Suicide. Reasons for suicide. Ways to combat it.

Social isolation and feelings of loneliness, hopelessness and hopelessness are some of the most common warning signs of suicidal thoughts. There are over 40,000 suicides every year and many more attempts. Millions of family members, friends, teachers and therapists remain at a loss after such suicidal acts, wondering what could have been done to prevent them. A high percentage of people who attempt suicide may also be depressed and usually exhibit other behavioral problems. For example, severe anxiety or substance abuse problems. Certain warning signs usually appear before suicide. Knowing the common warning signs, as well as other symptoms of major depression, can help those who are at risk of suicidal thoughts.

According to some estimates, hundreds of thousands of people attempt suicide every year. Most of these people suffer from severe depression, but may have never been diagnosed with depression. It is estimated that 25% to 35% of all suicides are directly related to depression. However, not every person with depression experiences suicidal thoughts. When depression becomes severe and remains untreated, it is possible that suicidal thoughts may recur.

Possible reasons

The death of a loved one can make you want to commit suicide.
Thoughts of “I want to commit suicide” do not appear out of nowhere. Suicidal tendencies arise against the background of certain events in life. Sometimes it’s all due to serious mental problems and disorders. The main factors include:

  • financial problems, including loans and debts;
  • loss of loved ones, both separation from a loved one and death of a relative;
  • somatic illnesses, in particular those that are incurable, in particular cancer and AIDS;
  • addictions, namely alcohol and drugs;
  • mental disorders, in particular phobias, severe depression, schizophrenia, personality disorders, acute psychoses;
  • time of hormonal changes, in particular adolescence and menopause in women;
  • a relic of the hostilities in which I had to take part;
  • suffered violence, both moral and physical;
  • absolute loneliness;
  • suspiciousness, accompanied by communication with people who inspire thoughts of suicide.

Suicidal thoughts can occur in the following situations:

  • a feeling of impasse comes, one gets the impression that there is no way out of the situation in which the person finds himself, any actions seem to be losing;
  • life is filled with suffering and mental pain;
  • there are no goals or meaning in life, a person feels hopeless;
  • there was a loss of contact with relatives and friends, a feeling arose that the individual was a burden to others;
  • lack of close relationships, severe loneliness;
  • there was a desire to punish myself for an evil act, I don’t mind if I have to pay with my own life;
  • the presence of a mental disorder that makes it impossible to think positively, the world is seen in dark colors, the future seems black and hopeless.

The reason may be alcohol abuse or prolonged depression.

The risk of suicide increases:

  • there have been previous suicide attempts;
  • actions that lead to self-cutting or other injuries;
  • mental disorders in relatives or cases of suicide;
  • short temper, increased impulsiveness.

What are suicidal thoughts?

Suicidal ideation involves thinking about killing yourself, usually along with other symptoms of depression or behavioral changes. For many who experience suicidal thoughts, depression occurs as a reaction to trauma or a series of tragic life events. It has also been found that drug and alcohol abuse can worsen depression and increase the likelihood of suicide. One large study of more than 43,000 people found that among those most depressed, approximately 20% also had substance abuse problems, including illicit drugs and alcohol.

Another surprising finding is that a large percentage of people with severe depression who may be at risk for suicide also exhibit symptoms of other conditions that may not seem related to mood changes. These include stomach ulcers, IBS, speech disorders, arthritis and skin problems, which are rooted in a lot of stress and inflammation.

Sometimes a serious illness, such as a cognitive disorder or cancer, for example (or even very old age) can lead to depression and possibly suicidal behavior. And, unfortunately, this is a vicious circle, because the more depressed and stressed a person is, the more his overall health deteriorates.

Symptoms and warning signs of suicidal ideation

Many patients with severe depression feel as if they are completely alone, with no one to listen to them or understand their problems, and impossible to find their way back to a hopeful, happier place.

