior in a trance are different for each person - for example, it can be age regression and age progression. Age regression is when a person remembers events that happened to him before. In this state, one can remember things that are not remembered during conscious recollection. There is also an age progression: a person experiences scenarios of a future that has not yet arrived. Another form of behavior is the “hidden observer” phenomenon , when a person imagines himself performing some action.

catalepsy occurs , when the entire body or individual limbs freeze. The opposite state is also possible: a person makes involuntary movements with his head, arms, and fingers.

Other behaviors include:

  • distorted perception of time;
  • influx of images;
  • amnesia;
  • loss of pain sensitivity;
  • closing the eyes.

What is the difference between trance in psychology and trance in mystical teachings?

A girl listens to music
Trance is a very popular concept today, and therefore many people do not use it in the meaning that it has. In scientific psychology, this term is understood as a certain condition, which is also used by psychotherapists in their practice. Another thing is trance, which is used by various mystical teachings: magical practices, esotericism, etc., which have nothing to do with science and official medicine. In this regard, trance is a kind of entertainment that does not bring any benefit to the human psyche.

In other words, trance is a scientific psychological concept , a psychological tool that helps to work through mental problems, increase productivity and even improve health. For example, a psychotherapist using this technique can help a person get rid of complexes, insomnia, and work through some of his past traumas.

According to official psychology, in a state of unconsciousness, a person’s right hemisphere is activated

It helps an individual perceive information from the surrounding world and process it into something new, something missing.

In the popular mystical understanding, trance is simply an opportunity to fall out of reality . A person can enter this state and describe that it was “cool” or “cool,” but this has nothing to do with solving problems or increasing the efficiency of life. Of course, a person can have fun like this, there is no harm in it, but one should not expect benefits for mental and mental health either.

What are the benefits of trance?

A girl in a trance state.
An altered state is useful because it triggers processes that are important for the psyche. A person can add his own commands - for example, give his unconscious instructions to make the day successful, remove fears, become confident, calm down, or in some other way use his internal resources for an effective and productive life.

To put it simply, to enter a trance you need to discard in your mind everything that does not allow you to fully concentrate - irritants that do not allow you to work and go about your daily activities.



What is the difference between hypnosis and trance from a scientific point of view.

❶ What is trance in psychology and medicine?

We take the facts, leave speculation aside and what we see, according to the dictionaries:

Trance - (French transe - numbness), a type of twilight stupefaction (see Twilight state). Trance also denotes states of detachment, ecstasy, clairvoyance, etc. (from the Latin trans - through, across, beyond). © Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"

Trance - (book) increased nervous excitement with loss of self-control, as well as clouding of consciousness during hypnosis, ecstasy. Fall into a trance. The patient is in a trance (in a trance state). © S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

Trans - (French transe) (book). Increased nervous excitement, confusion during hypnosis, ecstasy, etc. Fall into a trance. For spiritualists, the state of a medium during a spiritualistic seance. © D. N. Ushakov Large explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language.

Trance is a clouding of consciousness and automaticity of actions in certain mental disorders, in a state of hypnosis, ecstasy, etc. Her body in my arms became heavy as lead, her eyes half-closed, whites appeared behind her eyelids, her head swayed forward, I realized that Lisa is in a trance. A. N. Tolstoy, Emanation of consciousness. Increased nervous excitement with loss of control over one’s actions. She is always in a trance on the occasion of her departure. Her heart is not in the right place, she is worried that she won’t be late. Yuryev, Notes. I finished the story, the creative trance stopped, and I returned to reality. Chirikov, Lost Place. © Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language.

Trans - (French transe - numbness) - honey. confusion with loss of self-control; state of detachment. © Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N. G., 2006.

Trance - A special state of sleep into which a medium falls during spiritualistic experiments. © Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910.

Trance is a special state into which a medium falls (q.v.) when invoking spirits during spiritualistics. experiments. © Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907.

Trance is a state of clairvoyance, a special state in which (according to spiritualists) a medium is located, that is, a person serving as an intermediary between spirits and those asking them about something. mere mortals. © Complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907.

