At the turn of three years of age (Five levels of human existence VI)

Birth of personality

Depriving a child of perspective, devaluing his personality in the present and in the future does not strengthen his faith in his capabilities and does not create a desire to become better. Only parental love and faith give rise to optimism and the desire to be good. This desire, as it were, pushes the baby to fulfill parental expectations.

A child always needs emotional support, especially from parents. And very little, and when he grows up, too. But now his parents are always emotionally with him, always for him, even when he is very guilty.

"I do not like!" - wrong, unnatural, dangerous.

“I love you, but I’m so upset!” - correct, natural, promising.

Firstly, he will retaliate with shouting and negativism. In the second, he will be terribly upset and will have responsibility for the one who is upset because of his mistakes. It is this path that awakens both shame and conscience. Our baby is already a personality. But on the way to a developed adult personality, so many challenges await him!

Trying not to reduce the child’s claims to recognition, we must give exactly the right direction

(that’s exactly what happened!) development of the need for recognition.
To do this, it is necessary to look for
ways to remove the negative formations that accompany the child’s claims.
Of course, these paths are individual for each child
It is here that one should turn
to parental intuition and the knowledge that, of course, a child
, out of his own needs, consciously overcome his shortcomings. So, a lie, for example, appears when the need for a truthful attitude towards other people has not yet been formed, when honesty has not become a quality that increases the child’s importance in the eyes of significant family and friends.

But our baby lives not only with us. He is psychologically occupied with his peers. These are neighbors on the stairs, these are children from a group in kindergarten. Peers are in complex relationships in which sympathy, competition, the desire to take revenge, the opportunity to play and, finally, the joy of communication are intertwined.

In games, the need for unconditional recognition of every child

faces the same needs of other children.
The need for recognition creates a particularly acute internal tension
when our baby wants to be better than others. For example, a child strives with all his might for a prestigious role in a game. But he is not so simple, this baby is 5-6 years old! His claims are not open to the outside observer. Only a mother's heart and a father's insight help parents to consider their child in his claims and internal struggle with himself.

However, let's leave the baby to his own devices. His claims to a significant place among his peers are normal. The desire to be accepted, recognized, even the desire to take a prestigious place in the game is normal. In order to realize these desires, the child must

perhaps he learns
to feel
(source unknown) and correctly evaluate other children, he may need to
(that’s exactly what happened!) reflection.

The ability to reflect subtly is a human ability. It gives an opportunity to understand

another and in case of his failures, feel into his condition and be able to empathize, feel the desires and aspirations of the other.
In a word, reflection opens up the internal emotional states
of any person, and makes it possible
to understand
the motives of his behavior.
a person’s
personal abilities .

But in order to take a prestigious position, you must not only be able to understand other people, not only learn to anticipate their behavior, not only be able to establish the desired relationships and organize others, you must also be able to do a lot of things really better than others. In short, the desire for success certainly contributes to the development

(source not specified) many skills and abilities of the child.

At the same time, when children begin to aspire to a role that is significant for everyone in the game, to the only possible victory in a competition, or to championship in their group, the expectations of many are dashed by the luck of one. And here, along with disappointments and grief, heavy, black feelings of annoyance and deep hostility towards a peer await our baby. This is the poison of envy. Envy is a feeling of annoyance and hatred caused by the well-being and success of another. Envy arises spontaneously in the event of failure, when one’s own claims are not satisfied, and at the same time another person has achieved the desired success.

We just cannot accept a child’s envy, just as we cannot accept his lies. We will impress upon him how shameful envy is, and we will try to help him get rid of it. If we see that he is trying to deal with a more successful peer or is angry and does not want to play with him, we will try to shame him, even if our child puts forward motives that are supposedly not related to envy (“And he hit me yesterday!”, “And She won’t let me push the stroller. She’s a greedy person!”, etc.). But it's important to make sure we understand what's going on.

Stages of personality formation (according to A.N. Leontiev)

All topics in this section:

For students of the Faculty of ECONOMICS AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT
Topic study plan 1. Study the lesson material on the literature for self-study and the information material of this manual (check the quality of learning using questions for self-control and test tasks).