Most people who have attempted suicide or reported suicidal thoughts in the past have been found to have the following common symptoms and signs:

  • Feeling depressed or extremely hopeless and sad. This usually stems from a feeling that there is no meaning to life, no connection to other people, and no one who would care if they took their own life.
  • Lack of hope that the situation will improve in the future, a feeling of being “trapped” and the impression that treatment will never work.
  • Feelings of isolation and loneliness. Even depressed patients who have very caring family and/or friends can feel this.
  • Withdrawal from family, friends, community, colleagues, society in general, and normal activities.
  • Feelings of intense anxiety, neuroticism, agitation, and restlessness. This can cause an increase in anxiety symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, twitching, decreased appetite, and trouble sleeping.
  • Sudden mood swings and sudden changes in behavior. This is a sign of bipolar disorder/manic depression, in which patients fluctuate from low mood to very energetic and even happy.
  • Feeling very tired, lacking interest in things that usually bring you pleasure, and lacking motivation. Some patients with depression also experience muscle pain, weakness, and pain.
  • Increased use of alcohol, drugs, or prescription pills, sometimes to the point of developing signs of dependence or withdrawal.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention states that specific warning signs that a person may be having suicidal thoughts and should therefore be intervened immediately include:

  • Shows signs of anger, rage, extreme aggression or violence.
  • Sudden abuse of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications.
  • Actively demonstrates signs of revenge against someone else.
  • Acting out of character, such as making reckless, sudden, or risky decisions.
  • Threats or conversations about wanting to kill and/or harm yourself.
  • Finding ways to hurt or kill oneself, such as seeking access to things such as prescription pills, firearms, or other weapons.
  • Write, create art, sing, or show other ways of expressing thoughts about death.
  • Connecting online with other people who have had suicidal thoughts, such as participating in blog discussions or suicidal conversations on social media.

Risk factors for suicide and main causes of depression

What circumstances and lifestyle factors may put a person at increased risk for suicidal ideation or severe depression? If a person is currently struggling with another mental health disorder or has attempted suicide in the past, that person is considered high risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some other risk factors for suicidal ideation include:

  • A history of depression, anxiety, or other mental illness such as schizophrenia , post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorder, personality disorder, or bipolar disorder.
  • Family history of depression, especially if the depression has been severe and led to suicide attempts. It has been found that due to neurological changes and hormonal imbalances, there may be a genetic link to suicide.
  • Abuse of drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol.
  • Experiencing a very stressful event or trauma. This could be the loss of a loved one, abuse, death, military service, a breakup, or serious financial or legal problems.
  • Having a mental illness that affects mood, including cognitive disorders such as Parkinson's disease, chronic pain, or terminal illnesses that cause hopelessness.
  • Feelings of alienation and lack of satisfaction in work, relationships, life activities, community or hobbies.
  • Feeling misunderstood or taken advantage of, perhaps for financial reasons or being disabled.

How to get rid of suicidal thoughts with traditional treatment

Severe depression and suicide attempts are usually treated with a combination of prescription medications and therapy. While not every patient needs to use medications to help overcome symptoms associated with mood changes—which often include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors—many do. Medications themselves are generally not the only treatment used for depressed patients. However, because they often do not address all of the patient's underlying psychological problems, the medications may stop working over time, and the prescriptions can also cause many side effects.

Experts believe that many patients have a better chance of overcoming suicidal thoughts if they at least initially use medication while undergoing therapy. One disadvantage has been found to be that prescription antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, along with other psychotropic medications , can sometimes cause a number of side effects. For example, addiction, weight changes, vision problems, fatigue, dizziness, stomach upset and sexual dysfunction.

It's important to note that one of the most well-known dangers of antidepressants is the potential for increased suicidal ideation.

Warning signs

If a girl or guy wants to commit suicide, certain bells may indicate this:

  • social isolation;
  • lack of self-love and development of hatred;
  • increased anxiety, which is replaced by outbursts of aggression;
  • attempts to harm yourself;
  • insomnia or sleep disturbances;
  • drug or alcohol abuse.