The conclusion “to fall into a trance” means “to lose one’s head”, because all definitions speak about one thing, namely, trance is increased nervous excitement with loss of self-control, accompanied by clouding of consciousness. For this reason, in psychiatry the specific name for this disease is “trance and states of obsession,” code F 44.3 according to ICD-10.

What the state of trance looks like from the outside - those who don’t know, there is such a direction in trance music (youtube to help, live acid disco is better). Particularly deep trance - psychedelic. "Lucy" guarantees complete immersion)) -

What is hypnosis in psychology and medicine?

Psychologically, hypnosis is a state of increased suggestibility; Physiologically, hypnosis is a mode of brain operation in which it is possible to form new conditioned reflexes.

For details and examples about hypnosis:

▶ What is hypnosis from a scientific point of view and without buzzwords? —

▶ Hypnotism, magnetism, monoideism, neurohypnology. —

▶ About psychosomatics. Lecture at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education. —

▶ Hypnosis myths and facts. Lecture at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov. —

What does the state of hypnosis look like from the outside -

Being in hypnosis does not mean losing consciousness (hence the opportunity to organize a show or pop hypnosis, perform operations without anesthesia or hypnoanesthesia, surprise people with new tricks or street hypnosis), on the contrary, in hypnosis consciousness remains and, like a child, you believe good and bad. Sorry psychics)) -

❸ Are there any benefits from trance?

As they like to say, they often simply repeat that trance has a therapeutic effect (literally the postulate of “Ericksonian hypnosis” (, which is already lame on both legs due to the lack of an experimental base - https:/ /, so it doesn’t, and let’s figure out why? Over the course of a couple of millennia, the East became convinced (at the cost of the lives of many ascetics) that trance techniques are needed for internal development. And they didn’t come up with anything (meditation, yoga, prayer and of course ancient pharmacology). Mystics do not need a trance, but the opportunity, in an altered state of consciousness, to remove inhibitions and remove fears. The technology of how to do this is that sacred knowledge!

It’s not difficult to enter a trance: you have a drink, a snack and you’re there; more environmentally friendly through meditation or breathing. It is clear to everyone that if the grip of the mind weakens, then the true essence of a person with all his deepest fears breaks through. It is for this reason that epileptic seizures and outbursts of aggression occur during mass practices. That is, the subconscious relieves mental stress by any means. Accordingly, the process is uncontrolled.

It’s great when a knowledgeable shaman nearby picks up the connection and guides the initiate through the dangers. And if not, which happens in most cases, then convulsions and hallucinations, which naturally relieves the symptoms and at the same time leaves mental trauma (for whom this can still help to heal, this is how the art of healing the soul was born). If, when immersed in a trance, it is possible to guide a person and not allow consciousness to fade, then there is a chance of successful treatment of mental disorders. The most effective among countless techniques formed the skeleton of world religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism). Progress does not stand still, and over time, psychiatry branched off from religion, whose area of ​​interest is much narrower, but only proven methods remain on this heel.

❹ Whose is stronger, which is more to the right, what in fact is hypnosis or trance better?

Common sense is better. Translating trance into a controlled state is called hypnosis. Humanity has come up with a sea of ​​trance techniques; the part that partially preserves consciousness is adopted by medicine and is called hypnosis. Then there is a play on words, completely useless.

There are other conclusions:

✔ Immersion in a trance reveals internal conflicts, so the intention of many psychological schools to change something, suggesting that life is beautiful, on the contrary, exacerbates internal tension. Just like when a computer breaks down, instead of uninstalling the old program and installing a new one, the would-be technician only does the latter, causing the system to freeze even more.

✔ A person is the creator of his own destiny, therefore any trance techniques, where something supposedly “good” is suggested against the background of a clouded consciousness, are considered destructive by definition (this is how elections are deprived of freedom in sects). In the process of therapy, everyone decides whether it makes sense to change; if so, then they accept responsibility and choose a new type of behavior. Everything is like in life, only faster.

✔ If you relieve symptoms for a long time using trance (including hypnosis), without eliminating the cause, then a dependence on the method, guru or the idea itself is formed, which is the combination of the first two factors.

✔ Having thought about it, you can draw at least one more conclusion if you rethink the material in the article.

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