Causes of constant drowsiness and ways to combat them

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Pokrovskaya Yulia

Neurologist, psychotherapist, somnologist

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In the modern world of high technology, the human brain has forgotten how to rest. Constant emotional fatigue and lack of proper rest are the causes of many diseases. Often a person wants to sleep all the time: at work, in transport, at home, at a party. The nervous system suffers from constant lack of sleep, irritability increases, performance decreases, and problems arise at work and in the family.

Signs of drowsiness

Many people complain of excessive fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness and a state of lack of energy, unable to understand that this is happening to them. Let's look at the main signs of drowsiness:

  • difficulty waking up in the morning;
  • heavy headache during the day;
  • lack of vigor and energy;
  • the appearance of irritability, impatience;
  • loss of concentration, memory impairment;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • loss of appetite, apathy.

Signs of drowsiness eloquently indicate dysfunction in the body and are directly related to causes, divided into two types:

  • physiological, depending on external factors;
  • pathological, warning of disruption of internal organs.

Each of the reasons requires separate consideration.

Clinical manifestations

The main sign that a person constantly wants to sleep, even if he slept a lot at night, is an increased duration of sleep during the day - from 10 hours or more. In addition, the patient himself notes that during the day he often wants to lie down and experiences drowsiness.

In addition to the extended duration of night's rest, people note difficulty waking up and frequently postponing it. As a result, they often snooze the alarm clock and feel depressed or sick. Such a “lack” of sleep makes them inhibited and poorly responsive to external stimuli. In this situation, they look like drunk people.

Hypersomnia is characterized by difficulty waking up

In addition to increased drowsiness, a person may experience various somatic problems: headaches, attacks of dizziness, weakness in the arms, etc.

Depending on the reasons why a person sleeps a lot, there are different types of drowsiness - they can be either constant or periodic. As a result, all this leads to a decrease in his intellectual and physical performance, and also negatively affects relationships with other people. The patient constantly wants to lie down to rest, even after a long sleep, which aggravates the problems. And daytime sleep brings only minor relief.

When a patient asks the question why do I sleep a lot, he also often notes attacks of rapid falling asleep in everyday situations: while riding the bus, while studying, while standing in line, etc. In many cases, the person himself does not notice that he is temporarily disconnected from reality.

What diseases cause constant drowsiness?

A constant wild desire to sleep can be caused by dysfunction of the body and the development of the disease. Drowsiness occurs with the following diseases:

  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • sharply decreasing blood pressure;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • poisoning or dehydration;
  • narcolepsy – frequent short-term falling asleep in inappropriate places and times (at work, in transport, on a bench, etc.);
  • apnea – frequent short-term cessation of breathing during sleep;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • traumatic brain injury, concussion;
  • nervous diseases;
  • dysfunctions of the central nervous system;
  • chronic colds with fever;
  • chronic cerebral hypoxia;
  • Klein-Levin disease – prolonged sleep of many hours or days without waking up;
  • changing the blood formula;
  • hypersomnia – a mental disorder accompanied by a feeling of constant fatigue and drowsiness;
  • chronic cardiovascular diseases, heart defects;
  • changes in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • damage by helminths, bacteria, fungi;
  • the appearance of neoplasms;
  • nervous and physical exhaustion.

If you constantly want to sleep and feel very tired for no reason, consult a therapist for advice to make a diagnosis.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

This is another answer to the question of why you always want to sleep. With a large number of plaques in the cerebral vessels, oxygen starvation in the cerebral cortex is possible. And these are headaches, tinnitus, memory and hearing impairment, and unsteady gait. Sometimes it can provoke a stroke.

Hypersomnia and narcolepsy

Two similar illnesses in which the sequence of sleep phases is disrupted. The reasons are unknown.

Endocrine system diseases

They may also be to blame for the fact that you are always drawn to sleep. One common cause is hypothyroidism. With this thyroid disease, the level of all hormones drops, and this also provokes brain starvation. Also, with hypothyroidism, fluid accumulates in the brain tissue, and this can also cause drowsiness.

Hypocorticism. Adrenal insufficiency is one of the causes of general lethargy and weakness.


It also affects the blood vessels of the brain. The cerebral cortex can also be damaged by insulin and sugar fluctuations.


If you constantly want to sleep, you may have poisoning. The cortex and subcortex are very sensitive to them. Both nicotine, alcohol, and psychotropic substances impair the supply of oxygen to the brain and cause vascular spasms.

The cause of poisoning can also be an infection, for example, viral, fungal or parasitic. Thus, chronic fatigue syndrome is associated with the herpes virus. Drowsiness is accompanied by the spread of rabies and tick-borne encephalitis viruses.