  1. Write a list of positive traits of your appearance and character, what achievements you are proud of. Write down a list of things that bring you satisfaction in life, some pleasure that helped you cope with difficulties before. Write down the names of people you care about, family members and friends. Remember what films you like to watch, what music to listen to, what books to read. Write down how you see your future, what people you want to see next to you, what places you want to visit, what you want to buy. It is advisable to make such notes next to a person who knows you well. Communication with a close friend will help you overcome depressive thoughts, pull you out of a depressed state, and get rid of suicidal tendencies.
  2. Write down all the arguments indicating the need to live. Re-read them. Better yet, dictate them to your phone and listen to them regularly.
  3. Some people find it easier to pour out their souls over a helpline. They will help you understand yourself and protect you from rash actions. You can also share your thoughts with friends, they will find the right words and support to protect you from a fatal step.
  4. When you feel that you are unable to resist suicidal tendencies on your own, do not be afraid to seek help from a psychotherapist. The specialist will assess your condition, select the right approach, identify the reasons that led to suicidal thoughts, and develop a method for correcting the condition.

Preventing suicide and how to get rid of suicidal thoughts using natural methods

1.Get help from a professional

If suicidal thoughts arise, the best thing to do is to contact someone who can help.

Find a therapist or even tell your doctor that you're feeling depressed and hopeless. Seeing a counselor who offers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of psychotherapy, can be one of the most powerful things a person who is suicidal, very anxious, or depressed does. The Texas Organization for Suicide Prevention says CBT works by teaching patients more effective and less risky ways to cope with stressors that trigger suicidal crises or suicidal thoughts. Coping strategies are taught using behavioral, cognitive, and interactional skills that teach patients to recognize their own extreme, unrealistic, harmful, and negative thoughts so as not to react to them.

Here are a couple more ways to ask for help:

  • Consider telling a friend, spouse, or family member who cares about your well-being.
  • Confide in a local minister, spiritual leader, teacher, or someone in your faith community who you trust and know has good intentions.
  • Call the hotline to speak with a professional trained in suicide intervention (more on this below).
  • Make an appointment with a psychiatrist who works at your school, office, community center, etc.

2.Seek emergency support

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a free, confidential, 24-hour helpline for those who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts. The hotline can also be used by family members, friends, teachers or therapists seeking prevention, treatment and referral resources for loved ones.

Suicide Lifeline has been used successfully for many years by those who seek help at the very moment when they fear they have nowhere else to turn. Trained Suicide Crisis Center counselors are available 24 hours a day to listen to someone's needs and offer emergency, free crisis counseling or suicide support. Crucially, they can also provide mental health referral information to help depression patients get the help they need.

3.Give support to those who are suffering

What can you do to show someone with suicidal thoughts that you are there for them and that things are not hopeless? Experts recommend the following tips for showing care to someone who desperately needs it:

  • Listen with care, acceptance and attention. Try to genuinely listen to the person's feelings without offering advice or belittling them, but instead simply showing that you are willing to give them your time.
  • Share your feelings with him to let him know that he is not alone. If you've ever felt depressed, anxious, very sad or lonely, it's okay to let your loved one know. And also that everyone had hard times.
  • Express your concern that he might make a reckless decision. Show that this is deeply upsetting to you and that it is important to you that he reconsider his actions and seek help immediately.
  • Be candid and directly ask if the person has ever had suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide in the past. If you think the question is inappropriate or may make the situation worse, contact a professional who can intervene. If he reports that he has had suicidal thoughts, call a suicide prevention hotline and talk to someone who can help him immediately.

4.Reduce depression and anxiety with supportive nutrition.

