How to hypnotize a person yourself: trance technique

  • Evaluation criteria for hypnosis courses
  • ANO DPO Educational
  • Moscow Institute of Psychology and Psychotherapy named after Milton Erickson
  • PI DPO Institute of Practical Psychology "Imaton"
  • Moscow Institute of Hypnosis
  • "Sinton"
  • Educational
  • Institute of Clinical Hypnosis
  • Siberian Hypnosis Center
  • OMNI courses
  • Results and conclusions

One of the trends in the treatment of a wide range of diseases has recently become hypnotherapy. Gone are the days when it was associated with television sessions of mass trance induction and loud performances in stadiums given by maestro Kashpirovsky. Today, clinical hypnotherapy is a recognized method in the field of evidence-based medicine, which is gaining more and more popularity in Russia every year.

Let us emphasize that this article is not about circus, variety or street “gypsy” hypnosis. We are talking about hypnotechnicians who are used not for show, but for the treatment of a very specific list of diseases and borderline conditions. Hypnotherapy gives high results in the treatment of not only neuroses, depression and phobias, but also diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. And, of course, she has no equal in solving any psychological problems and getting rid of bad habits, including overeating, smoking and alcoholism. Therefore, many Russian psychotherapists and psychologists are interested in mastering the techniques of therapeutic hypnosis.

It is no secret that in hypnotherapy, the fame of the guru who teaches hypnosis plays a decisive role. Therefore, a number of participants in our review openly abuse aggressive marketing techniques, describing their “gifted from above” person and their “phenomenal” course using the most enthusiastic epithets, which sometimes have no real background. Well, calling the method by its “age-famous” name is generally an indispensable part of the advertising campaign. It is enough to proclaim yourself the new Milton Erickson, pay for the advertising hype befitting the dignity - and voila, the client goes!

Evaluation criteria for hypnosis courses

And even if Wolf Messing himself undertakes to teach you, this is not a guarantee of success. It would seem that the louder the name of the hypnotist, the better he teaches. But this is not always true. And in order to get to the bottom of this truth, we have selected criteria by which one can objectively judge the effectiveness of certain courses in the art of hypnotherapy.


The duration of existence of a training center is one of the most important criteria for judging the popularity of a school and the quality of education. Advertisements for hypnosis courses, which Yandex Direct helpfully slips in, often lead to “sharashkin’s offices” that are almost a week old. A “venerable” hypnotist 25 years old is unlikely to impart valuable practical skills to you.

Teachers, their fame, regalia

Teaching in general and learning the art of hypnosis in particular is not an easy task, and only people of a certain mindset and character can do it. You can be the highest master in hypnosis, but you can be a so-so teacher. Not all famous hypnotists can teach - well, or they do it individually and extremely rarely: for personally selected students.

Practical value of the course

The situation is diametrically opposite to the previous criterion: many specialists are engaged in teaching without having any real practice behind them. Too active teaching activity, put on stream, does not allow the teacher to master the matter himself. It is difficult to expect high learning results from teachers who have rare and irregular practical experience.

Availability of a license for educational activities

This is an indispensable criterion for the quality of education: the right to educational activities in the institution that you choose must be confirmed by a state-issued document. Training in some murky LLC “International Center for Transcendental Hypnosis”, which wanders around the city from one office to another, is not much different in status from apprenticeship with the sorceress Baba Agrafena.

Availability of a state certificate

An offer to pay for your studies, upon completion of which you will receive a colorful piece of paper from an office a la Osya Bender and Company, should make you smile sarcasticly. Agree only to an official certificate giving you the right to use hypnotherapy methods in your practice.

Online availability

A big advantage will be the availability of online courses - distance learning is both cheaper and more convenient for those who do not have the opportunity to study in person. Let’s also take into account such indirect evidence of the school’s fame as developed groups in popular social networks - this is also confirmation of feedback from graduates or potential students.

Value for money

This is one of the most important criteria. Expensive in hypnotherapy does not mean effective. But even frankly cheap offers look suspicious.

So, we begin our review of the ten most famous hypnotherapy training courses, rating them in light of the listed criteria on a scale of 10. We hope this rating will help you make the right choice for your professional growth!