Information material The specific range of phenomena that psychology studies stands out quite clearly - these are sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings - everything that makes up the inner world of a person. The term “psycho” itself

Questions for self-control 1. How did S.L. define the subject of psychology? Rubinstein? 2. How is the subject of psychology defined in modern science (the position of A.V. Brushlinsky)? 4. Define pon

IX. Answers to tests. 1. 2 10.1-b; 2-in; 3-a; 4-g 2. 2 11. 1st; 2-d; 3-g; 4-g; 5-a; 6-in; 7th; 8-b; 9-d 3. 1,2,3,5 12

Topic study plan 1. Study the lesson material using literature for self-study and information material in this manual (check the quality of learning using self-control questions and test tasks).

Information material Consciousness is the highest level of mental reflection and self-regulation, inherent only to man as a socio-historical being. Consciousness as it opens to the subject

Questions for self-control 1. Explain why consciousness is considered the highest level of mental reflection. 2. List the attributes of consciousness. 3. What factors contribute to the emergence of consciousness? 4. Op

IX. Answers to tests. 1. 1 9. 2,4,6 2. 2 10. 1,4 3. 3 11.

Motivation of the topic Mental processes provide knowledge of the surrounding world, awareness of the laws of the creative process. Mental processes determine learning, accumulation and processing of past experience. Know

Topic study plan 1. Study the lesson material using literature and information material in this manual (check the quality of learning using self-control questions and test tasks). 2. Learn the basics

Sensation Sensation is a simple cognitive mental process of reflecting individual properties of objects and phenomena, subject to their direct impact on the senses.

Perception Perception is a cognitive mental process of holistic reflection of objects and phenomena with their direct impact on the senses. Basic properties of perception

Comparative characteristics of sensation and perception I. General. 1. Sensation and perception are cognitive mental processes. 2. Sensation and perception form the sensory stage of cognition. 3. Common are

Thinking Thinking (according to A.V. Brushlinsky) is a form of creative reflection of reality that generates a result that is in reality itself or in the subject himself at a given moment.

Imagination Imagination is the mental process of creating new images by processing past experiences. Functions of imagination: presentation of the result

Techniques of imagination Agglutination is a technique of imagination, thanks to which a combination of qualities and properties that are incompatible in reality occurs: · endowing a person with the properties of animals;

Questions for self-control 1. Why are sensations called the simplest cognitive mental process? 2. Define the concept of “threshold of sensations.” What thresholds do you know? 3. Describe physics

IX. Answers to tests 1. c 16. memory 2. b 17. remembering 3. d 18. sensation

The purpose of self-preparation After self-studying the topic, the student must: · know the content of the concept of “motivation” · have an idea of ​​the structure of the motive, know the types of motives · know the stages of motivation

Plan for studying the topic 1. Master the content of the topic using the literature and information material of this manual (check the quality of assimilation using self-control questions and test tasks). 2. Learn the basics

Information material Motivation is a logical construct used to analyze the causes and factors that initiate, energize, direct, support and lead to completion of activity

Stages of motive formation according to Ilyin The stages of motive formation depend on the stimuli under the influence of which its formation is understood: - physical (external - stimuli, signals; internal - lack of something

Stages of need actualization Stage 1: at the human level, the need begins to direct behavior after its presentation in the psyche, while other needs are blocked. But there may be interaction

Psychological mechanisms of human motivation I. Source of human relationships: mechanisms of instinct. Instinct - in its original form - is a form of biomotivation that provides bias in the perception of something.

Motive structure NEED block “INTERNAL FILTER” block TARGET block

The theory of instincts (William James: the role of the concept of instinct as an explanatory principle, concept. Wilhelm Wundt also used this concept). William McDougall (1871-1938) – author of the theory of ins.

Psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud Based on biodeterminism, i.e. The behavior of all living beings is based on the dynamics of drives. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) – Austrian psychologist, creator of psychoanalysis. IN 1

Theory of A. Maslow Maslow Abraham Harald (1908-1970) - American psychologist. The founder of humanistic psychology, which studies the problem of the value of man himself. Created a hierarchical model of motivation (“Mo

Conflict theory The main provisions were developed by K. Levin. Lewin Kurt (1890-1947) – German-American psychologist. He was close to Gestalt psychology. Motivational theory was outlined in the work “Psycho”

Miller D. 1944 - connected Lewin's ideas with Hull's hypothesis about the target gradient: the closer to the target, the fewer errors, the higher the speed of movement. Miller put forward 6 hypotheses about the phenomenon of conflict “desire

The theory of cognitive balance (R. Heider) The essence of the theory: the subject tries to establish a balance between the elements of his cognitive experience, which is represented by cognitive structures - ideas about something, impressions, desires, etc.

Theory of cognitive dissonance (L. Festinger) Main postulate: the desire for harmony due to the cognitive consistency of the elements of the subject’s inner world with the outside world, as well as the subject’s relations with the outside world. If between two

Dissi's Cognitive Evaluation Theory Basic provisions: 1) If you study internally motivated behavior, situations of reinforcement for performing this behavior, it turns out that the subject stops his activity in the event

Questions for self-control 1. Define the concept of “motivation”. 2. List the approaches to defining the concept of “motive”. Mark the “boundaries” of the motif. 3. Describe the structure of the motive. 4. Give

IX. Answers to tests 1. 1,2,3,5. 2. 1.3. 3. 1,3,4. 4. 1,2,5. 5. 1-b 2-c 3-d 4-a 6. 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-d 7. 1-a 2-c 3-b 8. 1-c 2-d 3-d 4-b 5-a 9. 1-з 2-г

The purpose of self-preparation After self-studying the topic, the student must: · know approaches to understanding personality as a value, the ability to act morally, self-awareness, and a subject of activity; ·

Plan for studying the topic 1. Study the material from the literature for self-study and information from the manual (check the quality of assimilation using questions for self-control and tests). 2. Understand the main points of the topic:

Information material A person as a biological being, as a representative of the species Homo sapiens, is called an individual. Individual properties are the natural (natural) basis or prerequisite for the existence of people

Behavior of an individual behavior of a personality 1. Based on the dominant principle

Definitions of personality · “Personality is the subject and object of social relations” Kovalev N.I. · “Personality is a system of relationships, the unit of which is a separate relationship” Myasishchev V.N. · “Personality is in

The structure of personality in the psychodynamic theory of S. Freud The id (It) contains primitive, instinctive

Correlation between types of nervous system and temperament Features of nervous processes Type of nervous system Type of temperament Strength balance mobility

Correlation of somatotype and temperament according to Sheldon Somatotype Endomorphy Mesomorphy Ectomorphy Temperament type Viscerotonia

Correlation of body types and temperament according to Kretschmer Body type Temperament type For mental disorders, predisposition to: Leptosomatic (asthenic): fragile telos

Suppression and repression One way to maintain high self-esteem is to avoid thinking about the problem. For example, in order not to think about a quarrel, you can go to the cinema. This defense mechanism consists of

Other psychological defense mechanisms Care. Withdrawal is a psychological defense mechanism that people use when a situation causes them extreme fear or frustration. People who are afraid of being rejected often avoid

Coping behavior The term “coping” is understood as a process of constructive adaptation, as a result of which the subject is able to cope with the demands of a life situation in such a way that the difficulty

Questions for self-control 1. Define the concept of personality. 2. What are the main approaches to understanding personality in psychology? 3. Define the concept of temperament. Basic properties of temperament.

IX. Answers. 1. in 10. 1-c, 2-b, 3-a 2. in 11. 1-a, b, h, i, 2-c, d, g, 3-e, f 3. 1)12) 1-in,

Motivation of the topic The emotional sphere of the individual represents experiences of the vital meaning of phenomena and situations that a person encounters in the process of his life. Knowledge of emotional patterns

Initial level of knowledge To successfully master this topic, the student must master the concepts: motivation, need, personal meaning, consciousness, mental reflection. IV. Topic study plan.