Oncological diseases

And these are not only brain tumors, but also any others: exhaustion from cancer and infection with its decay products do not make you more energetic.

Mental and nervous system disorders

Neurological diseases, as well as depression and cyclotomy will not give us vigor.

Severe blood loss, dehydration, shock and intestinal obstruction may also be to blame. All this disrupts the movement of blood to the brain.

What are we to blame for?

We ourselves can disrupt the functioning of our internal clock and our biorhythms. For example, if your work involves constant changes in daily routine, time zones and climatic conditions: when you yourself don’t know when it will be night and when it will be day, your brain even gets lost and tired. This can happen to those who alternate day shifts with night shifts, as well as those who constantly travel or go on business trips.

The culprit may also be stopping breathing during sleep, that is, apnea. They disrupt the sleep cycle and prevent you from getting a full night's sleep. Stress is also implicated in sleepiness. By the way, strict diets, or hunger strikes, can also make you sleepy. And no one but yourself is to blame for the fact that you are tired, overworked, and instead of sleeping normally, you watch TV shows or mindlessly surf the Internet when you need to have your tenth dream.

How to restore the nervous system: life hacks, drugs, vitamins

What to do?

  • It’s trite, but to find out the causes of unbearable drowsiness, you first need to go to a therapist and examine the body: thyroid disease or intestinal obstruction is a serious threat to health, quality of life and life in general.
  • Secondly, as far as possible, you need to improve your daily routine and sleep patterns. Try, for example, to find the number of hours of sleep you need. Not everyone can live like Alexander the Great, that is, sleep 4 hours. If you need 8 or 9 hours of sleep, then don't be shy about it: it's better to sleep at night than to be unproductive during the day.
  • Also try to wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time and avoid eating too heavy meals in the afternoon.
  • If something needs to be done right now, it definitely shouldn't be coffee.
  • To get rid of drowsiness, you can, for example, move: do simple exercises or take a walk, if possible. The release of endorphins will allow you to remain productive in the near future and not fall asleep.
  • Take breaks every half hour. You can clean up or visit colleagues at this time, the main thing is to change your type of activity: boredom can also cause drowsiness.
  • If you are still at home (or working from home), run into a cold shower. At least spray your feet, face and hands. If you master the contrast, then well done too. You will come to life immediately! You also need water inside: drink plenty of it so that dehydration does not ruin your plans.

And finally, try the so-called “Stirlitz dream”, that is, a short rest among all the bustle of the world. If you unbearably want to sleep, then do not deny yourself: find a quarter of an hour and fall asleep.

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Causes of drowsiness not related to illness

Often pathological drowsiness is not associated with diseases, but is caused by physical or physiological reasons. These factors include:

  • lack of sunlight with vitamin D deficiency;
  • taking medications, the side effects of which include drowsiness;
  • constant exposure to electromagnetic fields;
  • severe fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • binge eating;
  • excessive visual load;
  • lack of oxygen in the room, gas pollution;
  • poor nutrition, refusal of meat and dairy products;
  • auditory overstrain, the presence of constant noise stimuli;
  • improper sleep patterns;
  • pregnancy;
  • stressful situations.

If a person slept fully all night, and when he gets up in the morning he thinks: “I want to sleep so bad” - this is a reason to think about the way of life, paying attention to the state of health.

Pathological conditions that may cause drowsiness

If a person sleeps all night, but during the day he feels exhausted and dreams of only one thing - to get to bed as quickly as possible, then perhaps he has:

  • Pickwick's syndrome. Occurs in overweight people. Fat puts pressure on the heart, slows down blood circulation, as a result the brain does not receive oxygen, and the patient experiences fatigue and develops hypersomnia;
  • Narcolepsy. A complex disease that cannot be cured. The symptom returns several months after the end of therapy;
  • Idiopathic hypersomnia. Occurs in people under 30 years of age. Many people mistakenly confuse this condition with healthy rest. Such a person has difficulty getting up in the morning and experiences fatigue and drowsiness during the first half of the day. All this is accompanied by aggressiveness and bad mood. As the evening approaches, the situation improves;
  • Kleine-Levin syndrome. You don’t always want to sleep, but in periods that last for several months. A person sleeps 18 hours a day, eats a lot and becomes angry;
  • Hysterical lethargy. Occurs due to stress, nervous tension and emotional distress. Drowsiness has a paroxysmal character. At this time, the patient feels severe weakness and dizziness. The problem goes away on its own within a few months.