How to hypnotize yourself. What is self-hypnosis

Hypnosis is a non-permanent state of consciousness caused by the influence of a third party, self-hypnosis, or spontaneously occurring, which is characterized by aggressive focusing of attention and a fair susceptibility to suggestion.

Self-hypnosis is the independent introduction into the brain of commands or settings, which are presented in the form of certain images during the immersion of consciousness in hypnosis.

We are all under hypnosis, but we do not understand it, because for us this is a familiar state. Reading about hypnosis, it seems to us that this is something unusual, we should feel new sensations that have not been experienced before, which will let us understand “I am under hypnosis.” But right now, you can remember those moments when you accidentally found yourself under hypnosis. Most likely, such moments happened to you on a long bus ride, if you sat by the water and were “mesmerized” so much that you didn’t think about anything, and various other situations in which you “switched off.”

Hypnosis is everywhere. You hypnotize yourself negatively in the morning for the whole day, when you get up and irritably go to the bus stop, angry at the cat that got under your feet. You hypnotize yourself for a positive day when you enjoy the new day, the sunshine, thinking “today is a great day!”

If you hypnotize yourself by accident, you can do it on purpose. And use it for your own purposes. We will not talk about the pros and cons of hypnosis, but will give clear instructions on how to hypnotize yourself and inspire certain thoughts.

ANO DPO Educational

  • Website:
  • Address: St. Petersburg, st. Varshavskaya, 23, building 2, room 25-N
  • Telephone:
  • Email:
  • License: 78Л03 No. 002471

This training center for additional professional education has existed since 2001. However, for many years he worked only for internal training of psychotherapists, and only a few lucky ones were able to get into training courses from outside. Bormental specialists were the first in Russia to use hypnotherapy in the fight against food addiction among the general population: this method has been used for two decades in more than 50 branches of the clinic throughout the country.

Bormental has enormous practical experience—the most impressive among the review participants. Over the 20-year history of the clinic, more than 500 thousand people have used its services, and accordingly, treatment through the method of clinical hypnotherapy, which is confirmed by a certificate from an international rating agency. Bormental's official groups on popular social networks number tens of thousands of subscribers (Odnoklassniki - more than 43 thousand, VKontakte - more than 45 thousand).

The courses are conducted by a team of hypnologists of various profiles and specializations, led by psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the medical faculty of St. Petersburg State University Andrey Bobrovsky. Dr. Bobrovsky is known throughout the country, being the author of a number of popular science books and a regular expert on top programs on federal channels: “I’m losing weight!” on NTV, “Health” with Elena Malysheva, “Test Purchase” on “Pervoy”, etc.

The training program includes hypnosis techniques that are effective both in individual psychotherapy and when working with a group, and the methods of their use are thoroughly practiced. Upon completion of the courses, a state-issued certificate is issued. Moreover, since it is the clinical base of the Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg State University, students are issued a certificate from this university - one of the most respected higher educational institutions in Russia.

Courses are taught both face-to-face and online. The most important feature of online courses is the use of a distance learning service for teaching, which is radically different from standard webinars with a “talking head” effect or communication on Skype. Feedback learning allows you to virtually blur the line between distance and face-to-face learning.

The cost of online courses is from 17,000 rubles. The cost of full-time courses is from 25,000 rubles.


  • The courses are conducted by a team of media-famous specialists.
  • Teaching hypnotherapy is based on enormous practical experience.
  • Detailed and interesting course program.
  • Students are issued a certificate of the St. Petersburg State University.
  • Convenient online platform for learning.


  • Courses are held rarely.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
10 10 10 10 10 8 10

Moscow Institute of Psychology and Psychotherapy named after Milton Erickson

  • Website:
  • Address: Moscow, st. Novolesnaya, 6B, building 1
  • Phones:, 8 (985) 191-30-00
  • Email:
  • License: №039488

Despite the apparent “youth” from the name, the institute was founded back in 1992 and reformatted to a modern educational format in 2014. Its creator and director, psychiatrist-psychotherapist and clinical psychologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Nikolaevich Gordeev, is a teacher with almost 25 years of experience and wide popularity throughout Russia. The activities of this particular scientist in the 90s of the last century led to the popularization of Ericksonian hypnosis in our country. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Erickson Foundation (USA) signed a partnership agreement with Professor Gordeev.

