Risk factors, development of drug behavior in adolescents. methodological development on the topic

Adolescent drug addiction is the formation of dependence on psychotropic drugs in minors (12–18 years old). Narcologists and psychologists argue that young people are naturally predisposed to develop an interest in illegal substances, and problems in the family or bad company are only catalysts. Drug use by adolescents has its own characteristics - addiction develops faster, the risk of overdose is too high, irreversible consequences arise, including a slowdown in development and the formation of psychopathological diseases.

Causes of drug addiction in teenagers

Not every child or teenager can fall under the bad influence of peers and use drugs for fun. Drug addiction among young people is the province of the age group from 12 to 27 years. This is due to the fact that adolescence is a turning point and formative period in the psycho-physical and somatic development of children.

There is a conventional hierarchy of reasons for the development of drug addiction: socio-cultural aspects, psychophysiological characteristics, personal factors. The first group includes a change in status in society for a teenager. The reason for socio-cultural factors includes the denial of drug addiction: “I’m not a drug addict”, “I can easily quit”, “I don’t need help”, “it’s not harmful”, “even doctors treat weed with weed”, etc., according to this Children treat alcohol the same way. Psychophysical aspects include the absence or insufficient level of self-control, a sense of desire for everything new. In such conditions, children become drug addicts without realizing their responsibility in choosing life and moral behavior. Personal factors include the relationship between parents, other family members, teachers, classmates, neighbors, friends and children of drug addicts. This is how teenage drug addicts try to dull their emotional pain and feelings.

What motivates teenagers to take drugs?

Boys and girls are naturally inclined to show interest in drugs. As child psychologists explain, the reason for this phenomenon lies in the following:

  • Natural curiosity: All children are attracted to the opportunity to try something that they are not allowed to do.
  • Drugs are associated with growing up, so teenagers try them out of a desire to prove that they are already accomplished individuals and have the right to free choice.
  • Children do not have a developed sense of self-preservation; they do not think about the future, but live with momentary sensations. They use drugs without understanding the dangers.

The influence of the listed psychological factors applies to both disadvantaged children and young people growing up in wealthy and happy families. This only encourages you to take drugs for the first time and learn from your own example how they work. But in order for a teenager to regularly use psychotropic drugs, external prerequisites must still be in effect:

  • Teenagers start taking drugs in company where it is considered normal. This is how they strive to make friends.
  • Drugs are used as a way to escape problems (drug addiction is widespread among young people growing up in problematic families or having conflicts with peers).
  • The teenager is turned on by his parents who are drug addicts (including unknowingly).
  • There is no preventive educational work with the child; he is not aware of what consequences await him from such a bad habit.

“76% of adolescents with drug addiction grow up in a deviant environment - where crime is considered the norm and the family’s financial security is below average. The lack of funds to raise children and the degradation of parents lead to the fact that boys and girls find themselves “thrown out onto the streets.” Among street children, drug addicts occur in 84% of cases.”

Nikolenko I. V., representative of the commission on juvenile affairs

Features of teenage drug addiction. Children's alcoholism and drug addiction

Adolescent drug addiction is associated with maximalism in relation to the surrounding world in this age group. Why do children become drug addicts? The problem lies in the mass character or “herd instinct” of young people, the annual rejuvenation of drug addiction. Drug addiction among adolescents is characterized by a rapid transition from mild psychotropic drugs (barbiturates, synthetic tranquilizers, hemp and derivatives, marijuana) to heavier groups of drugs, including medications (heroin, ecstasy, morphine, cocaine). A teenager may purchase an expensive drug and be forced to resort to artisanal methods of producing psychotropic drugs. Such pseudo drugs have a degenerative effect on the cerebral cortex and the body as a whole in a short period of time, quickly leading to death. The child is forced to secretly receive the necessary doses of narcotic drugs from adults, so he takes large doses at once.

Drug addiction among young people from antisocial groups of the population never occurs in isolation from alcohol.

