Topic 2. Forms of knowledge: sensual and rational, true and false


Gradually we begin to understand that events happen to us so that we learn. We finally realize that how we are treated is directly related to how we treat ourselves. Life helps us become cleaner.

Sometimes, a person who strongly identifies himself with a particular point of view needs, very much needs, a serious life crisis, so that he realizes that there is another view of the world, less energy-consuming and more productive.

When faced with our vulnerability, we abandon it and reconsider our views, the subconscious fears that we had previously implanted in ourselves. Each of us has our own view of the world. Our vision is influenced by fears and expectations, beliefs and convictions, ideals and abominations.

This is not something we have to live with, it is best to choose a positive outlook on the world that allows us to trust, love and feel connected to all that is. We have power over our perceptions. It is God’s gift to learn to catch yourself generating negativity and direct your thoughts or situation in a positive direction before this condition creates problems.

We are operated by three forms of intelligence:

At the superconscious levelAt the subconscious levelAt the level of consciousness
1.LoveFearWill choice point
2.Unity, graceSeparation, defense \attack\Point of view\focus
3. Wisdom, truthIgnorancePoint of identification
4.Completeness, complete perceptionPartial perceptionWho am I? I am these \labels\
5.Collective consciousnessIsolated consciousnessAssumption of the existence of personality
6.Trust supportDoubts, attachmentWindow to the world
7.CreativitySurvival, strong beliefsSource of Duality
8.FreedomPolarity, conflictArchitect of earthly existence
9.Memory of loveMemory of FearNo memory

The superconscious and subconscious are the experiences through which we look at the world. They act as storage facilities for different types of memory.

Consciousness is the place where conscious choice occurs, which creates our reality.

Our general consciousness is the instrument of free will and the point at which choice occurs and controls our everyday reality. The attitudes and ideas we perceive determine how people and situations will manifest to us.

Superconsciousness is love, the divinity of life.

Subconscious blocks in the form of negative information are our teachers, fate, karma, the source of suffering, our fears and divisions.

Consciousness is a reflection of what is happening and a choice. Even if there is nothing, the choice is still there and it is sacred.

During the operation of the superconscious we feel pleasure. During the period of activity of the subconscious, we begin to twitch, worry, and get irritated.

Sensations that are determined by consciousness








































20 I HAVE NO________

I CAN'T__________







SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS is the clear, collective consciousness of all living sentient beings. Perfect synchronicity, relevance, timeliness and sufficiency, coordination. He is not familiar with obstacles, blocks, ignorance, fears.

This part of us knows more than our certified personality, sees the whole picture of what is happening as a whole, believes, trusts, loves. The superconscious contains information about our actions at all times, about all our abilities, talents and orientation.

SUBCONSCIOUS - primitive - created, it contains information related to survival, myth-making and archetypes. It contains information about those moments when we reacted, obeying the instinct of survival and making decisions partially aware of our greatness, without understanding the situation as a whole, without having the opportunity to look from the point of view of a higher being.

Fear, panic, self-defense, doubt and mistrust are the characteristics of such memories, which makes them explosive and we do not want to touch them. Each subconscious memory is an incomplete sensation that our soul was not able to fully feel, experience and learn from.

These are black spots on the human energy field. Such memories in the West are called subconscious blocks, in the East they are called karma, among the Slavic peoples they are called fate. The subconscious is the concentration of our dark side and it is from there that negative emotions come.

CONSCIOUSNESS – has no memory and knows nothing. It is the vantage point, the eye of the soul and its senses. Consciousness is the conductor of the will, the point of choice and determination of personality, gives a sense of being and determines them, displays them in the memory of the subconscious or superconscious. It is the architect of our existence and the acquirer of experience. Consciousness is rational, separates and divides, creates a connection, association, belief, gives sensations of the personal, attaches logical labels.

All types of consciousness are important for our evolution and are very valuable and pleasant if they are consciously controlled by a person’s Spiritual Control. Any excess will lead to disqualification of energy and destruction of the object that caused the imbalance.

I AM Victory, who has come to you this day! I AM the Cosmic Being Mighty Victory! And because I AM Victory, I am victorious!

The entire evolution of the universe is doomed to Victory. And you need to develop the quality of victoriousness or victory in yourself. You simply need this quality. Because throughout the entire period of the musty history of mankind, it was precisely the quality of victory, victoriousness that you always lacked.

Perhaps what you mean by Victory is not at all the quality that I mean. Because in your dual world, each Divine quality has its own antipode. And the quality of Divine victory corresponds to the non-divine quality of victory over someone. But I have come to teach you the affirmation of victory.

It is when you renounce any human shortcomings and low-quality conditions that you gain your victory over the unreal manifestation and affirm Divinity in yourself.

And I have come to remind you of your Divine origin and the need to gain victory over your unreal part. Over millions of years of wandering around your world, you have become too accustomed to the unreal part of yourself. However, no one can force you to give up your unreal part. This is a decision you must make in your own heart.

You must strive towards Divinity and you must give up unreality. Because without this, your further evolutionary development in this universe is impossible. And if earlier we came and simply told you about the old man and the other, true man hidden in you, now the time for talking is over , and you must begin to take concrete actions that free you from the duality of illusion and direct you to the unity of the Divine world.

Believe me, all illusory manifestation is concentrated only in your consciousness, and you must overcome this illusory consciousness of yours. There is no other way. And how this can be done, the way to overcome your illusory manifestation, makes up a large part of the Teaching that is given to you through our messenger.

You need to make it a rule and begin every day to analyze those manifestations of unreality within you that interfere and hinder your victory. Try to abstract yourself from the world that surrounds you, and imagine that you suddenly find yourself in another world, the Divine.

