Why I don’t have a boyfriend: reasons for loneliness and ways to get rid of it

If the guy is 13, 14 or already 15 years old, but there is no girlfriend

Precedents may arise due to the individual nature of the individual. But their appearance can also be dictated by outside influence, from the society in which the young man is located.

The reasons may be the following

  • Interests have not yet matured

By nature, perhaps you are not yet mature for a serious relationship. Therefore, you don’t need a friend for long meetings yet. Yes, you can feel it yourself. Therefore, you should not focus on other guys.

  • Inferiority complexes

This is typical for an age when a person is going through the period of his formation in society. You just need to learn to be confident in yourself and not leave this distance.

  • Life in a fantasy world

It is important to take into account all the realities of life, meet girls, take their phone numbers, communicate. Just fantasizing is not yet achieving the goal.

  • Timidity, shyness, inexperience

All this will gradually be eliminated, with time and experience communicating with friends and girls.

  • Flaws in appearance

Hormonal surges at this age can often spoil your appearance a little. This could be acne, rapid weight gain, sharpening of facial features, and more. But you need to understand that this is all just as quickly and will go away as the body develops.

The age between 14 and 15 years is called puberty. At this time, there is often an imbalance in the hormonal background, which greatly affects mood. During periods of frequent mood swings, you should not make serious conclusions about yourself or others.

How to find a girl?

To find a girl, you need to look for her, but not like a cafe in the city. I mean you need to go to places where a lot of girls gather. I'm lucky because there are a lot of girls around me. Apparently I'm doing womanly things. I studied acting. And there were mostly girls there. Unfortunately, they were all not to my taste, since many of them were notorious. It’s just that many people start visiting the theater to get rid of their complexes. Now I go to sports dances, although not often. There are a lot of them there, there are chances. I also attend English language courses. There are also only women there, but they are all old (except for the teachers).

What am I getting at? Try to engage in activities where the female gender predominates. It is unlikely that women are interested in fighting without rules. At one time, when I was involved in this sport, during training, I “hugged” only with men. Your chances of finding a girl will increase if you find yourself in the right environment.

Nowadays it has become more difficult to find a partner due to the advent of the Internet and computer. Many guys, and girls too, prefer to sit at home, play computer games or surf the Internet. There is a joke on the RuNet: “Why don’t I have a girlfriend - I’m a level 80 elf.” This means nerdiness. Friends used to be offline, not online. However, knowing these facts, you can use the Internet for dating. Now many such sites have disappeared. Many people have found their soul mates through the Internet and started a family. Therefore, if you really want to find a girl, use all the resources of the modern world.

Many guys don’t have girlfriends because they don’t know how to behave and communicate with them correctly. They are afraid to approach them, they are boring and uninteresting, as well as insecure and much more. Got it. In this case, I can only advise one thing, start studying the pickup truck. I advise you to subscribe to Egor Sheremetev's newsletter. I won't give a direct link. Just type in Yandex: “Yegor Sheremetyev official website.” He will tell you from A to Z how to meet and behave with girls.

Well, as a last resort, you can become a member of HOUSE 2. There you will learn to swear, and make acquaintances, and play to the public, and finally begin to “build your love.”

There are deeper reasons for the lack of relationships. It happens that a guy is handsome, and muscular, and smart, and interesting, but there is no girl. Maybe he is afraid of relationships on a subconscious level? If you are one, then read what is below. This material is just for you.

If you want to get answers to questions such as: why relationships don’t work out, how to meet your love, why relationships deteriorate, how to save relationships, what men are really looking for, what women really want and much more, then an audio recording of the webinar and a separate book - “Sea of ​​love or How to build a wonderful loving relationship?” for you.

On this page you will find a complete description of what awaits you when purchasing an audio recording and a book. The audio recording of the webinar and the book are guaranteed to help you solve the problem of loneliness or improve relationships.

Why doesn't a guy have a girlfriend at 16, 17 and 18 years old?

It is enough to study yourself a little, take a closer look at the society in which you are, determine the level of your own dependence on it, significance, and it will be much easier for you to understand why you have not yet found your person among the girls.

Good reasons

  • Inferiority complex

It can still affect young people at this age. This is due to the developmental characteristics of each individual personality.