Sleepiness and psychology

Psychologists, studying the problem of drowsiness, came to the conclusion that this condition is associated with a person’s dissatisfaction with life or with himself. Psychology notes the following criteria for dissatisfaction, leading to such symptoms:

  • A person has a lot of plans, energy is in full swing, but there is no way to bring his plans to life. Turbulent energy, finding no way out, overwhelms. This results in increased fatigue, a feeling of despondency, and drowsiness.
  • Lots of work, but little energy. A person is overloaded every day, exhausted physically and emotionally, without receiving satisfaction.
  • Difficult psychological situations at work and in personal life. Sleep is a way to escape from problems.
  • Fear of going beyond the usual boundaries of life situations, feeling of victimhood. There is a desire to change things, but fear prevents you from doing so. In sleep, problems disappear.
  • Gluttony – excessive food consumption leads to oxygen starvation of the brain and causes drowsiness.

These are just some situations. They interfere with enjoying life, spending it meaningfully and usefully. To break the circle of problems, you need to calm down and try to solve the accumulated issues by doing what you love, going on a trip or vacation, changing jobs, etc.

If you cannot cope with the situation on your own and eliminate the problem, you should contact a psychologist or psychotherapist for qualified help.

Depression and drowsiness - the everyday life of a sound engineer

How to stop sleeping forever, knowing that life is not worth spending extra effort on? What to do if you don’t want to live your life?

2 10499 December 4, 2020 at 09:06

Even if a whole brass band wakes me up in the morning, I won’t wake up. Tired of it. There is nothing worthwhile for me in a new day. Dullness, dullness and meaninglessness - only this prepares an awakening for me. Everyone says: it's depression and drowsiness. I say: leave me alone.

You can have your own opinion on this issue, try to use folk remedies for depression, or you can find out the exact solution to the problem of depression, chronic fatigue and drowsiness with the help of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

What manifests itself externally as depression, reluctance to make contact with people, lethargy, constant drowsiness, loss of strength, has precise psychological causes inside a person.

Causes of drowsiness during depression:

  • The desire to hide from suffering in a dream:
  1. severe pain of the soul inside - from a lack of understanding of the meaning of life;
  2. pain outside - from misunderstanding on the part of the environment.
  • Saving resources and effort.
  • Inability to receive pleasure according to one’s mental characteristics.

Let's see how severe drowsiness manifests itself during depression and how to cope with this problem with precise advice from system-vector psychology.

Depression, fatigue, drowsiness – who gets caught in the grip?

Why are you sleeping until lunch, you slacker?! Look at your sister, she got up at 7 am, ran to the store, walked the dog, finished the drawing! You should all go to sleep, you lazy fellow! He has depression, you see - in my childhood, such fatigue and drowsiness was successfully treated with a belt!

This is how the awakened sound artist is greeted by a hostile, understanding world. Everyone thinks his many hours of sleep are useless, and the psychological motives for his seemingly causeless fatigue are incomprehensible. And their petty chatter about neighbors, discounts, bosses, TV series seems unbearable to him.

The sound guy is bottled up in his thoughts, and his thinking box is being hammered with shouts, insults and empty chatter. With his whole being, he wants to focus on his own internal states, derive patterns, track the cause-and-effect relationships of everything that happens in his head.

To do this, he would simply remain silent, but they constantly tease him, trying to involve him in a conversation or an already angry squabble. Relatives are forced to think about the need for psychological treatment of the unfortunate person for depression and drowsiness. And he hides deeper and deeper from unpleasant, psychologically painful sounds, words, meanings in a dream.

Apathy, drowsiness, weakness are signs of severe depression

Please don't make noise! Be silent for at least three minutes, I don’t need your tips on how to live correctly! They need me to not only listen - I haven’t done this for a long time, I just turn off their sound in my head. They want me to definitely participate in this farce. I can snatch at least some piece of time when no one is boring into my brain at night. But consciousness begins to drill into itself.

The oblivion of sleep is like a pause button for an endless stream of unanswered audio questions. Those around them have no idea why this white crow does not have a single point of contact with them. Their worries and aspirations seem to be in different worlds.

Everyone thinks about the material, tangible side of life, but he is directed with all his neural connections into the knowledge of the unknown, hidden from everyone - his soul. Without understanding the meaning, his life loses support.

Like a rag doll without a frame, the sound artist, not realizing the cause of his torment, wastes away, experiences a severe loss of strength, plunges into depression, and constant drowsiness does not allow him to get out from under the blanket.

A phone without a battery not only won’t turn on, it’s as if it’s dead. So the sound artist, without understanding the meaning of being on this earth, wanders in the painful labyrinths of depression, apathy, weakness and drowsiness. He strives into oblivion if he does not find the essence of his destiny. Sleep helps him forget himself and get as close as possible to the static state of death, at least for some time.

“I will save” or the roots of the psychology of fatigue

Who am I? Where did it come from? What happened when there was nothing? Why did it appear? What's the point if life is finite anyway? Why should I go through this unbearable suffering?