The hypnotherapy training program includes a basic course of Ericksonian hypnosis and Ericksonian psychotherapy in two parts, self-hypnosis and techniques for quickly inducing trance. Upon completion, a certificate of advanced training is issued in accordance with the Law “On Education” of the Russian Federation. Communication with the institute is maintained through the website and groups on social networks, although there are few subscribers (on VK - 2,771 people, on Instagram - just over 2 thousand).

Courses are conducted face-to-face and online. The cost of the 8-day course is 42,000 rubles, it is possible to get a 20% discount.


  • The teacher is a specialist with a big name and enormous authority.
  • The Institute is a representative office of the famous American Foundation for Non-Directive Hypnosis.


  • A meager descriptive part of the hypnosis training program.
  • High price.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
10 10 9 10 9 7 7

Instant hypnosis - techniques, techniques

The principle of rapid hypnosis is putting a person into a trance using any strong feeling (fear, surprise, irritation) or a state of confusion when the subject is not able to make a decision on his own. At a time when a person is unsettled by strong emotions or hesitates, his consciousness partially turns off, and he plunges into a trance.

In this state, the subject does not critically evaluate the suggestions coming from the hypnotist and allows himself to be guided. The instructions are well received and regarded as helpful. There are several methods of quick hypnosis , with the classic Faria and American methods considered especially effective.


  • Website:
  • Address: Moscow, st. Pokrovka, 31, building 2, entrance 6
  • Phones:, +7 495 917-80-28
  • Email:
  • License №036277

The Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy is a private commercial organization of additional professional education, one of the oldest in our review. It was on the basis of IGiSP back in 1992 that the first trainings in Russia were held for foreign masters of clinical hypnosis - Ernest Rossi, Jean Becchio, Norman Wooton and others.

The teacher of the courses we are interested in is one of the masters of Russian hypnotherapy. This is Doctor of Psychology, Professor Mikhail Romanovich Ginzburg, who has been teaching Ericksonian hypnosis for almost 15 years. The book publishing activity of this outstanding hypnologist is respectable: in collaboration with Evgenia Yakovleva, he published the popular science book “Ericksonian Hypnosis: A Systematic Course,” based on the materials of his own trainings.

The programs last long enough for students to fully master the art of hypnosis. However, in the educational programs on hypnotherapy available on the IGiSP website, there is no training in non-Ericksonian methods, which in a certain way narrows the knowledge students receive.

Upon completion of training, IGiSP issues a company certificate. The cost of the most affordable courses is from 60 thousand rubles.

Strange as it may seem against the backdrop of the authoritative teaching and solid experience of IGSP, the institute’s representation on social networks is very low: for example, in the VK group there are only 300 participants and 3 messages for 2020.


  • IGiSP is the founder of teaching clinical hypnosis in Russia.
  • The course leader is one of the most famous teachers of Ericksonian hypnosis.
  • Long-term programs that meet the standards of foreign schools of clinical hypnosis.


  • There is no distance learning option.
  • In-person compact courses and VIP programs are conducted quite rarely, in small group format, and often enrollment in programs stops long before the start of training.
  • There is no training in other types of hypnosis other than Ericksonian.
  • High price.
  • An outdated website and lack of activity on social networks make it difficult to communicate with course graduates.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
10 10 9 10 10 1 7

PI DPO Institute of Practical Psychology "Imaton"

  • Website:
  • Address: St. Petersburg, Smolenka River Embankment, 14A, office 124
  • Telephone:
  • Email:
  • License: №1652

"Imaton" is one of the oldest non-state educational centers in St. Petersburg. This private institution of additional professional education in the field of psychology and psychotherapy was founded in 1998.

Hypnosis is taught here by Elena Borisovna Kuleva, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, teacher at the Department of Social Management at the St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics. The information about teachers published on the Imaton website indicates numerous seminars that Elena Borisovna attended, but not a word is said where and when she studied classical and Ericksonian hypnosis.

The program of the training seminar, frankly speaking, is not rich: the duration is only 24 hours. Its content is described very briefly and concisely, but it was not possible to find reviews from course participants on social networks (Instagram and VK). However, the authority of Imaton, which has been raising the professional level of psychotherapists and psychologists for three decades, is unshakable!