Believe it or not, certain diets have been shown to help reduce symptoms of depression and prevent worsening mental health. Diet changes that support mental health include:

  • Eating healthy fats – 60% of our brain is made up of fats. Healthy fats in the diet help support hormone production, are associated with more stable blood sugar levels, support a positive mood, and have anti-inflammatory effects that support cognitive health as you age. Eat omega-3 foods . For example, wild-caught salmon, sardines, walnuts and flax seeds, in addition to healthy oils such as coconut and olive oil.
  • Foods High in Antioxidants - Antioxidants help keep the body and brain youthful, reduce free radical damage that can impair cognitive health, and support healthy nervous system function.
  • Foods High in Antioxidants – Antioxidants help keep your body and brain youthful, reduce free radical damage that can impair cognitive health, and support healthy nervous system function.
  • Foods Rich in Good Bacteria – Foods with probiotics maximize gut and brain health and may protect against gut permeability, which is associated with both anxiety and depression.
  • Avoid too much sugar, processed foods , caffeine and alcohol. These are all associated with higher levels of inflammation, fluctuations in blood sugar levels that can lead to worse mood, and sometimes sleep problems or anxiety.

5. Stress management through exercise and mind-body practice

Exercise has been shown to help prevent and treat depressive symptoms by naturally increasing the production of "happy hormones." For example, serotonin, endorphins and neuropeptides. Outdoor exercise appears to be particularly beneficial for people with mood problems, sometimes outperforming commonly prescribed antidepressants. Start slowly, or consider enlisting the help of a spouse or friend with whom you can run, bike, dance, do yoga, or go to the gym.

  • When you're feeling very low or anxious, try calming your body naturally with essential oils for depression . These include lavender, chamomile, lemongrass, bergamot, ylang-ylang and orange oils. You can use essential oils in a warm bath or shower, or apply them to your skin during a soothing massage.
  • Change your brain with yoga. Yoga has been shown to release GABA, a natural "feel good" neurochemical, and calm the nervous system when it is anxious or upset. Some studies have also shown that yoga is associated with mental well-being.
  • Spend more time in nature to produce more brain-healthy vitamin D , and consider supplementing with extra vitamin D if you are deficient. According to one review, vitamin D supplements cause "statistically significant improvements in depression."
  • Create new relationships and spend more time with those you care about.
  • Try guided meditation regularly or join a spiritual group to experience the healing power of prayer .
  • Practice deep breathing exercises to help you relax your body when you feel anxious.
  • Manage stress better with herbs, supplements, and other natural stress . A number of adaptogen herbs , fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals can help support hormone production, reduce inflammation, and stabilize mood. Some supplements that are helpful for people with depression and mood disorders include omega-3, vitamin D, SAMe, curcumin (from turmeric), rhodiola, ashwagandha, and inositol .

6.Set a goal in life

One of the most powerful things we can do to improve our own happiness and mental health is to find ways to help others. Acts of kindness, teaching others, community service, and volunteering are all powerful ways to feel more connected to others and enrich your sense of purpose. Ask yourself what gifts or talents do you have? What are your hobbies? What have you learned that you could share with others to help them be happier?

Suicide statistics and facts

  • Suicide is now the 10th leading cause of death, with approximately 42,773 people dying due to suicide each year.
  • It is believed that for every suicide that occurs, there are about 25 unsuccessful attempts.
  • Although women suffer from depression more often than men and make more suicide attempts, men are 3.5 times more likely to die from suicide than women.
  • Suicide is most common in middle age.
  • The age group most likely to commit suicide, surprisingly, is people over 85, but the second leading age group is people between 45 and 64 years old.
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 10 to 24 years. However, fewer teenagers die from suicide each year than middle-aged and older people.
  • According to the Jason Foundation, more teens and young adults die each year from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza and chronic lung disease combined.
  • There are approximately 5,240 suicide attempts every day among high school students in grades 7 through 12. Four out of five high school-aged students who attempt suicide show some warning signs beforehand.

How to get rid of suicidal thoughts - precautions

It goes without saying that suicidal thoughts should be taken very seriously. The information in this article is NOT intended to replace personal contact with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended as medical advice.