Eyes get stuck together at work, when reading a book, at a family holiday, even on a date. The brain decides not to strain anymore, because a pattern has developed that its efforts are futile. His work still doesn't provide enough enjoyment. Doesn't give answers. Doesn't fill it with meaning.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows the general law of life - the principle of pleasure. When a person knows how to get pleasure, he is active, proactive, active. He knows that the tension now will bring much greater pleasure in the future. Anticipating a sweet result, a person moves mountains.

It’s more difficult for a sound engineer. He very often does not know where this notorious joy may be hidden for him. Having tried different methods, he is convinced that there is no happiness for him in this life, there is only depression with its eternal companions - apathy, weakness and drowsiness.

We unconsciously recalculate the amount of effort expended and expected pleasure. And if there is definitely no pleasure, then we decide not to waste resources. We sleep or always want to sleep. We were already tired.

Let us outline a sequential algorithm for the occurrence of drowsiness in depression:

Depression, apathy, weakness and drowsiness are the reaction of the owner of the sound vector to the lack of pleasure in life.

  • No pleasure - no strength to do something.
  • Rather than try to do something and only get suffering from interaction with the external environment, it is easier to lie down and sleep.
  • Even if you get up, you walk around in a protective haze of constant drowsiness due to depression
  • Those around him form an unspoken attitude: “What can we take from him? All the time like a sleepwalker. It’s easier not to touch this alien.” And this is what the “alien” needs, but it doesn’t make it any easier inside.

How can you get rid of the hateful depression, weakness and drowsiness?

A happy person is capable of creative realization, but an unhappy person is not very capable

Three tips on how to get rid of signs of depression, drowsiness and fatigue:

  1. Realize the reasons for your bad states and desires determined by nature.
  2. To pave the way leading to awareness of existence.
  3. Move in this direction with the systems thinking navigator installed in your head.

You don't have to suffer! Proven by thousands of happy people who have overcome depression and drowsiness:

Depressed sleepiness during the day and brooding at night

It happens that depression is attributed to someone who simply looks sleepy during the day. Let's unravel the tangle of stereotypes.

Night is a natural sound time for two reasons:

  • In ancient times, the species needed someone to save them from the danger of the night. It was the sound people who were able to stay awake at night and listen intently to every rustle in order to save the sleeping flock from the impending predatory disaster.
  • A habit has developed, and to this day, when everyone quiets down, the sound artist finally feels a surge of strength, can concentrate on his thoughts and enjoy the thought process.

Therefore, it often happens that a sound engineer simply does not sleep at night, and during the day, due to necessity, he goes to work and feels drowsiness, which “knowledgeable” people immediately attribute to depression.

Mood swings, tearfulness, hysterics, and phobias are also often confused with depression. But these symptoms rather signal a painful state of the visual vector. Although depression and fear can attack a sound-visual person together.

But the dominant psyche still remains the sound vector. It affects the state of all other vectors.

And in a sound-visual person, negative states will still more often manifest themselves not in tearfulness and fear, but in depression, weakness and severe drowsiness.

Constantly want to sleep due to sleep disorders

One of the causes of chronic drowsiness is regular lack of sleep. On average, an adult needs to sleep from 7 to 9 hours at night, a child at least 10. The younger the child is, the more sleep he needs. An older person will have less time to sleep. Everyone has their own biological clock and individual need for rest. For some, 5 hours of sleep is enough to wake up alert and full of energy, while others will need at least 10 hours.

But if a person constantly does not get enough sleep, postponing proper sleep until later, as a result, the biological clock gets confused and constant fatigue appears. Chronic lack of sleep can lead to a nervous breakdown, depression, or the development of a disease. A person is constantly drawn to sleep, and the habit of dozing off in public transport on the way to work only aggravates the situation.

Don't be afraid of unknown problems

Some people are scared by things they don't know about. A person often tries to avoid what he does not understand or know. But no one knows everything about everything. And it is impossible to draw up a clear plan for every problem, difficulty and trouble.

If you are working on one difficulty, a second or third may soon appear. It’s better to tackle them one by one, but at the same time take into account the priority of tasks and resolve those issues that are out of your control.

It is important to come to harmony with your inner world. Our life is a series of endless tasks that have to be solved constantly. Therefore, you need to adapt to reality, without thinking about whether you are taking ideal steps or not. At the same time, remember that we learn from our own mistakes and gain valuable experience.


A constant desire to sleep during pregnancy is normal, especially in the first trimester. The woman feels tired, weak, and uncomfortable throughout her body. The body is rebuilt, a new life is born in it. A huge burden falls on the hormonal and nervous systems. Sleep is a protective reaction against overload.