  • A well-known school, one of the oldest private centers for teaching psychology in Russia.
  • The certificates issued by the institute are in well-deserved demand in the labor market.


  • A little-known teacher who has not proven himself in the field of hypnotherapy.
  • The program is very short and outlined in general terms.
  • No distance learning.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
10 5 8 10 10 8 8

Moscow Institute of Hypnosis

  • Website:
  • Address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 29 building 2
  • Telephone:

On its website, the institute proudly presents itself as the Russian leader in hypnosis training, focusing on a large number of graduates per year. It is difficult to verify the accuracy of the data, but let's figure it out. Firstly, it was not possible to find the history of this institution in available sources and establish the duration of its existence. Secondly, the staff of teachers is solid only at first glance. There is only one hypnologist with an academic degree here - frankly speaking, this is not enough for the “institute”. And if you read the teachers’ resumes, it turns out that only two specialists have a medical education. For the “Russian leader of therapeutic hypnotherapy” this is more than frivolous.

Further - more: in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities information about an educational license, this organization does not have any information. The name of the institute itself is nothing more than a beautiful sign behind which hides a private enterprise, registered, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, at the address: st. Pokrovka, house 14/2, room 3. That is, the registration of the institute in one of the small rooms of the office center does not coincide with the address where it actually conducts its work. Most likely, this explains the lack of a license for educational activities: it is issued only at the registered address of the enterprise. Thus, this LLC has nothing to do with state academic education. Accordingly, state-issued certificates are not issued here, so the satisfied graduates pictured on the “landing” page of the site most likely have just fake pieces of paper in their hands.

And yet, the authority of Doctor of Medical Sciences Boris Grigorievich Afanasyev, who has been practicing hypnosis for more than 40 years, is high enough to interest those who want to learn his skills. However, with all due respect to the teacher, the role of the “living legend of hypnosis” and “the most eminent hypnologist in Russia” - and this is how he is presented on the site - is matched by a specialist who writes scientific articles and books, has patents for inventions, well, for at worst, cited in the works of other scientists. We did not find any of the above in Afanasyev’s “professional piggy bank”. So let’s take the self-proclaimed status of a “living legend” with a certain amount of skepticism.

The complete absence of accounts for this organization on Facebook, VKontakte and Instagram is surprising. The only social network - the YouTube channel - has not been updated for more than a year.

Considering all of the above, the prices here are simply ungodly - from 39,200 to 60,000 rubles per course.


  • Various areas of hypnosis training courses, detailed schedule.
  • The director is a hypnologist with 40 years of experience.


  • There is no license for educational activities.
  • Behind the spectacular name lies an ordinary LLC.
  • No distance learning.
  • Lack of groups on social networks.
  • Unreasonably high cost.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
5 9 8 5 6 3 5

Is it possible to lie during a session?

While immersed in a trance, the doctor removes the influence of your consciousness, communicating with your true essence, which determines your motives. This is the same Freudian “I”, our subconscious, which is responsible for our mood, actions and preferences.

If the patient is in a trance state, he will not be able to lie to the therapist. Another thing is that the patient can simulate a hypnotic sleep - in this case, only a specialist will be able to determine whether the person is in a state of hypnosis or not.


  • Website:
  • Address: St. Petersburg, Petrogradskaya metro station, Aptekarsky Prospekt, 6A , NPO Radar building
  • Phones:, +7 812 944-40-80
  • Email:

Sinton is a training center with branches in a number of Russian cities that has existed for more than 25 years. It was founded by the famous Moscow psychologist, author of a number of popular books, Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov.

Most of Sinton's trainings are devoted to practical psychology. Training in the “Eriksonian hypnosis” program is conducted here by Anton Bezmolitvenny, a psychologist, candidate of philosophical sciences. He is quite famous as a personal growth coach and the author of popular philosophical novels.

The proposed hypnosis training program is limited exclusively to the Ericksonian approach. But the main catch is that the license for educational activities is not listed on the website. And although potential listeners are assured that they will be awarded a certificate, it will probably only be useful for hanging it in a frame on the wall at home and quietly admiring it. It is unlikely to be suitable for legal practice within the walls of some reputable medical institution.

The cost of the full course with a discount is 43,000 rubles.


