Bioenergy training – human chakras, prana yoga

Bioenergy is a group of energy transformation processes that occur in the body of living subjects and are responsible for their vital processes. For modern medicine, the study of bioenergetic processes is of great importance, since most human ailments are, to some extent, closely related to an imbalance in energy metabolism. The study of bioenergy metabolism, in particular oxidative phosphorylation in the structural and functional elementary units of the subject’s body, plays an important role for competent diagnosis, making an appropriate prognosis for the course of diseases and further treatment of such ailments.

Solar energy in the body is a kind of energy generator, which is converted by some microorganisms and plants into the energy of organic compounds due to the process of photosynthesis. The generated energy in the body of individuals is modified into thermal energy and its other forms due to cellular oxidation. Energy conversion occurs at the molecular level through the use of many enzymes concentrated in specialized structures, such as biological membranes.

Human bioenergy

The concept of bioenergy comes from two Greek words - life and activity. This concept means energy processes occurring in the body and creating the necessary conditions for various biochemical processes that ensure the activity of the structural elements of a living organism. Lack of energy is considered the main cause of many diseases and premature aging. To ensure that energy does not stagnate in the body and cause disease, you should strengthen your own energy field. Well-known techniques that make it possible to strengthen the subject’s energy field are bioenergetics, manual treatment and certain psychotherapy techniques. For example, during active physical work, it is recommended to slowly relax tense muscles that create an obstacle to free breathing and impede movement. With the help of techniques aimed at normalizing energy metabolism, one understands and becomes aware of one’s own internal state and improves control of the body, which generally contributes to improved health, both physical and mental.

The theoretical foundations of bioenergy were substantiated by Freud's follower, the Austrian doctor W. Reich. A. Lowen was the first to use it for therapeutic purposes. He created an entire methodology consisting of a set of exercises and instructions, which are still successfully used in bioenergy today.

Bioenergetics experts believe that an individual has a very close relationship between body and soul. Therefore, his emotional and psychological state is reflected against the background of his physical well-being and vice versa. There are also certain channels through which information is exchanged between the soul and body. By performing bioenergetic exercises, the subject can learn to understand and recognize these previously untapped and almost unknown communication channels, which will lead to harmonization of body and soul.

Bioenergetics has brought enormous practical significance to medicine. It can be used to cure various diseases and for early diagnosis. The main goal of bioenergy therapy is to restore mental harmony and physical health to the individual. The main pose used in Lowen's bioenergetics is called an arch, which is a backbend. The correct execution of the arch will be as follows: you need to draw an imaginary perpendicular line that will connect the point located between the shoulder blades in the middle with the point located between the legs in the middle. In the process of performing this exercise, proper breathing plays a significant role. Deep breathing allows you to feel the circulation of energy flows. In order to stimulate breathing, the patient is recommended to be in a tense position, for example, leaning over a chair or stool. Non-contact massage is also included in the complex of bioenergetic exercises. The goal of all exercises is to relax tense muscles.

Initially, bioenergy therapy was used to help individuals with neurotic disorders. Today, bioenergy is also used to treat personality disorders and psychosomatic diseases. Healthy individuals can also use bioenergetics techniques, for example, when trying to find a way out of current crisis life situations, striving for self-improvement and self-knowledge.

Bioenergy and Sergei Ratner suggested controlling your subconscious by controlling your own imagination through meditation. It was based on the fact that all human life occurs on two levels: physical and metaphysical. The physical level contains everything that an individual sees, understands, hears, feels, and the metaphysical level includes the subconscious, in which all the main processes that transfer to the physical level are developed. Meditation turns off the physical level and takes the individual directly to the metaphysical level, in which he can reshape his reality towards the positive.

The advantage of bioenergy techniques is that they can be performed at home. The only requirement for using the techniques at home is to perform them correctly and enjoy the exercises. Only if these conditions are met will there be benefit from bioenergetic exercises.

The energy contained in an individual has a strong influence on his personality. A subject with more energy has faster reactions, he is more sympathetic and sensitive, and his mind is sharper.