During the first trimester, it is useful for a pregnant woman to sleep more, including daytime naps in her daily routine.

By the beginning of the second trimester, drowsiness subsides. If this does not happen, this indicates a lack of vitamins, the development of iron deficiency anemia or hypotension.

Feelings of drowsiness and weakness can occur due to nervous tension, stress, unbalanced nutrition, and insufficient fluid intake.

The closer you get to childbirth, the more you want to sleep. This is due to the following factors:

  • due to the growing belly, it is not possible to get a good night’s sleep, so he tends to sleep during the day;
  • great emotional and physical stress makes the expectant mother tired, and sleep helps to recover;
  • The closer to childbirth, the more often on a subconscious level a woman wants to get enough sleep in advance, knowing that sleepless nights will soon lie ahead.

But if drowsiness is unbearable and becomes pathological, you should immediately consult your doctor. This may be a signal of the development of a serious illness, except for the expectant mother, which threatens the unborn baby.

Physiological drowsiness

Drowsiness and weakness: what are the causes in men and women without signs of disease - a question that interests many.

To answer, you need to analyze the work week for:

  • the amount of time spent in front of the computer or TV;
  • exceeding the permissible noise level in workshops or offices;
  • the presence of other irritating factors affecting the nervous system.

The problem of strong but short-term drowsiness is the change from alpha rhythm to beta waves. The latter are relevant in the phase of falling asleep and can put a person into a trance state.

Eternal yawning, which occurs in those who do not get enough sleep at night or spend too much energy during the day, is associated with this.


After eating, one often feels sleepy: the eyelids become heavy, the eyes close involuntarily. There is a scientific explanation for this factor. After eating, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work intensively, consuming twice the amount of oxygen carried by the blood. The brain gives the command to redistribute the supply of oxygen to the areas most in need. The blood carries the maximum amount of oxygen to the stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, etc. The brain receives less oxygen and switches to a “gentle” mode of operation. And when the level of brain activity decreases, drowsiness appears.

You have to love what you do

Everything works out much better when a person strives for a goal that he likes. After all, you have to love your job. We must love not only the positive moments, but also the negative ones, because this is an integral part of our life. People who love the entire process of their activities are truly lucky. Work should not be just a job, but a favorite pastime.

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The reason is lifestyle

Often the established lifestyle becomes the cause of drowsiness. The habit that began in my student years - taking away my sleep time to study a subject or walking until the morning - persists for the rest of my life. For the sake of watching an interesting movie or communicating on social networks, a person deliberately deprives himself of proper sleep. For chronic lack of sleep:

  • Weight gain - due to fatigue and bad mood, the body does not produce the satiety hormone leptin, replacing it with the hunger hormone - ghrelin.
  • Immunity is reduced, fertility is weakened, and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and early dementia increases.
  • The human brain interprets lack of sleep as an alarm signal. Anxious thoughts, irritability, and increased conflict appear. A person finds himself in a vicious circle of experiences.

Doctors have found that refusing an hour of full sleep will have adverse consequences on the general condition of the body within four to five days.

Some people like to have a big lunch at work or on a break at home. After a heavy lunch, drowsiness appears (as mentioned above). Therefore, food intake should be moderate, which cannot be said about breakfast.

If you have breakfast early, half an hour after getting up, your biological clock starts and gives you energy for the whole day. Refusal of the morning meal or eating after a long period of time after waking up causes drowsiness and depression. Nothing will give you strength like a hearty breakfast.

To prevent drowsiness and normalize physiological functions, you should review your daily routine and rest.

Food coma or why you want to sleep after eating?

Very often after eating we feel tired and we want to sleep after eating. This especially often happens after a heavy lunch in the middle of the day. Why is this happening? The fact is that digesting food requires a lot of energy from the body. To deliver food to the stomach, and then break it down into nutrients and absorb it, the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines do a long, difficult job. First, the stomach is sent a signal to begin producing acid, which helps digest food. The stomach also controls the speed at which food passes through the intestines. The pancreas then begins to produce enzymes that break down and absorb the nutrients.

Morning. You drank a cup of coffee, and it seems that you are energized for a long time. However, after a heavy lunch, you begin to feel sleepy and find it difficult to concentrate on one thing. Of course, when you want to sleep after eating, work turns into torture. This phenomenon is sometimes jokingly called a “food coma.” The reason for a “food coma” is not only that the body does not have enough energy to maintain routine activities after it has wasted it on digesting food. Daytime sleepiness also has to do with the chemical processes that occur in the brain after a heavy meal. When nutrients are absorbed in the intestines, it causes a spike in blood glucose levels. Brain cells use sugar as an energy source, so when the body is hungry, the brain produces a substance called orexin, which keeps you awake and drives you in search of food. However, when the food is digested and absorbed, the brain also becomes “full”, no longer needs orexin and stops producing it. This is the second reason why we want to sleep after eating.