  • A wide variety of short and long-term training programs.
  • Availability of webinars.


  • The teacher does not have a medical education.
  • There is no license for educational activities.
  • The certificates do not comply with the state standard.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
9 6 7 5 6 8 7


  • Website:
  • Address: St. Petersburg, Kamennoostrovsky prospect, 40, office. 410
  • Telephone:
  • License: №025784912

On the website of this center there is no information about its creators: only the laconic “we” - as if that says it all. In one block on the website this institution is called “Educational”, in another - “Limited Liability Company “Training Center named after. N.P. Bekhtereva." But don’t be fooled by the loud name: to the famous “Institute of the Human Brain named after. N.P. Bekhtereva RAS” is an LLC registered in a small room in one of the business centers, has no connection. The address indicated on the website does not match the address at which the license for educational activities was issued. Based on the scant information on the website, it can be assumed that this educational institution was created just a couple of years ago.

However, the teaching staff here is very authoritative. Clinical hypnosis is taught by Swedish psychotherapist Suzanne Carolusson. The program is long-term, two years, accredited by the European Society of Hypnosis ESH. We can only hope that the leapfrog with licenses, addresses and names does not prevent respected teachers from “sowing the reasonable, the good, the eternal.”

The social networks of this institution do not shine with activity: one message is published on Instagram every six months, on VK - 1-2 messages per month. In the same VK, only 259 people are subscribed to the group: such a small number does not inspire confidence.

The cost of the four-day course is 25 thousand rubles. In-person attendance in all six modules is required.


  • Foreign teacher accredited by the European Society of Hypnosis.
  • Long-term full-time training program.


  • No distance learning.
  • Teaching is conducted only in English, so translation is required for those who do not speak it perfectly.
  • Poor program topics.
  • Abuse of aggressive marketing techniques on the site: in relation to little-known psychologists and their techniques, loud phrases such as “#1 experts in Russia” and “the only technique in Russia” are used.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
3 10 8 10 7 7 7

Institute of Clinical Hypnosis

  • Website:
  • Telephone:
  • Email:

Founded, according to information on the website, in 2005, this organization makes a very strange impression: an altered state of consciousness begins immediately upon becoming acquainted with the contents of the site. It seems that the loud name “Research Institute of Clinical Hypnosis (Research Institute of Clinical Hypnosis) of the National Society of Hypnosis of the Russian Federation” is nothing more than a marketing gimmick. Judge for yourself: no address, no legal form, no license number for educational activities! Well, more precisely, the license is posted on the website, but it belongs to the St. Petersburg National Medical Research Center for PN named after. V. M. Bekhtereva. This is a reputable government institution, on whose website there is no information about the “institute” in question: perhaps they don’t even realize that someone is shamelessly using their license. In general, complete paradoxes: the hypnotic institute has a license from a research institute from St. Petersburg, the phone number is Moscow, but there is no address at all! Yes, there are more questions than answers regarding this organization.

It would seem that everything is more or less clear with the teaching staff. However, there’s a catch! The website contains a list of teachers and a list of staff - and try to guess how they differ from each other! The teachers include psychologists who are not burdened with academic degrees and positions, with the exception of the undisputed master of Soviet hypnology - Vitaly Grigorievich Yevtushenko. However, the venerable teacher actually lives in distant Kharkov, and on his website not a word is said about the vigorous activity at the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis. Yevtushenko is also not listed in the schedule of the Institute’s upcoming seminars.

The list of employees includes two medical psychologists, two psychotherapists and - I can’t believe my eyes! - famous foreign hypnotherapist Jean Becchio, honorary president of the French Association of Hypnosis. But all the participation of the famous hypnologist comes down to posting a link on the website about his seminar in France. They say, go and visit Jean - and you will be happy! But again there is a problem: on Jean Becchio’s website nothing is said about the great honor of being included in the staff of the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis from Russia. But let’s no longer bore readers with an investigation of all the intricacies of this incomprehensible organization, but let’s move on to considering its trainings.