A person can borrow energy from sources of different origins. The first energy source is given to a person as an inheritance. It creates potential energy. The next source produces energy due to the combustion of oxygen. Thanks to the combustion of food, a person receives a third source of energy. The last two sources produce functional energy. The energy source that a person inherits is considered the foundation on which the individual’s life experience is developed with the help of external stimuli. External stimuli include: upbringing and nutrition, environment, emotions and lifestyle. Potential energy in the process of organism formation is closely related to external energy generators or to energy that determines the standard of living and psychological development of the individual, i.e. with functional energy. In the body, energy is produced through eight systems: immune, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, excretory and reproductive systems. It is distributed through a specific transport system called “energy meridians.”

Possible difficulties

In the process of learning bioenergy management techniques, you may encounter certain difficulties. Many people have difficulty performing the prana accumulation exercise. They manage to gather energy, but are unable to retain it. You should know that practicing bioenergy imposes certain restrictions on a person. Prana will “leave” for the following reasons:

  • Alcohol and tobacco consumption (it is recommended to abstain even from coffee)
  • Unworthy thoughts and emotions - envy, anger, selfishness
  • Attempts to use prana for commercial or other unworthy purposes

The healer needs to learn to control his emotions and not waste them in vain. In this case, there will be no problems in mastering the techniques described in this article.

Bioenergy treatment

Since ancient times, bioenergetic treatment of various “illnesses” has been known. To this day, many tribes at the lowest stage of their development use only this method for treatment. Each individual has the ability to self-heal using bioenergy. Along with this, bioenergetic methods were identified as a separate general teaching in ancient India by yogis. Today, the method of bioenergy therapy is an inseparable part of yoga.

A healthy individual has three different types of biofield. Each type is transformed depending on the damage to the organ in a certain way, reflecting a violation of energy. It is as a result of energy transformations that it becomes possible to determine what happened to an organ or system in the individual’s body. Restoring energy balance always means a cure for the disease.

Practitioners of bioenergetics are highly sensitive to human biofields, therefore they can feel its biofield with their hands at some distance from the human body. They feel it in the form of various weak manifestations, for example, in the form of heat or cold, tingling, etc. And highly sensitive bioenergetics can see the biofield or aura surrounding the individual.

To identify a bioenergy disease, upon contact with an individual’s biofield, their own sensations are differentiated. In order to heal a diseased organ, a targeted energy effect is applied to it. During such treatment, the patient’s energy level sharply increases, and the healer’s energy level temporarily decreases in accordance with the energy expended.

In principle, each individual is capable of healing himself, but for this he must perform certain exercises. A specially developed set of exercises allows you to increase the body’s energy so much that a person will be able to heal not only himself, but also others.

Bioenergy and self-study are possible today with the help of various literature and regular practice. After all, absolutely every subject emits energy, which, unfortunately, is wasted. Meanwhile, as numerous studies have shown, wasted energy can heal the body of its carrier and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and emotional background.

So, the essence of bioenergetic treatment lies in the individual’s ability to accumulate and transmit energy to the diseased organ. This method has a wide range of possibilities and high efficiency. With the help of bioenergy, you can permanently cure radiculitis, debilitating migraines, endocrine diseases, various inflammatory processes, paralysis and strokes, asthma and many other diseases.

The bioenergetic treatment method is based on the close relationship between the energetic and physical structure of the human body. Any pathological transformations occurring in the internal organs, cells and systems of the body will certainly lead to modifications in the human bioenergetic picture. Practitioners of bioenergetics feel such changes in the energetic state of subjects as uneven density of the aura, transformations of its color palette, and disorders of the chakras. Therapeutic energy effects on areas of the body with low energy density lead to an increase in the protective forces of the organ to which the effect is directed, and energy dispersion in the excess area helps to suppress the hyperfunction of organs and cleanse the chakras, thereby normalizing the regulatory functions of the body. Bioenergy - manual treatment can have an amazing healing effect.

How to feel and see the aura

In the palms of a person there are chakra energy centers, which can be imagined as small doors. The point of the exercise described below is to help you open these “doors” slightly. It will take you only 5-7 minutes to train on aura perception. At this time, no one should distract you. Sit comfortably, try to clear your mind of extraneous thoughts.

Touch the index finger of your right hand to the center of your left palm and concentrate on your sensations. Hold your finger on your palm for a few minutes and then do the same exercise for your right hand.

The next stage is to spread your palms approximately shoulder-width apart, and then begin to gradually bring them together, but not until they touch. When there are only a few centimeters left between your palms, return them to their original position. Repeat the described steps several times.