In this world there are no forms that are familiar to you, in this world there is nothing that needs to be done with your hands. In this world there is no need to take care of the body. This is the Fiery World. A world where fiery thoughts dominate, a world created by the power of thought and existing thanks to Divine Love, which alone fills the entire free space of the Fiery World. Thanks to this Love this world exists.

Now imagine what of what surrounds you in your world that you might need in our Divine world?

Will you need things around you, money, luxury items, food, clothing? No, you will not need any of the things I have listed in our world. Then what remains?

What can continue to stay with you in our world?

I will tell you. In our world, only your Divine qualities can continue to remain with you. Selflessness, devotion, love, compassion, divine mercy, purity... There are so many qualities in the Divine world that you can keep to yourself, but in order for you to have these qualities, you must develop them in your physical, manifested world.

Otherwise, when the time comes to return to the Father’s House, you will find yourself in it without your shining clothes in the form of your virtues. It is not right to walk naked in the Divine world. You will constantly experience the sympathetic glances of the inhabitants of the Divine World.

And you will feel uncomfortable for spending time aimlessly during your earthly incarnations. Therefore, based on the description of the Divine world that you receive in our messages, find strength and courage in yourself, and part with your purely human qualities, and try to acquire Divine qualities and perfections.

Everything that is good in your world is not so in the Divine world. But there is a place in your world for the manifestation of Divine qualities. And these are the states that you sometimes experience in the form of a feeling of self-sacrifice, divine compassion, unconditional love.

Each of you at least once in your life was capable of experiencing such states of consciousness. All you have to do is remember these moments and try to spread them in your life for as long as possible. Thus, so that your whole life becomes consisting of high, sublime, Divine states of consciousness.

I come to remind you once again of your Divinity. Because in your hustle and bustle of the day, you are too divorced from reality. It's time to remember your true Home and your Divine purpose. Don't be afraid to look funny in the eyes of the people around you.

Let's see who will laugh when you get into Divine reality. And if I tell you that the cycles are shortening and time has accelerated, then this means that you do not have much time left for your experimentation in the physical world. Hurry up. Because what can be easily achieved by you when you are incarnated in the physical world is impossible to achieve during your stay in the Divine world.

In view of the density of the manifested world, any action in this world gives an almost lightning-fast result. And in order to achieve the same effect when you are in the Fiery World, you will need millions of years.

Our worlds complement each other and what is possible in your world is impossible in ours. Unfortunately, you'll have to take my word for it. Because in order to reach the world in which I live, you will need millions of millions of earthly years.

However, I do not lose hope that there will be those human individuals for whom every word of my message today will carry such an important energetic and informational component that your life will change as quickly as you could not even imagine in your wildest dreams.

I wish you to develop the quality of Victory and strive for your Divine victory with all your being!

Conscious activity

A person, carrying out an activity, has a specific goal and object. The goal is the result of activity that a person receives as a result of transforming the world around him. Otherwise, activity and awareness of its value lose meaning.

All stages of human activity are associated with awareness of the process:

  • setting goals and objectives for activities;
  • application of knowledge, skills and abilities in the labor process;
  • performance evaluation.

These successive stages of activity show how consciousness and activity are connected in the process of transforming reality.

Developmental activities

By consciously carrying out activities, a person thereby sets the horizons of his development. Because the activity itself is a developing environment for the formation of personality.

Considering activity and consciousness as interconnected processes, scientists have developed a doctrine of activity as leading at each of the age stages of a person:

  • Gaming. In the process, the child receives and practices knowledge about the world.
  • Educational. In the process, the student acquires knowledge about the main areas of human life.
  • Labor. This form is the basis for a person’s self-realization as an individual.

Against the background of this teaching, it is clearly shown how human consciousness and activity are connected at each age stage of life.

Consciousness and subconsciousness: two minds in one head

Attention! Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to change your unwanted behavior or negative attitude? And why does it come so easily to some? >>>

Why can't you just decide to quit smoking or stop eating sweets? Why can't you just take it and start relaxing more and enjoying life more?

There is a very simple explanation for this.

Part of you says “yes, I will change.” Another part of you says, “No way, I won’t change!”

It’s as if two minds live inside us at the same time, arguing about whether or not we should change something in our lives. This process can be called a conflict between consciousness and subconscious.

It is obvious that your mind is very complex. But there are several points regarding consciousness and subconsciousness that have already been revealed by modern science and confirmed experimentally.

You have one mind, within which there are two parts: conscious and subconscious.

The conscious mind is also called the objective mind and includes your current field of consciousness. This is the part of you that decides to read this article now. This is the part that decides what to eat for breakfast, who to call, or where to go after work.

Your subconscious mind is the part of you that lies beneath the surface of your conscious mind. This part of you is deciphering the symbols on this page right now. Symbols that you memorized carefully as children and that you now automatically recognize as words.

Your subconscious mind also directs your body's functions. It knows exactly how fast your heart should beat, how to digest your breakfast, and many other things that your conscious mind, your consciousness, has never thought about.

Many functions of the subconscious are known to it from the moment of our birth. Other functions, such as reading, were learned through consciousness. The subconscious mind has access to all of your memory.

The subconscious mind stores all your beliefs and beliefs and renews frequently used behavior patterns.

The conscious and subconscious mind interact with each other even when you sleep.

The conscious mind sends a message to the subconscious so that you send a command to use your fingers and the muscles of your hand begin to move the computer mouse or scroll through the smartphone screen.

The subconscious spent a long time learning which muscle needed to be tensed in order to make a certain movement. And now it does it automatically.

The subconscious does not work against the conscious mind, no, but sometimes it can manifest itself in this way and resist sudden changes.

This is especially true in cases where you decide to change your oldest habit, something you have been doing for many years.

The resistance of the subconscious is due to its “programming”.

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