Emotional situations (according to Fress) Group I: excessive motivation due to insufficient adaptive capabilities of the subject. · situation of novelty: the subject is not prepared for the meeting; · the situation is unusual

Types of emotional states · Emotional tone of sensations – the direct experience of pleasure or displeasure under conditions of the presence of certain sensations in the subject. Sensations occur when exposed to

Types of emotions · Joy is a positive emotional state associated with the satisfaction of an urgent need. · Surprise is an emotional reaction to unexpected circumstances. · Stradan

Types of feelings Moral feelings are feelings experienced by people when perceiving phenomena of reality and comparing these phenomena with the norms developed by society. The manifestation of these feelings

Functions of emotions

Theories of emotions James-Lange theory. The emergence of emotions is associated with physiological changes in the body. A set of sensations resulting from physiological changes

Information theory of emotions Author: Simonov P.V. Emotion is a reflection of the morality of humans and animals of any actual need (its quality and magnitude) and the likelihood (possibility) of its satisfaction, which the brain evaluates

Questions for self-control 1. Define the concept of “emotions”. How are emotions related to the motivational sphere? 2. List the functions of emotions. 3. What types of emotional situations were identified by P. Fress? Please provide

IX. Answers 1. 4 10. 1 – a, 2 – d, 3 – b, 4 – c 2. 1 11. 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – b, 4- a

Motivation of the topic A person who, thanks to work, emerges from the animal world and develops in society, carries out joint activities with other people and communicates with them, becomes a person - a subject of knowledge

Social attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices of the individual The concept of “social attitude” is used to denote a one-sided psychological connection between a person and people, any animate and inanimate objects and phenomena of the action surrounding him

The purpose of self-study After self-studying the topic, the student must: · know the main tasks of interpersonal interaction; · know the subject and object of interpersonal cognition; · have an understanding

Topic study plan 1. Study the lesson material using literature and information material in this manual (check the quality of learning using self-control questions and test tasks). 2. Learn the basics

Interpersonal perception and understanding To structure the numerous results of research on interpersonal interaction, a systematic approach is used, the elements of which are the subject, the object and the process of interpersonal interaction.

Interpersonal relationships Interpersonal relationships are an integral part of interaction and are considered in its context. Interpersonal relationships are objectively experienced, to varying degrees perceived, relationships.

Psychology of communication The category “communication” is one of the central ones in psychological science, along with such categories as “thinking”, “behavior”, “personality”, “relationships”. The “cross-cutting nature” of the communication problem

Psychology of Interpersonal Impact The essence of psychological impact comes down to the mutual exchange of information and interaction. From the content side, the psychological impact can be pedagogical, managerial, ideological

IX. Answers. 1. 1-a, b, 2-c, d 4. communication 2. 1-b, 2-a 5. reflection

Topic study plan 1. Study the lesson material using literature and information material in this manual (check the quality of learning using self-control questions and test tasks). 2. Learn the basics

Types and structure of a small group A small group is a small-sized association of people connected by direct interaction. Its lower and upper boundaries are determined by qualitative characteristics, mainly

Leadership in small groups Leadership in a small group is the phenomenon of influence or influence of an individual on the opinions, assessments, attitudes and behavior of the group as a whole or its individual members. Main features

Conformism and group pressure Conformism (from the Latin conformis - similar) is a change in the opinions, attitudes and behavior of individuals under the influence of others. In the classical experiments of M. Sherif,

Levels of development of a group according to Umansky The stage-by-stage development of a group is a sequential change of stages, characterized by qualitative differences in the degree of expression of such parameters as direction, organization,

Decision-making and active joint actions for its implementation In the sphere of interpersonal activity, Tuckman identifies the following stages: 1) “testing and dependence”, orientation of group members in the nature of each other’s actions and

Psychology of intra- and intergroup conflicts Conflicts in an organization are an integral component of any modern organization. Conflict can have both positive and negative functions. Although it is often said that

Psychology of large social groups Each person is included in various social communities, or large groups. There are two types of communities of people that determine the specific socio-psychological characteristics of groups. The basis

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