First of all, in order to get rid of suicidal thoughts, it is necessary to detect warning signs in a person at risk. Or for someone who is contemplating suicide to seek help individually. Initiating the treatment process for major depression can be one of the most difficult steps an at-risk patient takes. Because hopelessness is so closely linked to depression and suicide, for a suicidal person, turning to a therapist, family member, or close friend to talk about difficult feelings can feel overwhelming or even pointless. This is why it is so important to alert a professional if you immediately notice signs of suicide.

How to get rid of suicidal thoughts - final thoughts

  • Suicidal ideation is thoughts about taking one's own life, usually rooted in feelings of hopelessness, depression, and isolation.
  • Risk factors for suicide include a history of depression, anxiety, or other mental illness; drug or alcohol abuse; experiencing trauma or a major upsetting life event; or has an incurable neurological disease.
  • To overcome suicidal thoughts, you need to notify your therapist, teacher, parents, or suicide hotline; follow an anti-depressive diet; supplements to support cognitive health; and physical exercise and mind-body practices.


By seeking help from a specialist, the following methods can be used:

  • cognitive behavioral therapy - this method is based on changing attitudes and ways of thinking;
  • psychotherapeutic sessions aimed at understanding one’s problems and learning ways to solve them - allow one to increase one’s self-confidence and believe in one’s abilities;
  • behavioral dialectical therapy - teaches how you can learn to overcome difficulties in life;
  • personal therapy - helps get rid of loneliness, teaches you to live in society;
  • in addition to psychotherapy, medications can also be prescribed, in particular antidepressants;
  • group therapy - if a girl wanted to commit suicide or a guy had such thoughts, they will be able to find support when communicating with like-minded people. At the sessions, we meet people who have similar problems; here we bring together individuals who are tormented by suicidal thoughts, as well as those who were able to overcome this condition.

Triggers to avoid:

  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • do not take drugs;
  • do not communicate with people who are prone to violence;
  • do not read negative books;
  • do not watch violent films;
  • do not listen to depressive music;
  • you need to avoid stressful situations, learn to overcome them;
  • It is important to avoid constant loneliness.


Communication with relatives and close friends helps get rid of depressive thoughts

  1. You need to decide what exactly causes suffering, and do everything to rethink your life.
  2. Imagine yourself 10 - 20 years older, what would you do in such a situation? Would suicide really help cope with what's going on now?
  3. Read stories that tell about desires to commit suicide and how people were able to overcome suicidal tendencies and find reasons to continue living.
  4. Learn to love yourself, your body, your inner world. Believe that you are able to overcome any difficulty, because you are a strong person.
  5. If anxiety due to financial problems is to blame, you need to learn how to plan your expenses.
  6. If you have problems communicating with other people, you need to seek help from a psychologist who will teach you how to develop social skills.
  7. If you are often tormented by stressful situations, learn to relax, for example, by doing meditation.
  8. If other people bully you, don't blame yourself for it. You are not to blame for how others behave. If necessary, seek psychological help.
  9. Accept that the thoughts that appear in your head are hints that you need to change something in your life, start taking action, and not give up.
  10. Think about the fact that you are alive at the moment, which means that you were able to cope with the difficulties that arose before, and now you can cope too.
  11. Find your advantages, praise yourself even for small victories.
  12. Learn to control your emotions and resist stress.
  13. Don't be afraid to seek help from your loved ones.
  14. Say “no” to the bad thoughts that are born in your head. Be confident in your words.
  15. It is necessary to exclude the use of narcotic drugs and not abuse alcohol. Recognize that suicidal thoughts may occur when under the influence of these substances.

Suicide in facts

Suicide is the intentional termination of one's own life or suicide. This is a destructive form of behavior whose goal is voluntary self-destruction. Today, suicide is one of the 10 most common causes of death in the world. Every year more than 1 million people die due to suicide. And only one in five people who have suicidal thoughts tell others about it.