Natural factors

In winter and early spring, many people experience drowsiness: they want to lie down without getting out of bed, they always feel sleepy, and their performance decreases. This is due to several factors:

  • reduction of daylight hours;
  • deficiency of sunlight and lack of vitamin D;
  • when it gets cold, central heating is turned on in apartments, the air becomes dry and there is not enough oxygen in it;
  • vitamin deficiency.

Many weather-dependent people experience drowsiness, loss of energy, and headaches when:

  • low or high atmospheric pressure;
  • magnetic storms;
  • prolonged bad weather, extreme heat.

In such cases, it is necessary to take medications that normalize the condition and neutralize the effects of natural factors. To prescribe such drugs, you should consult a doctor. When weather conditions return to normal, your health will improve.

Drowsiness as a consequence of intoxication

The human brain is sensitive to various influences of toxic factors. Taking toxic or harmful substances leads to intoxication and difficult night and day sleep. The negative factors are:

  • Alcoholic drinks - when drinking alcohol excessively, the nervous system is agitated and agitated. This state is replaced by the sleep phase.
  • Cigarettes – when smoking, a spasm of cerebral vessels occurs with partial hypoxia due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. The smoker experiences drowsiness and loss of energy.
  • Taking tranquilizers and psychotropic drugs causes drowsiness. This is due to the mechanism of action of these tablets. Accustoming to these medications when taken for a long time causes chronic drowsiness.
  • Narcotic substances have a toxic effect on the body, blocking the functioning of the brain and central nervous system.

Causes of constant sleepiness in women

Daytime sleepiness in women is associated with fatigue, lack of energy, and loss of strength. This is caused by the following reasons:

  • Oxygen starvation of the brain when being in a stuffy room. The first sign of lack of oxygen is attacks of yawning.
  • Magnetic storms. Women who are weather dependent may experience ailments of varying degrees of intensity. Everyone else is drowsy.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Irrational and unbalanced diet.
  • Dehydration due to insufficient water intake during the day.
  • Smoking and alcoholism.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Heavy menstruation.
  • Menopause.
  • VSD diseases, blood pressure problems.
  • Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Development or chronic course of diseases of internal organs.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Nervous tension, frequent stress.
  • Excessive consumption of tea or coffee.

If constant fatigue, a feeling of exhaustion and drowsiness do not allow you to live a full life, you should pay attention to your habits, your environment, listen to your body and find a solution to the problem. If you cannot do this on your own, you should consult a doctor.

What to do if you feel sleepy

Many people ask the question: what to do if you constantly feel sleepy, how to fight the eternal desire to fall asleep. There are several recommendations to get rid of chronic drowsiness forever:

  • Develop a convenient daily routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time. In the evening, an hour before bedtime, turn off the bright lights. You can turn on quiet, calm music.
  • In the morning, immediately after waking up, do exercises for 15 minutes with a set of simple exercises. After training, take a contrast shower.
  • Let light into the house by pulling back the curtains to ventilate the room.
  • Half an hour before breakfast, drink two glasses of clean water in small sips.
  • Turn on rhythmic music. It will set the mood for the whole day.
  • If you suspect illness or illness, consult a doctor without delay.
  • If drowsiness is associated with emotional or psychological experiences, depression, make an appointment with a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Sleep is one of the most important needs; if it is lacking, it leads to the development of serious diseases.

Why do you want to sleep when you are depressed - reasons, danger, treatment

Every person experiences depression at different stages of life.
This condition is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. A person always feels tired, apathetic, drowsy, and has a decreased appetite. Such symptoms may appear immediately after a night's sleep. At the same time, a person often feels tired, even if the sleep was complete. It is important to eliminate such manifestations, since a depressive state negatively affects physical health.

It is also useful to know why you want to sleep when you are depressed.

What kind of violation

Adequate sleep is the key to human health. When a person is depressed, the nervous system becomes activated in the body. This is accompanied by anxiety and negative thoughts. There is an increase in the amount of stress hormones in the blood. Therefore, depression and drowsiness are interrelated phenomena.

When you are nervously awake, it is very difficult to go into a state of sleep. A person cannot fall asleep in the evening and after night awakenings, which very often occur in such states. Sometimes a fear of not being able to sleep may develop. This is where more serious nervous disorders arise.

Progressive depression is accompanied by irritability, aggressiveness, impaired concentration, high blood pressure, and the development of gastrointestinal diseases. Chronic sleep disorders may increase the risk of malignancy.

Root Cause Classification

Depression cannot be a one-time phenomenon. The reasons for its development are varied and require individual treatment.

