How to overcome laziness and fatigue: causes and ways to combat them

Sleep disturbances can occur not only due to constant stress. As a result, a person may be plagued by lethargy, drowsiness, and apathy all day.

To find out the cause of nighttime insomnia, you need to consult a doctor. The patient's condition can be assessed after the examination.

Causes of rapid fatigue

There are many of them, ranging from vitamin or mineral deficiency to mental illness. For this reason, we will divide the reasons into large groups.


Uncontrolled medication use is the scourge of our time. Our first aid kit has everything. From fever-reducing medications to antibiotics and prescription painkillers.

Of course, our awareness in the treatment of colds will help us recover faster. But uncontrolled use of certain drugs can cause increased weakness, fatigue and drowsiness.

Let's list some of them:

  • Antibiotics : amoxicillin, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin.
  • Allergy medications : diphenhydramine, doxylamine, hydroxyzine. These are prescription drugs that have a strong sedative effect. But also be careful. The well-known and commonplace cetirizine, loratadine and especially suprastin also have this side effect.
  • Muscle relaxants. These are medications that are often taken for lower back and neck pain. They can also cause increased fatigue and a constant desire to sleep. These include cyclobenzaprine, carisoprodol, and tizanidine.
  • Antidepressants. A very large group of drugs that are used to treat depression and anxiety. But not only. Doctors often prescribe them for chronic pain, insomnia and migraines. Amitriptyline and nortriptyline have especially strong side effects. And also trazodone. Causes severe drowsiness and increased fatigue.
  • Antihypertensive medications. Drugs used to treat high blood pressure can lower the heart rate. This may manifest as fatigue and drowsiness. You need to be especially careful when taking metoprolol, carvedilol, bisoprolol and propranolol.
  • Narcotic drugs. These are medications that are used to treat chronic pain. They can cause increased fatigue and a constant desire to sleep. Especially hydrocodone, oxycodone and codeine.
  • Tranquilizers. Lorazepam and diazepam are drugs for the treatment of increased anxiety and restlessness, insomnia and seizures. Can cause constant drowsiness.
  • Hormonal contraceptives. Regardless of whether it is a spiral, a patch or tablets. A common side effect from them is increased fatigue. If such a side effect appears at first, then over time there is a chance that the fatigue will go away on its own. But if it occurs after prolonged use, you may need to consult a doctor to adjust the dose.

Most of the drugs listed above are prescribed by your doctor. Therefore, if adverse reactions occur in the form of increased fatigue and drowsiness, you should not cancel them yourself. Consult with your physician about the advisability of discontinuing the drug or reducing its dose.

Mineral waters, the key to salvation.

The best way to maintain sufficient levels of these strategic components of antioxidant systems is to include in your daily diet mineral waters that contain these elements in quantities that are significant for the body.

Internal antioxidant systems are helped by external ones, added additionally with food and water - vitamins C, group B, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, etc. Their peculiarity is that they (vitamin C, and vitamin E, and beta-carotene) in the fight against radicals, they themselves oxidize and the products of their oxidation need to be removed from the body more quickly. Therefore, it is good to combine the intake of mineral waters with drinking waters, which contribute to the rapid removal from the body of harmful compounds, neutralized toxins, killed pathogens, and metabolites.

The next reason that causes constant fatigue is nervous tension, stress, and depression. Water containing large amounts of magnesium, which is an anti-stress element, i.e., it acts as a sedative, will help cope with these conditions. Chronic stress contributes to magnesium loss, and with a lack of magnesium, stress increases even more. And it is also an antispasmodic, i.e. relaxes blood vessels, relieves tension and normalizes blood pressure.

The presence of pathologies or inflammatory processes in the body

Diseases of internal organs or the psyche are a common problem of increased fatigue and insomnia.


When there is a lack of iron in the body or disruption of its delivery processes, iron deficiency anemia occurs. Perhaps the most common cause of constant fatigue [2]. Half of the patients who consult a therapist with complaints of increased fatigue and drowsiness are diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia.

The thing is that the body needs iron for the synthesis of hemoglobin. This is a protein that is found in our blood and is necessary for the transport of oxygen to tissues. Symptoms of anemia may include frequent dizziness.

Consequently, with a lack of iron, all gas exchange processes in our tissues are disrupted, which will manifest itself in increased fatigue and drowsiness.

But not only. Additional symptoms of iron deficiency anemia also include pale skin, dizziness, brittle nails and hair.

It is also worth noting that similar symptoms will occur with vitamin B12 deficiency. After all, it is also necessary for normal blood supply to our organs and systems. Vitamin B12 is involved in the formation of erythrocytes - red blood cells, which supply oxygen to our body. And its deficiency will cause symptoms of increased fatigue and drowsiness.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of anemia in this article.

Endocrine diseases

Hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland, which is characterized by decreased production of hormones. In addition to increased fatigue, other symptoms also occur. Such as a feeling of cold and dry skin.

Learn more about hypothyroidism in this article.

Cushing's syndrome. This is a disease that occurs due to increased levels of steroid hormones. Namely cortisol. Key symptoms include weight gain, swelling and skin changes (thinning skin, stretch marks and bruises that take a long time to heal). Increased fatigue and drowsiness occur due to mental disorders. Especially due to the tendency to panic attacks and depression, emotional instability.

Diabetes. Lack of insulin impairs the body's ability to generate energy. Glucose accumulates in the blood, but is not delivered to cells due to the lack of insulin. This causes increased fatigue. Also, if you take the wrong dose of insulin, fatigue can occur. In this case, it occurs because due to excess insulin, all sugar is utilized. And it leaves no source of energy for cells [3].