Children's bodies get used to drugs very quickly. This is facilitated by the structural features of the child’s body. Drug addiction in adolescence knows no limits on the amount of alcohol consumed and the amount of drugs taken. It is normal for teenagers to go on a binge, to take drugs uncontrollably, and sobriety for them is an incomprehensible state where there is responsibility, duty and responsibilities. Complete intoxication provides young people with false ease and self-confidence. Drug addiction among young people has a malignant course. The reaction of the body's resistance to the effects of narcotic drugs in puberty is reduced, since during this period the final formation of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems occurs.

Signs of drug addiction in teenagers.

Drug addiction among young people has the following clinical and psychological symptoms:

  • unmotivated mood swings;
  • violation of the daily routine;
  • parents note that the child has become secretive;
  • loss of appetite, which is replaced by bouts of indomitable overeating;
  • unsteadiness of gait, incoordination of movements, slurred and inarticulate speech;
  • constriction or dilation of the pupils not associated with light reaction;

Behavioral symptoms include decreased academic performance, new social circles, short phone calls with an unclear conversational meaning, indifference to one’s appearance, personal hygiene, theft, disappearance of valuables at home, injection sites on the skin, the characteristic smell of marijuana or other narcotic plants, frequent visits pharmacies, availability of medications.

The son of a drug addict is characterized by attacks of aggression, which manifest themselves to a lesser extent in girls. Such emotional outbursts are characterized by the use of physical force against parents (usually female representatives), shouting loudly, and protesting.

How can you tell if a teenager is using drugs?

Any stimulants lead to the destruction of health. In addition, the teenager’s behavior changes. Let's look at the main signs of change.

Changes in behavior

  1. New people appeared in the environment. Best friends hardly come to visit. Communication with new friends is anonymous and never happens in front of adults.
  2. Coordination of movements has deteriorated. They became slow or fast. The gait is unsteady and uncertain.
  3. The child stays late after school or sports club or stops attending classes altogether.
  4. Psycho-emotional instability appears. This is a common occurrence during adolescence, but outbreaks of aggression are controlled. Drugs cause tearfulness or high spirits. Mood changes are incredibly fast.
  5. Valuables or even household appliances and furniture disappear from the house. A child steals money from your wallet if you give him little pocket money. At the same time, he may demand impressive amounts that he has not previously asked for.

Changes in physiology

  1. The diet is changing. A child can eat only once a day or vice versa - 5 times a day and even in the middle of the night. After eating, belching, vomiting, constipation or loose stools appear due to indigestion.
  2. Insomnia or, on the contrary, energy deficiency appears, so you have to sleep 20 hours a day. A child may be awake for 2-3 days in a row, which negatively affects academic performance.
  3. Despite regular brushing of teeth and tongue, terrible breath odor persists. Additionally, a chronic cough develops, which does not go away after taking medicinal syrup or tablets.
  4. The look changes, as an unhealthy shine appears, and the pupils narrow or dilate.

Changes in appearance

  1. Teenagers do not want to lag behind their peers in terms of appearance, so they always wear fashionable clothes and accessories. When taking drugs, the sense of taste completely disappears. Clothes become wrinkled, shabby, dirty. In general, preference is given to dark clothes with long sleeves. Through the thick dark fabric it is impossible to see injection marks and pale skin.
  2. The condition of the skin changes significantly. Abrasions, bruises, rashes, and pimples appear on the surface. The color becomes pale, sallow or yellowish. Hair becomes dry, split, and loses its natural shine.
  3. In rare cases, tools appear at home with the help of which drugs are prepared or consumed. For example, burnt spoons, foil, syringes, perforated and burnt bottles.

Drug addiction among youth

Our son is a drug addict, what should we do? Parents and society must decide how to help the teenager rehabilitate. The child does not always shout “help!” Having a drug addiction, the feeling of fear to admit and accept his illness frightens him greatly.

Treatment for such addiction begins with the family. Parents must show compassion and understanding towards their child, show him all their love and warmth. We must not forget about respect for the child as an individual; father and mother must do everything possible to ensure that the family circle is as positive as possible for the teenager’s recovery. Constant conversations and elements of psycho-emotional support are necessary.

Since group classes, visiting and working with psychologists can help a child, psychotherapeutic methods of therapy should not be underestimated.