There is a high probability of joining the army, therefore there is no desire to develop personal relationships with the opposite sex.

  • No money for dates

At this time, modern guys are already seriously starting to think about the money they are ready to spend on girls, and then on their chosen one. Perhaps you should just find yourself a part-time job to solve this problem.

  • Excellent student, “crammed”, “nerd”

When a lot of time is spent studying, then there is simply no time to engage in dating and start relationships.

  • Cowardice, weakness, ignorance

Girls love brave, strong and those who know how to defend their opinions.

Best places to meet

The place to meet is chosen depending on what kind of guy you want to meet. A businessman doesn't go to the local diner, a serious guy doesn't go to a disco, and athletes don't hang out in bars. Initially, you need to decide what kind of man you want to meet, and then analyze the likely places of acquaintance.

Through mutual friends

The method is effective and most suitable. If among your mutual acquaintances there are “restless souls,” you can try to unite them. You can’t force yourself to be nice, but sometimes fateful meetings happen precisely thanks to mutual acquaintances. The good thing about this method is that candidates are first given a general description of the partner. When going on a date, a person already has an idea of ​​who he will have to communicate with. Here the first impression can be deceiving, but if the partners are suitable for each other, a romance will begin.

The ideal option is to meet at corporate events, large parties, and noisy companies. In such places, the meeting occurs spontaneously, people get to know each other, and the atmosphere is conducive to a pleasant pastime.

Cultural events

The likelihood of a productive acquaintance here is not so high. They go to cultural events in pairs or groups, socializing in a small circle. Even if a man goes to a concert alone, it is not a fact that he will end up in the right place, unless fate intervenes and seats him in the next chair.

But cultural events are an opportunity to be among people. In addition, educated people go to theaters, cinemas and exhibitions, so the applicant will definitely be polite, tactful and attentive.

Discos and nightclubs

The chance of meeting a cheerful and bright guy is extremely high. Men initially go to discos and nightclubs with the goal of having a good time and meeting girls.


The ABC of Feelings: The Psychology of Relationships between a Man and a Woman

Such establishments are visited by a certain contingent. Gray mice, snobs and insecure individuals will not come here. However, the likelihood of developing a serious relationship is not as high as we would like. Guys are often in such places looking for a girlfriend with whom they can have a good time, relax, have a blast and forget about everyday problems. When a girl agrees to such a scenario, there are no problems. If she pursues the goal of finding a spouse, she will have to weed out frivolous gentlemen.

The shops

People go to shopping centers to shop, so the chance to meet people is small. Just like on the street, when everyone goes about their business. You need to either try to make acquaintance yourself, or willingly respond to the advances of the men you meet.

Reasons that there is no girlfriend if the guy is 19,20 or even 21 years old

The absence of a girlfriend from a 19-year-old or 20-year-old boy may be due to the following reasons:

  • Student years do not allow you to build personal relationships for a long time

If the workload of studying at a university is too great for you, and you are also interested in additional faculties, you should not get carried away with girls. You can return to this issue after receiving your education.

  • Boorish behavior

No normal girl would like this.

  • Low self-esteem

It may still remain as an echo of adolescence. To get rid of it, it is important to pay attention and listen to the positive opinions of people around you.

  • Personal characteristics

For example, a young man is melancholic by nature and loves loneliness more. It is not necessary to fight these qualities. Perhaps in the future a girl with the same character and temperament will be found.

Once again we give everything here to the will of Master Time!

Advice from experienced

Be attractive to women - take care of your appearance, show that you have self-esteem. Take good care of your oral cavity, try not to overuse cologne.

Replenish your wardrobe with a red item, this color looks bright and successful. A girl will definitely pay attention to you if you wear a red shirt, tie, jacket or sweater.

Relax and feel confident, don't let fear get in your way. Perhaps act casual, this behavior is attractive. Show interest in the girl you want, don’t be afraid to fight for her.

If a guy is over 30...33 and doesn’t have a partner, why?

When you are over 30 and still haven’t found your loved one, this may indicate the following:

  • In fact, you don't need a girlfriend yet!

If you are busy creating your own business. Study or something else serious, then probably personal relationships will only get in the way for some period of time.

  • Hard worker

If a man plunges headlong into work, then he has no energy left for entertainment and searching for his other half. In this case, it will be important to learn to relax and be able to rest on time.

