The relationship between the conscious and unconscious in the human psyche


One of the basic concepts about the mental sphere is CONSCIOUSNESS

(conscious) and

In short. Consciousness is everything that we experience and of which we can be aware. Quite a broad definition. The unconscious is everything else. As numerous works of great thinkers, the work of psychologists, and the observations of psychiatrists show, the volume of the unconscious can be infinitely huge.

One can argue for a long time about approaches to understanding consciousness and its connection with the unconscious, but the one that was first identified by phenomenological philosophy and then confirmed and consolidated by Sartre’s existentialism seems quite successful.

This is quite simple, if you do not try to whitewash the Ethiopian: consciousness exists not simply as a phenomenon of mental life, but as a process that a person controls. He either “takes out of the game” or “introduces into the game” again certain parts of consciousness that are needed at a given moment in time. Of necessity.

And here a small subtlety arises - what command center controls the consciousness itself and directs it in the right direction? In general, it is quite obvious that it is hardly possible to find it within the boundaries of consciousness itself. And it is for this reason that the problem of the unconscious and its influence on consciousness arises.

A person’s inclinations, behavior or desires are processes that are determined by the very nature of personality construction, its so-called “initial project”, on the basis of which a person proudly chooses himself.

Such a global “deep structure” that informationally describes a person. That is, any movement of a person’s soul, any of its manifestations, is a manifestation of his entire personality, and it is convenient to decipher these suspicious movements using the proposed method of “existential psychoanalysis.”

It sounds complicated, but in fact it is simply systematic tracking and elaboration of behavioral manifestations that “reveal” the essence of a person, which, by the way, is often used in NLP.

The whole point is that existentialism (a direction in philosophy) proposed a model of multi-layered consciousness, with a complex structure and hierarchy, with varying degrees of activity of its parts in the activities occurring within. Therefore, it is assumed that the existence of consciousness is a controlled process and a person, depending on the specific situation, can either turn on or turn off its various parts.

However, such assumptions, which by the way are quite logical, always run into the system that controls these processes. Strictly speaking, existentialists put a “primary project” in the place of the unconscious, but, in essence, they propose to go beyond the boundaries of their beloved “here and now” and try to find an instance of controlling consciousness outside of it. And here we are with the unconscious.

From the point of view of modern ideas, the unconscious is defined as a set of mental formations, processes and mechanisms, the functioning of which and their influence on oneself a person is not aware of.

In total, we can distinguish five such large classes of phenomena:

Unconscious mechanisms of conscious actions

1.1. Unconscious automatisms.

These are primary and secondary automatisms (automatic actions (blinking, sneezing, etc.) and skills. The first were never realized at all, the second went through the processing of consciousness and were absorbed into the unconscious - on their basis, the action is carried out quickly and efficiently, and consciousness is freed for increasingly complex combinations. The release of actions from the control of consciousness is adaptive, a kaleidoscope of changes constantly occurs in it: various layers of the hierarchical system of acts of which it consists replace each other. If we wish, we can even return an old skill to consciousness to improve it, making it a more flexible and modern tool.

1.2. Unconscious attitude.

This is the internal readiness of an organism or subject to perform a certain action or to react in a certain direction. The difference between an attitude and a skill is that an attitude forms readiness for a certain action before the moment of its execution. And if this action is a skill (as, for example, in martial arts), then we get a huge advantage in the speed and accuracy of its implementation, and therefore efficiency.

1.3. Unconscious accompaniments of conscious actions.

These are very important communicative tools for non-verbal communication between people, which, moreover, can be used as markers of various psychological characteristics of a person. These include autonomic reactions, facial expressions, involuntary movements, and tonic tension.

Unconscious stimulants of conscious activity

These are unconscious affective complexes located in the depths of the unconscious itself, which, according to psychoanalysis, is represented by neurotic symptoms, erroneous actions (including slips of the tongue) and dreams.

Complexes deeply hidden in the unconscious manifest themselves in a variety of neurotic symptoms

and represent the painful consequences of repressed personal experiences that traumatize a person. When such a complex is opened, it loses its power, and, consequently, its motivating ability, freeing the individual from its tyranny.

Superconscious phenomena

These processes are so significant and voluminous that they pass through consciousness only partially, and even then in transit - they are intellectually or affectively overloaded and concern the most important areas of human life; their integral result can easily change fate. Their features include time extension and unexpected completion, which, together with the unpredictability of the result, can create both pictures of terrible crimes and ingenious discoveries.

Mechanisms and processes of subliminal perception of objects

The brain has the ability to respond to stimuli that are invisible to consciousness, but clearly perceived by the unconscious, and which, as a rule, have a significant psychological load for a particular person. These stimuli are not represented by images, but their appearance leads to the emergence, for example, of bioelectric reactions that can be tracked on devices (this principle is used in the operation of a “lie detector”).

Structures of the social unconscious

According to C. G. Jung, what we now call archetypes (structures of the social unconscious) are inherited structures and principles that are transmitted in a hidden form in a given culture and determine the worldview of its people.

Under certain conditions, they are activated and appear in consciousness either as symbolic images or as stereotypical reactions and modes of behavior.

Thus, the system of human adaptation to the world consists of an active consciousness that quickly responds to changes in the environment and an unconscious mind that stores data from previous experiences of interaction with reality and new information.

The peculiarity is that the control of human activity comes directly from the unconscious, to some extent reducing our concept of freedom of choice. Hence the need to restore order in the unconscious - try to structure the information fed into it, pay attention to its manifestations and carry out the necessary “cleaning” of its contents.