After two or three workouts you will begin to feel your aura. People with a predisposition to extrasensory perception succeed literally on the first try. Tactile sensations manifest themselves in different ways. Some people experience the feeling of an elastic balloon, while others feel warmth or a slight electrical shock.

While practicing this technique, you may see subtle whitish threads appearing between your palms. This means that you have acquired the ability to see the etheric body.

Perform this simple technique at least once a day for one to two months. Over time, your brushes will become more sensitive, you will gain the ability to sense the aura of people and the energy fields of objects. Since you have to independently master the wisdom of bioenergy, we recommend sticking to the “golden rule” - do not overexert yourself. Studying should be fun; if you feel bored or tired, stop for a couple of days.

If you have mastered the described exercise well, then proceed to the article “How to scan the biofield.” You will become familiar with techniques that can be used to determine the state of your own bioenergy or the subtle bodies of another person. If you want to learn not only to perceive the aura with your palms, but also to see it, then follow this link.

Bioenergy training

Today, unfortunately, a huge number of people are in rather poor health and suffer from a large number of severe symptoms. Even children are born sick. A serious symptom in the realities of the high-speed modern and progressive rhythm of life is extreme fatigue from the effects of stress factors, loss of strength, the cause of which may lie in an unfavorable environmental situation or in an internal stress factor that comes more and more with each passing year. Bioenergy therapy is designed to assess the threat and eliminate its consequences.

Previously, the secrets of bioenergetic treatment were passed on by word of mouth, from generation to generation. Today, many teaching aids have been developed in the public domain, and there are even bioenergy institutes aimed at teaching the possibilities of bioenergy.

The education system in schools and institutes of bioenergy is mainly based on the principles of working through the awareness of previously incomprehensible processes, such as the conscious choice of one’s thoughts leading to the realization of intentions and goals, working with internal feelings, thoughts and sensations. It is also possible to study bioenergy independently by studying specialized literature or web portals.

Bioenergetics training promotes the achievement of one's own goals and teaches self-healing.

The concept of bioenergy training covers the study of human bioenergy and the management of its energy flows, cosmoenergetics, cleaning of energy channels, energy protection, nourishment and complete healing of the body, reiki, treatment, etc.

A person with clean and unclogged energy channels, who can easily gain and accumulate energy, control energy flows, heal himself and others, has the foundation for further development of his own abilities in the field of clairvoyance and control over his own destiny.

What do aura colors mean?

During the first lessons, the human aura looks like a pale haze, barely perceptible to the eye. Keep practicing and your capabilities will begin to grow. You will be able to distinguish shades of the aura, by which you can judge the physical and emotional state of a person and even his inclinations.

Let's explain with an example. Let's say you observe the aura of a heavy smoker who has serious lung problems. In this case, you will be able to see that in the area of ​​the chest, his energy shell (etheric body) has noticeably thinned and acquired an unnatural gray or even black tint. For comparison, the etheric body of a healthy individual will have a blue, yellow or combined blue-yellow color.

If your psychic abilities allow you to see the astral body, then you will be able to grasp the person’s mood. For example, anger almost always has a dirty red tint, a yellow glow around the head indicates mental stress, and purple is a sign of spiritual development. You will find a more detailed explanation of color shades in the article “The meaning of the primary colors of the aura.”

Mental connection

All people, to one degree or another, have the ability to enter into telepathic (or mental) communication. The easiest way is to “tune in” to the thoughts of a loved one. For this reason, the most stable mental connection is between twins, lovers, mother and child. Sometimes telepathic abilities are revealed under the influence of a dangerous situation or severe stress.

However, there are special training aimed at developing mental abilities. We have previously written about how to learn to read thoughts using the universal energy prana. However, mental connection is too broad a topic for one article. Therefore, in the future we will have other publications dedicated to telepathic communication.

Ways to cleanse the aura and chakras

Subtle energy structures can become damaged for many reasons. If a person’s chakras do not function properly, then negative events occur in the individual’s life - from physical illness to deterioration in relationships with others or “fatal” bad luck. The cause of a failure in energy structures may be:

  • Violation of purity of speech and action - perjury, deception, envy, betrayal
  • Non-binding (a person does not keep his word, behaves irresponsibly)
  • Negative thinking, focusing on problems
  • Energy overvoltage, work "for wear and tear"
  • Self-indulgence, addiction to physical pleasures
  • Induced damage or evil eye

There are several ways to cleanse the aura and chakras. Firstly, you can use special meditation techniques. Secondly, aromatherapy harmonizes energy structures quite well. Believers will be able to cleanse the aura and chakras with prayers.