Psychotherapists divide it into 5 main types, which are associated with the following factors:

  1. Emotional stress. The main sign of this condition is an irritable reaction to any events.
  2. Anxious excitement. In this condition, the heart rate increases and it is difficult to concentrate. A person may feel like he is going crazy.
  3. Generalized anxiety. Physical discomfort is clearly manifested - increased heart rate, sweating, and a pronounced feeling of anxiety.
  4. Anhedonia. This type of depression is accompanied by a decrease in feelings of pleasure. Sometimes a person completely loses joy from life events. The condition can lead to loss of feelings of love for the closest people - parents, children.
  5. Melancholy. People who suffer from such a disorder have difficulty adapting to society.

Constant depression and fatigue have negative health consequences. Therefore, you should contact a specialist to identify and eliminate the causes of such violations.


Drowsiness in depression is mainly due to nervous excitement. At the same time, the person feels very tired. Activation of the nervous system provokes a feeling of anxiety, a restless emotional state. This may be associated not only with anxious arousal, but also with negative emotional stress.


If you want to sleep constantly when you are depressed, this is accompanied by the main symptoms:

  • constant feeling of melancholy and anxiety;
  • depressed, depressed mood;
  • severe fatigue in the absence of excessive loads;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • restlessness, irritability;
  • headache;
  • stomach upsets;
  • suicidal thoughts.

Such signs should be alarming. If you cannot get rid of depression on your own, you should consult a specialist.

Why is it dangerous?

Depression is a disease that requires individualized treatment. Lack of adequate sleep is dangerous to health. This affects severe psychological disorders.

In addition, complications arise in the physical condition of the body:

  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (development of diseases of the digestive system);
  • weight loss, anorexia;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance;
  • difficult adaptation in society;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • suicidal tendencies.

The first warning signs are: irritability, aggression, lack of joy and smile. The patient in this case needs support and adequate therapy.

How to fight

It is important to understand that drowsiness is a consequence of depression. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the underlying disease. After this, sleep returns to normal on its own.

To eliminate depression, different methods are used. The doctor takes into account the complexity of the patient’s condition and its causes.


Antidepressants are used to treat depression. They can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor and strictly adhere to the dosage. These drugs are not addictive, unlike tranquilizers.


Physiotherapy is indispensable in the treatment of depression. It allows you to normalize inhibition and excitation of the central nervous system. Improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain. For this purpose, electrophoresis, physical therapy, massage, and contrast showers are used.

If there are no contraindications, you can do yoga.

Daily regime

Sleeping a lot when you are depressed is also bad for your health. The daily routine should be balanced and complete. It is very important to try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. This will help the body work properly. Healthy sleep lasts 8 hours.

Emotional stress should be avoided before bedtime.


Proper nutrition is the key to health. Your diet should include foods every day that help you fight stress. Weakness, drowsiness and apathy occur with excessive consumption of fatty, fried and junk foods.

Coffee and strong tea contribute to sleep disturbances. Therefore, people who suffer from depression should exclude such foods from their diet.


Depression is a disease that requires an individual approach to treatment.

Manifestations such as drowsiness have serious consequences for physical health. Therefore, at the first symptoms you should consult a specialist.

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Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes to overcome drowsiness at home. To instantly overcome the wild desire to fall asleep, they recommend:

  • Mix three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with one hundred grams of honey. Take half a teaspoon for 10 days.
  • Pour one hundred grams of chopped ginger into half a liter of vodka. Leave in a dark place for a week. Take a teaspoon three times a day for a month. The resulting product relieves drowsiness and tones.
  • Half an hour before breakfast, dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm boiled water, add the juice of half a lemon, a bee bread pea or royal jelly. Drink right away. The drink will give you strength and energy for the whole day.
  • For acupuncture experts, massage the point on the bridge of the nose or rub the rest with your thumb for a minute.
  • Aromatherapy will help overcome sleep - the smell of citrus fruits and coffee will dispel sleep and lift your spirits.

To overcome chronic sleepiness, train yourself not to go to bed during the day. As a result, the vicious circle is broken, the desire to go to sleep is more easily overcome. Train yourself to go to bed after hours, only if you close your eyes and become very tired.

The danger of pathological drowsiness

If you constantly want to sleep, there is a high probability of developing pathological hypersomnia - the need for frequent sleep. This dangerous condition is caused by emerging health problems that require diagnosis.

A sudden, strong craving for sleep occurs in people suffering from depressive disorders or other mental illnesses.

Drowsiness that lasts 12–14 hours without awakening is dangerous. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The best way to overcome drowsiness is to change your life for the better: meet new interesting people, be outdoors more often, change jobs, reconsider your priorities. Always pay attention to the best moments of your life, and it will not seem dull and boring.