But this is not only a necessity - it is also an exciting journey towards expanding your capabilities.

Consciousness in the human psyche

Definition 1
Consciousness is the highest form of reflection of objective reality, a person’s way of relating to himself and to the world.

The human psyche arose and was formed as the ability of living organisms to interact with the world around them. It is given to a person from the moment of his birth in a ready-made form, and its development occurs in the process of communication with other people.

Figure 1. Conscious and unconscious in the human psyche. Author24 - online exchange of student work

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The most important property of the psyche, its highest form, is consciousness. Thanks to consciousness, a person understands the world more deeply, understands what cannot be seen from direct observation, a person can draw conclusions and conclusions. Consciousness constructs, integrates, and collects the diverse and varied phenomena of human life into a holistic way of being, making a person a Human.

The main characteristic of human existence is awareness.

Consciousness has its own characteristics, in particular, it:

  • makes it possible to distinguish between subject and object, ensures the formation of activity goals, contains a body of knowledge about the surrounding world;
  • allows for preliminary mental construction of actions;
  • assists in anticipating the results of actions;
  • regulates human behavior and activities;
  • emotionally evaluates interpersonal relationships.

Consciousness performs certain functions - reflective, creative, transformative, evaluative, reflective, regulatory, communicative.

The structure of consciousness is based on intelligence, which represents mental abilities, knowledge and skills necessary for solving mental problems. The mental abilities of the intellect include thinking, memory properties, attention properties, perception properties, and the main element of consciousness is knowledge. Erudition, competence, and mental work skills certainly influence intelligence, but its level also depends on the result of assimilating culture and mastering spiritual universal values.

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The purposefulness of a person’s actions is determined by motivation, i.e. a set of motives, and the source of its activity are needs, where the choice of goal is the central point.

Motivation can be strong or weak, stable or unstable.

The sensory-emotional sphere of a person, which includes feelings, moods, affects, experiences, emotional stress, expressing his subjective attitude to any phenomena, situations, to himself, to other people.

The ability to consciously regulate behavior is will. Specific qualities of consciousness are formed and manifested through language.

How to influence the subconscious

How to make the unconscious work for you

The first thing you need to learn is that your subconscious is always working. That is, it is active night and day, regardless of whether you act on it or not. The subconscious is the builder of your body, but you cannot, through a conscious effort, hear this silent internal process. Your sphere is the conscious mind, not the subconscious (unconscious). You just need to maintain your consciousness in a state of certain expectation of better events and make sure that your usual way of thinking is based solely on fidelity, justice and love. You must begin to take good care of your subconscious, understanding with your soul and heart that the subconscious always expresses, embodies and reproduces everything in accordance with your way of thinking.

Faith and beliefs are part of subconscious programs. If you believe, it means you accept something as truth. Any accepted thought is automatically fulfilled. “According to your faith you will be rewarded!”

How to convey to my subconscious the idea that I have impeccable health

One Protestant priest wrote about the method he used to convey to his subconscious certain thoughts about impeccable health. He had lung cancer. The priest outlined his methodology in writing: “Two or three times a day I brought my body and soul into a relaxed state. After relaxing the whole body, I repeated the following words: “My feet are completely relaxed, my legs are relaxed. My stomach muscles are relaxing right now. My heart beats calmly, my breathing is even and relaxed. My head is completely relaxed, I’m completely relaxed and completely calm.” About five minutes later, when I was sinking into a drowsy, sleepy state, I affirmed: “The perfection of God’s very plan is now finding expression in me. My subconscious is filled with the thought that I have impeccable health. My image before God is flawless." This priest experienced the amazing joy of a truly miraculous healing.

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Brief things to remember

  1. Our subconscious controls absolutely all life processes of the body and it knows the answers to any questions and problems.
  2. Turn to your subconscious before going to bed with some specific request, and see for yourself its miraculous power.
  3. Whatever you capture in your subconscious , all of this will be reflected on your spatial screen directly in the form of emotions, conditions and events. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor what thoughts and ideas occupy your consciousness.
  4. The law of reaction and action is universal. Your thought is an action, and the reaction is a kind of automatic response to the thought of your subconscious. It is important to monitor the nature of your thoughts!
  5. All experiences arise from unfulfilled desires . If you “get hung up” on problems and various difficulties, then the reaction of your subconscious will be appropriate - this is how you yourself block the path to your well-being.
  6. The Principle of Life will always flow rhythmically and harmoniously through you. Consciously confirm the following statement: “I believe that the subconscious force that gave me this desire is now embodying it in me,” and this will resolve any of your troubles.
  7. With worries, worries and fears, you can, of course, disrupt the natural rhythm of breathing, heartbeat and the functioning of other organs. Direct your thoughts about harmony, peace, health into your subconscious and all body functions will return to normal.
  8. Fill your subconscious with the expectation of better events and emotions , and it will faithfully embody all your thoughts.
  9. Imagine a happy solution or ending to your problem, fully feel the delight of what has happened, and all your fantasies and sensations will be clearly accepted and then embodied by the subconscious.

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What ultimately can be said about consciousness?

Consciousness in philosophy is perceived as a person’s subjective perception of the surrounding world. Everyone sees the world as it seems to them. Due to his own fears, value judgments, beliefs and other attitudes, a person is biased towards everything that happens to him.

Consciousness is the volitional decision and control of the person himself. In this area, he himself controls his thoughts, actions and emotions. However, the majority of mental activity is still made up of the unconscious, which also affects human behavior and life.

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