The website contains an offer for specialization in medical hypnosis in the clinic of psychosomatic disorders and internal diseases. There are two teachers on the course, both without medical education - psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the department of acmeology and psychology of professional activity at RANEPA Alexander Nikolaevich Blinkov and simply psychologist Sergei Aleksandrovich Bolsun. The course program is described extremely briefly, however, it includes techniques from Dovzhenko, Erickson, Rossi, and Becchio. All those who successfully complete the training are promised a state diploma.

Activity on social networks is ridiculously low: over the past year, five posts on Facebook and two on Vkontakte.

But you can’t look at the prices without tears: the cost of a full course of study is 120 thousand rubles. Payment can be made in installments: 40 thousand rubles for each weekly cycle.


  • Affiliation with well-known educational institutions and professional communities.
  • Various programs.
  • Interesting articles and books posted on the site are freely available.


  • Sparse and formal descriptions of curriculum.
  • Confusion with the legal form.
  • No online training.
  • Low activity on social networks.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
10 9 8 8 10 5 8

How to hypnotize yourself to lose weight. Hypnosis for weight loss

Millions of people around the world are obese. None of them enjoy it. People in this category may feel like failures. They may have medical or emotional problems related to their weight. We can list all the cultural factors that lead to this - lack of access to good food in many low-income areas, too many easily accessible fast food restaurants, lack of time to sit down as a family and enjoy a good meal, portions too large, served in restaurants, too much salt and sugar in processed foods, lack of exercise with too many people living a sedentary lifestyle, and the list goes on and on. There are all kinds of circumstances that prevent people from being the weight they want and feeling good about themselves because of it. But there are also slim people. They live in the same society, facing all the above-mentioned obstacles, but they manage to stay thin. We might chalk it up to "genes" or a tendency to have a strong metabolism, but deep down we know that's not always the case. These people are simply disciplined. They stay away from foods that don't suit them and don't feel obligated to eat everything on their plate. Why? What is the difference? A lot of our weight has to do with how our minds were programmed when we were children. Many of us were taught by our parents to always finish our portions, because people spent effort, time, and money to get food on our plates. You can't throw it away, it's a sin. There is a point in this, but here is the result - we developed a feeling of guilt for not eating enough lunch, because of this we began to eat more than our body needed. I developed a habit of overeating, which is now so difficult to get rid of. Or our mother spoiled us with all sorts of goodies when we were sick, and our relatives treated us to sweets every time we visited them. And we began to associate good feelings with food that is bad for us! Perhaps thin people were treated to apples and pears rather than candy as children and learned to exercise for fun. They may have been given smaller portions and taught to only get more if they were still hungry after finishing the small plate. They may have learned to enjoy fresh, natural food and not eat so much processed food.

Siberian Hypnosis Center

  • Website:
  • Phones: +7 3822 300-268, +7 913 116-11-95
  • Email:

The Siberian Hypnosis Center began its activities in the early 2000s. Judging by the website, it is a team of only four people, which does not prevent it from being loudly called “the largest organization in Siberia engaged in organizing and conducting training programs on hypnosis and hypnotherapy.” The head of the center, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Kopytov, presents himself as “a hypnologist, one of the leading specialists in Siberia,” although he is trained as a chemical technologist and his PhD thesis is also from this field. Judging by his words, he received his psychological education in absentia, but his interest in hypnosis led him to a new path, which was realized, among other things, in writing a popular book on self-hypnosis. Three other psychologists have neither scientific degrees or titles, nor teaching experience in reputable educational institutions.

The center offers a number of training programs on hypnosis and self-hypnosis, but the license for educational activities is not listed on the website. In addition, these trainings are proprietary, which means they are more suitable for self-development than for official medical practice. The certificate is also issued “company”, and not state.

However, it deserves respect that this organization is one of the few that persistently promotes hypnotherapy and hypnosis training in the Siberian region. The popularity of the center is evidenced by the considerable number of subscribers to its VKontakte group (by the way, very active): about 7 thousand people.

Training prices range from 9,500 rubles for a 3-day course in Siberian cities to 63,000 rubles for a 10-day field school in Altai.


  • Active educational activities in different cities of Siberia and Kazakhstan.
  • Regular online webinars.
  • Developed groups in social networks with relevant content.


  • “Siberian organization, without a legal address and educational license.
  • The head of the hypnosis center does not have a medical education, and his title “one of the leading specialists in hypnosis in Siberia” has not been confirmed in any way.
  • Lack of state certificates.
  • Unjustifiably high prices for training from “enthusiasts”.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
7 7 6 2 3 9 6

How to hypnotize yourself to study. Have you tried hypnosis to study well?