Pregnancy. Of course, this is not a disease. But pregnancy can be classified as a condition in which a woman’s hormonal background changes. This is a kind of defense mechanism. If a woman is lazy and sleepy during pregnancy, she will slow down her rhythm of life. And therefore, he will do fewer actions that could harm the child. This is the reason for the constant fatigue and drowsiness of a pregnant woman.

Heart diseases

With pathologies of the cardiovascular system, our heart is not able to fully supply our organs with blood. Consequently, with insufficient blood supply, our brain will release hormones and send signals to the body in every way to protect itself and save energy. And we will feel these signals as a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness.

Heart diseases include valve defects, coronary artery disease and chronic heart failure. And also all kinds of arrhythmias.

Lung diseases

The mechanism of increased fatigue and constant drowsiness is similar to heart disease. The brain still saves energy and requires going to sleep. But the reason lies elsewhere. In lung diseases, the exchange of oxygen between the lungs and the blood is disrupted. That is, the blood supply is good, but the lungs are not able to provide the required amount of oxygen.

Common causes include pneumonia, bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (a disease of smokers, by the way).

Mental illness

With mental disorders, sleep is often disturbed due to increased anxiety and restlessness. Consequently, in the morning there is no feeling of vigor. And increased fatigue and drowsiness appear.

These do not have to be serious mental illnesses. Type of schizophrenia or manic syndrome. With severe stress (great loss or grief, divorce or moving), neuroses and emotional burnout, fatigue and a constant desire to sleep may also occur.

Chronic pain syndrome

If a person suffers from pain that lasts continuously for more than three months, increased fatigue and drowsiness occurs.

The presence of constant pain disrupts the normal course of sleep. The person often wakes up. This provokes interruptions in the deep phase of sleep or its complete absence. With such sleep disorders, you will always feel tired and constantly drowsy.

Chronic pain includes frequent migraines, pain after surgery or injury, neuralgia, arthralgia and cancer pain.

The use of narcotic painkillers and muscle relaxants also aggravates the situation. As mentioned above, they have a side effect in the form of increased fatigue and drowsiness.

Liver diseases

Repeated studies show a connection between increased weakness and liver disease. Such diseases may include hepatitis, hepatosis, and cirrhosis. To determine an accurate diagnosis, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo specialized liver diagnostics.

How to fight the desire to sleep if you are a student

Students are a separate nation of people. Their need for sleep during couples increases significantly than that of office workers. Especially if you are bored or the session has started. But they can easily cope with sleep, at a time when falling asleep is simply impossible.

Methods for getting out of a sleepy state:

  1. Drink an energy drink or water with lemon. They activate your brain and other processes in the body. But you shouldn’t get carried away with energy drinks, as they harm the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Play an active game during the break. Any game will help you quickly come to your senses. Blood will begin to circulate throughout the body faster, and the flow to the brain will also increase. Drowsiness should disappear.
  3. Wash your face with cold water. It is very invigorating and refreshing. Normalizes blood pressure and constricts blood vessels. Therefore, this method is also good and relevant.
  4. Take vitamins and try to get enough sleep. In order not to sleep on steam, you need to sleep at night. Learn to distribute your tasks throughout the day, rather than leaving them for the evening. Then you can go to bed earlier. Vitamins will help maintain immunity during the period of vitamin deficiency and prevent unpleasant symptoms.
  5. Eat right. Even couples can take food in containers to supply themselves with energy. Our activity and productivity depend on nutrition; it provides a person with all the necessary microelements.

Don't neglect sleep. Be sure to get enough sleep and don’t have to look for methods to get rid of the feeling of sleep.

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Lack of normal sleep

Lack of sleep is not always associated with mental illness. Often the causes of increased fatigue and drowsiness are our own rhythm of life. For example, irregular work schedules and working late, night shifts, frequent flights and acclimatization.

Lack of proper sleep at night will always cause fatigue and drowsiness.

Sleep apnea

This is the scientific name for the most common snoring. In this condition, the throat narrows or even closes during sleep. This causes labored breathing, which interrupts sleep. Lack of adequate sleep, especially the slow-wave sleep phase, will cause fatigue and drowsiness during the day.

Deficiency of vitamins or microelements

Of course, the cause of increased fatigue can be poor nutrition. It occurs when the body is deficient in B vitamins, vitamin D, magnesium or potassium.

Let's look at it in more detail.

  • B vitamins. Especially with a deficiency of folic acid (B9), thiamine (B1) and niacin (B3). This group of vitamins is directly involved in the formation of energy. Accordingly, their lack or malabsorption will cause feelings of fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Vitamin D. It is important for bone strength, muscle strength and the immune system. When it is deficient, a person feels muscle pain and often gets sick. From exhaustion of the body by constant illnesses, constant fatigue and the desire to sleep will appear.
  • Magnesium. This trace element is important for muscle strength and energy production. Consequently, with its deficiency, lethargy and fatigue, and loss of strength occur.
  • Potassium. Necessary for normal muscle contraction. If it is in short supply, the muscles contract weaker. This is felt as general weakness and fatigue.

Read about vitamins for energy and vigor in this article.

It’s good if the doctor finds the cause and prescribes treatment

But, as the doctors themselves say, in 60% of cases when people who are not feeling well come to them, the doctors do not find any abnormalities in their health.

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In case of loss of strength, another situation often arises when we tell ourselves: “It will pass on its own. I should go to the doctor, then, someday. Maybe everything will be fine.” And we wait for this wonderful moment to come.

What do you need to know and do while you wait for the situation to improve on its own, or while doctors, leafing through learned Talmuds, figure out how to treat you?

In any of these cases, your power is in your hands, or rather, in knowledge.

According to the scientific world, the main reasons that cause constant fatigue include the following: water deficiency, lack of energy, poor diet, infections, nervous overstrain leading to stress and depression, as well as lack of normal physical activity.

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