What to do

Physical activity can help you cheer up and overcome increased sleepiness.

  1. First of all, you need to seek help from a doctor, in particular a therapist, who can check you for possible diseases. If necessary, he will prescribe an examination or refer you to a specialist.
  2. If you realize that you are not getting enough calories, then you need to learn how to count them. It is important to understand that for the body to function properly, it is necessary to saturate it, otherwise there will not be enough energy for active actions.
  3. If you have problems with weight, then try to lose weight. A healthy diet, exercise, and calorie restriction can help with this.
  4. If you notice constant stress, then you need to get away from provoking factors, for example, stop communicating with people who irritate you or quit a job you don’t like. You can also use meditation and physical activity to combat stress.
  5. If you have depression, a psychologist or psychotherapist will be the best person to help you cope with this problem.
  6. Make sure you have a normal sleep and activity schedule. It is important to get at least seven hours of sleep at night. It is recommended to go to bed at 23:00 and wake up at 7 am.
  7. Try to spend as much time as possible outdoors and sunbathing. A walk will invigorate you; daylight will prevent excess melatonin production.
  8. Watch your diet. It is important that the diet contains all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as a full range of microelements and vitamins. Don't go on diets and terrorize your body.
  9. Drink as much water as possible. Calculate the norm for yourself taking into account your weight. We are talking specifically about water, and not about other drinks.
  10. Introduce at least minimal physical activity into your life. At first, it will be enough to do exercises in the morning. Next, you can try walking instead of using the elevator, walking one stop on the way to work, and then taking public transport.

Now you know why a constant feeling of drowsiness may occur in both men and women. It is important to understand that frequent attempts to fall asleep significantly reduce performance, impair concentration and memory, and affect the overall process of performance, which leads to problems in school or at work. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to determine what in your particular case affects the occurrence of drowsiness, and how to counteract this phenomenon.

Opinion of cardiologist German Shaevich Gandelman

Increased sleepiness may be a symptom of a serious vascular disease. In this case, the patient is accompanied by a frequent decrease in blood pressure, a feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. Dissecting aortic aneurysm is the most dangerous pathology, accompanied by excessive drowsiness. The disease is asymptomatic, the patient does not experience pain or other problems for which one can consult a doctor. Therefore, German Shaevich recommends getting a night’s rest and adjusting your diet. If the desire to constantly sleep does not go away for several weeks, it is worth checking the blood vessels.

Consequences of long sleep

Although people generally associate long periods of sleep at night with health, people who sleep excessively at night may suffer from certain diseases.

  • Diabetes mellitus associated with insensitivity of internal organ tissues to insulin. Patients who ask their doctor the question why do I sleep long and who have a sleep duration of more than 11-12 hours are three times more likely to have such a disease compared to other people.
  • Excess sleep negatively affects the cardiovascular system, primarily increasing the risk of the following diseases: stroke and myocardial infarction.
  • Increased sleepiness and lack of time to stay awake lead to the formation of depression in a person, which quickly passes when night rest is normalized.
  • In addition, patients may experience abdominal pain, headaches, runny nose, periodic dizziness, memory loss and other clinical manifestations.

Such changes in the patient’s health lead to a significant decrease in quality of life. In this regard, when patients ask if a person sleeps a lot, what does this mean, it is important to explain to them the danger of such a condition and set them up to fight it.

Advice from a neurologist and chiropractor Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin

A patient who wants to sleep at any time of the day suffers from a lack of energy. Glucose that enters the body with food does not reach nerve cells. This is facilitated by a decrease in insulin in the blood, which is caused by the development of type 2 diabetes.

In this case, the patient most often has excess body weight. Organs are not working at full capacity or at the limit of their capabilities. If you are constantly drowsy, it is recommended to change your diet and test your blood for sugar.

What not to do if you feel very sleepy

Many of us, in the absence of time to visit hospitals, independently purchase medicines, which are presented in huge quantities and are sold without prescriptions. You can't do this!

We talked about the fact that there are a lot of reasons why you want to sleep and they lie in different areas. Uncontrolled use of drugs can only aggravate the course of pathologies and will not bring the desired result. The composition of sleeping pills includes mainly sedatives, i.e. sedative components. But they cannot help, for example, with circulatory problems. You will be able to fall asleep at night, but during the day you will be even more sleepy.

It is widespread among people who want to sleep during the day to take drugs that stimulate the nervous system: from banal coffee to energy drinks. Indeed, caffeine will help you cheer up for a short time, but it is not able to solve the problem of sleep disturbance.

Energy drinks have negative effects on the heart and liver, and they are also addictive. The condition can only get worse.

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