Hypnosis to study well is the most modern method of increasing motivation to study. However, it should be correctly understood that hypnosis only speeds up the process of mastering any skills. For example, a person is studying a foreign language; in order to form a vocabulary, he needs to memorize 20 words a day; this will allow him to double this number, or even more. But you can’t not be able to do anything and suddenly, after a session, instantly learn everything. It doesn't happen that way. Indeed, strong hypnosis is used to study well, but only to create motivation, an incentive to study. Any mental activity must have a goal. Powerful hypnosis to study well creates this goal and helps you concentrate on it.

Have you tried hypnosis to improve your memory?

Many schoolchildren and students complain of poor memory, which prevents them from remembering what they read. As a result, instead of understanding the material, schoolchildren and students are forced to “cram” it, which is also not a panacea. Without understanding the material, “learning by heart” does not give anything - after all, if you forget any detail from the “memorized” lesson, you will end up with incoherent nonsense. Hypnosis to study well helps to significantly improve memory. And, what is especially important for absent-minded and easily distracted students, hypnosis increases the ability to concentrate and sweeps away unwanted thoughts and consolidates knowledge at the subconscious level. Systems for memorizing facts, faces, and numbers, established with the help of hypnosis in studies, contribute to studying well.

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Have you tried hypnosis? — S. Gorin

Psychotherapist Sergei Gorin wrote 18 scientific articles on the treatment and prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism, on establishing an anti-drug blockade, and on psychological resistance to the influence of various religious sects. Sergey Gorin is the author and co-author of a number of books on hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming and mind manipulation. His most famous book: Have you tried hypnosis?. Unlike most publications, Have You Tried Hypnosis?, despite the fact that the book contains rather complex material, it is easy and enjoyable to read. The life examples that the book about hypnosis methods abounds in helps you understand and assimilate what you read even better.

OMNI courses

  • Website: hypnosis
  • Phone: +7 (96seven) 00-ZERO ZERO-123 (Andrey) What's App

No, this is by no means a typo or a prank, but authentic contacts of a hypnologist trainer, copied from his website. The narrative on this site is replete with standard aggressive marketing techniques: “The most comprehensive program on the training market,” “Some of the largest courses in the world,” “Don’t confuse us with the many clones and copies of the course.” The text is replete with epithets “first in the world”, “largest”, “oldest”, “exclusive”, etc. Just these tired moves from the practice of direct sales cause caution. Further - more: the only leader of the course, psychiatrist and psychotherapist Andrei Vladimirovich Efremov, is presented as the head of the department of practical psychology, psychodiagnostics and hypnoanalysis at the ANO DPO "International Social and Humanitarian Institute". Now find this institute on Yandex maps, and it will become clear to you why the contact information indicates a personal and not a corporate e-mail. However, it can be assumed that the venerable doctor is fond of marketing techniques due to the costs of his profession.

The rabid criticism of competing organizations and areas of psychotherapy also attracts attention: “Eriksonovka is hopelessly outdated,” “How many thousands of psychologists do universities graduate per year in the Russian Federation? Who did they help? and similar statements emphasizing the exceptional genius of the presenter. However, professionals who are confident in their abilities do not blame their colleagues for low efficiency so dismissively, and most importantly, without evidence.

But this cup has not passed over the potential cadets either! “20% of those trying to get onto the course are psychopaths, sociopaths, schizophrenics, etc.,” this “serious teacher” categorically states on his website. Then he confidentially adds: “Therefore, the address of the training is communicated only to those who have paid” - and immediately there follows an offer to transfer a certain amount. Well, you can’t so openly take people for suckers! Or does a respected psychiatrist diagnose patients based on whether they pay him or not? Such a derogatory and rollicking attitude towards colleagues and students, to put it mildly, raises concerns for the mental health of the guru himself.