Reasons for suicide

The World Health Organization has identified more than 800 causes of suicide.
At the same time, about 40% remain unknown. 20% of people commit suicide due to fear of punishment. And approximately 18% kill themselves due to mental illness, and the same number die due to difficulties in family relationships. About 6% of people who commit suicide do so out of passion. And 3% decide to commit suicide due to financial losses. When thoughts of suicide arise, there is no need to wait for your state of mind to improve. As soon as you notice signs of depression and have a desire to die, immediately contact a specialist. Qualified psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists at the Transfiguration clinic will help you get out of this depressing state in the shortest possible time. Call or write to us: we work around the clock! We will help you see the world differently and you will again feel the taste of life, which will become brighter and more attractive than before.

Suicidal tendencies

Suicidal tendencies are most often detected by people from a person’s close social circle. To understand the intentions and thoughts of your colleague, relative, friend, ancestor or spouse, you need to know the signs of suicidal behavior. These include:

  • neglect of safety in moments dangerous to health and life;
  • search for non-standard leisure activities that are life-threatening;
  • running away from home;
  • the emergence of fears that cannot be explained by logic;
  • untidiness in clothing and everyday life, refusal of hygiene procedures;
  • depressed state, prolonged sadness, depression;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • ignoring social norms;
  • a sudden desire to complete the work started, writing a will, distributing things, selling an apartment;
  • neglect of one's responsibilities at work, school and home;
  • depressive conversations, mentions of the approaching and long-awaited end of some process.

It is important to remember that not only a loved one can detect a desire to commit suicide in a person. This dangerous condition is often noticed by attentive but casual acquaintances (taxi drivers, hairdressers, manicurists, couriers, etc.).

Precautionary measures

An active lifestyle prevents thoughts of suicide

  1. If you have a chronic disease, get timely treatment.
  2. Spend enough time on physical exercise.
  3. Make sure you have full and healthy sleep.
  4. Eat right, get enough vitamins and microelements.
  5. Do not allow the development of bad habits, eradicate them if you already have them.
  6. Find a hobby for yourself. A favorite activity will always allow you to take your mind off negative thoughts and concentrate on it.
  7. Learn to think positively, look at things optimistically, look for some positive aspects in every situation.
  8. Set certain goals for yourself and strive for them. Believe in yourself, in your strength, in the fact that you can do anything, life is wonderful.

Now you know what to do when you have thoughts of suicide. Remember that life is the most valuable thing you have. No matter how bad and difficult it is, there is always a way out, an opportunity to change something, improve, improve your existence.

Struggling with thoughts of suicide

First method. Ask for help

Perhaps the most effective method of combating suicidal thoughts. Left alone with yourself, the chances of suicide increase several times. Therefore, if thoughts of this kind arise, it is recommended to turn to:

  1. Professional psychologists. Unfortunately, in the realities of Russia this practice is not common. But step over the principles! If you feel bad right now and are overwhelmed by thoughts of suicide, then urgently call the hotline. You will be connected to a specialist who will listen, talk and give recommendations. Psychological assistance during a suicide attempt is very important. The main thing to remember is that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.

On a note. Hotline number 112. Call and tell us about your problem. They will help you. The services provided there are completely free and anonymous.

  1. To family and friends. The most effective way. Just call your friends or parents and vent. Very often, one conversation is enough to get rid of a sad thought. If the phone is not for you, then ask to come. A personal meeting will be beneficial for both. Don't be afraid to reveal your feelings. Loving people will not judge you for this. They will try to help and will be glad that you turned to them.
  1. Hospitals. If the hotline did not help, and it is impossible to contact friends, then you urgently need to go to the hospital, and more specifically, to the emergency department. You can also call an ambulance to take you there.

On a note. In many countries, including Russia, legislation establishes the mandatory admission of a person with suicidal tendencies, even if he does not have an insurance policy.

Also, some medical institutions have psychologists who will listen to you and give recommendations.

If you have already called for help, but your suicidal thoughts are only getting stronger, wait. Try to relax and do things that calm you down. If all else fails, then try to think about what makes you happy. This will help drive away a bad thought for a short time.