How to open chakras

Each energy center requires its own approach. Each of the seven chakras “responds” to a specific note, aroma, or color. There are special techniques that ensure the opening of the chakras. They are based on techniques of meditation and visualization - mental representation of certain images.

Unfortunately, most of the existing techniques for working with chakras are quite difficult to perceive and perform. We are currently developing a training course in which all the necessary information will be systematized and simplified as much as possible. You can subscribe to the news of the website so as not to miss the latest articles, including new lessons on working with bioenergy.

Detecting detailed signals

So, first, bioenergetics looks at the presence of defects in the biofield in general. Then he begins to study the vastness of each incomprehensible signal, its distribution. If the suffering organ has a primary source of the disease, you need to apply a passive hand to the place of discomfort, and look for another organ with an active one. The energy circle will close when the cause of the disease is found, and a signal will appear in the hand.

It is worth noting that many healers also prefer to use dowsing to find biologically active points on the human body. To do this, the palm receiving the energy is located on the suffering organ, and the active hand searches for the necessary meridians and looks at the zero points, which manifest themselves as pulsations in the fingers. It is possible to influence such points in situations where direct influence on the organ does not improve a person’s well-being.

Novice healers often have problems with the practical perception of signals and correlating them with specific diseases.

Therefore, it is advisable to provide the main types of diagnostic results for different parts of the body:

Arterial pressure

If a person has a headache, heaviness is felt in the crown area, and you can even feel the nature of the pain if you have enough experience in bioenergetics. Dense signals at the back of the head indicate high blood pressure, or rather, the patient’s negative reaction to such an increase. Low blood pressure is diagnosed by a dense flow of energy on the forehead, but this signal should not be confused with the energy of the third eye at the point between the eyebrows.

You can measure real pressure by dowsing: place the beginning of the ruler at the zero point on your wrist, which you will find with your fingertips. The second point will indicate the lower pressure number, and the third (near the elbow) will indicate the upper one. Calculation is carried out in millimeters.


People who are interested in how to heal with their hands, the biofield and energy often set out to get rid of back pain. Therefore, the spine is always an important diagnostic object.

Osteochondrosis, for example, is felt by intermittent signals on the line. If the nerve roots are affected, the pain appears above the vertebrae, goes to the back of the head and crown, or into the arm.


Signals in the heart area are varied, because the symptoms of diseases in this area are extensive: heaviness, tingling, aching pain, rapid heartbeat. The older the patient is, the more likely it is that the signal in this area of ​​the body is simply an age-related change and not a disease.

Sharp signals above the heart indicate the consequences of a heart attack. If the doctor has the proper experience, he can diagnose problems with the functioning of the valves and various types of heart murmurs.

Diseases of the urinary system

In the urinary system, diagnosis begins with the kidneys. The poles of these organs must be symmetrical, otherwise one of the kidneys may be omitted. The signal of inflammation in this area indicates nephritis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis. If there is tension in the energy plane over the kidney, hydronephrosis is possible.

Strong signals with a hard energy character indicate the presence of stones in this system. Based on the corresponding inflammatory signals, urethritis and cystitis can be identified, and if the signal is intermittent, there is a possibility of gonorrhea.


After the urinary system, the healer scans the genitals. The intensity of signals in this area in the stronger sex indicates the strength of potency, and if you ask mental queries, you can get data about the possibilities of fertilization.

A bursting signal with high pressure in the perineal area indicates prostatitis, while a cold and weak signal indicates prostate adenoma.

As for diagnosing women, the specialist can feel inflammation in the appendages; signals also indicate a cyst in the ovaries. Sharp energy flows over the uterus indicate erosion, and if the waves in this area are weak and cold, a tumor is possible. An experienced healer can also establish pregnancy at any stage, because foreign energy in the uterus is always detectable.

Both childbirth and abortion leave traces on the biofield.

Mammary gland

In the area of ​​the mammary glands, signals can be hormonal in nature and distract the specialist from working with the chest, so the menstrual cycle must be taken into account.

If you need to analyze only the chest, you first need to give a strong-willed order to remove all unnecessary signals related, for example, to the heart.

Mastopathy is manifested by a warm and dense signal, and a cancerous tumor is manifested by a hard and cold signal.

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