  • No friends, not sociable

You can find a girl only when you at least somehow communicate with her. You can start conversations on abstract but unifying topics (about the weather, work, something else).

A simple test (online) to determine if a guy doesn't have a girlfriend

Questions and choice of answer options:

QuestionList of answers
The one I liked turned out to be busy.
What did you immediately think of?
  • Is she married?;
  • could have looked after her better;
  • It's always like that with me!
Relationships with a girl for you
  • satisfaction;
  • new life experience;
  • the ability to forgive and love.
If your relationship fails, what will you do?
  • It’s better to continue dating than to feel like a failure;
  • tomorrow we will see;
  • Most likely, she is not the one I need.
Motto in life
  • love me always, but in moderation;
  • It’s better to be a lion once than to be a goat all your life;
  • in the morning it is clear what the day will be like.
For example, she will want to go to the sea, and you like to travel around Europe.
How do you feel about this difference?
  • give a bouquet of flowers containing an envelope with one ticket to the sea;
  • remind you that you can’t be selfish;
  • the final decision will be hers.
For example, your girlfriend tells you that another guy is flirting with her.
What will you do?
  • willingly meet to dispel his dreams;
  • send her a photo with a reminder inscription: “Remember the one you love”;
  • make her promise that she will never cheat on you.
What irritates you most?
  • lonely existence;
  • guilt;
  • frequent mistakes.
For example, you live together. How should responsibilities be distributed among you?
  • 50 x 50;
  • I'll do everything myself;
  • I will do everything myself, but I will also expect praise, recognition that I am valuable.
The first reconciliation after the first quarrel.
What will you do?
  • repent of thinking that your relationship was a mistake;
  • just kiss and hug her without words;
  • say that she and you should remember this evening.
Freedom in love relationships, in your opinion, is:
  • continuous experiments;
  • the ability to appreciate another person;
  • the right to make mistakes.
On the first date, for example, a girl confesses her love.
What's your reaction?
  • this is great!;
  • cannot be true;
  • perhaps she is “the one.”
For example, she asks you to pay more attention to her, rather than concentrating on work and affairs.
What will you think?
  • this is not a matter - work is most important;
  • does she even know how the money is obtained?;
  • I’ll take a week off to spend time with her and relax at the same time.
What is your strongest character?
  • optimism;
  • softness, flexibility;
  • determination.

Some possible combinations of self-test results are listed below.

Selected answers - yellow

  • In love with a love relationship

Such people dream more about love than are ready to build real relationships. With this position in life, the chances of finding a permanent girlfriend are 3 out of 10. Girls will be fleeting. The reason for failure is constant comparison with an ideal far-fetched in your head.

Answers in green

  • Attachment to mother

Most likely, your attitude towards your mother is preventing you from finding a permanent partner. It could be attachment, fear of the mother's opinion, or something else. You must first understand for yourself personally how independent you already are. This awareness determines the readiness to establish personal relationships.

Answers without color

  • Fear of loss

You are terrified of losing your partner, so you instinctively don’t even want to start a relationship with a girl. That is, you are creating problems for yourself that do not yet exist and, quite possibly, will not even exist. In this case, psychologists recommend learning to live the present moment in your life with pleasure.

Handsome guy, what should I do, I'm a terrible loser?

5 myths that prevent even a handsome guy from finding a girl:

  • You need "The One"

Life shows that there is no “same” girl in the world. She becomes like this after the choice you made.

  • I must have the best girlfriend!

There is no such thing as “best” or “worst”. There is a concept - “liked”, “disliked” or “meets my expectations”.

  • I should be interested in her

But this may not be revealed immediately. Isn't that right? They are looking for a mate among those who match their level of interests. It is important not to go too far here. Giving in to exaggerated expectations can easily lead to disappointment. Reality is often not what we imagine it to be.

  • Girls are expensive...

It is not necessary that your future beloved will expect you to spend a lot of money on her. Although the monetary component is important.

  • Girls don't talk to me themselves...

Here you first need to understand why this happens. If there are no external reasons, then you need to not be timid and start communicating.

There is another secret - girls really love it when they listen attentively. This has its advantages - they themselves can tell you how to please you, get closer, etc.

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