Second method. We solve the problem rationally

The essence of this method is that a person who has thoughts of suicide tries to solve his problem through analysis. You need to do the following:

  1. Make a list of the things that bring you the most pleasure. In this list, write down everything that made you happy in the past. These could be the names of good friends, girlfriends, relatives, etc. An excellent solution would be to add your favorite filmography, music, and books there. Try to describe your favorite hobby, way of spending time. In general, everything that can help you get up in the morning.

You can also add your expected future to the list. This will help you understand that it is too early to end your life and there will be so much brightness and light ahead.

Compiling such a list together with loved ones helps a lot against depression. Because under the influence of bad thoughts a person will often not be able to look at himself objectively. If you have a friend or relative nearby, they will help you describe your positive traits.

  1. Make a list that contains everything that distracts you. This list contains everything that will distract a person from committing suicide. It is used when thoughts only make things worse and instead of helping they harm. Remember where you liked to go and what you liked to do before. For example:
  • Favorite cafe or restaurant;
  • What movie or TV series do you like to watch?
  • Favorite book or magazine;
  • Walking in beautiful places or playing sports.
  1. 3. Make a list of people who can support you. Here you need to enter the names of people you can contact in case of trouble. Write down their names, phone numbers and memories associated with this person in a short form. This is done so that if you feel depressed or have bad thoughts, you can call them and get support.

It is also recommended to enter the number of your psychologist and all kinds of hotlines where you can find help.

An important step is to develop a plan in case suicidal thoughts arise again. This is done for the reason that during depression you will not be able to think objectively, and a ready-made strategy will allow you to escape from the problem. The plan can be very diverse. But it must include items that contain ways to distract from negative thoughts, telephone numbers close to you and support services.

Third method. Own safety

In this method, you should try to completely protect yourself from suicide. This is done in the following ways:

  1. Safety at home. If thoughts of suicide often visit you, then the logical solution would be to remove all dangerous things that could cause harm from your home. The likelihood of suicide becomes higher if a person has something to harm himself with. Try to remove pills, blades, weapons, etc. from the house. Either give them to someone else for a while, or throw them away altogether.

Sometimes it happens that even after this operation it is dangerous to stay at home. Then it is better to ask to go home to your loved ones or go to a place where there are many people.

If you need pills, but you are afraid that you may take a dose that is incompatible with life, then the best option would be to give the drugs to another person who will dispense them in the necessary doses.

  1. Beware of irritants. Very often, thoughts of suicide arise at the sight of an object or person. Therefore, the primary task in this case is to identify this stimulus. But it can be very difficult. Since finding a connection between thoughts and an object can sometimes be very difficult. Just try to remember situations in which you had a desire to commit suicide and analyze them. Here is an example of such irritants:
  • Alcohol and drugs. Perhaps these two elements bring pleasure at the beginning, but over time they strengthen negative thoughts, which cease to be a desire for suicide and dull the instinct of self-preservation. According to statistics, about 40 percent of all suicides were committed due to alcohol intoxication;
  • Books, films, music. And all other works of art that carry a hint of depression;
  • Stress-related situations;
  • Alone with yourself. Very often our loneliness is accompanied by negative thoughts, which can develop into thoughts of suicide.

Preventing thoughts of suicide

What can I do to stop having suicidal thoughts? This question is asked by absolutely everyone who has experienced such a condition. Of course, there are a huge number of ways to do this, but the main ones are presented below:

  1. Tell a specialist about your problem. He will help you find the right solution to your existing problem in just a few sessions. Don't be shy, this is a very effective practice;
  2. Playing sports. Physical exercise will help alleviate prostration and distract from the desire for death. Group classes will be especially effective, where you can meet new people and not feel lonely;
  3. Don't use drugs or alcohol. The reason for this has been described above;
  4. Set goals for yourself. Every person has a desire for self-realization. Set yourself a goal that you would like to achieve. For example: go to Paris, go snowboarding, etc. It is necessary to write them down and remember them when things get bad;
  5. Believe in yourself. When you feel bad, you need to understand that many people have experienced depression and, more importantly, they dealt with it! And if they could do it, then so can you! The main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths.
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