What should parents do if they have suspicions?

Funds are regularly allocated from the state budget to combat drug addiction, but more than 1,000,000 people die from psychoactive substances every year. Educational institutions conduct special trainings, lectures, and classes that promote negative attitudes toward alcohol and drugs. But drug dealers find new distribution channels and attract new people to the ranks of drug addicts.

If you find several of the signs listed above, we recommend that you undergo drug testing to remove all suspicions.

In addition, the correct behavior of parents towards a teenager is also important.

  1. You cannot swear, shout, humiliate a person, call him a drug addict, etc. Due to psychological pressure, a breakdown will occur, and the dosage of the drug will be increased.
  2. It is important to establish contact with the teenager. You must talk openly with him, listen carefully, understand and be aware of the problem. It is necessary to find out the root cause that prompted the young man to try psychostimulants.
  3. If social factors influenced the development of addiction, they need to be excluded. This may include living in an unfavorable area, bad company, and more.
  4. There is no need to strictly limit the child in everything. For example, if you forbid him to go out with friends until late, and all his peers go out until 10-11 p.m. He will definitely break this rule to spite you.
  5. Encourage your child to undergo drug testing to confirm or refute your suspicions. Testing is best done in a medical facility. If the result is positive, you will be able to immediately receive recommendations from a narcologist about further treatment.

To find out more, call the hotline number 8 (800) 200-27-23 and sign up for a consultation.

How to help a teenager? Drug treatment for drug addiction

This type of therapy is used in severe cases of addiction or in compulsory treatment for medical and social reasons. An abrupt withdrawal of drugs from entering the body is necessary, with the exception of long-term use of barbiturates. In a drug treatment clinic, it is first necessary to relieve acute psychomotor disorders. For this purpose, it is necessary to introduce opioid receptor blockers (methadone, levo-alpha-acetylmethadone), selective antagonists-agonists of opiate receptors (buproenorphine, naloxone - the most effective).

  • A good effect is achieved by taking clonidine or its analogues with analgesics, sedatives, anxiolytics, hypnotics, analeptics and neuroleptics. This combination of drugs has a minimal effect on the patient’s psychological health.
  • Cholecystokinin, decapeptide, tacus, ceruletide, deltoran reduce the duration of the acute withdrawal state and associated neurological disorders. These drugs can induce prolonged deliberation and normalize the levels of dopamine and catecholamines.
  • The antidepressant mianserin is indispensable for long-term morphinism. The drug enhances the synthesis of norepinephrine and has a blocking effect on serotonin receptors.
  • Naloxone is one of the oldest opiate receptor antagonists, but has a large list of side effects.

There is symptomatic therapy in the treatment of drug addiction. The main line of therapy is aimed at detoxification and removal of toxins from the body. For this purpose, glucose-saline solutions are used at a 1:1 ratio with the addition of Lasix or furosemide (dehydration mode) with the simultaneous administration of vitamin E, ascorbic acid, and tocopherol. Infusion therapy lasts more than 7-10 days. Atropine suppresses pain and sensory disturbances of withdrawal symptoms. Calcium channel blockers cause disturbances in neuronal transmission in specific structures of the nervous tissue and are indicated for opium overdose.

According to vital indications, intravenous administration of albumin or plasma is carried out

Against the background of this condition, a convulsive syndrome develops, which must be stopped with Finlepsin or Convulex. The specifics of adolescent drug addiction require the prescription of antipsychotics, which are indicated to improve brain activity and eliminate anergy (aminazine, haloperidol, eglonil, Zyprexa, olanzapine). To combat physical inactivity and hypotension, cordiamine is administered. Nootropic drugs are necessary for long-term continuous use. The drugs of choice may be phenibut, pantogam, picamilon, pirocetam. To increase reflex and psychomotor reactions, high doses of dopamine neurotransmitters are administered: bromocriptine or parlodel.

Addiction among adolescents has a good history after completion of therapy. Anyone can help a child with drug addiction. It is necessary to find out the reason for drug use, help eliminate these factors and create favorable emotional and psychological living conditions for adolescents. Teenage alcoholism and drug addiction go hand in hand in the modern world.

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