In Russia, the course has only recently existed, but its analogues have been held abroad since 1979. I couldn’t get acquainted with the training program on the website: they say it’s a secret! To find out what exactly is included in the course, you need - neither more nor less - to share your personal data. This “intriguing” move is generally beyond the bounds of not only reason, but also the law. One thing is reliably promised: “full-fledged demonstrations of healings directly on students.” In light of all of the above, this prospect sounds scary. It’s a consolation that at least diplomas are issued according to state standards. At the same time, you can become the owner of a clinical psychologist diploma and American certificates from the National Guild of Hypnosis (USA) - by paying an additional fee, of course.

For the happiness of taking a course lasting 7-8 days, you need to pay at least 105 thousand rubles.


  • Diplomas of professional retraining of the state standard.
  • Availability of a license for educational activities.
  • The course is taught by a psychiatrist, a permanent media expert.


  • A cumbersome and tasteless site, full of aggressive sales techniques.
  • The course is taught by only one specialist.
  • The teacher does not have a scientific degree.
  • Very expensive.

Scores based on criteria

Lifespan Teachers, their fame, regalia Practical value of the course Availability of a license Availability of certificate Online availability Value for money
7 5 8 5 9 10 5

Magical dream in reality

Translated from ancient Greek, “hypnosis” means “magical sleep.” The sages and priests of Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rus' knew how to put their patients into a special state of trance in order to erase painful memories, protect them from pain during surgery, and cure amnesia. But there were also less good goals - to force people to take certain actions that would be difficult for a person to decide on in a normal state.

Such suggestion was used en masse among soldiers before the start of battles and individually for personal intentions. With its help, heads of state were set up so that they could confidently lead the people. In the Middle Ages, training in hypnosis independently or with a teacher was carried out for a select few in monasteries and Masonic orders. This knowledge was considered elitist, and those who possessed it could easily command the crowd.

In the 19th century, working with the subconscious became the prerogative of psychotherapists. They not only used their skills in practice, but also wrote many scientific works, thanks to which anyone can apply these developments and master a special technique. To do this, it is not necessary to have a natural gift, it is enough to be:

  • charismatic and self-confident;
  • have a commanding tone of voice;
  • be able to psychologically win over oneself;
  • have a hypnotizable (suggestible) recipient.

Types of suggestions

Not everyone is easily hypnotized. It has been proven that a third of the population is completely insensitive to it, the majority of people find it difficult to trust and relax, and only 20% are easily suggestible. Beginning hypnotists must first of all know what types of magical trance exist. Hypnosis happens:

  1. Purposeful by mutual consent. It is used, as a rule, to cure or help. Heals phobias, neuroses, addictions. Practiced by psychotherapists and trained medical professionals. A classic of the genre - a brilliant bright pendulum, to which the patient’s attention is transferred, and a code phrase that turns off consciousness.
  2. Secret. It is actively used on television, political rallies, advertising and network marketing to manage large audiences. Requires learning the basics of neuro-linguistic programming.
  3. Gypsy. Psychological adjustment to a specific interlocutor through imperceptible repetition of his facial expressions and gestures in conversation. Distracting questions or a sob story are used to lull vigilance. When the interlocutor begins to repeat the hypnotist’s gestures after him, the process has begun. The goal is most often selfish - to force someone to do something against their will. But child psychologists often use it when working with children, with the good intention of ridding patients of neuroses.
  4. Sensual. Special phrases from NLP, friendly gestures and adjustment to the physiognomy of the recipient to indicate the closeness of friendship or love. The goal is to control a person through the feeling of attachment that has arisen.
  5. Fast. It only works on highly suggestible people through a sharp command word that blocks consciousness.

Precautionary measures

Playing with the subconscious and trying to suppress the will of another without consent is fraught with consequences. Mental disorder, depression and nightmares are the least that an insufficiently prepared neophyte can get:

  • trance can seriously damage the psyche if you fail to bring the patient out of it correctly or with gross intervention from the outside, that is, it is necessary to think through all the conditions;
  • the more books on hypnotherapy are read, the better the hypnotist will be able to navigate any turn of the matter;
  • It is not always possible to enter or enter into a trance the first time, but you must not lose self-confidence, because it is the key to success;
  • naturally charismatic people are gifted with the ability of suggestion and can hypnotize anyone without preparation, but one must be prepared to bear responsibility for what they do;
  • Smoking, energy and alcoholic drinks, coffee and lack of sleep weaken the ability to control the will of others.

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